Two years of time say whether it is fast or slow, if one does not pay attention, it will slip away from the hand.

Xia Xiaofei is used to the current life of fishing.

The treatment of the player countermeasure team is very good, especially since there is no work yet, it is simply a paradise for fishers.

Originally, the higher-ups had no objections, and felt that since players joined the countermeasure team, they had to contribute to the country, and taxpayers' money could not be used to support idlers.

But as several magic players became more and more unscrupulous, they escaped from the players of the countermeasure team several times.

Only then did the above find out that it is better to be idle.

People are afraid of comparison.

Compared with those sorcerer players and wild players who make troubles from time to time, these salted fish players kept in the countermeasure team are really harmless to humans and animals.

Every move is under surveillance, never worrying about them making trouble.

Just like what Xia Xiaofei once said to Ren Yanyan, if he does not act, it is the greatest stability for the society.

This sentence applies to every player.

If possible, the countermeasure team now wants to support every player, even if it is for idle food.

Compared with the expenditure of pensions and urban disaster reconstruction funds, the expenditure of raising players can be said to be a drop in the bucket.

this day.

Xia Xiaofei let out a mouthful of turbid air, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"It's been so long since I've been back, and I've finally returned to my cultivation in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and my first magic weapon in this world."

With his thoughts, a white streamer hovered over him like a swimming fish, and finally settled on his palm.

It was a flying sword, or a flying needle.

It's not that he doesn't want to make genuine flying swords, it's just that he is limited by the materials, so just one flying needle has cost him all his wages for the past two years.

Thanks to the player's countermeasures team, food and shelter are provided, otherwise he would have to sleep on the street.

But with such a flying needle, his combat power can be said to have jumped another level.

Just when his heart was jumping for joy and a little high-spirited, the familiar voice sounded in his ear again.

"Ding! Dear player Xia Xiaofei, the game "Fairy Demon" has been updated.

This time we have added richer gameplay, so that you can have a more novel experience in the game world.

Please protect your body, the game will start in three days.

I wish you a happy game. "


Xia Xiaofei got up suddenly, and quickly walked towards the office of the player countermeasure team.


"The game has been updated!"

This news spread to the entire player countermeasure team and Xia Guo's senior management in almost a moment.

The core conference room of the player countermeasure team.

Ren Yanyan attended the meeting as one of the player representatives.

As for a marginal player like Xia Xiaofei, as long as he doesn't look for trouble and reports his schedule every day, it doesn't matter whether he comes to work or not, let alone attend such crucial meetings.

"First thing, do you have the ability to arrange new players?"

The leader looked at Ren Yanyan and the others eagerly.

After they learned about the game "Immortal Demon", they searched almost all the registered game manufacturers in Xia Kingdom, but they didn't get any clues.

So now that I heard that "Fairy and Demon" is reopening, the first thing I care about is to be able to add new players, and it is best to let my own people top it.

Those uncontrolled players have brought them too much trouble in the past two years.

If players can become their own people, then Xia Guo's various technologies will achieve explosive breakthroughs.

After all, occultism does not talk about science, at least it does not talk about science at this stage.

Give the simplest example.

Some materials that can only exist and be imagined can be successfully created due to the participation of players.

The significance of breakthroughs in materials science to modern social science is self-evident.

Hearing this, Ren Yanyan shook her head and smiled wryly:
"We can't even control the online and offline, let alone arrange new players, it's not certain whether we can come back after this game.

The only good news is that we are going to enter the game, and those magic players will also enter the game.

This is our chance.

As long as they can find their sleeping bodies and destroy their bodies before they return, even if they have all kinds of supernatural powers, they have nowhere to use them. "

"Well, we will follow up on this matter, and we must crucify those bastards."

The leader nodded, but still did not give up and added:
"After entering the game, I authorize you to contact the game manufacturer at all costs. This is your most important task."

Ren Yanyan nodded slightly, but she didn't care about it in her heart.

Being able to create such a great game as "Fairy Demon" would not care about the demands of a group of mortals.

Maybe these players are just a good show that the people behind the scenes want to watch when they are bored.

Then they were connected to their respective positions.

After the player leaves, many things will come to a standstill.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy has appeared, and the players have brought a mature practice system. Xia Guo has also initially cultivated his own cultivation talents, and they can still handle some work after they leave.

It's just that due to environmental constraints, even with the guidance of players and the support of national resources, the best batch of cultivation seeds can only be used to refine Qi.


Countermeasures team canteen.

Xia Xiaofei and Ren Yanyan sat opposite each other, poured a bowl of black-bone chicken and wolfberry soup for him, and joked with a smile:
"I've been too busy recently. The dignified Foundation Establishment cultivator actually has dark circles under his eyes. Come, drink a bowl of soup to recharge your energy."

Ren Yanyan rolled her eyes: "Yeah, I can't be as leisurely as you, a big idler. I'm dying of drought and dying of waterlogging."

"Then I have to appreciate that you, a busy person, can find time to meet the young one in the midst of your busy schedule. It's a great honor."

Xia Xiaofei replied with a playful smile.

Ren Yanyan drank the soup, and was so teased by Xia Xiaofei's words that she almost spit it out.

"To die."

Ren Yanyan wiped her mouth angrily, and said, "Say it, you will go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, you must have something to do when you come to see me."

"What can I do? The game has been updated. I naturally want to organize it. Otherwise, where would I put my body?"

Xia Xiaofei didn't feel embarrassed at all.

After his soul left, his physical body became his weakness, and the government was naturally the best shelter.

This is also one of the reasons why he joined the player countermeasure team.

Ren Yanyan couldn't help complaining: "Usually when you are asked to make contributions, you don't think about the organization, but now you think about the organization when you have something to do, you use the organization as toilet paper, use it as you want."

Xia Xiaofei said righteously: "You can't slander me, I treat the organization as a family, and the family naturally doesn't need birthright.

And I sit in the countermeasure team every day, and I also contribute to the stability and prosperity of the countermeasure team. "

"Okay, when the time comes, the organization will make unified arrangements, so you don't have to worry about not having a place."

Ren Yanyan is now three or four floors higher than Xia Xiaofei's position, and has a great say in organizational news.

"No, I just thought of finding a place close to you. If we never come back, and we can't sleep together in life, it will be regarded as the same acupuncture point in death."

Xia Xiaofei said the worst consequences in a joking tone.

They already knew that the success rate of the player's mission last time was only a little over [-]%, and if one was unlucky, he would really die.

And they don't have any means to resist the people behind the game.

Ren Yanyan was taken aback when she heard the words, and the smile on her face slowly disappeared.

She looked at Xia Xiaofei, and suddenly felt an impulse in her heart.

"If we can come back alive together in this game, then I will marry you and you will marry me."

A smile appeared on Xia Xiaofei's face little by little, and his voice was rare and gentle.

"it is good."

Just as the hands of the two were getting closer, the communicator on Ren Yanyan's wrist suddenly vibrated.

Ren Yanyan frowned and opened the message.

Whoever is so short-sighted and interrupts my old lady's good deeds knows how much courage she has put in just now to get this sullen man to speak up.

But the next moment, her expression changed.

"what happened?"

Xia Xiaofei's intuition told him that something serious happened.

"Just now, the player countermeasure team received news from all over the country, and the game invitation letter appeared again.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of new players who have received invitations may reach as many as hundreds of thousands, and the number is still increasing. "

Thanks to the fermenting of public opinion, the people of the country of Xia knew that there was a mysterious game, and now those players who were able to call the wind and shake the rain and go high and low all came back from learning from this game.

And on the official side, they are intentionally or unintentionally popularizing the benefits and treatment of game players.

Therefore, upon receiving the invitation letter, many players would expose themselves and contact the official without looking for it from the official. There were even some people who wanted to be second-hand dealers, openly selling their game qualifications online, hoping to sell their game qualifications for a good price.

"so much?!"

Xia Xiaofei was shocked.

He estimated at most that this time to make up the gap of [-] players, but he didn't expect that not only made up, but also exceeded.

He thought for a while, then shook his head and said:

"There is only one day left before the start of the game time, and there is very little we can do."

"But you have to do it, don't you?"

Ren Yanyan stood up and said:
"Don't forget what you promised me just now, I'm leaving first."

Looking at Ren Yanyan's fleeing back, Xia Xiaofei shook his head and laughed:

"Aren't you very brave just now?"

"You want to understand the meaning of life, do you want to really... live?!"

On this day, a game invitation letter appeared in front of 96 people.

This time, the total number of game players including old players is 100 million.


The familiar hatching valley, the familiar giant egg.

Xia Xiaofei broke out of his shell, Jindan's peak body and strength gave him a feeling that reality and illusion were intertwined.

"Ding! Dear player Xia Xiaofei, welcome back."

"Ding! The game "Fairy Demon" has been updated, your level restriction has been lifted, you can continue to upgrade, the maximum level is 49."

"Ding! You have received this series of missions "Conferring the King"."

"Mission content: Taoist Lord Qingxiao is famous far and wide, and was conferred the title of Marquis of Qingxiao by the Empress of the Tang Dynasty, guarding Qingxiao together.

However, Taoist Master Qingxiao is uncommon and dissatisfied with the name of Marquis Qingxiao, and wants to open up another path for the Tang Dynasty and become king with military merit.

And you have admired Taoist Qingxiao for a long time, and you are determined to use your best efforts to help Taoist Qingxiao become king. "

"Ding! The first link of the mission "Sealing the King" is "Join the Qingxiao Army."

"Mission content: The Qingxiao Army will recruit troops every year, please join the Qingxiao Army within three years."

"Mission Reward: Join the Qingxiao Legion and start the next mission."

"Mission penalty: Turn on the level limit, you will not be able to continue to upgrade."

"Ding! The task has been sent, and this service is over..."

Xia Xiaofei was stunned on the spot, wanting to cry but not crying.

"Hey, when did I say that I admire Taoist Qingxiao? I didn't!"

But the system naturally couldn't hear his voice.

For a long time.

Xia Xiaofei had no choice but to accept the reality and comfort himself.

"Master Qingxiao Dao is the strongest monk in Qingxiao Dao, if I can join the Qingxiao Army, it will be a good way out.

With my current cultivation level, it is difficult to obtain treasures and resources that allow me to quickly improve my cultivation level in ordinary prefectures.

Instead of continuing to save and wait in the prefecture, it is better to go to the Qingxiao Legion to fight. Anyway, I have the body of a player, and I will never die. Maybe I will have a chance to become the lackey of the Qingxiao Daoist. When the time comes, I will fly away Soaring.

It’s just that the talent of immortality is a bit difficult to explain, but monks have all kinds of strange powers, as long as I die a few times less, I should be able to prevaricate it.

Well, maybe I really admire Taoist Qingxiao in my heart, and I don't know that Taoist Qingxiao is a man or a woman. "

Xia Xiaofei quickly convinced himself in 1 minute.

The game is the biggest, what can he do.

Fortunately, he didn't send it out immediately after the mission was issued this time, so he waited with peace of mind.

Sure enough, about 2 minutes later, a giant egg of flesh and blood not far from him cracked open, and Ren Yanyan walked out gracefully.

I don't know if it's because of the confirmation of the relationship, Xia Xiaofei always feels that Ren Yanyan is much prettier than before, no matter what point makes him feel excited.

Don't want to be a boy!

A thought suddenly appeared in Xia Xiaofei's mind.

"Sure enough, you've been hiding it all this time, and you actually woke up before me."

As the number of deaths increased, the players also explored the experience. The higher the cultivation base and the higher the realm, the faster they can adapt to the resurrected body.

When Ren Yanyan saw Xia Xiaofei, a smile appeared, and the system tasks were sent out all at once.

"Serial mission "Conferring the King"?"

"You too?" Ren Yanyan asked.

Xia Xiaofei nodded and said: "Not bad. It seems that we will be colleagues again in the future."

"After the teleportation is sent out, or you come to me, or I go to you."

Ren Yanyan was about to nod her head in agreement, but suddenly she shook her head and refused.

"Okay... let's forget it, emotions will affect our reason and judgment, I think we are in a good state now.

When we return to the real world, we will..."

She blushed slightly.

How could Xia Xiaofei fail to read the meaning, and his heart fluttered.

"According to what you said, I was impulsive just now."

"Made, I ate a mouthful of dog food just after I was resurrected. Xia Xiaofei, you must treat me when I get back. Fairy Feiyan from our countermeasure team was actually taken down by you so quietly."

A carefree voice came, and he was also a colleague of their player countermeasure team. Because they were born in the same Incubation Valley and have an active personality, they usually communicate more.

"Yeah, I just hid in the back and listened to it so sorely, Nanai, I don't know what Fairy Feiyan likes about you."

Another player jumped out.

Everyone's paper strength is only one line apart, so the time to wake up is very close.

Soon, all the more than 200 players in the Hatching Valley woke up.

Four of the NO.50 players are colleagues from the player countermeasures team, the kind who occasionally greet each other face to face.

There are also a few intact eggs that have not moved, obviously their spirits in the real world have died.

"It seems that players will not be replenished after the mission fails, so it seems that old players and new players are completely distinguished."

Xia Xiaofei thought in his heart.

Just thinking about it, a suction force appeared, and a space vortex appeared in front of everyone, and all players were pulled into it.

"A new journey has begun."

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