Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 362 Eat the Puppets First

Chapter 362 Eat the Puppets First
The Supreme Council, the world's decision-making center.

This is a special organization specially established to face the powerful monks from the independent world. In just ten years, it has become the power center of the puppet ancestor world.

Under strong pressure, the former mutual discord was temporarily suppressed, and power was highly concentrated.

this day.

The highest alarm suddenly sounded.

The spiritual projections of thirteen directors of research institutes who stand at the top of the world's power gathered together.

In the huge conference hall, the atmosphere suddenly became oppressive.

"He is back."

"are you sure?"

"Reports from the front line that the domain of fog is expanding, and some people claim to have personally seen a man in white who claims to be the Lost Lord."

"What about that person?"

"Brought it."

Captain Jia stood in the center of the venue, bowing his head in awe, not daring to look up.

For him, anyone present is a big figure who only exists in legends, and everyone can easily decide his life or death.

"Have you seen the Lost Lord?"

"Yes, it is."

Captain Jia's voice trembled, and the long-standing awe of the Supreme Council made him more nervous than taking risks in the Mist Realm.

"What did he say?"

"He said he was here again, this time hoping for hospitality from the Supreme Council."

The air suddenly fell silent.

The next moment, anger erupted like a volcano.


"Has he forgotten how he was kicked out by us ten years ago?"

"We could win ten years ago, and we will still win ten years later!"

"This is a declaration of war!"

"We should no longer have illusions, even if we pay a heavy price, we still have to protect our own world!"

Captain Jia's head was covered with cold sweat, and his back was already wet.

Even if it's just the invisible spread of pressure from big shots, it's not something he, a second-tier puppet fighter, can support.

Fortunately, someone remembered him immediately.

"Your information is very useful, and you will be credited with a second-class merit, let's go down."

"Thank you, members!"

Captain Jia's mood immediately brightened, and his longing for the future overwhelmed the tension and fear in his heart.

The second-class great achievement is once, and the reward resources plus his own accumulation over the years are enough for him to break through the third-order puppet fighter in a short time.

And if you give him credit, he probably won't be silenced.

After all, he still can't figure out the identity of the white-clothed man he saw in the Mist Realm, so he has spent so many years in vain.

That's why silence is a cheap and effective way to keep panic from spreading.

When Captain Jia withdrew, the tense atmosphere fell silent again.

"Can you really win?"

A committee member with a slightly younger face said harshly.

There was a hint of fear in his voice that even he didn't know.

Ten years ago, the teacher who was like a god in his heart died in that war.

And it was because he took over the position of the teacher that he was able to sit on the position above ten thousand people not long after he became a fifth-order puppet fighter.

"You have to fight to know."

"His underestimation is our best chance. Ten years ago, we were able to take the opportunity to hurt him and make him unable to expand.

Ten years later, we are much stronger than before.

This time, we have no reason to lose. "

"What did the ancient puppet clan say?"

"At times like this, they shouldn't be clinging to our mutual hatred, we have a common enemy."

"They want us to agree to a condition."


"Hand over the tinder."

"Hehe, they have a good plan.

Our ancestors took great pains to make the fire run for us.

All of our most important technologies are developed by relying on the fire seed. If we hand over the fire seed, even if we defeat the Lost Lord again today, sooner or later we will be reduced to the vassal of the puppet clan again. "

"But if we don't agree, they may directly cooperate with the Lost Lord. After all, everyone, don't forget that the Lost Lord came because of the rock giant.

They are of the same race. "

"The importance of the tinder cannot be disputed, and no one except the Supreme Council can get involved in the tinder."

"Their courage has long been defeated by us over the years, and they will not make a decision so easily."

The president sitting in the main seat frowned, with a tired look on his face, and set the tone.

Then he asked the president's secretary beside him.

"What did the intelligence team say?"

"After fighting for so long, we don't even understand the purpose of the Lost Lord. His actions don't seem to be just revenge for the rock giant."

"Insufficient information makes it impossible to give specific conclusions. However, some inferences about the Lost Lord have been sent to everyone."

Everyone flipped through the inference report that the intelligence team had honed their swords for ten years.

"Revenge? Destroy the world? Capture slaves? Develop resources..."

Each of the inferences gives the intelligence sources referenced by the intelligence team, and they all seem to have a little truth.

But if it makes sense, it doesn't make sense.

"Could it be that the cultivators in the upper realm are so powerful, or is our path all these years wrong?"

Suddenly someone closed the report and muttered to himself.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain it. A lost lord, in terms of strength, is also a god, comparable to a fifth-order puppet fighter.

The result was a war ten years ago.

The other party was alone, and the own side came out in full force. Thirteen fifth-level puppet fighters, fifteen super-large puppet war beasts, and millions of low- and middle-level puppet fighters. They were confident that they could conquer the power of the main world, but they fell behind .

That was a way of fighting they had never experienced.

Each of the super-sized puppet war beasts lost their combat power, and each of the puppet fighters lost contact with their puppet partners, completely wrapped in the fog, and lost their traces.

"First stabilize the ancient puppet clan and prevent them from intervening in the battle, then..."

The president took a deep breath and said word by word:

"Open the final plan!"

"We need more power."

The venue was silent again.

Obviously everyone understands what the ultimate plan is, and also knows what the risks of this plan are.

But after a short period of calm, there was unanimous approval.

"The Suzaku Research Institute seconded it!"

"Should be seconded by the Dragon Research Institute!"

"Second by the Xuanwu Research Institute!"




Teng snakes and saves.

This province is adjacent to the Golden Crow Province, which is now the Mist Region.

So the fog naturally spread here.

People here experienced such a scene ten years ago.

At that time, the coalition forces from the Supreme Council tore through the fog and brought them vitality and light again.

So the same scene happened again, and the people here were not as panicked as the first time.

They believe in the Supreme Council.

Even some naughty children yelled towards the dense mist outside the sky, and were surprised to see this strange celestial phenomenon for the first time.

The proper order is still maintained here.

Fang Chang likes order.

In the city, Fang Chang walked on the streets, feeling the unique vitality of this world for the first time.

While most of the small worlds in the secret realm are infinitely similar to the social model of the main world, the puppet ancestral world has come out of a different model because of its special environment and special humanistic background.

This place is somewhat similar to the previous life in Fang Chang's memory.

In fact, as long as you look at the highest institution is a top research institute, rather than some family or sect, you can feel it.

Although the social status of people is different due to the emergence of extraordinary power, everyone's personality is equal in name.

The reason is that because of the profession of puppet warrior, everyone has the opportunity to become a practitioner.

Even ordinary people with low qualifications have the opportunity to create miracles.

Of course, even if most people spend their life savings, they can only get the most ordinary puppet form, not even a first-order puppet fighter.

Even spend the rest of your life to pay off the debt.

Although they are all exploited, it is obviously more civilized here.

"Hey, the fog is coming, why are you still wandering in the street, go home and stay."

Some police officers from the yamen shouted impatiently at Fang Chang.

Many of them also had fear on their faces, but they still stuck to their posts.

Fang Chang was stunned for a moment, and said:

"Don't worry, as long as you don't leave the city, the fog won't hurt you."

"You said it's all right?"

The policeman who was talking was about to step forward to teach the person who was going to make trouble for them at this time, when a colleague behind him pulled him.

"Brother Ming, something is wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"Look at his attire, no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a normal person. Good words are hard to persuade, damn it, we have said everything we need to say, or let's leave it alone."

The colleague whispered.

The patrolman stopped in his tracks, then nodded seriously.

"You're right."

"Hey, you go home early, don't wander around, something happened, we have to come back to collect your body."

The group left in a hurry and continued to patrol the streets.

Fang Chang knocked on the door of a roadside noodle shop.

"A visitor is here."

"Sorry, we're closed."

The owner is an old man in his 60s, holding his eight-year-old granddaughter and a shivering little white dog at his feet.

Fang Chang could tell at a glance that the little white dog was a puppet beast, but it was already very old in terms of style and wear.

I don't know if I bought it second-hand, or it was a puppet partner of the store owner when he was young.

But looking at its appearance, you can tell that the store owner has not become a puppet fighter.

Fang Chang placed a gleaming top-grade spirit stone on the table.

"I paid for it."

The shopkeeper glanced at the Lingshi, and couldn't help breathing.

As a man who once aspired to become a puppet fighter, how could he not recognize that this is a precious spirit stone, and it is also a top-grade spirit stone.

At the beginning, he had worked all his life to pay off his debts for Xiaobai, who was worth a hundred low-grade spirit stones. He only opened this noodle shop when he was getting old to earn some pocket money for his granddaughter.

Now a high-grade spirit stone is in front of him.

With this spirit stone, his sons and daughters no longer have to go out to work, and his granddaughter can afford to go to the best puppet fighter academy and buy a puppet partner that suits her best.

But after hesitating for a moment, the owner still said honestly:
"You give too much, even if you give you all the small shops, it is far from enough."

"I just need a bowl of noodles."

Fang Chang found a seat at the door and sat down, throwing the spirit stone into the arms of the shopkeeper.

"Then, wait a moment, customer, I'll do it right away."

The owner carefully asked his granddaughter not to disturb the guests, and hurried into the back kitchen by himself.

He wasn't worried about his granddaughter. Those who could give so many spirit stones to eat a bowl of noodles still looked down on his precious granddaughter.

The shop owner's granddaughter looked at Fang Chang timidly. Seeing Fang Chang's eyes, she quickly showed a shy and ingratiating smile.

Fang Chang smiled back.

This made the little girl a lot more courageous.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps from outside.

Da da! !
The little girl was startled, and hugged the little white dog and shrank into the corner again.

A man in a black robe walked in through the door.

The little girl carefully saw that under the black robe was a pair of feet that were several times larger than ordinary people, without shoes, like stones.

"It seems that you have been doing well since you came home in the past ten years. It's hard work for you."

Fang Chang took out two chopsticks from the chopstick holder, poured out tea and washed them.

Although with his current physique, it is no problem to eat poison as a condiment, but washing chopsticks after eating must have a sense of ritual.

The black robed man lifted his robe, revealing a stone head, with a simple and honest smile on his face, it was the stone man Shi Lei.

"It's not hard to work for the city lord."

The little girl cried out in surprise.

"What happened?"

The shopkeeper, who was wearing a white apron with flour on his hands, hurried out from the back kitchen.

Seeing another customer came to the store, he was still a high-level puppet, he immediately froze, not knowing what to do for a moment.

This kind of talking puppet, he had only heard of it when he was young and paid to attend classes at the Puppet Fighter Academy.

"I haven't put up my hat yet, scaring the kids."

Fang Chang smiled at the owner: "I'm sorry, my friend looks a little strange, give us another bowl of noodles."

The shopkeeper came back to his senses, nodded and said:
"No problem no problem."

He hurriedly carried the little girl into the back kitchen, for fear of disturbing the big man's conversation.

Shi Lei continued to wear the hood to cover his head.

"The puppet clan here has reached a weird symbiotic relationship with the Supreme Council.

Their new clan members completely depended on the fire seed controlled by the Supreme Council. They were worried that the Supreme Council would extinguish the fire seed at the last moment, so that the puppet clan would no longer be able to give birth to new clan members in the future.

So the attitude is very hesitant.

Even if I add Lei Jia, they can't change their will.

But after all, I am one of the ancestors of the puppet clan. Over the past ten years, some puppet clans have moved closer to me.

As long as the city lord gives the order alone, I can bring them here. "

Fang Chang was stunned for a moment, and asked back:
"When did I ask you to instigate the puppet clan here?"

Shi Lei smiled embarrassingly: "My lord, don't you often teach us to show our subjective initiative, and be anxious about what your lord is anxious about.

I thought the Lord Mayor might need it, so I did it. "

Fang Chang was silent for a moment, then extended his thumb towards Shi Lei.

"Okay, it seems that you really listened to what I said, but this time you guessed wrong, I just need to find the current lair of the puppet clan.

But you can win over some people first, and save me a lot of trouble. "

He was just going to have a snack before dinner.

It's not that he looks down on people. Under the suppression of the Supreme Committee, the local puppet clan here will either become the research object of a certain research institute like Jinglei.

Or they are living in the dark and lingering on their last legs, relying on the hole cards that the ancestor of the puppet clan may leave to deter the Supreme Council.

So the strength cannot be so strong, it is just suitable for his warm-up.

Presumably they would also be willing to contribute a little of their strength to the liberation of the puppet clan.

As for those who are unwilling, he will make them willing.

Hearing that there was no movement in the store, it seemed that the conversation was almost over.The shopkeeper came out with two bowls of fresh noodles.

"The shop doesn't have any precious ingredients, only beef noodles. Please don't dislike it."

Fang Chang took the noodle bowl, and the unique fragrance wafted out. He said with a smile:
"Very good."

"By the way, you should close your business properly these days, and it won't take long for calm to return here."

Seeing that the store owner wanted to return to the back kitchen, Fang Chang added another sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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