God seemed to be aware of it, and a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and it also resounded in the hearts of everyone, alarming all living beings in the world.

Everyone couldn't help but look up to the sky.

I saw that the sky of the entire puppet ancestral world became gray, and the dark clouds gathered, and the whole world was gloomy.

This celestial phenomenon swept the whole world in an instant.

"Hey, it's a big scene."

Fang Chang yawned and stretched his waist that hadn't moved for ten years. The void around him shattered like a mirror, revealing deep black holes exuding strong suction.

After ten years of absorbing fire, his energy and spirit have reached the limit of turning into a god.

When his primordial spirit returns to his position, he will naturally attract the Heavenly Tribulation of the Hollow Hollow.

At the same time, his aura has reached the limit of this world, the kind that can't even be suppressed. His every move may cause the world to expel him.

It's just that now that Fang Chang holds the fire in his hand, he will not be affected by this power at all.

After all, the fire is fused with the boundary stone, and the boundary stone cannot leave the world, otherwise the world will collapse.

The force of pulling and sucking entangled around Fang Chang, and finally created a Jedi with broken space.

Perhaps after a few years, this site will become a new restricted area.

But Fang Chang had already regarded the puppet ancestral world as his own, not only did not intend to sacrifice it, but even delayed or canceled the fusion of the main world with the puppet ancestral world.

The rules of this world really suit him too well.

So his breakthrough cannot be in this world, otherwise it will be ruined.

What's more, it's inappropriate for him to destroy the world created by his lover just after accepting the generous gift from the God of Dayan.

Fang Chang made an upward move.


The Heavenly Demon Domain shrank instantly, and finally turned into a pitch-black eyeball that was rolling around.

As soon as Fang Chang sensed it, he nodded in relief.

"That's right, my long training with you was not in vain. Not only did you not escape, but you were able to stay and protect me. Although it is useless, it is commendable."

Fang Chang thought about it.

The figure of the heart demon condensed from the eye of the demon.

"My lord, I finally waited for you."

The demon's expression is weak, but his tone is firm, which is called a sincere heart.

Ten years ago, in order to evolve the Heavenly Demon Domain, the Heart Demon did not hesitate to use his own body as a sacrifice, and even in order to continue the power of the Heavenly Demon Domain, he never resurrected again.

This kind of intention is not insignificant.

Especially the heart demon is cunning and vicious by nature, and betrayal is his nature.

"Although it's an act, I've always been a person who doesn't care about what I do. You did a good job this time. As a reward, I will allow you some freedom.

From now on, you don't have to be trapped in the eyes of the demon all the time. "

Fang Chang paid for the choice of the heart demon.

As for real freedom, the heart demon will never even think about it for a lifetime.

This thing was born because of his primordial spirit, and it is one body, unless he realizes the highest level of Buddhism in the future and cuts off the demons forever.

For example, the demon king Bo Xun is said to be transformed by the demons of evil thoughts cut off by a real Buddha.

But such a good tool man doesn't feel bad after death, how could he be willing to let him go.

After all, the death of the heart demon will at most consume a part of his spiritual attributes, and it will be replenished by refining puppets every minute.

In the past, it might not be easy to find so many puppets to refine, but now that the puppet ancestral world starts, he will probably never be short.

The demon in his heart saw the light of freedom, and nodded happily.

"My lord, you will definitely become a fairy."

He does understand that it is a dispensable thing only if the deity has become a fairy, and he is not of much use to the deity.

So he gave his best wishes.

Fang Chang nodded in satisfaction.

When Shi Lei arrived, he happened to see the picture of the heart demon and Fang Chang getting along in harmony, and he couldn't help but slap his thigh angrily.

Still late.

People always only remember the number one, and even if the second is a second late, it is still the second.

But it's all here, Shi Lei hid his thoughts, and respectfully stepped forward to greet Fang Chang.

"Meet the Lord City Lord."

He looked at Fang Chang in awe.

Just now he only regretted it, but at this moment he realized that the extremely depressing aura on the city lord, and the broken space behind the city lord, had always existed and had not yet healed.

Could it be that the city lord has already broken through?
"You too?"

Fang Chang was a little puzzled.

Shi Lei hurriedly said: "Ten years ago, the city lord suddenly fell asleep, and his subordinates didn't dare to leave, so they kept guarding outside.

Until just now, the subordinates noticed that the aura of the city lord was awakened, and they came to see him specially. "

"You came just in time."

Fang Chang said: "I still have something to do, you take this and take the puppet clan to take over the Supreme Council."

Fang Chang waved his hand, and a fire lotus fell in front of Shi Lei.

This is the original form of Tinder.

Fang Chang absorbed less than half of the energy and let it reveal its original shape.

Shi Lei looked at the fire lotus excitedly, the familiar aura made him almost unable to maintain his simple and honest personality.

"My lord, this is... is it, Tinder?"

Shi Lei's voice trembled a little.

Although he has now joined another family, the significance of Tinder to the puppet clan is self-evident.

Whether you are a human being or a puppet, you must never forget your roots.

Fang Chang said: "You should know this question better than me, but it is mine now. If you hold it, other puppet clansmen will no longer resist your leadership."

The kindling can't be taken out of the puppet ancestral world, and stays in Shi Lei's hands, just to build up prestige for him.

After all, he can't stay in this world for a long time, so he still needs a spokesperson.

Shi Lei's identity is just right.

The identity of an ancient puppet, brought in the savior for the puppet clan, and found the fire, plus its fifth-order peak strength.

If he is not the boss, whoever will be the boss.

After thinking about it, Fang Chang continued:

"By the way, if the human monks on the Supreme Council can persuade me to surrender, they will persuade me to surrender. Especially the researchers and professors of those research institutes, keep them well, and none of them can be killed.

In this matter, the inner demon will also stay and cooperate with you. "

Those high-end technical talents in research institutes that can manufacture super-large puppet war beasts in a short period of time are Fang Chang's most coveted.

Owning them means that he will not only have a steady stream of attribute points in the future, but also supplement the high-level combat power of Qingxiao City.

Although the super-large puppet war beasts are not as comprehensive and powerful as the real cultivators who transform themselves into gods, their strength has already entered the fifth-level domain, and they are crushing for monks below the transforming gods.

Of course, this is all best guesses.

In all likelihood, the birth of super-large puppet war beasts has additional stringent conditions.

Otherwise, after giving the Supreme Council ten years and sponsoring them so many resources in private, there are still not many super-large puppet war beasts produced by them.

Shi Lei nodded repeatedly, secretly applauding himself for not killing the Supreme Council ten years ago.

Otherwise, once the city lord knows that the monks of the Supreme Council have been killed, he may have to guard the mountain for the rest of his life.

Although he didn't think too much about it at first, he just thought that the Supreme Council was a human monk, so the city lord could do whatever he wanted, but they couldn't overstep it.

Otherwise, let the city lord think about it.

After all, the city lord is a human race like the Supreme Council, not a puppet race like him.


Shi Lei showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said:
"Before, the Lord City Lord promised to resurrect those puppets who fought.

As a result, after waiting for so many years, they all felt that the city lord had lied to them, so if the subordinates went over, they might have some opinions. "

He also wanted his own people to be resurrected.

In this way, the more power he can control in the future.

"It turns out that this is what I forgot."

As soon as the words fell, Fang Chang's mana burned up and was consumed at an extraordinary speed, and at the same time his spiritual light dimmed slightly.

I saw the puppet clan who died in the battle ten years ago come back to life one by one.

They all looked confused, and their memories were still stuck in ten years ago.

But Fang Chang didn't explain anything to them, he just nodded towards Shi Lei, and then teleported towards the direction of the space passage.

He almost couldn't hold back his Thunder Tribulation.

It can be seen that there are endless thunders all the way, and the space is broken.

His rampage left a long path of broken spaces in the sky, but these broken spaces quickly healed after he left.


Lord heaven and earth.

As Fang Chang emerged from the space passage, the sky became consciously dark, with dark clouds covering three thousand miles.

The breath of Lei Jie suddenly filled the void.

It takes three or nine thunder calamities for a monk to break through the Yuanying realm. With the intention of the thunder calamity's shattering, the elixir is broken into an infant, so that the primordial spirit manifests in the void, and the primordial spirit can be possessed by the law, and it can be separated from the body to seize the body.

After reaching the realm of the void, the monks have to go through six or nine thunder calamities, use the power of good fortune in the thunder calamities to activate the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit in the human body, protect the primordial spirit and go to the sea of ​​laws, and can refine the power of laws to achieve success Hollow Realm.

Of course, the premise of all this is to survive the thunder disaster.

Only by seeking death first can one seek survival later.

The profound meaning of breaking through the realm of the void flowed through Fang Chang's mind, he grinned and waved to the sky.

"bring it on."

The first thunderstorm came.

Thunder Calamity Transformation!

It was a thunder god spear, thousands of feet long, falling down like a pillar of thunder, and the spear tip alone was bigger than Fang Chang's body.

But Fang Chang didn't dodge or dodge, he didn't even form a seal, he just slowly raised a hand.

His palm rested on the point of the spear like an ant supporting Mount Tarzan.

Then a layer of golden Astral Qi appeared on his body surface—Prison-Suppressing Astral Qi.

The divine spear transformed by Lei Jie seemed to be irritated by Fang Chang's carelessness, and the force of destruction fell heavily, but they were all easily blocked by the prison-suppressing qi.

All the power was vented to the ground, and the ground cracked, with Fang Chang as the center, and the surrounding ground sank in circles.

The huge shock wave, along with the smoke and dust, also surged outward layer by layer.

The lightning and thunder enveloped the space.

When the thunder calamity crosses the border, there will be no grass left.

But the Thunder God Spear became shorter and shorter visible to the naked eye, until only a shallow spear tip remained.


With a flick of Fang Chang's finger, the tip of Lei Jie's spear was ejected a hundred miles away.


A small spear tip blasted a huge deep pit [-] meters wide on the ground.

But on Fang Chang's side, when the smoke and dust around him cleared, he was seen standing on a solitary peak with a height of more than [-] meters.

No, not Lonely Peak.

He is still standing on the ground.

It was only because the land hundreds of meters around him was blown away by the huge shock wave, only the place where he was standing had his shelter, so it didn't collapse.

So from a visual point of view, it looks like Fang Chang is standing on a lone peak.

"The first thunder calamity has the power of the peak of transforming gods, even the thunder calamity is so difficult to fight, let alone the difficulty of condensing the law later.

The ancient manuscripts recorded that there were eleven people who robbed thunder, and one hundred people who practiced the law.

With a pass rate of one in a thousand, it's no wonder it's so difficult to break through the void realm. "

Fang Chang withdrew his palm, and there was a shallow white mark on it, which quickly disappeared automatically. A high-level hegemony can be so arrogant.

There is no need for any magic weapon spirit technique, because he is the strongest magic weapon himself.

In the end, he still became what he hated the most.

The chicness of the sword fairy is gone, leaving only the muscles.

However, it is delicious.

The second Thunder Tribulation followed closely behind, still a Heavenly Thunder God Spear, which did not give Fang Chang the strength to breathe at all.

But he didn't need to breathe either.

After testing the power of the first lightning tribulation, Fang Chang jumped up and leaped into the sky in an instant.

"It's the same trick again, to fool people?"

He punched out, shaking Tianwei with his body.

The huge impact directly stopped the falling of the Heavenly Thunder God's Spear, and then the God's Spear broke inch by inch, and with a bang, the Heavenly Thunder God's Spear turned into sections of plasma splashing into the void, turning Fang Chang's surroundings into a sea of ​​lightning and thunder.

Bathed in the thunder and lightning, Fang Chang felt a little numb.

"I seem to be a little stronger."

He clenched his fist, as if feeling something, and muttered to himself.

His harvest in the puppet ancestral world is too great, a lot of potential has been accumulated in his body, and he was struck by two thunderbolts. Instead of being injured, some of his own potential turned into real power.

He looked up at the sky where the thunderclouds gathered, feeling a little pity.

"It's a pity that no one appreciates such a grand sight."

But soon Fang Chang thought of something, and then took out a bunch of photo crystals from his storage ring and sprinkled them in all directions.

"No, I have to stay in this scene anyway, otherwise I won't be able to understand my thoughts."

Then, Fang Chang raised his figure again and rushed directly into the thundercloud.

"Why did I prepare for so long, I'm getting impatient!"

He thought he must be handsome in this scene.

Boom! !

God seems to be enraged by him, the thundercloud originally expanded from three thousand miles to five thousand miles.

In the clouds, the purple thunder is stirring, and a figure is ups and downs, fighting with the sky, even if it is hit by thunder after another, it can't hurt it at all.

Fang Chang laughed loudly, only to feel that his strength had risen again in the limit.

At this moment, his robes had already been damaged by the powerful thunder calamity, and he was dangling naked in the sea of ​​thunder. As the thunder calamity fell one after another, blurred mysterious marks began to appear on his skin.

His aura is detached from God, and he is advancing towards a higher and more powerful realm.

That is the ultimate transformation of horizontal training domineering body.

Of course, according to the explanation of orthodox monks, this is called the condensed law.

He began to condense the laws before entering the sea of ​​laws. It can only be said that his own accumulation is too strong.

Fang Chang also noticed the change in himself, without the slightest hesitation, he turned his palm and swallowed a law crystal.

"Let the thunder disaster come more violently!"

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