Chapter 359

This is the puppet ancestral world, a world created by the first puppet family in the world. The fire endows each puppet with spiritual growth.

Everything here once belonged to the puppet clan.

Of course, it was only once, and now they belong to human monks.

The location of the space channel.

A super-giant building wraps the space passage, and from a distance, there is a black tortoise shell on the dusty ground.

In fact, this building is the super-large puppet war beast under the Xuanwu Research Institute, one of the members of the Supreme Committee of Puppet Research——the black turtle war beast.

With a height of 46 meters, a body length of 620 meters, a weight of 53 tons, and an area of ​​[-] square meters, it is a masterpiece of puppet making technology.


With a loud noise, the space channel lit up with light.

A frightened figure rolled down from Jing Leijiao's body.

Immediately, personnel stationed in the passage stepped forward to check.

"Lieutenant Li? What's wrong with you?"

A woman with a pretty face, slender legs, and a white researcher uniform recognized the figure.

She was about to step forward to help the figure up.

"Xiaoqing, wait a minute."

Another majestic, apparently much older male researcher stopped the woman and waved her hand back.

"Li Qiang is not safe yet."

A large transparent cover fell from the sky, covering Li Qiang completely, and then the transparent solution completely submerged Li Qiang.

Then a bronze mirror appeared in the male researcher's hand, and the light shone on Li Qiang.

"Lieutenant Li returned without the order of his superiors. There must be something strange."

"And outside monks have strange methods, if someone possesses Li Qiang and sneaks into our world, it will bring us unpredictable consequences.

This mind measuring mirror is specially used to detect whether there is a second will in his body.

Xiaoqing, please pay more attention next time.

Unless it is a last resort, staff members who have returned from the outside world cannot be contacted immediately. They must be quarantined for at least three months and undergo various tests. "

But the female researcher was obviously a little unconvinced.

"But it has been checked so many times, which time did the problem come out?"

"It is best to have no problems. Some things happen once and it is a big problem. The necessary procedures are essential."

The male researcher answered casually while observing Li Qiang's situation.

The female researcher obviously has the potential to be a jerk, or she feels that the male researcher is unreasonable. She pointed at Jinglei who was enjoying the shower, and asked in a low voice:
"Then what about Lei Zun, why doesn't he need to check?"

The male researcher glanced at Jing Leijiao and said, "He is different, he is a guest of our institute."

"Lei Zun, what happened outside, why did you come back suddenly?"

"And your injuries?"

The male researcher smiled at Jinglei, very gentle, not a little bit unreasonable just now.

In fact, he was also surprised.

Jinglei is an ancient puppet excavated by the Puppet Research Committee, possessing the strength of a fifth-order puppet war beast.

In a real fight, none of the mysterious turtles and war beasts in their research institute may be their opponents.

In the main world, this kind of strength is called Huashen, called Venerable.

Jing Leijiao shook his head and shook the solution off his body.

These are the most advanced puppet maintenance fluids in this Xuanwu Research Institute, and they are all good for a fifth-order puppet like him.

At least half of the injury from being beaten by the old stone just now has healed.

In order to make the play more realistic, he didn't even heal his injuries.

Jinglei exhaled like thunder, and a sound like thunder sounded.

"We were attacked, and it was done by the rock giant. He is still alive, and I am not his opponent.

Hurry up and notify the Supreme Council, the space channel has been exposed, we need enough manpower to block them. "

"File NO.16 - Rock Giant!"

As a first-level researcher of the Xuanwu Research Institute, the male researcher has the second-level authority of the institute, which is enough to access some non-top-secret files.

After the rock giant was excavated, he clashed with the Supreme Council, was hunted down, and finally disappeared forever through a sudden space vortex.

Unexpectedly, he was lucky enough to arrive in the main world.

According to their research, the strength of the space vortex can only accommodate the fourth-order puppets to pass through, and once it passes by force, it is very likely to cause space turbulence.

That was a natural disaster that even the fifth-order puppets could not bear.

Thinking of the super-large war beast that the rock giant destroyed when it was born, a trace of fear flashed in the male researcher's eyes.

The Tianpeng Research Institute was at the same level as the Xuanwu Research Institute back then.

It was because during the process of capturing the mountain rock giant, he destroyed the super-large war beast Tianpeng of the research institute, which caused the ranking of the research institute to drop greatly, and it has not yet recovered.

"Highest alert! Wake up the Xuanwu Beast immediately!"

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the male researcher.

"Damn, why are we so unlucky that we ran into each other."

The space channel belongs to the Supreme Committee, and the garrison units are changed every ten years. This year it happens to be their turn for the Xuanwu Research Institute.

"Lei Zun, I need to trouble you, I will notify the Supreme Committee immediately."

The male researcher has been unable to trace how the space channel was exposed.

As long as he thought of the scene when the rock giant descended, he would think of the Xuanwu Research Institute when it went bankrupt.

He has no doubt that the rock giant will be captured by the Supreme Council, but before that, he must protect the property of the institute to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, he would have to work for the research institute to pay off his debts for the rest of his life.


While speaking, the ground shook, and the huge monster lying on the ground began to wake up. The limbs of the black turtle and war beast stretched out from the shell, and opened their eyes.

"Who woke me up?"

"it's me."

The male researcher spoke very fast:

"Xuangui Beast, in the name of Meng Lang, a first-level researcher at the Xuanwu Research Institute, I order you to assist Lei Zun in guarding the space passage and hold back the enemy."

The Xuangui War Beast looked at the male researcher for a while, then slowly lowered its head and said:
"Permission passed, follow your order."

The black tortoise war beast quickly changed its fighting form, a tortoise shell covered with sharp thorns, like a hedgehog.

The people sheltered under it were quickly evacuating far away, and Lieutenant Li, who was supposed to be in the review process, was also mixed in the evacuation team.

Jinglei looked at Xuangui Beast, and suddenly asked:

"As someone who controls a powerful force, why do you want to obey a small human being? Don't you find it ridiculous that you could crush the first-level researcher just now with one fingernail?"

The voice of the mysterious turtle and war beast did not fluctuate.

"Lei Zun, your words have already involved the crime of inducing the puppet to betray its master. After this battle, I will report to the Supreme Council."

"Tsk tsk, the fifth-order puppet family already existed like their ancestors in our era, even in the more ancient era, when the ancestor of the puppet still existed, the fifth-order puppet was also a high-level force.

But now you are submitting to the so-called authority orders of the Supreme Council. "

Jinglei sneered and said, "It's really sad."

"Warning, warning, Lei Zun is suspected of betraying the human race. According to the instructions of the lowest level, I will change the target of the battle and immediately arrest Lei Zun for trial by the Supreme Council."

The sharp thorns on the carapace of the black tortoise and war beast glowed black like flowing water, and the ground instantly turned into a swamp, and the endless pulling force began to try to pull down the Jinglei who was flying in mid-air.

Just now.

Look at the space channel lit up with intense light.

The light gate gets bigger and bigger until it occupies the entire sky.

Sitting on a giant cheetah with black spots, Meng Lang led the staff to evacuate. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart. When he looked back, he saw the huge shadow behind the light gate.

"In the file, the highest form of the rock giant is only 3000 meters high. The light gate here is more than 3000 meters high. He has become even stronger."

"No, why did the Xuangui Beast fight Lei Zun?"

Meng Lang stopped in his tracks, wanting to go back and stop him.

"Senior Meng, why did you stop?"

The female researcher Yang Qingqing is wearing a female-style slim armor, which completely outlines her beautiful figure, more like a female model than her fighting form.

"Lei Zun and Xuangui Beast clashed."

Meng Lang didn't hesitate for long, grabbed the female researcher, and the cheetah under her seat turned into a cloak inlaid with black armor, completely wrapping the two of them together.

"Everyone evacuates the battle center as quickly as possible, the instruction is repeated, and everyone evacuates the battle center as quickly as possible."

The voice did not fall.

Meng Lang had already dragged the female researcher away hundreds of miles away.

Today's battle is beyond his ability to intervene, and as a researcher, he is not a combatant, and he will only sacrifice in vain.

Even if the Xuanwu Research Institute goes bankrupt, at worst he sells himself to pay off the debt.

Besides, he saved this woman's life, so maybe he won't have to pay back the debt.

Meng Lang glanced at the female researcher, she was the director's favorite junior, and he heard that she was engaged to a descendant of a professor at Yinglong Research Institute.

That is one of the top three large-scale research institutes, and it is several times stronger than a crane tail like the Xuanwu Research Institute.

And the person who can serve as a professor in their research institute is said to have reached the fifth level of strength, and even without borrowing the puppet war beast, he can still display incredible strength.


With the evacuation of more than half of the people, the sky fire came along with the meteorite, and the earth turned into a disaster. Shi Lei turned into a 5000-meter-high giant and walked out from the light gate of space.

As soon as he came out of the light gate, he saw Jing Leijiao fighting with the mysterious turtle and war beast.

He was about to help when he heard Jinglei yelling.

"No, I can do it!"

Purple electricity was excited on Jinglei's body, dark clouds billowed in the sky, and dense plasma poured down, more turbulent than rain.

At this moment, the huge size of the black turtle and war beast has become its bondage, and a series of thunder and purple lightning are output in the face.

Parts on it were destroyed one by one.

And the imprint of the law of water on it was innately restrained by Jinglei.


The body of the mysterious turtle and war beast suddenly shrank into a ball, turned into a super-large hedgehog top, and spun violently.

The space is torn apart by it, and the mountains are shaken in an instant.

The spinning top turned into a phantom, and with the sound of rushing water, the huge shadow collided with Jinglei.

One half of Jinglei's body was torn apart, exposing the bright red muscles and broken blood vessels inside.

As an ancient puppet family, Jinglei has already become a flesh and blood physique, retaining some puppet characteristics, and is no different from ordinary creatures in other respects.

But the mysterious turtle war beast is different, its body is almost made of various puppet materials.

Even though it has imprinted the imprint of laws on its body and has a preliminary wisdom, it is still not a real creature, let alone a puppet family.

"court death!"

Jingleiyu was furious, and half of his broken body flowed back, returning to its original shape, and then the sky filled with thunder turned into a sea of ​​thunder, and thunder beasts were born from the sea of ​​thunder.

The group of beasts galloped down and collided with the black turtle beast. With a flash of electric arc, it went straight into the inside of the black turtle beast.

Fang Chang stepped out from Shi Lei's back, and saw Jingleijiu's appearance summoning a group of thunders, which was comparable to that of Meishan's old mother before.

"That's right, but it's a pity that I'm still a little short of trying to break the turtle's shell."

"Shi Lei, help him."

Shi Lei nodded silently, and then dropped his huge fist.

The heavy mountain-like physical pressure made the movement of the mysterious turtle and war beast stop, and then sank directly into the ground with a crash.

A series of cobweb-like cracks spread out from under its body, reaching dozens of miles away.

"I don't need your help!"

Jing Leijiao yelled, very unhappy.

"This is the order of the city lord!"

Shi Lei landed another punch, and a huge fist mark was sunken on the back of the Black Turtle Beast.

Jinglei's voice stopped abruptly, and then he said something softly.

"Good job, old Shitou, you are indeed my good brother."

Punch after punch fell.

The limbs of the black tortoise war beast were petrified, and the back was petrified, leaving only a head retracted into the turtle shell to avoid disaster.

But obviously it won't last long.

It can fight Jingleiyu evenly, but facing Shi Lei who is at the peak of the fifth order, he can only be beaten passively, let alone Jingleiyu who secretly casts hidden thunders.

Dark clouds obscured the field of vision, sky fires burned the sky, thunder, purple lightning, meteorites...

Many visions turned hundreds of miles around into a place of silence and no one.

Fang Chang's boots fell down, and he stood on the Xuangui Beast, feeling the unique world rules of the Puppet Ancestral Realm.

He opened his hand, feeling the pulse of the heaven and the earth, like the son of destiny.

At this moment, the world is cheering for the arrival of the king.

"This is my world!"

Fang Chang found that he belonged to the puppet ancestral world, as if all the rules here were tailor-made for him.

He once again confirmed that perhaps the creator of the puppet ancestral world had an inseparable fate with his imperial puppet spirit body.

Probably, this is Gao Fuyuan's adventure, it is so simple and unpretentious.

A ball of flame ignited in Fang Chang's hand, and with a whimper, it sprinkled it on the mysterious turtle and war beast under his feet.

"Stupid dead thing, awaken the wisdom that belongs to you, and cheer for the king's arrival."

Fang Chang soon discovered that the mysterious tortoise and beast's intelligence was not complete, and it seemed that someone had deliberately deprived him of his free will.

But at this moment, he made up for it.

The spiritual fire endowed by his spirit body can give spirituality to all puppets in the world.

And half-awakened puppets like the mysterious turtle and war beast will [-]% successfully awaken their wisdom.

In other words, all puppets in the puppet ancestral world can be successfully endowed with spirituality by him.

Because this is the lowest and highest rule of the puppet ancestral world.

All puppets have spirits.

This is why the puppets in the puppet ancestral world are so cheap, but they can evolve. From the moment they are created, the seeds of spirituality already exist.

The aura of heaven and earth is constantly gathering towards the mysterious turtle and war beast.

It's evolving!

Those mechanical, inflexible dead things turned into flesh and blood bit by bit.

From then on, he has his own lifespan, not the number of years of use, and he will have joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, and will not be bound by anyone.

"My lord, will we startle the snake by doing this?"

Shi Lei had experienced the power of human monks in this world, so he couldn't help being a little worried.

Fang Chang said to himself: "Let them come together, I will fight ten, this is my world!

I will only get stronger and stronger, and they will gradually weaken and finally surrender at my feet.

I can already feel my blood boiling. "

That is the attribute point shared by the mysterious turtle war beast.

This spirit body effect, which he had almost forgotten, was playing an incredible role in this puppet world.

This kind of clumsy high-level puppet, even if it only shares [-]% of the attributes, is a lot of benefits for him.

And as far as he knows, there are more than a dozen super-large puppet war beasts like the mysterious turtle war beast in this world.

Not to mention those ancient puppets dug out of the ground by the Supreme Council.

(End of this chapter)

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