Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 364 A New Seed of Fire

Chapter 364 A New Seed of Fire
A month passed quickly.

But the news of the appearance of the second fire swept the entire puppet ancestral world.

Well, apparently the puppet clan didn't keep this secret.

It is not difficult to see how many internal representatives of the Supreme Council there are in the puppet clan, and there must be high-level puppet clan members among them.

But fortunately, this news only came from Shu Zu and others, and no second person has confirmed it with their own eyes yet.

So despite the actions of the Supreme Council.

But little action.

The most important task of the Supreme Council today is to deal with the fog that is spreading.

After all, during the 2 years that the fire had been lost, the puppet clan had thought of countless ways to create a second fire, but without exception, they all failed.

Even the process of making fire every time caused great internal friction to the puppet family, which led to the accelerated weakness of the puppet family.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Supreme Council, this was probably a demonstration by the ancient puppet tribe against them, saying that even if they did not have fire, they had other methods.

But I don't know that this behavior is naive and ridiculous.

Instead they felt relieved.

Because of this, it would be even more impossible for the ancient puppet clan to intervene in the war between the Supreme Council and the Lost Lord.

The place of fire sacrifice, the last pure land of the puppet clan.

Shuzu and the others looked livid, even though their originally stiff faces became even stiffer.


"The news about the new kindling has only been told to those closest to me, and they will never betray me."

"I haven't even mentioned the word Tinder, how do you say the Supreme Council knows?"

The ceramic doll rolled her eyes and looked at the old yellow dog.

The old yellow dog drooped his face, but did not lift his eyelids.

"Don't look at me, this month I have personally invited the clansmen, and I didn't even give a reason. Unless they can read minds."

"So to speak..."

Shuzu was silent, the person who betrayed the news was not a ceramic doll or an old yellow dog, so the answer is obvious.

"Could it be me?"

"At this time, it is meaningless to pursue who is who. The most important thing is not to let the people of the Supreme Council know the news of Fangchengzhu.

Otherwise, we will lose the tinder once again. "

The ceramic doll's face was tense.

The old stone is also the ancestor of the puppet clan, after obtaining Fang Chang's permission, he did not hide some unimportant information from Shu Zu and others.

So they already know that Fang Chang is a master of power in the main world that is bigger than the entire puppet ancestor world, and behind him is a powerful existence that surpasses the puppet ancestor.

"What do you think City Lord Fang wants us to do for him?"

"I'll know right away."

The old yellow dog moved his nose and said:
"Almost everyone who should come has come."


Fang Chang stood in front of the newly erected Sin Pillar, like a host, waiting for the guests.

Soon, streaks of light and shadow appeared from all directions.

A dead camel is bigger than a horse.

The puppet clan has been able to survive so far under the targeting of the Supreme Council, and allowed the Supreme Council to reach a certain compromise, so its strength cannot be underestimated.

In fact, because of the special rules of the puppet ancestral world and the special preference for the puppet family, the overall strength of this world is unexpectedly strong.

The fifth-order puppet alone has reached double digits.

Coupled with those human puppet fighters who practiced with the help of puppets, and super-large puppet war beasts, the fifth-order power they pulled out was even several times greater than that of Qingxiao City today.

Of course, quantity is one thing, quality another.

When the Great Sun God Venerable comes alone, he can single out a group of people.

"One, two, three..."

Fang Chang silently recited the number of the fifth-order puppet clan that came.

The news of the new fire sparked out some old antiques like old stones.

In the end, there were five fifth-tier puppets and seventy to eighty fourth-tier puppets that appeared in front of Fang Chang.

"who are you?"

Seeing that Fang Chang was actually standing at the head of the sacrifice, a member of the puppet tribe asked aloud.

This is a puppet clan that is no different from the normal human race. He is a handsome man with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

However, among a group of powerful puppet clansmen, they seemed extremely weak.

"Luo Feng?"

Fang Chang recalled the information about the puppet clan, and the fifth-order puppet was eligible to be remembered by him.

"You actually know me?" Luo Feng nodded first, and then asked in confusion: "Could it be that you, like me, are also promoted to the new fifth rank in a human city?"

In his eyes, Fang Chang is a real human race.

But if Fang Chang was a human race, how could Shu Zu and others let him stand here.

Could it be that the tinder is fake, but seeing the new people is real.

A new fifth rank, in today's era where the puppet clan is declining, is indeed qualified to have them gather together once.

But Fang Chang said curiously: "I heard that you were originally a puppet partner of a human monk, and when the human monk was promoted to the fifth-level puppet fighter, he unbelievably developed wisdom on his own, and it backfired the human monk's promotion to the fifth-level puppet.

Has he been on the wanted list for a long time with the human race? "

As I said before, under some kind of technical blockade by the Supreme Council, almost all the puppet partners of monks are tools.

They have enough spirituality, but they are extremely rigid, without wisdom, a bit like a psychic magic weapon.

Even the super-large puppet war beasts seem to have wisdom, but they are actually still executing the instructions that the institute made up at the beginning.

But there are exceptions to this situation.

Just like when there is no one in a million, there will be puppets who can slowly give birth to spirituality and wisdom from a dead thing after experiencing various accidents and adventures.

Even without the help of fire, no one has given it spirituality.

But it still came alive.

Luo Feng was also in the same situation.

He once fought and grew up with a human puppet fighter.

Among the hundreds of millions of puppets, he broke through the Supreme Council's blockade of wisdom inconceivably. When the puppet fighter was promoted to the fifth level and wanted to swallow him, he devoured the puppet fighter in turn, breaking through the shackles of the fifth-level puppet himself.

Then, without exception, he became a wanted criminal and has been fighting with the human monks.

In the end, I don't know what price the puppet clan paid to let Luo Feng return to the puppet clan.

After that, Luo Feng became a hole card of the puppet clan.

Because of his hard-to-distinguish identity, except for the fifth-order puppet fighter, almost no one can see through the reality of his puppet clan, so he has been living in the human city.

Once the Supreme Council makes any moves, he will notify the puppet clan.

Or when it is necessary to make terrorist threats to the Supreme Council occasionally, he is also the best executor.

However, in the more than 1 years since the establishment of the Supreme Committee, there was only one Luo Feng.

This is a part of the past that Luo Feng does not want to mention.

At this moment when Fang Chang said it unceremoniously, Luo Feng's eyes sharpened, and with a palm lift, he held a flaming saber in his hand.

This is also the method of warfare he learned from the human race.

"It seems that I have to teach you how to respect your predecessors!"

"Hey, let's come a little later, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, Luo Feng, don't disturb the distinguished guests."

Shuzu stood in front of Luo Feng with a cane, and said solemnly:

"This is City Lord Fang from the main world, who was entrusted by Shi Zun to come to the puppet ancestral world to help our puppet clan to put things right.

Luo Feng, you must not be rude.

This time, City Lord Fang invited everyone to come, hoping that everyone can contribute to the puppet clan. "

Shu Zu looked at Fang Chang.

Fang Chang nodded slightly, and then without talking nonsense, summoned the spiritual light.

For the puppet, the power of fatal temptation filled the void, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

"The power of tinder?!"

Then the spiritual light suddenly disappeared.

All eyes were on Fang Chang, the powerful pressure would have been crushed by ordinary people.

But who is Fang Chang, a little pressure is like a breeze blowing on the face.

"There are rumors that there is a second fire, and I can tell you that the rumors are not wrong."

"The main world is all-encompassing. Your kindling is unique in the puppet ancestor world, but although it is precious in the main world, it is not unique."

Fang Chang said it lightly, causing a group of people who have never been out of the puppet ancestor world to inexplicably feel awe of the main world.

"City Lord Fang is willing to give our puppet clan a fire seed?"

A puppet shaped like a copper lion opened its mouth and asked.

Its name is the Bronze Lion King. It is slightly larger than a normal lion, with a long neck, no hair, and a round ball like a meat bun on its head.

Fang Chang glanced at it.

The Bronze Lion King smiled awkwardly and lowered his head.

Fang Chang summoned the spiritual light again:

"This is a new fire, its power is still weak, I need your help, donate your spirituality, let it grow.

This is also the reason why I got rid of Tree Ancestor and invited you over.

In return, the puppet clan will be able to share the light of the new fire in the future and continue the blood of the puppet clan.

What do you guys think? "

Several fifth-order puppet clans remained silent.

It's not too hard, on the contrary, it's too easy.

They have also been illuminated by the fire and placed their spirituality in the fire, so they know that there is no harm in doing so, but there is good in it.

Spirituality is placed in the fire, not only can the fire grow, but also their spirituality can be nourished, which feeds back into their own bodies.

But is it really that simple?

They don't believe in a free lunch.

Just now.

The old yellow dog dragged his old and wrinkled fur without saying a word, standing under the light of spirituality, offering his spirituality.

I saw a firefly-like light spot rising from the old yellow dog's body, and then was engulfed by spiritual light.

Then this bit of spirituality was transferred to a corner of Fang Chang's sea of ​​consciousness.

There, there are also spiritual light spots like the sea of ​​stars, which are puppets that Fang Chang has refined.

The old yellow dog's body shook violently.

It looked at Fang Chang, as if it saw a god.

Fang Chang smiled slightly at it, and as soon as he thought about it, the power of the primordial spirit enveloped this bit of spirituality.

A ray of brilliance fell from the spiritual light, covering the old yellow dog.

The old yellow dog instinctively wanted to resist, but when he thought of the current situation of the puppet clan, he thought of the countless puppet clans he saw just now.

It chose to surrender.

Refining went very smoothly.

next moment.

"hold head high!"

He heard the old yellow dog standing upright, looking up to the sky and screaming, and the sloppy old skin on his body bloomed with brilliance at this moment.

It is regaining its former strength.

No one knows that this old yellow dog was also a member of the sleeping ancestor of the puppet clan, but it was even more unlucky. After being born, it suffered bad luck one after another, and finally had to wear a dog's skin to continue its life.

At this moment, he felt the vitality like an abyss like an ocean.

The dog's skin was cracked inch by inch, as if a mud tire had fallen off, revealing its true face, and a golden dragon soared into the sky and was born out of nowhere.

Then the golden light dissipated, turning into a tall figure with the head of a dragon, bowing down to Fang Chang.

"Ao Huang thanked City Lord Fang for his kindness in rebuilding."

"The old dragon is actually you!"

Shi Lei appeared from nowhere, seeing the giant dragon puppet, his eyes filled with amazement.

"You're not dead yet!"

Ao Huang, who still wanted to recount the old days, paused and turned his head away.

Seeing the old yellow dog transforming from a dog into a dragon, the other puppet tribe members were also deeply shocked, and then rushed up quickly, offering their spirituality to the spiritual light.

"Don't worry, take your time, there are all of them."

Fang Chang exhaled lightly, the space visible to the naked eye was slightly distorted, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more obvious.

Unexpectedly, there was a surprise.

This old metal dragon gave him a lot of power attributes, which made him a little bit out of control for a while.

However, with the flow of mana, the slight discord quickly subsided.

He is stronger again.

Then the first puppet people who resisted appeared.

Not everyone is willing to be refined and become a slave-like existence.

"What is this?!"

"Get out of me!"

It was a fire puppet, whose body was human-like, but its skin was like magma, without hair. With the power aroused, countless dark red flames emanated from its body.

His movement caused a sideways look.

Fang Chang was not surprised.

He just increased his mana output.

Soon the flames were extinguished, and Pyro stood on the ground with dull eyes, muttering in his mouth:

"It's not what I want, no!"

He looked at Fang Chang with hatred.

"I'd rather die than be controlled by you!"

The power in his body surged, and then he exploded suddenly.

"Tinder, don't!"

Shu Zu wanted to stop him, but Fang Chang stopped him.

"Let him try it."

After such a hesitation, a bang was heard, and the fire puppet exploded directly. The power of the explosion was confined within a small space and did not leak out.

There was not even a scum left on the fire puppet.

Fang Chang smiled slightly: "This is the ability of immortality, why do you resist it so much?"

After the words fell, the body of the fire puppet slowly solidified on the spot.

After a few breaths, the fire puppet was resurrected again.

"This is the method of spiritual resurrection of Tinder, why is there no need to sacrifice spirituality?"

The few fifth-order puppet families who were still hesitating were completely shocked.

Tinder also has the ability to resurrect the puppet clan.

But the conditions are quite harsh. One is that a fifth-order puppet family is required to have the ability and qualifications to entrust the fire with spirituality, and the second is that enough spirituality needs to be sacrificed.

This spirituality is the innate aura of the puppet clan.

In other words, every time a fifth-order puppet clan is revived, thousands of quasi-clan members may lose the possibility of becoming a puppet clan forever.

Therefore, in the long history of the puppet clan, few puppets have used this method.

However, after the fire was obtained by the Supreme Council, they didn't care whether the aura of other puppet clans was consumed or not, and used resurrection many times to confuse many puppet clans to work for them.

"The fire from the main world is better than your original fire, which is reasonable, so, do you want to give it a try?"

Fang Chang looked at the fifth-order puppets who were still hesitating.

At this moment, no one cared about the howling and painful fire puppet.

The fire of spirituality burned fiercely, and each of the puppet tribe sacrificed their spirituality to Fang Chang almost fanatically.

Fang Chang couldn't help closing his eyes, carefully feeling the rising power in his body.

"I am invincible in this world!"

"Oh, no, I already was, I just got stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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