The empty tinder space.

After I don't know how long has passed.

Fang Chang woke up in a daze, feeling a hangover with a headache, and at the same time his memory slowly came back.

At that time, Lu Chen, the old chairman of the Supreme Committee, couldn't bear the blow of himself leading the wolf into the house, and he didn't even have the last desperate thoughts, so he chose spiritual extinction.

After Fang Chang lost someone who relieved his boredom, he devoted himself to absorbing and refining the fire.

If the difficulty of refining fire from the outside is one hundred, then the difficulty of refining it from the inside is one.

It's just that when his spiritual light was full of energy, overflowed again, and finally became as bright and bright as the bright moon, he was gradually lost in the power.

The energy accumulated by Tinder for tens of thousands of years is too huge, and it is easy to get lost if you are not careful.

Fang Chang counted his fingers silently, and couldn't help but spit lightly.

"Made, it's another ten years, and this time flies by too quickly."

"Based on this, there are only a few years left before the official opening of the game "Immortal Demon", and by that time, I can finally solve the doubts that have always been in my heart.

How did the player get here?

Is there another me?

Can I go back? "

Fang Chang was lost in thought for a while.

It took quite a while for Fang Chang to bury these questions.

Anyway, I have waited for 200 years, which is not bad for these few years.

Fang Chang looked at the tinder space where the energy was much thinner, and even the space seemed to have shrunk a bit, thinking about how to get out.

Lu Chen used his life as a sacrifice to forcibly draw his soul here, so he was naturally sure that he would not be able to escape.

The same is true.

Although the internal power of the fire seed can't hurt him, but can make him greatly nourished, it is still a difficult problem to break through the restrictions of the fire seed and escape from the outside world.

In fact, the best way is that he can devour the power of the tinder, so no matter how strong the cage is without the support of the bottom layer, it will become fragile.

It's just that he was a little full.

There is simply no way to absorb much energy in a short period of time.

Fang Chang estimated that with the current efficiency, it would take about three to fifty years for him to truly absorb the energy of the tinder.

This time is not too long for a senior monk.

Especially Fang Chang had a premonition that after he devoured the fire, he could 100% make up for the last shortcoming of strength, and start to advance to the realm of the hole with his physical body.

Of course, whether it can successfully break through is another matter.

"I have to think of a way, I don't want to wait decades, when players are flying around the sky outside, I'm still stuck here, maybe I will become the player's mission target.

Besides, being a man has a beginning and an end.

I made great ambitions at the beginning, but now I can't cut the player's first crop of leeks, my ideas will not be clear. "

At the end of his life, he was still very hopeless, thinking about living for 100 years, and then taking advantage of the players, so as to break through the golden core realm, and enjoy five hundred years of life, he would be satisfied.

After all, he didn't live so long in his two lifetimes combined.

Who knew that fate would push him to the present achievement step by step.

Just when Fang Chang felt that everything was achieved by his own hard work, he suddenly had a familiar feeling, as if someone was calling him from somewhere.

"who is it?"

Fang Chang's heart skipped a beat, and he thought of the tinder he saw when refining the puppet clan, and the baby-like body of the tinder.

If there is a second person in Tinder, except for Lu Chen, the old president who suddenly cheated on the corpse, there is only that corpse.

He followed the call step by step.

The empty tinder space has no normal space concept. He just moved his feet, and his vision changed drastically, as if he was in another world all of a sudden.

What appeared in front of his eyes was a pure white room, closed all around, with a white beam of light in the middle, and in the beam of light was the figure that looked like a curled up figure.

It quietly suspended in the beam of light, curled up like a baby in a mother's womb, leaving Fang Chang with a clean back.

"Are you calling me?"

"Then you should squeak."

Fang Chang was a little careless, but his spirit was tense, ready to shift his strategy at any time.

But nothing happened.

Only the feeling of being called is always there.

This made Fang Chang a little upset, but he couldn't block this feeling.

He approached slowly.

It seemed that his arrival had finally alarmed the figure.

The figure stretched slowly, from a crouched body to a standing body, and then had a frank meeting with Fang Chang.

"It's actually a man?"

Fang Chang first looked at the face, then at the chest, and finally at the lower part. He unconsciously compared it with himself, and then showed a triumphant smile on his face.

Although the face is prettier than him, as a man, it is not enough to look at the face, one must also have connotations.

Obviously, his connotation is relatively large.

"Cough cough..."

The figure suddenly coughed twice.

Fang Chang's hair stood on end, and then he slapped him with a palm thunder.

Lei Fa wards off evil spirits!

Although he is only in the Yuanshen body now, his strength is not much weaker than when he was in its heyday, but because without the protection of the physical body, the Yuanshen is more likely to be damaged and restrained.

In short, with this palm, the top of the mountain will be smashed to pieces.

It's just that this palm didn't achieve the desired result.

The thunder from the palm hit the figure, not only didn't hurt him at all, it seemed to give him an electrotherapy.

This time, he woke up faster.

His fingers trembled slightly, his eyelids trembled slightly, and his whole body seemed to come alive in an instant.

The white beam of light collapsed suddenly, the figure landed steadily, and then slowly opened his eyes.

He ignored Fang Chang, who was staring at him covetously, and did not make any movement. Instead, he sighed softly, his eyes full of vicissitudes and unconcealable fatigue.

"It seems that Qianqian still failed."

He turned his gaze to Fang Chang:
"Successor, are you ready to accept my gift?"


Fang Chang, who was about to strike first, was taken aback for a moment, then rubbed his hands in embarrassment, looking a little reserved and shy.

"This, how embarrassing."

"Then can you unlock the Great Seal of the Five Thunders in your hand first?"

The awakened figure lightly brushed his palm in front of him, and put on a blue long gown for himself, making him look even more handsome.

"I have no malice. After being awakened by you, this remaining remnant soul will not survive for a long time. Compared with fighting, I would rather have someone to talk with me."

With a wave of the figure's hand, there was an extra set of tables and chairs on the ground, as well as a pot of hot tea.

This is a creation out of thin air, but there is no trace of fireworks.

Fang Chang's heart trembled, knowing that this person might be a big boss, he scattered the five thunder seals from his hands, and coughed twice.

"Ahem, that's all a misunderstanding, a habitual action, please don't worry about it, senior."

"Please sit down."

The figure did not care, but invited Fang Chang to sit down.

"What year is it outside now? How many epochs?"

Fang Chang thought for a while and replied, "The human calendar is around 650 years."

He was talking about the chronology of the Supreme Council.

After all, he didn't specialize in the study of history, and he came here to do the work of the Great Demon King, how could he know how many years in the puppet ancestral world in the past.

"Personal Calendar?" Human Shadow frowned slightly, and asked again: "What kind of calendar is this? What about the Big Dipper Era?"

Fang Chang replied honestly: "I don't know."

The shadow was even more incomprehensible, and continued to ask:
"I see that your aura is pure, your spirit is perfect, your powerful law power almost overflows your body surface, and you are only one step away from the void realm. Have you never even been to the Big Dipper World?"

"Beidou Great World?"

Fang Chang's IQ is still online, so he asked:
"The big Big Dipper world mentioned by the predecessors is the main world attached to the small world of the secret realm?"


The figure nodded.

Be nice!

Fang Chang's gaze on the figure was wrong. How long has this guy been asleep, and his memory is still stuck in the time of Beidou Great World.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Big Dipper world mentioned by the senior should be gone."

"What's gone?"

The figure is a bit incomprehensible.

Fang Chang scratched his head, and said: "According to what I heard from others, it should be that the Dao collapsed, the Dao of Heaven died, and then the whole big world was shattered.

The current main world is called the Immortal Demon Continent, but it has some origins with the Big Dipper World mentioned by the predecessors. "

After all, almost all the great figures in the Immortal Demon Continent today were reincarnated from the Big Dipper World, and the few secret mansions who came to the world also received a lot of legacy from the Big Dipper World.

But that big world of comprehension is actually called Big Dipper World.

They are both Beidou, so I don't know what it has to do with Beidou Daozong?
Fang Chang quickly thought of it.

"The avenue collapsed, the way of heaven died..."

The figure muttered a few words, and then there was a long silence.

It took a long time for the figure to show a relieved smile.

"It's no wonder I can't feel Qianqian's aura, she has already broken through the sixth-order cave void realm, her primordial spirit entrusts her to the Dao, and the power of law manifests into stars in the sea of ​​law.

The avenue collapsed, the sea of ​​laws was in turmoil, and the stars fell, how could she survive?
It turned out that for such a long time, I have been waiting for someone who is impossible to come again.

Ye Hao, Ye Hao. "

Just from Fang Chang's few words, the figure seems to have already calculated the appearance of the world's destruction.

Following this relief, the aura of the figure suddenly dropped a lot.

If Fang Chang was only [-]% sure of making a move just now, it has directly risen to [-]% now.

But Human Shadow's death intent was so obvious, Fang Chang felt that he didn't need to do anything himself, so naturally he didn't have to worry about Human Shadow competing with him for the fire.

"Ahem, that, senior, does it still count as a gift you said just now?"

People's joys and sorrows are not the same.

Human Shadow was saddened by the loss of his old friend, but Fang Chang wanted to get a way to control the fire from Human Shadow.

The figure was stunned for a moment, looked at Fang Chang with a sincere face, and said with a broken smile:

"Since you are able to enter the fire with the primordial spirit, and you have the same physique as me, even if you are not the descendant sent to me by Qianqian, then we are destined, and it must be yours."

Fang Chang explained: "The seniors have a noble character, but it seems that the younger generation has a poor character.

It's just that the younger generation still has important matters in the outside world, and now I've been trapped here for more than ten years, and I'm already very anxious, so seniors who are abrupt, please forgive me. "

The figure was noncommittal, but continued:

"My name is Tang Jue, and I was once well-known in the Big Dipper World.

Because of my special physique, I can control thousands of puppets, and once I make a move, there will be a mighty army of puppets, endless, and even Hedao Tianzun treats me differently. The name of the god.

After you get my inheritance, pass on this title together.

Since I was born in this world, I must leave something behind. "

"Cough cough cough!!"

As soon as Dayan Shenjun's name was announced, Fang Chang coughed violently.

"what happened to you?"

"It's nothing, I just think the world is really wonderful."

Fang Chang remembered that when he first got into the profession of puppet master, he also thought about a big boss named Dayan Shenjun in his previous life.

But he never thought that the world is mysterious, and the boss is actually himself.

Of course, in the previous life, another person might have received the inheritance of the Great Yan Lord.

Anyway, the name is the same name, but the person is not necessarily the same.

Tang Yu knew that Fang Chang was hiding something, but he didn't pursue it. Instead, he talked about his life and the female puppet named Qianqian.

Their stories can be summed up like this—a man who regards a puppet as a tool falls in love with the puppet he made himself. After falling in love and killing each other, they finally reconcile with each other, but it is too late to regret.

The boss is also human, and their relationship is also full of dog blood.

Fang Chang was quite interesting to hear - anyway, it didn't happen to him.

It turns out that the establishment of the puppet ancestral world is not as great as the historical records of the puppet clan. All the holy places established for the puppet clan in the world are fake.

In fact, it is a woman's determination to create a world at a huge price in order to resurrect the one she loves.

Because Dayan Shenjun and Fang Chang have the same physique, the more puppets, the stronger he is, then he can also gain benefits, and after the body is damaged, it can be recovered through low-level puppets.

So this female puppet named Qianqian thought that if there were enough puppets for her to refine and absorb, would it be possible for him to be resurrected.

The entire puppet ancestral world is a tool for the resurrection of Dayan Shenjun.

Only then did Fang Chang understand why he fit in so well with the puppet ancestral world, and he had inherited the legacy of the Dayan God Lord from the very beginning.

All of this was originally prepared for Dayan Shenjun, or in other words, for the imperial puppet spirit body.

"...Actually, we all understand that one cannot live after death. This is the law of heaven and the basis for the operation of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, even Hedao Tianzun would not be pursuing longevity and immortality.

But she is always stubborn, just like she chose to leave me at the beginning. "

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Tang Jue's mouth.

'Not always. '

Fang Chang thought of those reincarnated bigwigs, many of them died once, but they were still resurrected.

But Fang Chang felt that there was no need to say such things to spoil the atmosphere.

What if Dayan Shenjun doesn't want to die at that time?

After Tang Jue finished telling his story, he was silent for a while. He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end.

His body began to dissolve bit by bit, and then everything in this room shattered.

A golden spot of light penetrated into the center of Fang Chang's eyebrows.

"This is your reward for listening to my story."


outside world.

The Heavenly Demon Realm, already regarded as one of the two restricted areas of the Puppet Ancestral Realm, suddenly became turbulent.

Outside the domain, the guardian puppets woke up one after another, roaring, as if they were welcoming something.

A black mountain stood up straight suddenly, turning into an extremely tall stone giant.

He looked at the Heavenly Demon Realm, feeling the jump of his own spirituality, and murmured:
"My lord, you have become stronger."

"No, I have to let the city lord be the first to see me when he wakes up, otherwise I won't be in vain for ten years."

Shi Lei shrunk his body, endured the indiscriminate attack of the primordial spirit from the Heavenly Demon Domain, and plunged into it.

field center.

A body that had been sleeping for ten years slowly opened its eyes.

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