Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 375 Fang Chang: I am a man who wants to save the world, of course, I have to pay more!

The sea of ​​unknown laws.

A lawful star slowly solidified, and Fang Chang's figure walked out of the star, shrinking his head and showing some caution.

Because he is afraid that someone will sit on the sidelines.

If someone uses him as a bait to act as the world coordinates of the Immortal Demon Continent to invade the past, then the fun will be great.

But he still chose to come back.

Humans need to be willful once in a while.

Of course, the main reason is that Fang Chang thinks that with his current strength, even if he meets Hedao Tianzun, he can escape no matter how bad he is.

The sea of ​​laws is an existence between illusion and reality, and Hedao Tianzun can't do whatever he wants in it.

So it is not difficult to save your own life.

Run away if you can't fight, he is very skilled at this.

But when he looked around, his expression became sluggish, and he couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

"I seem to... have won the lottery."

I saw that this vast sea of ​​law was full of illusory stars, and their light was slightly dim compared to his law stars.

This means that in this big world, there is no high-level monk who condenses the laws and stars.

Simply incredible.

How did this big world survive until now?

According to Yao Guang, even in a big world with the will of the Dao of Heaven, as long as the Dao of Heaven is weaker.

Once he is encountered by Hedao Tianzun traveling in the universe, he has to call friends and make a dish in a hurry.

After all, the benefits of a big world are far beyond what a small world in a secret realm can match.

Then rule out all the impossibilities, and there is only one answer left.

This is a newly born big world!
It is still so immature, so small, and has not had time to reveal its own light in the void of the universe.

A huge surprise dazzled Fang Chang's mind.

"What the hell, I'm going to post it!"

"You are too happy too soon."

A childlike voice sounded in Fang Chang's mind.


Fang was startled, and the star sea was stirred for a moment, and the huge power fluctuation swept across the stars, but there was no abnormality found.

"who are you?"

"We've been working together for so long, you still don't know who I am?"

In front of Fang Chang's field of vision, a small golden finger jumped out and turned into a fat baby with red lips and white teeth, wearing a big red bellyband, which looked very festive.

"I am your golden finger."

"But if you don't like it, you can call me Father Tiandao's favorite little brat."

The chubby doll has her hands behind her back, her chubby belly sticks out, and she looks like a little grown-up.

"I am the result of a sliver of will from the Dao of Heaven in this big world, and I have the ability to know everything. Otherwise, do you think that a small identification technique can be so powerful?"

"However, you are not bad. You were able to break through the hole realm in such a short period of time, and successfully brought me back with the coordinates left by Father Tiandao."

"Ha ha."

Fang Chang sneered, his surprise cooled down, and his reason returned to himself.

"Speaking of which, you are also responsible for my time-traveling and rebirth?"

The fat baby shook his head again and again: "It's not me, it's my immediate boss, who is what you call Heaven.

In order to reverse time and space and send you back to the past, he paid a huge price and has fallen into a deep sleep.

So if you want to trouble him, you have to wait until he wakes up. "

Fang Chang pondered for a moment and asked, "Why do you want me to go back to the past?"

The fat baby looked excited, raised his head and said: "Of course it is to save the world! You are the man chosen by the world!
How about it, is there a feeling of enthusiasm? "

Fang Chang shook his head coldly and said:

"Sorry, I'm past the age of the second year of middle school, saving the world or something doesn't fit my personality.

But if you want to sell the world, I am still very interested in it personally. "

Fang Chang stared at the fat baby with dark eyes:
"You said that if I sell the world coordinates of this great world to the will of heaven in the Immortal Demon Continent, what reward will He give me?"

"Can you let me directly join the Dao, and from now on I will respect the heavens, and travel the universe from now on, without any restrictions?"

The fat baby's hands and feet were stiff, his face was pale, and cold sweat was streaming down his face.

"You, you wouldn't do that, would you?"

Fang Chang showed Grandma Wolf's smile, staring at the fat baby as if looking at a dish.

"What are you talking about? We've been working together for so long, but you still don't know who I am? In terms of stabbing a knife in the back and betraying my brother, what's wrong with me?"

"Now it's your turn to bid, let's see how I won't betray your heavenly father, cute little boy."

The fat baby looked like he wanted to cry but had no tears.

But he didn't give in, instead he took a deep breath, angrily said:
"As expected of the person chosen by Father Tiandao, he is really shameless and despicable. Only people like you can save the world."

"As long as you can save the world, your benefits will be greatly reduced."

"I also often draw cakes. If there are any benefits, let me be more practical."

Fang Chang handled the fat baby tightly.

The fat baby sighed like an adult.

"I am so poor that I am the only one left. How can I give you any benefits."

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

Fang Chang made a gesture to leave.

"Hey, since I've helped you so much, can you save me some face?"

The fat baby started to play the favor card.

"If it weren't for me, would you have had the chance to change your life against the sky? Maybe you would have been buried in that catastrophic flood by now.

I still have to avoid that way of heaven, it's easy for me. "

"You still have the nerve to say that it's so awkward to open it, and the backlash is so big."

Fang Chang snorted coldly: "I have come so far, all thanks to my boldness and carefulness, and my good thigh hug.

Of course, there may be a little credit for you in this. "

Fang Chang measured an extremely small distance with two fingers.

"Just a little bit."

"But for such a little bit of affection, I'll give you a chance to convince me not to make any more pictures.

The cakes I drew for my subordinates can fill this big world. "

The chubby baby scratched his head angrily, pointed his chubby little feet and walked up and down in the void, and finally resigned to his fate:

"It seems that I can only come up with my trick!"

I saw him kneeling in front of Fang Chang like pushing a golden mountain and falling a jade pillar.

"Good man, save the child!"

Fang Chang: "..."

"I sacrificed several small worlds, and my legions swept away all directions, and the earth was filled with corpses, people, monsters, and hundreds of races, and tens of millions of people died because of me.

My heart is colder than ice, harder than iron.

It seems you passed up your last chance. "

"But for the sake of the pleasant cooperation between you and me, I won't sell the coordinates of the big world, so you can do it yourself."

Fang Chang shook his head lightly, as if he couldn't continue talking.

The fat baby stood up numbly, his face finally became serious,
"Okay, you are really ruthless, this time I really came up with a unique trick."

"Do you want the power of heaven and earth? Do you want immortality? As long as you can save this big world, you will be the co-lord of heaven and earth in the future and have the qualifications to become an immortal."

"Oh? To elaborate."

Fang Chang's eyes flashed, and a kind smile appeared on his face.

Thinking that being a child can arouse his sympathy, it is better to become a beautiful woman to arouse his lust.

There is no reason to think of him for nothing if there is no benefit.

Sure enough, as long as he was stable, the price would rise naturally.

The fat baby cleared his throat and said:
"You know that if a monk wants to become an immortal, he has to endure the immortality calamity that comes from the great will of the universe. After passing through the immortality calamity, he can be called an immortal, and live the same life as the heaven and the earth.

Please note that it is the same life as the heaven and the earth.

This world is the big world you choose.

Only when the big world keeps running, will your fairy spirit not disappear.

Even if you are killed outside, as long as the big world exists, then you can be resurrected from the long river of time in the big world.

But once the big world is destroyed by someone, then your immortal status will be destroyed along with it, and you can only be regarded as a loose immortal instead of a true immortal.

Once killed, it can never be revived.

But the size of the big world is limited, and the burden is also limited, so the number of immortals is also limited.

So you can choose to become a fairy in the Immortal Demon Continent, or you can choose to become a fairy in the big world we are in now.

But in which big world do you think you have a higher success rate? "

The fat baby felt that he had finally regained the initiative, and he had enough momentum.

Hearing this, Fang Chang fell into silence.

"So this is why those Hedao Tianzun are nostalgic for this world. It turns out that there is still such a thing about becoming an immortal, but what kind of immortal is this? It's not at all happy."

But another way of thinking, immortals can live forever, but it doesn't mean they won't be killed.

Dead but resurrected.

This can be regarded as one more way out.

Another way of thinking, if you become a fairy repeatedly in different big worlds, wouldn't it mean that you will never die.

All the worlds take pictures, so the world is destroyed but I am not.

Fang Chang felt that he might not be able to invest in this entrepreneurial project.

But he was very calm.

"Chengxian is too far away from me, so what you are talking about is cake, is there any benefit that I can see right away?
I think we're close to reaching a consensus. "

There was a flattering smile on the fat baby's face.

"There are advantages, as long as you can help this great world recover, you will be able to obtain the merits of heaven, which will be credited in real time.

Although Tiandao's father is asleep, he has hidden a lot of good treasures, and you can exchange them for whatever you want.

But I recommend you to exchange for the authority of heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth authority is like company shares, as long as you have enough shares, Tiandao father can also be your little brother.

Especially now that He is still in a deep sleep, there is no way to refuse.

And after the great world recovers in the future, the greater your power, the higher the dividends and the more benefits, even Father Heaven will not be able to do anything to you. "


Fang Chang looked at the fat baby with deep meaning. "According to what you mean, you are not afraid that I will take away the power of your Tiandao father and become the boss yourself."

"Hey." The fat baby looked open-minded. "It doesn't matter, it's not a son to someone."

Fang Chang stared at the fat baby and suddenly laughed.

"Okay, there is a future, I haven't consulted the big name."

The chubby baby smiled harmlessly, not looking a little bit hot-blooded just now.

"Papa Tiandao called me a brat, but I gave myself a nickname——Qi Tian!"

"Qi Tian, ​​what a good name."

Fang Chang laughed and said:

"Then let's start discussing how to save the world."


blue star.

Xia Kingdom, the magic city.

A quiet cafe on the corner of the street.

In front of the clean glass window, a young man in casual clothes and a kid in suspender jeans faced each other across the seat.

The man stirred the coffee cup, but didn't drink it. He looked out the window at the scenery outside, men and women, cars coming and going.

There was a bit of sadness in his eyes, and a bit of relief.

Because just across the street, a man who looked eighty percent similar to him was sitting on a bench with a computer bag on his back, his hair was messy, his temples were wet with sweat, and his face was full of confusion.

He just graduated, and he has been in this big city for almost a month, but he still hasn't found a satisfactory job.

He wanted to settle down.

Suddenly a call came, the man took out his mobile phone, saw the name in the address book, rubbed his face, and squeezed out a smile.

Even without using his consciousness, Fang Chang still understood the man's words - I'm fine, don't worry.

And Fang Chang's appearance began to change, from being similar to a man, to that of the Qingxiao City Lord of the Immortal Demon Continent, with great power.

He's back, but he's redundant again.

There is already a him here.

Across the seat, the kid in overalls was still chattering.

"In the long river of time that Tiandao's father saw, the immortal and demon world will search the void of the universe in order to promote their status in the future, and will accidentally find the coordinates of this great world.

In the previous life, Father Tiandao spent his energy intercepting a corner of the future of the Immortal Demon Continent from the long river of time to project the "Immortal Demon" game, in an attempt to cultivate players strong enough to cooperate with the subsequent spiritual recovery.

Let our big world have the power to resist the fairy and demon continent.

Later, Dad Tiandao probably saw our fate of failure, the game ended without a problem, and spent most of his energy reversing time and space, reincarnating you in the Immortal Demon Continent. "

"Why did you choose me?"

Fang Chang looked away and asked casually.

Qi Tian said helplessly: "I don't know, maybe Tian Dao's father saw something through the long river of time."

It would be great if you choose a hot-blooded young man, and you can fool around a few words, let him do the dirty work, and get the benefits yourself.

Maybe he will have a chance to be promoted from Tiandao's boy to Tiandao's second child.

Unfortunately, I met Fang Chang.

Fang Chang asked: "Can the Will of Heaven see the future?"

"The upper and lower directions are called the universe, the past and the present are called the universe, the word universe includes time and space, and Father Tiandao happens to be good at the power of time.

So although this big world is not strong, it can always avoid strong enemies.

But it's probably the same, this big world has been unable to grow, and all the energy has been used by Tiandao's father to spy on the future.

But this is not important, what is important is what you are going to do next. "

Qi Tian looked at Fang Chang eagerly.

Fang Chang drank the coffee in one gulp, then shook his head and said, "I really can't get used to it. Let's drink tea next time."

He snapped his fingers, called the waitress in uniform, pointed at Qi Tian and said, "He pays the bill."

The waitress lady's face suddenly changed from a smile to a look of contempt.

At such a young age, I still have to ask children to check out.

Elder Fang is there and doesn't care at all.

After all, he is a law-abiding citizen and doesn't use counterfeit money.

Qi Tian took out banknotes from the small pocket on his stomach, and asked:
"You haven't said what to do?"

Fang Chang thought for a while and said, "Then, let's continue playing the game."

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