Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 383 Withdrawals and nobles

"Great Tang calendar, longevity 110 two years."

Xia Xiaofei stood in this city called Chaolu, in a crowded street, with a slightly dazed expression.

24 years is enough time for the vicissitudes of the real world and the great changes of a generation.

But in this fairyland, this little time is just an insignificant embellishment on its long journey.

It's the same as it was 24 years ago, little has changed.

"Yeah, ten years in the game, one year in reality, two years in reality, 24 years in the game.

[-]% of the property that Lao Tzu deposited in Qingxiao Bank was gone, and I would have walked over the edge of the knife in exchange for me. "

The management fee of the bank is a cannibalistic price.

Xia Xiaofei didn't hesitate any longer, and hurriedly found the branch of Qingxiao Bank in this city.

Qingxiao Bank recognizes the account number but does not recognize the person. After Xia Xiaofei told the account password, the shopkeeper in charge of reception - a very kind-looking little old man, fiddled with a thin transparent jade page in his hand, and then smiled. asked:
"That's right. On the sixth day of September in the 88th year of the Longevity Calendar, the guest officer deposited one top-grade spirit stone, 120 top-grade spirit stones, and 56 middle- and low-grade spirit stones in Qingshuifucheng Branch, Fuyang County.

There is also a middle-grade magic weapon, a flying sword, estimated at three hundred high-grade spirit stones, a storage spirit ring, estimated at twenty top-grade spirit stones, three catties of iron essence, estimated at 32 high-grade spirit stones, three gold crystals, estimated at Sixty high-grade spirit stones.

The stored goods are worth 690 spirit stones in total.

Excuse me, sir, is there any omission in the account? "

Xia Xiaofei nodded and said, "Not bad."

When the last mission was approaching, he replaced all the treasures in his hands with the most practical spirit stones. Only the iron and gold crystals were used as the material of the flying sword, which was quite difficult to find on weekdays, so he kept them.

The shopkeeper smiled and nodded: "Okay, since the guest officer agrees, then we can continue.

Today is the fifth day of May in the second year of the Longevity Calendar 110. The guest officer has deposited property in our bank for a total of 23 years and eight months. Less than one year is counted as one year.

Therefore, the guest officer has been deposited in our bank for a total of 24 years. According to the management fee of 83% per year, the guest officer should pay 160 Lingshi.

I don't know if the guest officer has any objections? "

Xia Xiaofei shook his head and said, "No."

The head of the shopkeeper said: "Then may I ask the guest officer whether to choose to take cash or take things?"

Xia Xiaofei asked: "Is there a difference between the two?"

The shopkeeper explained: "If you withdraw cash, this account can immediately pay the full amount of spirit stones for the guest officer. If you want to withdraw items, I have to contact the Qingshui City branch first, and they will send the guest officer's items over there.

Therefore, the guest officer has to wait for a few more days, and the delivery fee of the object has to be borne by the guest officer.

Well, let me see. "

The shopkeeper slid the page of the book in his hand again, and called out the map of Qingxiao Road.

"Qingshui City is more than 120 million miles away from this city. The guest officer doesn't have many items, and they can all be sent in the storage ring. According to the minimum standard, each mile of distance costs one spirit stone, so the guest officer only needs to pay [-]. Two thousand spirit stones are enough."

Xia Xiaofei naturally wanted his magic weapon, the flying sword.

In order to refine this flying sword back then, he worked so hard that he died once, and the flying sword had already been in harmony with his soul, so I don't know how long it would take to change the magic weapon.

So Xia Xiaofei chose the latter without hesitation.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper immediately issued a receipt, and attached his name, mana mark, semicolon seal, and the pick-up time.

"By virtue of this article, the guest officer can pick up the guest's items after January. If the month is not reached, every day of delay, the trumpet will have a delayed payment. The maximum compensation can be twice the original price of the item."

Xia Xiaofei got the receipt and couldn't help but say:

"You are quite service minded."

At the same time, I felt bad, could it be that any player has sneaked into Qingxiao Dao City now, isn't this shit just a logistics express, even the delay insurance is out.

The shopkeeper laughed a little, and said with some pride:
"Our Qingxiao Bank can gain a foothold in the entire Qingxiao Dao, not only because of the prestige of the Taoist master, but also because we strictly abide by the rules, keep absolute confidentiality to customers, and provide good service. Therefore, everyone should give some face to the monks of immortals and demons."

At this moment, there was a scream outside the house.

"Shopkeeper, our goods have been robbed!!"

The shopkeeper's smile froze on his face, and his aura burst out instantly, making Xia Xiaofei feel a little out of breath.

It never occurred to him that the shopkeeper in front of him, who looked harmless to humans and animals, was actually a Nascent Soul monk.

"Guest officer, something happened, I'll deal with it."

The shopkeeper's aura disappeared in a flash, and then he cupped his hands at Xia Xiaofei, opened the door, looked at the little errand who came forward to report the letter, and said:
"What's going on? Who dares to do anything to our people from Qingxiao Bank?"

Xiao Er wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looking a little panicked.

"It's the two demons of yin and yang. They didn't know why they went crazy. They intercepted and killed the delivery escort on the way. When I received the letter, they had already run away."

"Can't run away!"

The shopkeeper snorted coldly and said: "You wait until Haosheng looks at the money number, the old man will come back as soon as he goes!"

He flew into the sky in an instant and disappeared into the distance.

If it was a normal day, he would report it to the higher-ups and hand it over to the Lingwei of Qingxiao Bank who specializes in dealing with such matters.

After all, what he robbed was the goods of the bank, and he only got 20 yuan of high-grade spirit stones a month, what kind of life was he fighting for?

But just now he said something about the fairy and the devil to save face, and the next moment someone told him that the goods had been robbed.

Is this goods stolen?
This is his face being slapped!
Robbing goods is a trivial matter, and slapping him in the face is absolutely unbearable.

This thing has to be brought back.

About two hours later.

The shopkeeper was full of evil spirits, carrying two muddy monks down from the sky.

"Take them to the county government office and interrogate them carefully. Two Golden Core cultivators dare to rob our bank's goods."

"The power of the shopkeeper!"

All the guys cheered, and they brought up the two disabled monks and sent them to the county government.

The shopkeeper nodded in satisfaction, most of the anger in his heart went away, he looked at the respectful Xia Xiaofei and said:

"Huh? The guest officer hasn't left yet."

Xia Xiaofei laughed dryly: "Didn't the senior tell the junior to wait?"

"Although I haven't seen the junior Yin and Yang demons before, he is also a golden core cultivator. After robbing the goods, he fled around. I thought it would take a lot of time for the seniors.

But I never thought that the senior is so powerful and can be so fast. I was just thinking about asking the clerk if there is a guest room. "

"Ha ha!"

The shopkeeper was very pleased with Xia Xiaofei's compliment, he waved his hand and said:
"The guest officer is a customer of the bank, and he is my guest, so you don't have to be so polite, but it's not that I have supernatural powers, but that the yin and yang demons don't know how to live or die.

Our bank dares to deliver goods throughout Qingxiao Road, and we have already stamped our bank's prohibition on all goods.

Unless they are willing to discard the goods, they will be found by us.

That is to say, these two demons were born in a small place and have no knowledge, otherwise they would not dare to make plans for our bank's goods. "

"I see."

Xia Xiaofei still maintained a humble attitude.

"However, because of the advanced cultivation base of the seniors, if you are a junior, you will find the Second Demon, and I am afraid that you will not be their opponents."

"Guest officer, you are being polite, I see that you are full of energy, and the vitality in your body is dimmed, and I am afraid that you have reached the edge of a breakthrough.

Maybe it won't be long before I'm going to call guest officer a fellow daoist. "

If this is not the case, the shopkeeper will receive eight or not ten guests a day, so there is no need to pay so much attention to it.

Isn't it a good relationship?

At this moment, the shopkeeper seemed to think of something and said:

"By the way, this time the Yin and Yang demons acted like dogs and dared to rob the goods, perhaps because there was an infant transformation pill in the goods this time.

This is the town treasure that the auction house in the city entrusted to our bank to transport. If you are interested, you can go to the auction house to take this pill.

With the help of Huaying Pill, the guest officer can gain a little more confidence in breaking through the Nascent Soul. "

"Thank you for reminding me, senior." Xia Xiaofei smiled wryly and shook his head, "Infant Transformation Pill is extremely precious, and this junior is too shy to grab it from others."

"Well, that's a pity."

The shopkeeper did not show contempt, but relieved:

"At the age of the guest officer, it's okay to wait a few more years."

As the saying goes, don't bully young people into poverty.

In the world of comprehension, depending on the realm, the definition of a teenager is also different.

For a Jindan cultivator like Xia Xiaofei, there is no problem at all calling him a teenager before the age of two hundred.

The shopkeeper's color is vicious, and it can be seen that Xia Xiaofei's age is definitely not more than a hundred years old.

Xia Xiaofei paused for a moment, but changed the subject and asked:

"The younger generation heard that there is Daoist Qingxiao standing behind the Qingxiao Bank, and the senior is the treasurer of the bank, do you know the chief of the Qingxiao Army?"

The shopkeeper did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically:
"The guest officer wants to find the chief of the legion, but what's the matter?"

Xia Xiaofei smiled wryly and said: "The younger generation is from an ordinary background, but his practice has reached the current level, and he is already somewhat powerless.

In fact, in order to break through this last level, the younger generation has traveled millions of miles and wasted more than [-] years, but has not yet found the opportunity to break through.

So the younger generation wanted to join the legion.

I heard that the Qingxiao Legion is the sacred place for commoner monks like me. As long as you work hard and make meritorious service, you don't need any background or background to get the same treatment as those disciples of the big sect.

If the military merit is enough, you can even ask Master Qingxiao to take him as a disciple. "

The shopkeeper laughed again, and said with his jaw:
"No wonder, no wonder, you, a cultivator from Qingshui City, came to our Chaolu City, so it was for the breakthrough of penance.

However, the Jindan Yuanying seems to be separated by one layer, but it is a world of difference. Among the Jindan monks, less than [-]% can break through the Yuanying realm.

This is still in the current situation where the aura environment is getting better and better. In the past, Jindan wanted to break through the Nascent Soul, and it was less than one percent.

It is reasonable for you to be unable to break through for the time being.

As for your desire to join the Legion, you have found the right person.

Twenty years ago, the old man was the deputy commander of the 20th team under the 4th team of the 2000th team of the Qingxiao Dao City First Army. "

"It's a pity, this bank has huge profits, and there are too many people running around.

The old man couldn't stand the schemes of these bastards and offended a certain big shot, that's why he came to Chaolu City to become the shopkeeper of such a small colony. "

"If you enter the legion through my relationship, you may offend some people. That is a big shot that even the old man can't afford."

The shopkeeper looked at Xia Xiaofei playfully.

"The old man sees you as a kid, and now I can give you a choice. Whether you agree or not, the old man will not blame you."

Xia Xiaofei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He didn't expect that he would pull out a big fish when he asked casually.

Originally, he only saw that the shopkeeper had a high level of cultivation and was an insider of the Qingxiao system, so he might be able to use the shopkeeper to draw in the relationship with the legion.

After all, the legion is not so easy to join.

In today's era, the towns of Qingxiao Dao are all together, and the Qingxiao Legion is famous far and wide along with Qingxiao Dao City, and the names of several legion commanders are enough to make Huashen-level forces bow their heads.

In the era when Qingxiao Dao City rose, there were countless monks who joined the legion to change their fate, and perhaps one of them was the shopkeeper in front of him.

But now, the legion's selection doesn't care about cultivation, but pays more attention to innocence. It doesn't matter if the cultivation is low, it's better to cultivate.

It is more difficult for a half-way monk like him to join the legion than ordinary low-level monks.

And even if you join, it may be some cannon fodder battalion, mercenary battalion, and you cannot enter the core of the legion.

His series of missions is "Conferring the King".

In order to complete the final task, based on Xia Xiaofei's guess, at least he must exert a little strength in the process of the Qing Xiao Dao Lord becoming king and leave a name.

Otherwise, the game would be too gentle for players like them, even if the task is completed by playing soy sauce.

This is the first death game in which the mission fatality rate reaches nearly [-]%.

So, Xia Xiaofei raised his head with a smile and said:

"Thanks to senior's attention, how can this junior not understand his kindness. If he can be recommended by senior, this junior will definitely remember senior's kindness in his heart.

As for if he suffered some malice in the future, it would be because the juniors were out of luck, no wonder the seniors. "


The shopkeeper laughed loudly, looked at Xia Xiaofei with even more satisfaction, and spoke kindly.

"No wonder the old man feels kind when he sees you, you are not bad, you are courageous and insightful, the old man didn't want to use the previous relationship, but the big words have already been uttered, so I will make an exception.

But the old man didn't lie to you just now, the old man did offend a big man, and he was also a Huashen venerable.

But he was already dead. After being reported by the old man, Master Fang, the commander of the Tsing Yi Guards, personally nailed him to the city wall of Dao City.

So the old man was feared by the senior management of the bank, and he didn't dare to openly face the old man to make a move, so the old man was sent to such a small place. "


Xia Xiaofei took a breath.

Good guy, this kind shopkeeper in front of him actually killed a Huashen Venerable.

According to the level of the game, it must be at least a boss above level [-].

"Senior is mighty! Even Venerable Huashen can't help Senior."

The shopkeeper waved his hand and said indifferently:

"Then you think highly of me, the old man was just the personal guard of the head of the First Legion for a period of time, so now he has some connections in the army.

As for the head of the First Legion, you know, it’s not the bald head now, but the head of the Li Army, who was the elder brother of our Taoist priest back then. "


Xia Xiaofei sucked the house into warmth, and felt his eyes light up suddenly.

Nima, why did this old man suddenly glow with golden light?

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