Time flies, time is like water.

Three years passed by in a trance.

In the Tang Dynasty calendar, in the 78th year of Changsheng, November [-]th, the weather is fine and it is suitable for opening.

Fang Chang lay on a pair of beautiful legs on the dense canopy of the albacore tree, looking up at the sky, with anticipation in his eyes, as if he was waiting for something.

If he remembered correctly.

November [-]th of this year was also November [-]th in the previous life, commonly known as the festival of single dogs, and the game "Fairy Demon" was launched.

Players are coming!
This year.

Her Majesty the Empress is one hundred and eight years old, which is just as good as the number of evil spirits in the sky.

She was a surprise in Chang'an City, and the temperament of Gao Leng Yujie attracted male and female players who were born in Chang'an City to lick their screens frantically.

This is also the reason why he was able to accurately say 100 years before leaving the server when he learned that Her Majesty the Queen was eight years old.

Because he licked it too.

He is waiting for this historic moment.

This will verify some of his conjectures.

"Husband, why do you want to call me to watch the sunrise today?"

Dongdong hugged Fang Chang's head and gently massaged him, with some joy in his tone.

Fang Chang enjoyed Dongdong's service and lazily said:

"I suddenly thought about it, and here I am. I haven't been with you for a long time."

Dongdong snorted softly: "It seems that you also know that you haven't been with me for a long time, so you can bully me vigorously just to see my grandfather go back."

"By the way, a letter came from my grandfather, saying that he recently took another concubine, and this is the No. 18 concubine he took after returning home.

Is that what you said to him last time?
Otherwise, why didn't I think about it decades ago, and started to indulge myself after meeting you. "


Fang Changzui tugged, his tone full of envy and jealousy.

This old Qingniu actually took his nonsense seriously, and took the initiative to spread branches and leaves for the Cheng family's blood.

It's only been a few years since I've been back, and I'm actually married to the eighteenth house, it's too much!
He is majestic and powerful, the Taoist master of Qingxiao, the Marquis of Qingxiao of the Tang Dynasty, with millions of legions under his command, and he just married one!
"Don't worry, next time I see him, I will help you teach him a lesson.

This old guy, how old is he, and he is still old and uneducated. It is fine to marry one or two, but he actually married eighteen, including me, ahem, in short, this kind of behavior must be condemned. "

Dongdong was silent for a while, then quietly said:

"If my husband likes it, I can marry a few more, I don't mind. Now my husband is famous, and the name of Daoist Qingxiao is admired by many women.

It's just me, it's really unfair to my husband. "

Then don't pinch me!

Fang Chang felt that the nails on his temples were almost inserted, and thanks to his indestructible body, otherwise he would have to make two big holes at this moment.

After all, Dongdong is now a serious Jindan late-stage monk.

Although it was about the same level as Bubble, who claimed to be the Great Water Monster in Lingchi, it was not bad.

"There will only be one wife of someone on our side, and that is you."

Fang Chang spoke righteously.

"Your grandfather's behavior is really disgusting."

Seeing Fang Chang's statement, Dongdong was very happy even though he knew it was to coax him.

She became gentle again, and defended her grandfather along the way.

"Grandpa has been lonely for so long, it doesn't hurt to find a few more people to accompany him."

"Ah, the sun is out!"

Dongdong pointed to the distant sky, and a red sun appeared, dyeing the surrounding clouds red.

Fang Chang was shocked.

Are you coming?

But there was no movement in the sky, nor on the ground.

"How could this be? Could it be that there are too many players in the game and the server is stuck?"

Fang Chang explained in his heart, and continued to wait.

After admiring the sunrise, Dongdong was about to get off the tree, but Fang Chang was still staring into the distance.

She seemed to understand something.

Sure enough, every time I accompany her, the main task is not to accompany her.

But she didn't say anything, and still hugged Fang Chang quietly, because it was the first time she felt the tension and expectation from the heart in Fang Chang.

The day seemed to pass very slowly.

Fang Chang asked Dongdong what time it is now.

Every time Dongdong finished answering, Fang Chang would murmur a few times.

"How could it be, shouldn't it be, what about people?"

But no one could answer him.

The sun rose higher and higher until it was three poles high.

The player still doesn't show up.

Fang Chang's distraction has traveled through the space and traveled a million miles, but the player's shadow did not see a single one.

"I didn't come, why didn't I come!"

A short day passed like this.

The red sun is rising, but the players did not come;
Tomorrow hangs high, but the players didn't come;
The sunset is west, and the player did not come;
As night fell, the players still didn't come.

Until the midnight is approaching.

"Dongdong, you don't have to accompany me anymore, I want to be alone for a while."

Fang Chang let out a sigh of relief, with an unconcealable disappointment on his face.

Dongdong hesitated to speak, but did not bother Fang Chang after all. Behind her, a pair of magic weapons with colored transparent wings spread out and flew down against the wind.

Qingxiaoshu is nearly a thousand meters tall now, without magic weapons to help her, she might not be able to survive with her cultivation base.

There was only one person left on the huge Qingxiao tree, and a hazy green barrier opened.

Fang Chang stared at the little golden finger in front of his vision.

"Is everything in the previous life a dream of mine?"

"Then how did you get here?"

The moon has risen to the sky, and the hour has come.

It is now the twelfth of November, and a new day has arrived.

The golden finger in front of Fang Chang's vision flashed suddenly, and a mysterious message flashed in his mind.

That's a coordinate!
Infinite fear suddenly rose in Fang Chang's heart.

The strong pressure was like an invisible big hand tightly strangling his throat, making him unable to breathe.

This is an unimaginable scene for a monk who has already transcended his physical body and controlled the laws.

I don't know how long it took.

Fang Chang came back to his senses and began to breathe rapidly to calm down his emotions.


A strong wind suddenly blew up above Qingxiao City, blowing away the dark clouds blocking the night, revealing the bright moon and stars.

There are also a few unlucky ones flying with imperial weapons who were blown thousands of miles away by this breath.

"So, so..."

Fang Chang controlled his strength, and couldn't help but let out a sigh in his heart.

"It turns out that what I want has always been with me, why is it now?"

He didn't understand.

next moment.

Fang Chang is one with heaven and man, and his primordial spirit entrusts the void. When he opened his eyes again, he had already arrived at the sea of ​​laws.

He remembered the story Yao Guang told him.

Fang Chang smiled wryly to himself.

"Let me see if I'm lucky or unlucky?"

The sea of ​​laws reflects the sky, and the stars of laws project the void. As Fang Chang follows the coordinates in his mind, a mysterious force spreads from Fang Chang's stars of laws.

There is another sea of ​​laws that is separated by an unknown distance.

An illusory star suddenly became solid.

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