Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 363 Exchange with the Puppet Clan

Chapter 363 Exchange with the Puppet Clan

The place of fire sacrifice.

Once the ancestral land of the puppet clan, now the last pure land of the puppet clan.

It's just that the kindling that was once enshrined has disappeared, replaced by a stone statue of a woman nailed to a stone pillar, wrapped in chains, with a face full of pain and sorrow.

The poisonous fire burned under the stone statue, and the iron bird pecked at the body of the stone statue, and the stone chips fell little by little, turning into bright red flesh and falling into the poisonous fire.

Flesh and flesh are like fuel, and the poisonous fire burns violently.

There were bursts of painful and suppressed crying in the air.

"About 2 years ago, the stone girl stole the fire for a human monk, so that the inheritance of the puppet clan lost its continuity.

The puppet clan tried their best to recapture the fire, but the human monks used the power of the fire to grow stronger and gradually suppress the puppet clan.

The Human Race Supreme Council was established, and the puppet race has since disappeared underground, changing from the master of the world to a spectator.

Even the newborns of the puppet clan have to pay a huge price to obtain a little bit of fire power from the Supreme Council, so as to continue the vitality of the puppet clan.

If we hadn't appeared, probably tens of thousands of years later, the puppet races in this world would either become vassals of the Supreme Council or be wiped out completely. "

Shi Lei stood behind Fang Chang, telling him the story of Shi Zhu and Shi Nu.

Of course, this story was also told by Shi Lei from other puppet clansmen.

After all, he is a sleeping old antique, and he has never experienced the era of the rise of human monks.

So I don't have much hatred for the figure on the stone pillar, it's just a pity.

Because it is said that this stone girl was once the most talented member of the descendants of the puppet clan, and even had the opportunity to control the power of the fire seed, and was revered as a saint.

If not, she would have no chance to steal the fire.

Such a junior, in this era, has the opportunity to have a glimpse of the power of the sixth order.

"It seems to be another vulgar dog blood story."

Fang Chang looked at the stone girl on the stone pillar, and suddenly said:

"She's not dead yet?"

Shi Lei said: "She should have been executed originally, but because her crimes were too serious, the venerables of the puppet clan unanimously decided to let her be tortured by poison forever, and also serve as a warning for future generations.

There is another reason, that is, some people hope that the human monk has a conscience, and seeing that the stone girl is in such pain, he can come back with fire to save her.

But after so many years, unless that person achieves the realm of the void, he will not survive.

But she didn't expect that there was still a trace of life left in her. "

"Although the puppet clan itself has many restrictions, the longevity can be regarded as unique."

Fang Chang said with emotion.

He doesn't have a lifespan of ten thousand years, but Shi Nu, a puppet, is still alive after suffering 2 years of poisonous fire.

One of the lifespan of the puppet clan lies in the strength of its own spirituality, which is roughly equivalent to the soul lifespan of the human race, so even after the monk wins the house, he will live for as many years as he should, and will not be able to start again just because he gets a young body. Pass.

The other lies in the material of the puppet family itself.

The qualities of wood and stone are always different.

Even if a stone puppet like Old Stone is only of the fifth rank, its lifespan is at least 10 years.

If you are willing to sleep, this lifespan may be doubled.

Of course, where there are advantages, there are disadvantages.

For example, their comprehension is generally weak, and the speed and efficiency of comprehending the laws are far inferior to the human monks in the same realm.

Another example is that they generally have reproductive isolation and cannot rely on reproductive behavior to produce offspring.

There is only one way for them to produce new people.

They can only rely on the one-in-a-million puppets to awaken their wisdom and contribute to the population of the puppet clan.

Later, with the appearance of the ancestor of the puppet, Tinder brought a second way to increase the population of the puppet clan.

Only in this way can the puppet clan be called a clan.

Because they have a stable way to continue their offspring.

As Fang Chang spoke, his fingers moved slightly forward.

Click click! !
Seeing the invisible restraints in front of the stone pillar immediately revealed, but under this light finger, there was no resistance at all, and instead it was destroyed like a broken one.

Cracks appeared on the stone pillars that had been scorched by the poisonous fire for thousands of years.

"Who is pushing down the pillar of sin?!"

The sound of the stone pillar collapsing finally attracted the attention of the rest of the puppet clan.

Light and shadow passed by.

The high-level officials left behind in the puppet ancestral land gathered together.

The main reason is that the puppet ancestral land is not very big, so a little movement can spread quickly.

A wooden old man with a haggard face, his body is covered with wooden lines, his color is yellow, very dry, and he looks sad.

This is what a wooden puppet looks like with its wisdom turned on.

It is also the old man of the highest generation in the puppet clan except those ancestors who have been dug out, and is honored as the tree ancestor by the puppet clan.

A puppet doll in the shape of a ceramic doll, with red lips and white teeth, and smooth and shiny skin like a ceramic plate, which is exactly the same, but it has no human taste at all.

A wrinkled skin, dragging on the ground, like an old yellow dog who has not had many years to live.

On the contrary, it is the most human living creature among the three puppet clans.

At this moment, Yishu, Yiwa, and Gou were staring at Fang Chang.

But Fang Chang turned his back to them, and his eyes still stayed on the stone girl who was being rescued.

Shi Lei unceremoniously stopped in front of the three.

Although I don't know what the city lord wants to do, but it's right not to be disturbed.

"Shi Zun, we respect you as the ancestor of our puppet clan, and also admire your courage and strength to face the Supreme Council.

But you shouldn't violate the ancestral precepts of the puppet clan and bring an outsider here. "

Shu Zu held a wooden crutch, took a step forward, and asked in a low voice.

Shi Lei pondered for a while, and asked back:

"Ancestral teachings? Who set the ancestors' teachings? Why don't I know?"

Shu Zu said: "This is the rule set by the ancestors of our puppet clan after the stone girl stole the fire 2 years ago..."

There was a sudden pause in his voice, and he couldn't speak.

Shi Lei spread his hands and said, "That's right, I'm the ancestor of your ancestors, isn't it a bit too much to use grandson's rules to govern grandpa?"

Shu Zu's face was hard, but he couldn't see much emotion.

"In short, it is wrong to bring outsiders to the ancestral land of our puppet clan."

"What time is it, and you are still sticking to the old rules."

Shi Lei shook his head and said: "The puppet clan has become weaker and weaker these years, I think it's the so-called rules you set."

Shu Zu was unmoved: "At least our race has survived.

Shi Zun, even if you are a former ancestor of the puppet clan, you cannot insult the painstaking efforts of countless puppet clan ancestors over the years.

Get out of the way, Shi Zun.

No matter who he is, if he dares to overthrow the pillar of crime, he is the enemy of our puppet clan. "

"Actually, I prefer you to call me Sir."

Fang Chang suddenly turned his head, fished out the poisonous fire with his hand, and took out a tall and graceful beautiful woman with long golden hair like flames—the stone who had been pecked by poisonous firebirds for 2 years. Female.

She is not a stone puppet, but a rare flesh and blood puppet.

It is similar to Fang Tiezhu, except that it has a few characteristics of the puppet race, and there is not much difference from the human race in other places.

"Look, what a handsome person, it's too wasteful for her to suffer so many years of punishment."


Shi Nu raised her head weakly, and was about to speak, when she saw a big hand with an illusory and pale flame under her hood.

The flame enveloped the stone girl.

With the blessing of the imperial puppet spirit body, and the stone girl was in a period of absolute weakness, Fang Chang extracted her spirituality with little effort.

"From now on, you are mine."

Fang Chang's spirit moved him.

With the spiritual fire as a bridge, a burst of vitality emerges from the stone girl's body, and it flows continuously, almost without limit.

The weak stone girl can no longer speak, she is being filled with strength.

Fang Chang felt very satisfied with the increased power in his body and that of the stone girl.

This stone girl's aptitude is excellent, just a little worse than her own sister.

As her strength recovers, the attribute points he can share will also be a lot of money.

However, compared to the natural moats of Huashen and Dongxu, these powers are still much worse.

So the puppet can only have a small pre-dinner snack, and the real big meal depends on the Supreme Committee's support.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing that Shi Nu's strength had recovered, Shu Zu and the others tried to stop her without even thinking about it.

Shi Lei's body swelled suddenly, blocking the attacks of the three, and even suppressing them with one against three.

The huge pressure was transmitted to the ground, turning the ground into stones.

"Shi Zun, you have been hiding your strength!"

The tree whiskers on Tree Ancestor's body are produced with a little bit of gray lime.

The ceramic doll turned into a stone skin doll, and the old yellow dog shook off the stone debris in his hair.

Shi Lei smiled lightly, maintaining the demeanor that his ancestors should have, and said: "Otherwise, how could I be your ancestor?"

"Let me introduce, this is the lord I worshiped in the main world, and also the future savior of our puppet clan.

Do you know the domain of fog and the battle of the century ten years ago?

It is the contest between the lord and the Supreme Council.

This time, he needs your cooperation for a little matter. "

Hearing this, the three of them were all in shock, but they didn't move.

They had naturally heard of the Battle of the Century ten years ago, and were even familiar with it.

Not long ago, the Supreme Council of the human race sent envoys to unite them to deal with the forces behind the mist.

Their lions opened their mouths wide, trying to welcome the fire back, but they were flatly rejected by the human race.

Unexpectedly, the master behind the mist was the reinforcements brought by Shi Zun.

"Why didn't Shi Zun say it before?"

"I thought you all knew that."

Shi Lei said with a disappointed tone: "It seems that the puppet clan has really fallen, and I have to tell you the news ten years ago."

Shuzu really blushed this time.

They just watched Fang Chang restore all the strength for Shi Nu.

"Why save me?"

The stone girl looked sad, and said with a bit of despair on her beautiful face:
"I am a sinner of the puppet clan. I should have died under the cruelest punishment in the world."

Fang Chang was taken aback for a moment, then...


With a wave of his sleeve, he erected the collapsed stone pillar.

Then before Shi Nu could react, she pushed her palm forward.

The stone girl's body flew up and was nailed back to the stone pillar. An invisible chain bound her to the stone pillar that was only half left.

Then, strands of pale flames ignited, and even the void was distorted by its power.

This is the real fire that can burn the soul, or the alchemy spirit fire that Fang Chang got from the Taoist cave in the mountains.

Since alchemy is possible, it is also possible to refine people.

Pain appeared on Shi Nu's face, she struggled, and the chains rattled.

"what are you doing?!"

Fang Chang replied: "Satisfies you."

"Don't worry, I added special fuel to the flames this time, you will definitely suffer more, and it will definitely make you feel that it is enough to atone for your sin."

All he wants is the shared attribute of Shi Nu.

After all, a fifth-order puppet cannot be wasted.

As for himself, he is not a psychiatrist, and he is not interested in comforting an old woman who complains about herself and has sunk in pain for 2 years.

"You said you're fine, so why pretend to be with me?"

Shi Nu's body froze suddenly: "..."

Shi Lei shrank his neck, which was not much at all, and remained silent.

Shu Zu and others: "..."

As expected of a strange person in the main world, Shi Zun's lord really does things that ordinary people can't fathom.

They suddenly felt a sense of awe.

"All right."

Fang Chang slapped the stone girl's mouth shut again, and looked down at Shu Zu and the others.

"Not much nonsense, just look at this and you will know."

Fang Chang thought, and in the void, a light like a morning star flickered out.

That is his spiritual light, which possesses the strange power to give the puppet spirituality.

Fang Chang very much suspected that the fire seed of the puppet clan was a treasure refined by someone with the spiritual light of the imperial puppet spirit body.

Otherwise it wouldn't be so similar.

"This is?!!"

All the puppet clans including Shi Lei turned pale with shock.

"The power of tinder?!"

"That's right, that's right, it's the power of the fire seed, the old man will never be wrong, every puppet clan has been bathed in its brilliance.

It, it's finally back! "

Shuzu knelt down towards the spiritual light with a snap, tears streaming down his face.

Although the other porcelain dolls and the old yellow dog were not as excited as the ancestor Shu, they also stared at the spiritual light summoned by Fang Chang and were speechless.

Suddenly the spiritual light goes out.

Shu Zu let out a panicked cry: "No! Don't! Fire, that's our fire!"

"What are you thinking, this is mine, your fire is still in the treasure house of the Supreme Council."

Fang Chang withdrew his spiritual light, and became more certain about his guess.

"Every word is false, but power cannot deceive people."

"Call back all your puppet clan members, well, those who are above the fourth level will do, and those who are too weak are useless.

I need you guys to do me a little favor. "

"In return, I will give you the ability to renew your bloodline."

Fang Chang smiled and showed four white teeth.

"A fair exchange, isn't it?"

Shuzu completely froze.

Fang Chang had a gentle smile, but in his opinion, it was so terrifying.

Facing a power similar to Tinder, he was unable to snatch it.

Not only the powerful stone statue standing in front of him, but also Fang Chang's ability to re-seal the stone girl just now.

He seemed to have only one choice left.

"Think about it carefully, one month is enough time for all of you to come back from the most distant tribe."

Fang Chang stepped out and disappeared into the void.

"The old stone will be in charge of this matter, and I will come again when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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