Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 367 Devouring Tinder

Chapter 367 Devouring Tinder
"excuse me!"

Fang Chang said that he had something to say.

I saw him with a serious face and said:

"I am also a monk of the human race. Strictly speaking, this is a civil war. With you or without you, the human race will have peace for thousands of years.

So for the sake of the future of the human race, why don't you rest your eyes on the spot, lest we fight too hard and cause people to die, which is the real sin.

You also don't want the human race you sheltered to suffer too many casualties.

After all, without your presence, this war would have ended long ago.

In the future, the Supreme Council of the Human Race will still be the Supreme Council, and the puppet race will still be the puppet race. They will go to a new world instead of torturing each other in this small world that is about to reach its limit.

This is the bright future of the human race. "

Fang Chang thinks that the problem can be solved by talking about it, so there is no need to fight and kill.

This is by no means the reason why he couldn't beat.

It's this world's selective blindness that actually inflated the power of Tinder to such an extent.

Once in a fight, he is restrained, but the opponent can be unscrupulous.

Isn't this bullying honest people?

Fang Chang estimated that the puppet tribe who created the puppet ancestral world in the first place used the boundary stone as a material and refined it together with the spiritual light for the sake of convenience.

This is the origin of the fire.

After all, in this way, it is impossible for Tinder to leave the Puppet Ancestral Realm.

And with the fire and the peculiar rules of the puppet ancestral world, no matter what kind of blow the puppet family suffers in the future, the blood will never be cut off.

Hearing these words, the old president's solemn and solemn aura suddenly froze.

Because he suddenly found out that what Fang Chang said seemed, seemed, perhaps to have some truth.

Why are you fighting this battle?

The reason why he endured so much pain is to let the race have a better future.

For this reason, he betrayed his lover, betrayed the friends who had helped him, let himself bear the infamy, and sank in pain.

If the person in front of me can take over from me and protect the human race in this world to a new world, then...

Fang Chang was also surprised when he saw the old president stop his movements.

Could it be that when this person refined himself into a puppet, he also refined his brain, dare to believe such words?
"Lu Chen!!!"

At this moment, a loud shout came.

That was the name of the old president, and it was also the resentment and pain that had accumulated for 2 years.

Below, the crime pillar that Fang Chang had just re-erected gave off a bright red light, erupting instantly like a volcanic eruption.

The few small restrictions that Fang Chang arranged casually were torn apart.

The pillar of sin collapsed, the chains collapsed.

A golden phoenix bathed in fire spread its wings, and the dragging golden tail flames drew meteor-like arcs in the air.

It is now like the third sun in the sky, even more radiant.

That was the stone girl on the Sin Pillar, but she never thought that her original form was actually a phoenix puppet.

Judging from its appearance, when it was first refined into shape, it was also integrated with the blood of a real phoenix, otherwise it would not have such a combination of form and spirit.


The phoenix was born from the fire, and collided violently with the fire held by the old president.

The void was shaken.

Thousands of miles around, you can see a burst of fiery red, turning into a sea of ​​red flames, and then overflowing, turning into bursts of sky fire and falling to the ground.

The old president was also hit like this, and his IQ that belonged to normal people came back online.

He looked sadly at the golden phoenix that was entangled with him, wishing to integrate him into his body.

"Feng Nu, I'm sorry. I lied to you back then."

The golden phoenix is ​​obviously not as powerful as a human.

Even though the old president didn't make any moves, the golden phoenix fell below only by the passive defense of the tinder.

But Feng Nu didn't intend to keep her hand at all.

She suffered for such a long time in order to atone for her sins.

Even death is better than her mental pain.

She totally exploded.

"Then die with me!"

Two bright reds are entangled together, and as one of them explodes, endless light and heat occupy everyone's vision.


The flames dissipated, but Lu Chen's old body remained stable.

The fire that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years has accommodated the spirituality of an unknown number of puppets, and its power has already expanded to an incredible level.

Even if it is just borrowed, it has also created the mighty power of the current old president to self-destruct in the face of the fifth-order puppet without losing a single bit.

He stretched out his hand, caught a piece of golden feather, and sighed softly:
"Feng Nu, I will go to accompany you soon."

"I never thought that I would see you again on this last day. God has treated me so well. It's a pity that you won't have time to listen to me in the future."

"But I still want to tell you that for the freedom of the human race, I never regretted it back then, and I don't regret it now either."

He grabbed it violently, and the golden feather turned into a cloud of fly ash.

At this time, his mental state was completely stable, and he only heard him say lightly:

"Guests who come from afar, people here have their own destiny, and there is no need for outsiders to intervene.

Anyone who wants to rule us, the old man will make him pay a heavy price. "

"Talking into the Void..."

Lu Chen's physical body melted away like fireworks.

Fang Chang instinctively felt that something was wrong, and turned around to escape from the void.

He has always liked the price-performance ratio, and all the battles are to ensure greater interests.

Under normal circumstances, fight as little as possible.

He is not some martial idiot.

Most of the talk just now was for probing, and Lu Chen was about to make a trick. If he didn't run away now, when would he wait.

Anyway, Lu Chen came back from feigning death, even with the blessing of fire, he couldn't live for long.

He is a good young man, with a long lifespan, and if he is dragged for three to five or eight years, he will be dragged to death.

Why fight?
As for the opportunity to break through the void...

Well, wait until next time, he's still young.

But since Lu Chen made a move, how could he let Fang Chang leave smoothly.

The sky was suddenly dark and bright, and when Fang Chang came back to his senses, he had already appeared in an empty spiritual world.

Lu Chen's light and shadow appeared in front of Fang Chang.

"This is the world inside the fire, where your primordial spirit will be slowly assimilated by the fire, and finally become a part of the fire.

Even the old man is no exception.

Powerful Lost Lord, I'm sorry, the old man's physical body can't stand the battle with you, so I can only do this. "

Fang Chang was stunned for a moment, then had a weird expression, and even smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Ahem, that, let's call you the old president, the old president, don't you feel that the power in me is a little bit similar to the fire seed?"

"I was still thinking about how to break through the fire's defense, but I didn't expect you, the old president, to bring me in."

"Good man!"

"As expected, I am the son of destiny in this world. I wanted to run away, but I forcefully pulled me back. Tsk tsk, how embarrassing."

With a thought in Fang Chang's mind, his spiritual light burst out.

Originally, because he had consumed too much energy for enlightening the spirits of too many giant war beast puppets, his spiritual light had already dimmed like a speck of dust.

But at this moment, as the spiritual light begins to absorb the power of the fire, the spiritual light changes from a mote to a firefly, and from a firefly to a small light bulb.

Its light became brighter and brighter, which also made Lu Chen's face more and more gray.

"How could this be?"

"This is the power of tinder, which contains thousands of spiritualities and thousands of distracting thoughts. Anyone who dares to absorb its power will become a complete lunatic and monster.

Why don't you respond at all? "

Chase Lu felt like his worldview had collapsed.

As the first chairman of the Supreme Council, he was also the one who brought back the tinder with his own hands. His research on tinder can be said to be more profound than anyone else.

Otherwise, he would not have faked his death, and as a puppet, his spirit would be placed in the fire, and he would become a trump card of the Supreme Council.

Others who want to do this have long been assimilated by the fire and turned into dust.

That's why he couldn't accept it.

Fang Chang burped symbolically.

"The power here is really suitable for me, but it's too much. It seems that it will take a while to absorb, old president, don't die too fast, otherwise, I will be very lonely if I can't find anyone to chat with."

Lu Chen's face turned pale, he knew he had done something stupid.

For a moment, his body was much more illusory, as if he couldn't bear the blow.

"Old president, you are idle anyway, why don't you talk about your love and hatred back then, after I revive Feng Nu, I can have some conversation with her.

Although I don't have much affection for women with love brains, I'm still a good thug. "

Fang Chang's spiritual light ignited for the first time.

The weakness of the spiritual light will cause the weakness of his soul, but its strength will also feed back his soul.

"Can Feng Nu be resurrected?"

Lu Chen, who originally wanted to end up with himself, changed his expression, showing a bit of relief.

"That's right, the fire seed can revive those ancient puppet clans. Since you can inherit the power of the fire seed, it is possible to revive her."

"But there is no need to tell the story."

Lu Chen looked at Fang Chang seriously and said:

"Lord of Lost, since you say you are a monk of the human race, then I hope you can really treat the human race in this world kindly.

After all, we are of the same race. "

"Is this your last request?"


Fang Chang put away his joking thoughts, pondered for a moment, nodded and said:
"That's as you wish."

"Thank you."

Lu Chen's body was completely illusory, turning into a white light and dissipating.


Outside of the tinder world.

Everyone saw that Fang Chang's body froze suddenly, and then fell down like a big rock.

And after Lu Chen, the old president, inspired the power of the fire, the old and decayed body could no longer hold on, and turned into a cloud of fly ash like the last feather left by Feng Nu.

At the same time, the fire seed also disappeared in a flash, and disappeared completely, leaving only a broken battle armor in place.

For a moment, everyone fell into confusion.

The tinder is gone, do you still want to fight?

"Don't let the old president's last sacrifice be in vain!"

A majestic middle-aged man held the broken armor in his hand, and put the armor on in an instant.

Although this pair of heavenly king battle armor was born on the basis of Lu Chen's puppet body, it was tempered by the fire day and night. Even if Lu Chen's body dissipated, it still retained a certain amount of power.

And this man is the current chairman of the Supreme Committee, the director of the Tianwang Research Institute, and Lu Chen's successor, Luo Qingsong.

Chase Lu did not leave any descendants, and his successors were selected from all the member institutes of the Supreme Council who were most suitable to lead the Supreme Council.

This is true of every generation.

Therefore, the Tianwang Research Institute has always been the inheritance of the president and has never been changed.

Just because everyone understands that with the Tianwang Research Institute at the helm, this big ship belonging to human monks will not capsize.

Looking at Fang Chang's falling body, Luo Qingsong was the first to dispatch.

"If his body is destroyed, even if his primordial spirit returns by chance, his strength will be greatly damaged, and he will no longer be able to offend him."

The others woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream, and gathered their last strength to attack Fang Chang's body.

But a huge black eye pupil suddenly appeared, protecting Fang Chang's body, the phantom of the inner demon appeared on the eye pupil, and said with a sneer:
"Ma De, the old boy is really insidious. It's a pity that the deity is not dead, and the demons in his heart are endless. I, Hu Hansan, are back again."

He glanced at the body of the deity who was not thinking or moving, and suddenly became agitated.

"No, don't think about it, who knows if this deity will leave behind.

The deity has promised me to have my free time in the future, which shows that the deity still has a little conscience.

The future is bright and the future is bright.

Now that I have a wrong heart, my deity will be more guarded against me from now on. Isn't my previous efforts all in vain?
Yes, it is like that.

Deity, you must remember my credit when you wake up. "

The heart demon sighed, the figure that had just condensed collapsed, and the divine light of the eye of the demon spread, turning the area of ​​a hundred miles into the domain of the demon.

Anyone who enters here, within a short moment, first has a myriad of hallucinations, then has schizophrenia, and then has to be fascinated.

If you stay for a long time, you will completely wipe out the primordial spirit, and the body will die, and the Dao will disappear, even the cultivator of Huashen is no exception.

And the center of the Heavenly Demon Domain is Fang Chang's sleeping body.

Luo Qingsong and his party felt something was wrong when they first entered the Heavenly Demon Domain.

But after all, they are at the fifth level of strength. Even if there is no one in ten of them now, the primordial spirit is also the essence of the fifth level, with innate resistance.

But as it got closer to Fang Chang's body, the power of the Heavenly Demon Divine Light became stronger.

Seeing that it was only ten miles away from Fang Chang's body, a fifth-order puppet fighter covered his head and roared.

"Go away!"

The entire group was alarmed, thinking they had been plotted against.

But seeing this person with red eyes, gritted his teeth and roared:

"President, I'm about to die. If I continue walking, I even feel like my head is going to split."

As the words fell, his eyebrows split open, and a drop of pale golden blood flowed out.

This is the injury of the primordial spirit, and his sea of ​​consciousness has been damaged.

It seemed to be a chain reaction, and the rest of the people also went wrong one after another.

Luo Qingsong said: "You guys leave first, and leave the rest to me."

He has been controlling the battle situation remotely, but his strength has not been damaged much.

But at this moment, a thunderous voice sounded.

"Who dares to offend the city lord?!"

A 5000-meter-high stone giant raised his fists high, and the storm condensed under him, and his body grew again inconceivably, reaching the limit of 8000 meters.

A huge meteorite fell.

The power of petrification spread to the Heavenly Demon Domain, blocking the way forward for Luo Qingsong and others.

With this loud noise, all the behemoths sleeping on the ground were awakened.

Those were super-large puppet war beasts that had been enlightened by Fang Chang's wisdom and refined into dormancy. They raised their heads high and let out powerful roars.

But these roars are so unfamiliar to Luo Qingsong and others.

They clearly felt that there was a problem with these puppet beasts created by the top research institutes.

"President, if you keep the green hills, don't worry about running out of firewood, let's move out."

One person held Luo Qingsong who was still wanting to move forward.

Then there is the second person, the third person.

Luo Qingsong's eyes flickered, he hesitated for a moment, and finally heaved a heavy sigh.

"let's go!"

Shi Lei didn't stop them.

Because the city lord did not tell him that he would kill all the monks of the human race.

He has been with the city lord for so long, and he also understands the style of the city lord who cherishes talents.

If he dared to mess with killers, the future work that could not belong to these people would have to be counted on him.

He was sitting on the ground, his body turned into a rocky mountain, guarding outside the realm of the demon.

The rest of the giant puppet war beasts either fell asleep with Shi Lei, or left on their own. Without Fang Chang's order, others couldn't stop them at all.

Only the people of the puppet clan are confused, and they don't know what's wrong.

Three of their eight fifth-tier puppets have been lost in order to stop the Supreme Council's offensive.

But what about resurrection?
They stayed around the Heavenly Demon Domain, waiting for Fang Chang to wake up and ask for an explanation.

Of course, they did not mean to avoid the retaliation of the Supreme Council afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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