Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 376 The Call of the Game

"Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to really... live?"

After staying up all night in the Black Star Internet Cafe, Xia Xiaofei, who was about to win the team battle and push down the crystal on the other side, who had played the promotion match, couldn't help but rubbed his eyes.

He stared blankly at the bright red webpage that popped up suddenly on the computer desktop, and the roar of his teammates in the double row came from the earphones.

"Peter Pan, what the hell are you doing with a plane, why are you not moving? Output!"

"I've been a dog for you for the whole round. You f*cked me in the promotion match for me, and you played a fake match for me, and moved for me. Output and output Nima coins! Damn!"

The sound of the table's HP being reduced by one over the headset.

The keyboard and the desk groaned simultaneously.

Before Xia Xiaofei had time to explain, a panicked voice came from the earphone.

"Grass, screaming too loudly, my mother is here."

"Mom, I'm fine, I just had a nightmare, I dreamed that I didn't pass the exam, I didn't pass the exam, so I was scared, just scared.

I really don't play games, you listen to my sophistry, eh no, you listen to my explanation. "

"Come here, I'll open the door for you. I'm not shutting down the computer. I'm wearing pants. I'll be here soon."

"Peter Pan, I will settle accounts with you next time."

On the other side, he dropped a sentence and hurried off the assembly line.

And Xia Xiaofei finally came to his senses, and shouted at the top of his voice:

"Network management network management!"

"Here we come! Call the soul."

Also on the night shift, the bleary-eyed network administrator walked over lazily in shorts and slippers.

"Xiao Fei, what the hell are you doing?"

The network manager knew Xia Xiaofei, and knew that Xia Xiaofei was a good leveler in the game, and he would often spend all night making orders in their Internet cafe.

"Brother Dajun, didn't you say that your Internet cafe hired experts to build the best firewall? I was playing a game, and the spicy chicken game page popped up, and I couldn't close it, which made me lose the promotion competition. .

My order will be settled soon, what do you think should I do? "

"Let me see."

The network administrator took a closer look and saw that the crystal exploded on the computer, revealing the two characters of failure. There is no such thing as a hot chicken page.

"Xiaofei, are you under too much pressure? Where is there any webpage? I think you should stay up all night and leave. Next time, don't shout and disturb people's dreams."

The network administrator waved his hand and left without looking back.

Xia Xiaofei looked back at the computer desktop, and the big bright red characters quietly stayed on the desktop, as if blood was about to ooze.

"Made, Brother Dajun, don't make fun of me."

Xia Xiaofei pulled a passing student party, pointed at the screen and asked:

"Hey, can you see the writing on it?"

"Failure is a big word, buddy, even if you lose in the promotion match, don't be so exaggerated."

The student party glanced at it, yawned and prepared to go back to school to catch up on sleep.


Xia Xiaofei's heart was secretly trembling, and he wanted to escape from this place, but he remembered his girlfriend who kicked him just now.

He gritted his teeth and clicked an X.

No girlfriend, he still has parents.

If I die, my parents still have to practice the trumpet, how hard it is.

As he clicked on the screen, the blood-red webpage just now disappeared, replaced by a fairyland with beautiful mountains and clear waters, misty clouds and mists, and the two big characters of immortals and demons.

"Congratulations, player Xia Xiaofei, you have been selected as an internal beta player of the game "Xianmo".

This is a holographic simulation developed by Tiandao Game Company, a [-]% real game, please don't panic, the game helmet will be delivered soon.

I wish you a happy game. "

Xia Xiaofei: "..."

"Made, which bastard sold my identity information again?

Now that there is not even a vr game on the market, you think I am stupid, which made me hesitate for a long time, and almost said my last words to my parents.

Game manufacturers are bragging like this these days. "

Xia Xiaofei paid the bill and got off the plane, and went back to the rental house to sleep.

Sleeping from six o'clock in the morning to six o'clock in the evening, Xia Xiaofei was thirsty and hungry when he woke up.

He got up and went to the refrigerator to find a bottle of ice water, gulped it down in one gulp, and immediately woke up his head and body.

Just as he was about to cook some instant noodles, Xia Xiaofei saw a package suddenly appearing on the table.

"When did I buy something?"

Xia Xiaofei opened the package and saw the silver-white helmet full of metal texture inside, suddenly remembered what he had experienced during the day, and fell silent for a while.

"Is there really a [-]% real game?"

"Hehe, are you pretending that I haven't read the novel?"

Xia Xiaofei finished cooking the instant noodles absent-mindedly, and even forgot to add his favorite egg on weekdays.

After breakfast and dinner, Xia Xiaofei sat on the bed, holding a helmet, just like Supreme Treasure holding a magic spell in the portrait of Guanyin.

"Made, die and die!"

Xia Xiaofei put on his helmet abruptly.

He wasn't sure if this was the only chance in his life to change his fate. During the day, he chose to click X, but this time, he chose to hit √.

It's not just Xia Xiaofei, there are people who have received this silver-white helmet at various times and places throughout the Xia Kingdom.

Some people choose to wear helmets and go to the unknown, while others throw away their helmets and report to the police that their door has been broken into.


"first question."

On the top floor of a certain high-end office building, Qi Tian, ​​a kid, was dressed in a handsome little suit and combed his hair to look like an adult.

He stood on the desk and asked Fang Chang who was sitting on the boss chair.

"Why did you only choose people from the Xia Kingdom? I checked people from other countries, and there are quite a few good seedlings."

Fang Chang smiled lightly: "Of course, because I am a narrow-minded person, and I am not of my race, my heart must be different. Alright, let's skip this question."

The method for him to revive this world, which he named Zhouguang Great World, is very simple.

It was also demonstrated to him by the Dao of Heaven in the previous life.

Since the energy of the Zhouguang Great World is insufficient, let's borrow some from other worlds.

And the targets are all ready-made - the Fairy and Demon Continent that is thriving.

This is why Zhouguang Tiandao chose the Immortal Demon Continent as the background of the game, learning from the skills of the barbarians to control the barbarians.

Although I don't know why it didn't succeed in the end, but the idea is correct.

The Zhouguang Great World is called the Great World, but its physical size is very small. The dew point from the fingers of the Immortal Demon Continent is enough to revive the Great World's spiritual energy.

With the recovery of spiritual energy, there will be monks and vitality in this big world.

How this energy comes from is naturally brought in bit by bit by the cute little players.

Using his laws and stars as a transfer station, and Qitian as a hard disk storage, the souls of each player are stored in Qitian's body as seeds.

Then Qi Tian followed him back to the Immortal Demon Continent through the Sea of ​​Laws.

Then release the player's soul to practice in the Immortal Demon Continent.

Here we have to mention another ability of Qi Tian.

Although he is a scumbag, his various auxiliary abilities are top-notch, and one person can act as the programmer working group for the entire "Immortal Demon" game.

As the avatar of Heavenly Dao, he can directly program the spirits of this world, making them truly programmed and mass-produced.

Although this directly limits the player's growth limit, the player's practice has also become simpler and there is no bottleneck.

And with the recovery of the Zhouguang Great Universe, Qi Tian's ability has increased, and this upper limit can be increased again.

Right now, the upper limit is level 39, the peak of Jindan.

After the player reaches the upper limit of practice, he can return in the same way, because under the cover of Qi Tian, ​​the energy accumulated in the player's body will sneak back silently.

At that time, the energy accumulated in the player's soul will be turned into the first energy of the world's recovery.

And these players will also become the first batch of monks in this world.

Fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders, so Fang Chang naturally chooses players from the Xia Kingdom who are naturally favorable.


Although Qi Tian would like to say that everyone lives in Blue Star together, they are all people in the same world, regardless of each other, but he can't object to what Fang Chang decides.

"Then the second question."

"Why do you have to be so secretive? Let's directly develop the company to release the game, and they will be able to accept the news that the first holographic game will be launched in less than two years.

Now that it's done like this, ghosts know that this is not a simple game. "

Fang Chang is quite polite when facing his partner, especially after knowing Qi Tian's ability.

"Since your father Tiandao failed to do this last time, why not try another way?"

"Don't you feel like you've been chosen by the Lord God?"

"You know, gamers are not in awe."

"So give them some mystery and awe in advance. The more they think about it, the more they will attach importance to the game mission."

"Besides, the last time was the projection intercepted by Tiandao from the long river of time, this time I personally sent them to the Immortal Demon Continent, can it be the same?
If they can't handle it alone, it will hurt me too.

So whether your restriction will work or not, if not, then I will be exposed, and I will be the first to betray you. "

The way of heaven is fair, and does not change due to individual emotions. He doesn't care whether Fang Chang has betrayed the Immortal Demon Continent, he only cares about the result.

So as long as Fang Chang is willing to hand over the coordinates of the Zhouguang Great World at that time, no matter how much he has done in the past, his contribution will outweigh his mistakes.

Heavenly rewards are absolutely unambiguous.

This is also one of the important reasons why Fang Chang agreed to cooperate with Qi Tian.

Speaking of his field, Qi Tian also got serious.

"Of course it works, you are the best example.

You have faced the will of heaven in the great world of immortals and demons several times. Have you ever been discovered by him about your soul from another world?

How many times have I dangled such a big gold finger in front of him, didn't He also notice it?

After all, I am also transformed by a trace of will from the local Heavenly Dao, and my personality is placed there. Although my combat ability is not very good, it is not easy to cover up the cause and effect.

Without this ability, I dare not agree to play games with you.

Even if someone finds that the player is wrong, the player will blew himself up to show them every minute.

I've programmed it in their soul program a long time ago, so you won't be implicated.

The Fairy Demon World is so big, not to mention such a few players, even if you throw the entire Blue Star into it, there won't be much splash.

They are both big worlds, why is there such a big gap? "

Qi Tian couldn't help complaining about his Tiandao father.

Immortal Demon Continent didn't know how many thousands of miles it was when it was born, and it was still growing all the time.

Look at my own side, it is a remote place without spirits and demons, people believe in any small country in the countryside.

The combined population is not as large as that of a small secret world attached to others, so it still has the face to call itself a big world.

Fang Chang heard Qi Tian's complaints and didn't express any opinions.

In his opinion, since this big world can become a big world, there must be something extraordinary about it, perhaps this is the trump card for him to be sure to survive the engulfment of the Immortal Demon Continent.

For example, Qi Tian's powerful life-saving ability.

This is true even for Qi Tian transformed by a sliver of will from the Dao of Heaven, let alone the Dao of Heaven in the Zhouguang Great World.

But Zhou Guang Tiandao, who is so good at concealing cause and effect to save his life, foresaw the fate that the Immortal Demon Continent would swallow up this great world in the future.

Who knows what will happen in the future.

Fang Chang didn't care to explore the root cause, the reason why he agreed to cooperate with Qitian was just to break through the harmony quickly.

As long as he can achieve harmony, he will really jump from the inside of the chessboard to the outside of the chessboard.

Tian Dao made him unhappy, so he dared to lift the table and leave.

"You gave them a novice tutorial here, and I went over there to set up the live server."


Qi Tian nodded.


Puppet Ancestral Realm.

Because Fang Chang broke through the realm of the hole, the nature of his power is too strong, even if he suppresses his own realm, he can't stay in the puppet ancestral realm, so he can only incarnate as a puppet.

this day.

Fang Chang's incarnation held the fire in one hand and a star-like stone in the other, his eyebrows frowned into the word Sichuan.

"It still doesn't work, my practice path is completely different from the creator of the Puppet Ancestral Realm.

Even if I have a ready-made world for my reference, it is impossible for me to create an identical world. "

He has been comprehending for several years, but he is still not sure about creating an identical world by copying the puppet ancestral world.

You must know that the help from the Puppet Ancestral Realm cannot be underestimated even after you enter the Hollow Realm.

This is something that cannot be achieved by any other secret realm small world.

However, due to Fang Chang's previous breakthrough, the Supreme Committee had to go fishing in the marsh, excessively consuming the resources of this world.

Coupled with the accelerated development in the past two years, the puppet ancestral world has entered the decline time ahead of time.

Fang Chang estimates that in less than a hundred years at most, the puppet ancestral world will probably no longer be able to resist the engulfment of the main world.

So one is to plan for a rainy day, and the other is that Fang Chang also needs to create a small world to pay off his debts, so he came up with the idea of ​​copying the puppet ancestral world.

Obviously, Fang Chang did not succeed.

Just as there are no two identical leaves in the world, there cannot be two identical worlds in this world.

The rules of each small world are different.

Fang Chang could create a small world in a secret realm where strength is respected and suitable for physical training, but he couldn't replicate a puppet ancestral world.

But his sister has a chance.

But the sixth level is not easy to achieve.

Even with his help and the fusion of law crystals, it will take time, opportunity, and luck for Fang Tiezhu to break through to the sixth level.

After all, if he hadn't met the puppet ancestral world so suitable for his physique.

If he wanted to break through, he might have to wait for the spiritual seeds he had cultivated in his spiritual veins.

"It seems that I can only take the next best thing, offering sacrifices to the heavens, and becoming the new master of this world."

Fang Chang sighed.

He also asked his encyclopedia Miss Yaoguang about this question.

Then Yaoguang gave him a feasible solution.

That is to take the initiative to bear the debt of the puppet ancestor world and become the new master of the puppet ancestor world, so that the puppet ancestor world can rely on him to grow again and will not be swallowed by the big world.

Of course, when he sits down, this puppet ancestral world still belongs to the big world.

And if he has a chance to join the Dao, he will have to pay back the cause and effect to the two small worlds of Tiandao.

As Yao Guang said, the way of heaven will never lose.

Suddenly, Fang Chang's eyes became confused, and then with a flash of divine light, he looked at the great mountains and rivers of the puppet ancestral world.

"Now it seems that there is no room for loss here."

He wants to use the puppet ancestral world as the player's novice village.

After all, what the players come here is only the programmed soul, but no real body. There is nothing more suitable as their body than a puppet.

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