Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 361 Cultivation of Leek Field

Chapter 361 Cultivation of Leek Field
Puppet Ancestral Realm.

The domain of mist, the periphery.

An adventure team is escorting a young monk from a big city, exploring around cautiously.

"Boss, I heard that you participated in the World War ten years ago, can you tell us about it?"

A member of the team who just joined the team asked with a smile.

"There is nothing to say, be careful."

The captain called the head is a meticulous middle-aged man, tall and full of beards, he looks very dignified. There is a scar on his neck extending from his chin to the collar, which adds a bit of evil spirit to him.

The captain's eyes showed memories, but he didn't dare to say more.

But after hearing this, their customers became interested.

"Captain Jia, just now what your team members said was about the battle of the century initiated by the Supreme Committee ten years ago, co-executed by thirteen top research institutes, a dozen super-large puppet beasts participated in the battle, and millions of puppet fighters fought bloody battles." war?
I have only read about this war in books, and you are actually a witness to that war.

It just so happens that you have found a lot of time and are tired now, why don't you take a break first, and you will explain it to us in detail. "


Captain Jia still wanted to refuse.

As a result, the young monk said directly:
"I promise to add [-]% to your remuneration."

"Well, that's fine."

Captain Jia thought about it, and he couldn't make things difficult with money.

Their brothers licked their blood and took risks in the mist domain, just to save more money.

"Big right and left, they are on guard, and the rest of us rest in place."

As soon as Ji Yanshi gave his order, the others started to do their own things familiarly.


The grilled meat oozes oil under the slate, exuding fragrance.

A group of people sat down, Captain Jia sipped the barbecue and the big wine, and the voice dragged everyone back to this day ten years later.

"When we talk about the battle of the century ten years later, we have to talk about the realm of fog.

The Misty Realm first appeared 18 years later. At that time, the land you were standing on was still called the Golden Crow Province, and it was directly under the jurisdiction of the Golden Crow Research Institute.

The fog suddenly appeared and swept the entire Golden Crow Province in a short time.

The fog seems to be the substance of another world. With your current technology, there is no way to break through their blockade. Even now, you can only explore within an infinite range.

Because there are all kinds of monsters hidden in the mist, once you go deep into the mist, it is impossible to come back again.

It is said that the adventure teams organized by several top research institutes went deep and returned alive from the depths of the fog.

However, the information outside of this is top secret, and it is basically something you people can understand.

The domain of fog is expanding every day. If we try to stop it, sooner or later, the whole world will be shrouded in fog.

Then all of you will perish.

Therefore, at the call of the lowest committee, the largest conscription activity in the history of the human race was launched.

At this time, you have just broken through to the seventh-order puppet fighter, you are in your eighties, you are cold-blooded, and you want to fight for world peace, so you enlisted in the army without hesitation.

The minimum committee prepared for that war for eight full years.

At that time, the Suzaku Corps under the command of the Suzaku Research Institute, to which you belonged, was mixed up with the position of Deputy Centurion.

One day ten years later, the war came without warning.

Although you know that war will break out sooner or later, but at this moment, you realize that your preparations are far from enough.

At this time, the domain of fog has spread to eight provinces.

You fought with the Suzaku Corps all the way, and the brothers fought more and more. Have you even met a real enemy.

Because your opponents are just some puppets that were once abandoned in the Mist Realm.

These puppet war beasts, which should have been dormant with their masters, were awakened by the power of the mist domain, exhausted from life and death, and charged towards you.

Every inch of your retreat is covered with the remains of puppets, and the loss rate of the corps is getting lower and lower.

But your efforts have been worthwhile, and in your efforts, the fog has stopped spreading, and even as you clear it, the fog is lifting.

Until the mist enters the ground beneath your feet, and the real showdown breaks out.

The scene of the day you swear you will never forget.

Heavenly King, God of War, Yinglong, Suzaku, Teng Snake, Yazi...

The ultra-small puppet beasts of the lowest committee came out in full force, and all of you are cheering, this is your ultimate strength, and you will eventually fail.


Captain Jia's Adam's apple rolled, a trace of sweat oozed from his forehead, and the fear left over from a few minutes later appeared on his face.

"All lost, all lost."

"You even know what happened, and all the corps that retreated into the depths of the mist suddenly lost their news.

If it was because the battalion you belonged to was in a state of repair at the time, staying at the front, maybe you had the opportunity to stay there and tell their stories at all. "

"It's possible!"

Captain Jia's story had just passed, and cultivator Nian Zhong frowned and said:
"It's clearly stated in the book that the Lowest Council paid a huge price to stop the expansion of the Fog Domain.

If you were defeated at the beginning, why did the domain of fog stop expanding?

Besides, the resources obtained by the lowest committee in the field of fog in those years were always fake.

Almost every year, new ultra-small puppet war beasts are born.

The strength of the minimum committee has been growing.

And now that even high-level puppet fighters like you can retreat into the inner circle, these top research institutes may have already conquered the depths of the fog. "

Captain Jia also took it for granted when he was refuted.

I'm used to it.

Everyone who heard my version of the story thought it was possible.

If the lowest committee is defeated, why will the Mist Realm stop expanding, and why the Mist Realm will become our gold rush now.

Countless adventurers who linger in the mist domain are looking for excitement, but there are no real benefits outside.

It's like hiring our young cultivator just to find a mutant puppet in the Mist Realm to subdue.

For some reason, the mutated puppet core born in the Mist Realm can actually help the puppet fighter's puppet partners have the potential to step down to the seventh-order puppet.

No one even said that the mutant puppet core in the depths of the fog has no potential to regress to the seventh-order puppet.

Nian Zhong's trip was to make his puppet partner have the potential to retreat to the seventh level.

However, with the overcapture of countless adventurers in those years, there are already a lot of mutant puppets around.

There are only some left in the depths of the fog.

In that case, no one would doubt that the lowest committee of the war ten years later would be the loser.

On the contrary, the mainstream voice in the market today is that the lowest committee is for the common resources in the Mists, so it deliberately keeps whether the Mists will be eliminated.

The reason why young people are interested in the battle of the century ten years later is probably because I want to hear from my veteran about the scene of the lowest committee killing seven parties.

Unfortunately let me down.

Captain Jia took the first bite of barbecue, patted his buttocks and got up.

"Okay, there are less rests."

"Although the inner area is relatively dangerous, that's exactly what it is. It's more likely to find mutant puppets. Next, you have to take a little risk and get closer to the inside. Be careful.

You want to recruit new teammates before that operation. "

"Boss, is he worried about you?"

The team member grinned.

Captain Jia rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, it's just that it's too troublesome to review new players, and you're just too lazy to do it."

"Ha ha……"

There was laughter in the team.


dong dong! !
However, there was another rhythmless muffled sound coming from the direction deep in the mist.

Captain Jia didn't seem to notice anything. Looking up, he seemed to see a huge shadow appearing in front of the mist.

The fog that hadn't moved for ten years suddenly surged.

Above the mist, there is the sound of fine sand.

"What's the sound?"

Nian Zhong's face turned pale, and all kinds of weird legends about the misty domain kept appearing in his mind.

"It's about staying calm and maintaining formation."

A layer of fiery red armor appeared under Captain Jia's body, and a noble, bright red bird with gorgeous feathers appeared below it.

"Suzaku Research Institute's Suzaku Seventh Armor, Captain Jia, is he really a member of the Suzaku Corps?!"

Cultivator Nian Chong exclaimed when he saw the armor under Captain Jia.

Captain Jia said kindly, "Emotionally, he always thought you were making up stories just now."

As soon as I thought about it, the Suzaku seven-type battle armor that had already matched my thoughts fell off from its own body and turned into a fiery red bird with a low price.

"Big Red, open the way!"

"The others follow."

Captain Jia remained calm.

The firebird tore through the fog, guiding the direction like a lighthouse, and the group of people moved forward without order.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be a person here."

At this moment, a team member interjected.

Ji Yanshi looked along the voice, and then dispersed the mist, and a vague figure appeared, getting closer and closer.

This is a long-haired, long-haired young woman in a retro costume. She looks seventy years old, with a warm smile on her face.

Seeing that it was one person, the people who were waiting in full force just now relaxed and came forward.

"What? You thought it was an ultra-small mutated puppet in the depths of the mist, it scared you to death."

"My dress is so strange, it looks strange."

"That's the most popular retro style outside of small cities now. Do you understand? I heard that some aristocratic families are doing retro rituals, so you know what the hell they are doing?"

"Wait a minute!"

"I seem to have come back from the depths of the fog, I..."

"Fuck, it's amazing!"

"It must be a low-level puppet fighter! It must be a professor-level figure in the top research institute. If I can appreciate it, it must be a chance to work as a security guard in the research institute."

Many people fell into longing again.

"Think carefully that a special brigade does not have that kind of strength. It seems that they have developed wrongly in those years, and they have not lived up to the gift you left them.

That's great, I hope they will disappoint you that time. "

The woman in white looked at the adventure team with a smile, her voice was slow or anxious.

Captain Jia knew it was his own illusion. It seemed that with the appearance of the woman in white, the fog in the distance became thicker.

The tangible suffocation made me unable to breathe.

"Who is he?"


The woman in white thought for a while and said, "You remember that their lowest committee gave you a li number, although you hate it, but do as the Romans do.

We call you Lost Lord.

Of course, you actually hate the simple and elegant city owner and villain they call you even more. "

The woman in white is Fang Chang.

Ten years later, in my oppression, the lowest committee has to squeeze the potential, split and unanimous, and come out in full force.

Then I played a perfect match-fix.

These seventh-order puppet fighters can still cause me some trouble.

The seventh-order puppet fighter has completely merged with his puppet partner, reaching the realm of human-puppet unity.

Even I can no longer affect the will of the puppets.

Because in a sense, the will of the puppet fighter has replaced the spirituality of the puppet partner, and will be infected by the spiritual fire again.

But none of the ultra-small puppet war beasts that we regard as weapons of war count as one, and they are all my small meals.

Of course, I have tried my best to show the posture of losing both sides, and I have also maintained the restraint that should not be, and have not shot at all the puppet war beasts.

Even I did suffer several small tricks, which gave the lowest committee a little confidence in defeating me.

If so, I am afraid that the minimum committee will surrender too early and end up being bad.

As we all know, I am a soft-hearted person.

If everyone kneels up, I can always kill them all.

Ten years is still enough for me to train enough talents to research a seventh-order ultra-small puppet war beast.

In order to make the lowest committee not have enough determination to make ultra-small puppet war beasts, I played fake games and gave resources.

Forty-four percent of the precious resources that we found in the Mist Realm, which are not available in this world, were transported from Qingxiao City by me and placed on the spot.

On the contrary, the core of these mutated puppets was infected by the spiritual fire that spread out during my battle, and the ordinary products they produced were a pleasant surprise.

Fang Chang hopes that we can give ourselves a little surprise in the leek field that has been cultivated for ten years.

However, Captain Jia had never heard of the name of the Lost Lord, and he just felt that the name was a good sign.

"Sorry, junior, you have never heard of his name. You are just a famous soldier. If there is no offense, please forgive him."

Captain Jia had a constant warning in his heart, always feeling that the woman behind him was full of safety.

Fang Chang said:

"I have heard that it has something to do with it. Before they go out, remember to help you tell their lowest committee that you are here again.

That time hoped to receive our cold hospitality.

In return, that's what they were looking for. "

Fang Chang casually threw a green ball that looked like a sea urchin.

"Mutated puppet core!"

Captain Jia's eyes lit up, but he still kept restraint.

"With the status of a junior, I'm afraid that someone who is in the lowest committee may not be able to fulfill the entrustment of the junior."

"It's okay, when he says your name, people from the lowest committee will naturally come to him."

Fang Chang waved his palm.

Captain Jia and his party moved forward independently.

Before we came back to our senses, the space changed, and we entered and exited the scope of the foggy domain.

Captain Jia held the mutated puppet core in his hand, and smiled wryly: "Young man, you still have to promise."

I was relieved.

Finally, there is no danger.

Just as I was about to hand over the mutated puppet core to the employer to complete the task, the effect would slowly dissipate before the thing left the mist domain.

"Head, look, the fog has moved!"

When Ji Yanshi looked up, he saw the fog rolling all over the sky, rushing towards us like waves.

"Go, go slowly!"

"The fog has expanded again!"

Captain Jia had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought of Fang Chang's self-reported name, which was caused by a chill on his back.

I seem to have met someone who is worth it just now.

At the same time, I also realized that I was about to be involved in a small vortex of myself.

"That was terrible."

(End of this chapter)

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