Research Base No. [-].

Da da da! ! !
With the sound of machine gun fire, the soil shield on a player was broken.

Then there was a muffled sound. It was a large-caliber armor-piercing sniper rifle. A bullet as thick as a baby's arm directly opened a big hole in the player's chest.

The player looked at the big hole in his chest in disbelief, with blood gurgling from his mouth, unwilling to say:
"I, Leng Yue, travels all over the world, I didn't expect to be killed by a group of ordinary people today.

If it wasn't for my cultivation base being only [-]% left, if it wasn't for the lack of aura in this place, if it wasn't for my cold moon wheel, and a mere machine gun trying to break my spiritual shield, I... hate it! "

The player cried out in grief and anger, and fell to the ground.

'Fart all over the world, people who don't know think you are awesome, I'm still working for others.

He dared to be so arrogant when his cultivation base was gone.

It seems that after staying in Qingxiaodao for a long time, and getting used to bossing around mortals, they have forgotten how big a weapon Blue Star's mortals hold in their hands.

The destructive nuclear warhead might not even be able to resist the Nascent Soul Great Cultivator head-on.

But having said that, even a Jindan real person is not something a group of mortals can deal with. Baili Feijian is much faster than a nuclear warhead.

Moreover, Jindan Daoist people have spiritual alertness, with their escape speed, as long as they don't get trapped in the center of the explosion, the aftermath of the nuclear bomb explosion is nothing at all.

Even if a mortal holds a magic weapon, how can he hurt a monk. '

Xia Xiaofei, who had cast his invisibility, watched from the side and shook his head secretly.

His mind was always calm.

When the system reminded him that he only had [-]% of his cultivation left, he was about the level of a beginner who had just entered the Foundation Establishment level. He was still a weak Foundation Establishment with no magic weapon and not enough mana.

He never thought of confronting the government directly.

If he hadn't seen that Professor Wu wanted him to be a guinea pig, he wouldn't have left illegally at all.

Seeing that Xia Guo's large army rushed to suppress it, he didn't stay any longer, and walked out of the base gate as if there was no one else around.

Even though the base has all kinds of monitoring and thermal imaging infrared devices, they can't see him at all.


half a month later.

Xia Xiaofei woke up slowly in a rented house, exhaling a foul breath.

"The aura in the air is too thin, and the speed of cultivation is not one percent of that of the Immortal Demon Continent. I am afraid that even if I cast a few more spiritual spells, my mana will be unsustainable.

It seems that it is impossible to expect to restore the cultivation base of Jindan in the real world.

With my current physical strength, I can hold an ordinary small-caliber pistol, but a slightly more powerful rifle may be injured.

I couldn't survive being shot in the gut.

It would be great if I could refine a magic weapon, my survivability would be greatly improved, and my confidence would be stronger. "

Xia Xiaofei tidied up briefly, then opened his notebook, and refreshed the latest social hot news.

Sure enough, even with the government's public opinion monitoring, there are too many players, and the real and fake news on the Internet slowly began to stir up excitement.

As more and more witnesses came, the officials simply began to behave badly, as if no matter how you asked, I just pretended to be dead.

This is not because the officials are not working hard, but the melon is too big to hide.

After all, even those players who failed the mission and eliminated them, there are still 4 to [-] players left.

These are [-] to [-] monks at the peak of Jindan, even if there is only one percent of their cultivation base left, they are superhuman to ordinary people.

Among them, there may be people who are as low-key as themselves, and there are also players who tried to fight against the players who were killed before.

Naturally, there are also players who have returned home and made high-profile speeches, and there are also magic players who are trying to restore their cultivation by mortal blood sacrifices.

All kinds of confusion allowed public opinion to ferment in a very short period of time.

Xia Guo, Immortal, Flying Sword, Comprehension, Longevity... and other keywords are even more popular all over the world.

After all, in the legend of the Xia Kingdom, immortals represent longevity.

For the rich and powerful, the term longevity is a hot topic that will never go out of fashion.

Xia Xiaofei was waiting for the official response.

He never thought of going against the government. Apart from the invisible and unknowable company behind the "Xianmo" game, the government is the strongest force in Blue Star.

And he has already confirmed the reality that practice is difficult today through this half month of practice.

So at this stage, even if the player can barely fight against the official through various spiritual means, as long as the official is not afraid of sacrifice and shows the momentum of injuring the enemy by one thousand and self-defeating one hundred thousand, the player will definitely not be able to defeat the official.

But it can't make the officials feel that the players are soft persimmons and let them do their research.

So he needs those high-profile and deadly players to show the officials their means.

Only when the officials confirm that they have the strength to kill each other, can the two stand on an equal footing to talk.

Xia Xiaofei believes that there are not a few players who have the same idea as him.

Even now many people appear before them, and players who intentionally cause trouble also have this idea, and go one step further—killing and arson will be recruited.

After reading the recent hot news, Xia Xiaofei didn't find the official attitude he wanted, so he changed his image, changed his body shape, and went out to eat.

After all, Xia Guo's Sky Eye system is quite powerful, and his file may have already been checked to the bottom.

It's better not to use the original appearance.

He was not in a hurry, and continued to wait in dormancy. After going out for a meal, he continued to practice.

Although the current practice is half the result with twice the effort, but one point is one point to be stronger.


Another half month has passed.

After mid-July, the weather became significantly hotter.

There are a lot more young ladies showing long legs on the street.

Xia Xiaofei held a popsicle in his mouth, flip flops, big shorts, and a floral shirt, and squatted in the busiest sidewalk square in the city, watching the handsome men and women coming and going, feeling very comfortable.

Suddenly, snowflakes flashed across the large advertising screen in the square, and a male host with a serious expression stood on the podium and said:
"This is the site of the press conference. Starting today, the National Player Countermeasures Team has been established.

If you intend to join the player countermeasures team, please call the following phone number xxxxxx..."

The large advertising screen went black again, and then Miss Beautiful Legs jumped out of the screen, continued to jump, danced, and started singing and dancing commercials.

The crowd in the square suddenly fell silent, and then turned into an uproar.

"Player Countermeasures Team, what is that? I know e-sports has entered the National Games, but the treatment for players is a bit too exaggerated."

"Mom will never say that I'm useless in playing games."

"I play games, I'm a player, I'm a talent recognized by the country, haha, why did I straighten up all of a sudden."

"Don't be funny with me, turn on Jusoft, and mute, the news of the player countermeasure team has exploded, and there are professional interpretations on it.

What kind of player? That's a fairy! "


Pedestrians turned on their mobile phones one by one on the street, watching the games on the screen constantly swiping, and felt that the world was changing too fast.

Xia Xiaofei threw away the popsicle sticks, put his hands in his pockets, and swayed away.


Star City.

This is a small county in the south. There are no special industries, and there are no minerals in the area. The population has never flowed out and never flowed in. It has always been unknown in the whole country.

And Xia Xiaofei was born in such a small county.

Carrying a travel bag, he walked out of the train station in his original form, bargained with the motorcycle driver in his fluent hometown dialect, and got on the motorcycle home.

dong dong!

The walls of the house that has been lived in for more than 20 years have turned yellow and cracked, and various wires are entangled and tied together on the door frame, which is precarious and swaying with the knock on the door.


Xia Xiaofei's mother is a full-time woman. After Xia Xiaofei went to junior high school, she went home to accompany Xia Xiaofei to study and take care of his life, while his father went out to work.

Later Xia Xiaofei went to university, but her mother had lost her professional skills because she hadn't worked in the society for too long, so she rented a small shop near the community and opened a small supermarket to barely earn living expenses.

And Xia Xiaofei's father had joined the army before, and later retired to drive for the owner of a private company.

It has been more than 20 years since the beginning, and the working experience is older than Xia Xiaofei, and he will retire soon.

Fortunately, the boss treats Xia Xiaofei's father pretty well. The down payment for buying a house when they got married was borrowed from the boss.

In summary, it is the life of ordinary people in ordinary families.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the "Fairy Demon" game, Xia Xiaofei felt that he might work hard to make orders for another two years, and after saving some money, he would open a small shop or something.

For example, if I bought my mother's small shop, I would be considered to have taken over the family business, and occasionally I can take orders to earn extra money.

If you are lucky, you will start a family when you meet the right person. If you are unlucky, you will be happy single.

He has never had any big ambitions, and he thinks that living an ordinary life is already very good.

but now……

Everything is different.

The door opened, and there were not only his mother and father in the house, but also an official official from the system, who should be leading the way, because there was also a young man and a woman.

Xia Xiaofei took a look, and quickly made a judgment in his heart, but there were not many surprises.

The information of these players has long been in the official archives, and it is not difficult to find his home.

And he deliberately showed his true colors, which was originally a signal.

The rest depends on the sincerity of the official.

"It's actually you, it seems that I don't need to look for you."

Xia Xiaofei's face was normal, and he smiled and said hello.

The girl standing opposite him was none other than the female college student with whom he had an appointment——Ren Yanyan.

Ren Yanyan was wearing a white dress, as bright and generous as before.

Seeing Xia Xiaofei, she also happily replied:

"That is, I have to study at the Youth University every day, but I am a college student who has been deeply educated in patriotism since childhood.

I saw your profile this time, and I was the first to sign up.

Now that your parents have agreed, it depends on your opinion. "

"It's like who is not a college student, let's talk about my advantages."

Xia Xiaofei put down his travel bag with a very casual attitude.

"Mom, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

"Yes, I knew you were coming back, so I specially made chicken soup."

Xia Xiaofei's mother was obviously agitated, her eyes were red, and the white hair on her temples was particularly obvious.

You must know that Xia Xiaofei's mother is not yet fifty this year - after receiving the news that her son has become a vegetable, Xia Xiaofei's mother has not had a good night's sleep, and her hair has gradually turned white.

Xia Xiaofei's father was sitting on the side. Although he was old, he was thin and straight with a straight back. He had been discharged from the army for decades, and he still maintained his military habits.

The main thing is work needs.

This looks professional, and the boss can rest assured.

After all, the driver occasionally acts as a bodyguard.

"Dad, why are you still at home? You will retire after two years of work. You can't lose the chain at this time. The pension is not low."

Xia Xiaofei's father is a straight-forward person, and he doesn't know much about science education. The way of educating children is just one word - typing.

Coupled with getting together less and leaving more, Xia Xiaofei has always feared his father more than respected him.

Later, when he went to university, he went against the grain and chose to do game boosting, which might mean he was going against his father.

He just didn't like the way his father set him up—his dad found him an easy clerical job with his boss.

"If something happened to you, I wouldn't have the heart to drive. The boss saw me like this, so he gave me early retirement and gave me the full bonus."

Seeing Xia Xiaofei's playful smile, his father didn't educate him like before, but sighed and said: "I knew you were tough, you were fine after so many beatings when you were young, how could you not wake up.

These few are the leaders of the government, please be serious.

The country needs you, and it is your honor to contribute to the country. "

"Uncle is fine, Brother Xiaofei and I are friends, we are used to it."

Ren Yanyan looked gentle and gentle at the side.

Xia Xiaofei rolled his eyes and said: "I just said why I was studied as soon as I woke up, the feeling is that Dad, you respond to the country's call.

If someone fools you with the righteousness of the country, you even sold your son. "

"Okay, okay, for the sake of my dad and Yanzi, I won't mention any extra requests. For people like you and me, money is just a piece of paper.

So my request is very simple, arrange an establishment for my parents, they have never had a public meal in their life.

Back then when I graduated, I had been thinking about how I could take the exam, and now they have fulfilled their wish. "

"no problem."

Ren Yanyan nodded, this trivial matter is still within her authority.

"Then, enjoy working together in the future."

"It's a pleasure to work with."

Xia Xiaofei held Ren Yanyan's outstretched hand.

"Wait a moment."

The male colleague who came with Ren Yanyan suddenly interrupted.

"what happened?"

Ren Yanyan frowned, looking at the male colleague who had to come with her, she didn't know what this man was thinking.

The male colleague was much more handsome than Xia Xiaofei, and he smiled lightly, giving him the feeling of a nobleman.

"I've heard about Brother Xia's name in forums for a long time, and when I saw him today, it really deserves his reputation, so I want to compete with Brother Xia."

Ren Yanyan's breath turned cold: "Cao Quan, don't go too far, if something comes at me, don't bring Brother Xiaofei into it."

Cao Quan looked at Xia Xiaofei and said, "Brother Xia thinks so?"

Xia Xiaofei froze for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then go out..."

"no need."

Xia Xiaofei didn't know when he stood behind Cao Quan, and patted him on the shoulder lightly with a soft voice.

"What have you been doing since you've been back for so long?"

"Your breath is so messy, how many women have you slept with during this time?"

"Do you know what I'm doing when you're having a good time? I'm cultivating hard, training my body, and practicing spiritual skills!

What the hell! "

Xia Xiaofei pressed his palm.

Cao Quan suddenly knelt down, and the floor cracked open.

"Too polite."

Xia Xiaofei said expressionlessly:

"Swallow, you saw it too, he was the first to provoke."

The smile on Ren Yanyan's face also lost, looking at Cao Quan who was bleeding from seven orifices on the ground and his breath was weakening, she didn't have any intention of saving him.

"I saw."

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