Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 379 Breaking the Limit

Zhou Guang Great World.

The sea of ​​law.

The figures of Fang Chang and Qi Tian slowly gathered together.

"I'm back again. Sure enough, the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as my own kennel. This is the atmosphere of home."

Qi Tian became a little boy in trendy overalls again, and at some point he even put on small sunglasses for himself.

Fang Chang didn't speak, but his face was thoughtful.

Just now he obviously felt that his law and stars had become a little bit stronger, which was almost equivalent to a year of penance.

You must know that the growth of law stars requires refining the power of chaotic laws in the sea of ​​laws, but once they are unrestrictedly refined, they are very likely to be polluted by chaotic laws, causing their own laws to become disordered and go crazy.

Therefore, after reaching the realm of the void, the practice time begins to be counted in thousands of years, and if you can make a small step within a thousand years, you will be considered as practicing hard.

This is the case when he has the help of the Great Tang Golden Book.

The experience points provided by the names recorded in the Great Tang Golden Book can help resolve the pollution of the law of chaos.

If it is an ordinary hole, this time can be counted ten times.

Of course, after learning about such things as Tiandao's debts, Fang Chang carefully terminated his relationship with the copy of the Golden Book of the Tang Dynasty.

He doesn't want to owe more and more, even if his practice is a little bit harder now, he is determined not to take advantage of this.

I'm afraid that if I don't pay attention in the future, I will work for others for nothing for the rest of my life.

Then he made Dongdong the owner of the copy of the Golden Book of the Tang Dynasty.

Anyway, with Dongdong's aptitude, even if he has sufficient resources, it is extremely difficult to achieve success in cultivation.

Not to mention that Dongdong still practiced like a lady, so far he hadn't fought against others in person, and his actual combat power was seriously inconsistent with his realm.

Of course, it is not impossible.

For example, the undead Divine Phoenix fruit that allows Chen Tiangang to break through the realm of the cave, Dongdong, three or five will give you a chance.

But even the foreigner Gong Cheng Kai, who is not a good thing like the No. [-] veteran of the dragon, how can she be qualified as a cheap niece.

So for Dongdong, a copy of the Datang Golden Book is the best choice.

From the current point of view, Dongdong will be able to steadily break through the realm of transforming gods for at most 100 years, relying on the support of the entire Qingxiaodao people.

As for the realm of the void, there is still a chance before the lifespan limit.

If he, the husband, continues to perform stably, in theory, he should be able to find a breakthrough method or treasure for her before her lifespan expires.

Well, to get down to business, Fang Chang glanced at Qi Tian, ​​who was playing tricks, and a guess emerged in his heart.

Is it him, or the player?
If it was Qi Tian, ​​with his personality, he would have taken the initiative to claim credit for this kind of benefit, so he is a player?

But why can the player bring him a gain in cultivation.

Although half of the player's practice depends on their digitalized soul, and half depends on the immortal puppet body he bestows.

But it's not that he looks down on people. The strongest players in this group are the peak Jindan players, which are just third-order puppets.

For him, who is in the realm of Hollow Void, the income of the third-order puppets is almost the same as that of none.

Because his spirit body has a limit for the income of puppets of each level.


The player's special circumstances lift him from this restriction.

If this is the case, no matter how bad the player is, as long as there are enough players, it will be a terrifying improvement to his buff.

"Hey!" Qi Tian said with some dissatisfaction, "I've been acting for so long, at least give me an expression."

Fang Chang glanced at Qi Tian, ​​and said calmly: "I just want to know why my Heavenly Dao merit has not arrived yet?"

"Car to pay, where's the money?"

Hearing this, Qi Tian was a little embarrassed and said:

"Ahem, um, I have to wait a while, I'll put the players back first, and wait until they return to Blue Star to start a small-scale spiritual recovery.

Father Tiandao will have an induction, and then he will be able to give you the merits of Tiandao. "

Fang Chang hummed, and said with an indifferent attitude:
"Then why don't you hurry up."

Qi Tian sighed, feeling that Tiandao's father didn't care about human affairs, so he chose such a partner for him.

He is pessimistic about the future fate of Tiandao's father.

So he had a thought, and the power of attraction brought him and Fang Chang's primordial spirit back to the blue star.

"People of Blue Star, welcome to your glorious future."


Great Smoky Mountains.

On the satellite map, it is just an ordinary barren mountain.

However, according to Xia Guo's top-secret files, it is the No. [-] research base, where Xia Guo's official top scientific research team is stationed.

this day.

Professor Wu Gang, who had just worked all night without any results, was catching up on sleep, when suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door.

Wu Gang tossed and turned on the bed a few times, then opened his red eyes suddenly, without even his shoes on, and angrily opened the door.

"I hope you'd better give me a suitable reason!"

The assistant in charge of taking care of his daily life showed an apologetic smile and explained:

"Professor Wu, I don't want to disturb your rest, but you said that once the 626 research subjects have any abnormalities, you will be woken up. The other experts have already passed."

Hearing this, Wu Gang was refreshed, took his assistant's hand and hurried to the laboratory.

"Hey, Professor Wu, you haven't worn your shoes yet."

"No more."

Wu Gang understood what the 626 research object represented.

It was a large-scale mass vegetative event that happened in Xiaguo, and the time happened to be June 26th.

According to statistics, on that day, 10 people in Xia State fell into an unconscious vegetative state at the same time, and it was at different times and places on the same day.

The geographical distribution of personnel is so wide that it is appalling and directly alarmed the highest level.

Because at the beginning, many people suspected that this was a genetic virus incident that was specially targeted at the people of the Xia Kingdom.

Otherwise, there is no reason for Xia Guoren to be so unlucky to meet.

After all, according to the report of the intelligence department, this kind of incident happened only in the territory of Xia Kingdom, and they were all from Xia Kingdom.

But as the investigation deepened, they found more and more doubts.

For example, when they are sleeping, they all wear a sci-fi helmet on their heads, or they seem to have encountered a viral webpage before putting on the helmet, which seems to invite them to play a game.

Fortunately, they thought it was a prank before, and there were not a few people who called the police when they encountered thieves.

This brings them a lot of convenience in data collection.

But if it's just like this, it's not enough for a top-secret research base to spend so much manpower and material resources on research.

Because there were no repeated incidents after the incident, the most likely possibility of this mysterious incident is to be sealed in a secret file.

After all, 10 people is a lot, but compared to Xia Guo, which has a population of more than one billion, it is just a drop in the bucket. At most, it would be enough to send a special investigation team.

But the blame is on the helmet.

Because they found that as long as the sleeping person wore the helmet, their body seemed to enter a frozen state.

They don't need to eat, don't need any assistance, and their life posture can be kept in the most stable state.

This is simply top-notch biotechnology.

If they can crack the helmet's mysteries, they might be able to unlock the code of life.

Therefore, many people suspect that this is the first contact with alien technology, and it cannot be overstated.

It's a pity that Wu Gang, as the top biologist in the Xia Kingdom, has been researching for a whole year, spending countless manpower and material resources, but still getting nothing.

Of course, it's not just him, there are top computer experts, material science experts, etc. in the research base, but nothing has been researched.

After all, that thing is not a creation of technology at all.

For the first time, Wu Gang felt that the road to the research base was so long.

He walked quickly and hurriedly, stepping on the cold floor with the soles of his feet, keeping his mind excited and clear.

Soon, he arrived in front of a big laboratory.

To say it is a laboratory, it is better to say that this is a super large dormitory.

There is no decoration, and there are transparent crystal cabins neatly arranged in the laboratory with three sides white and one side transparent.

Inside the cabin lay people wearing helmets, both men and women.

The top bio-instruments are connected to their bodies, monitoring every minute and every second of their bodies.

The previously flat and stable data has now become extremely chaotic.

"What the hell, this shouldn't be human data! How could his heartbeat be so fast? Under normal circumstances, his heart should have exploded long ago."

Wu Gang recognized that the person who was exposing his mouth was his senior brother Xia Mang, and both of them used to study under the same master.

However, he focuses on biological sciences, while Senior Brother Xia focuses on genetic modification and is also the leader of their biological team.

There are other biological experts standing in the monitoring room at the moment.

Seeing Wu Gang coming, everyone nodded as a greeting, and then all eyes were fixed on the data changes of everyone on the big screen.

After Wu Gang looked at it for a while, he suddenly asked:

"Brother, have you asked about other places?"

"What do you mean?"

"I think this is very likely to be another group change, not only in our laboratory, but also in other places."

After all, the technology of the helmet is too profound, involving all aspects, not only their biology group, physics group, computer group, etc., but even a religious group.

It can only be said that in order to produce some results in research, the above has already begun to do everything possible.

"Wait a moment."

After being reminded, Xia Mang also turned her attention away from the body data, and began to ask about the status of other groups through internal communication.

The next moment, Xia Mang put down the phone with a solemn expression.

"Junior Brother, you guessed it, other places have changed too, including those living in nursing homes."

In order to facilitate the research and not to leak the secrets, except for those who signed the voluntary research contract, all other vegetative people were arranged in a large sanatorium.

The sanatorium was converted from a prison and guarded by a professional army, absolutely no information will be revealed.

Of course, this contract must be signed by the legal guardian, and he can get a considerable research grant every year.

To be studied is also to be studied.

Just as he was talking, there was a bang in the laboratory.

A helmet suddenly exploded, turning into a ray of light and dissipating without leaving any powder. The researcher who lost the helmet slammed into the crystal cabin and levitated out of thin air with his physical body.

His eyes are closed, but his whole body is glowing.

"Brother, when will there be more anti-gravity settings in the laboratory?"

Wu Gang felt that this situation shattered the three views of science he had shaped over the past 40 years, so he asked an extremely unprofessional question.

Xia Mang stared at the data remaining on the screen at the last moment, and said to the assistant on the side:
"Notify the higher-ups, and evacuate the researchers, and let the army take over immediately. The data at that moment just now, he has already broken through the human limit.

This is not something that can be explained by simple biology, it has to be explained by mysticism. "

As one helmet exploded, the remaining helmets exploded one after another.

Flesh bodies were suspended in the air, but most of them continued to fall asleep, and their vital signs declined rapidly until they disappeared.

Xia Xiaofei slowly opened his eyes, and a reminder from the game system came from his ear.

"Ding! Congratulations, player Xia Xiaofei, you have returned with the quest reward. As a hidden quest reward, you will keep [-]% of your cultivation and bring it to the real world.

We'll see you next time in the game, I wish you a happy reality. "

At this time, he felt extremely fragile and cramped, as if he had stuffed an elephant into his pocket, and it seemed that he would break through the pocket with a slight movement.

But the next moment, a mysterious force flowed through his body, making that fragile feeling gradually disappear.

"It's so familiar, it's my mana! It came back with me!"

Xia Xiaofei woke up suddenly.

But more mana was drained out of his body along his body.

I don't know how long it has been since the first ray of spiritual energy reappeared in this world.

A powerful momentum erupted.

The glass wall of the laboratory, which could hold the machine gun, first had cracks in the corners, and then suddenly, the glass shattered into slag and exploded.

Xia Xiaofei looked at the unfamiliar environment carefully.

"Where is this?"

Until a researcher bravely stepped forward to say hello.



"You mean I've only been asleep for a year?"

Xia Xiaofei changed into casual clothes and leaned back on the chair casually, but he had the aura of a top predator.

His ten years of experience in the game, coupled with the cultivation he brought back, unconsciously made Wu Gang on the opposite side feel stiff.

It felt like sitting face to face with a tiger, feeling nervous about being eaten at any time.

"Yes, exactly one year, three days, four hours and 28 minutes."

Wu Gang recalled his mission and asked:
"We want to know what happened to you? What happened to the game called "Fairy Demon"? And what happened to those who didn't wake up?"

Xia Xiaofei paused, although the game didn't stipulate not to disclose, but out of caution, he still refused:

"There is nothing to say. As for those who have not woken up, they will probably never wake up."

"Also, I want to know, when will I be able to leave?"

"My patience is limited, please don't force me to use violence."

He doesn't know when he will leave this world again, so in his waking time, he hopes to finish all the things he hasn't done, instead of staying here with a group of people talking nonsense.

Wu Gang said: "For people with superpowers like you, we don't have the authority to let you go until the higher-ups have not worked out a suitable disposal method.

During the waiting period, we hope you can cooperate with our research, don't worry, it's just a physical examination, blood draw and so on.

We are very interested in your physical data. "

Xia Xiaofei shook his head and said: "But I'm not interested, well, originally I wanted to leave in a legal way, but obviously you don't want to.

So goodbye. "

He stood up, and in front of Wu Gang, his figure suddenly disappeared.

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