Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 398 The First Transformation God Player

It is the most difficult thing to go from zero to one, but from one to ten, and then to millions, it is just repetition and repetition, and the accumulation of time is enough.

The three years since Qing Xiaodao and Tai Xuzong went to war.

It was the first time that players who were fighting in the Immortal Demon Continent received an announcement from the system about a certain player.

【Ding!The player Xia Xiaofei has a firm will, turned mortals into gods, successfully broke through the realm of gods, broke the limit of player level, and became No.1 in the whole server.

An announcement is hereby made to encourage everyone. 】

【Ding!The player Xia Xiaofei received a special reward from the game—permanent exemption from mission obliteration. 】

【Ding!Player Xia Xiaofei chooses to announce the process of transforming into a god, and other players can choose to pay to watch it at the top of the forum. 】


"Today I found out that I am me, my life..."

A series of system prompts sounded in my ears. Xia Xiaofei, who had just initially integrated the law of gold and comprehended the spirit of the god of gold, was staggering under his feet before he could be happy.

"No, why did I choose to announce the process of becoming a god?"

"No, the problem is not this, when did I make this kind of film?!"

Xia Xiaofei opened the forum, and saw that at some point in the game forum, the video function was launched quietly.

And the video on the top is the whole process of Xia Xiaofei's transformation into a god, and the fee only costs [-] forum coins.

Forum currency is one of the common currencies among players. It is also one of the functions launched more than ten years ago. The methods of obtaining it include but are not limited to forum sign-in, rewards, gifts, transfers, etc.

However, players generally use it with caution.

Although the forum currency has not shown any effect so far, due to the urine nature of the system, every function cannot be ignored.

Xia Xiaofei chose to click to watch, and one hundred coins were actually deducted from his account balance.

Xia Xiaofei: "..."

He sees that he still has to charge?
He didn't even ask the system for copyright fees.

I saw that the beginning of the video was the scene of his spiritual awakening, and then it was the story of him following the undead battalion deep into the Taixu defense line.

Due to the length of the video, it is naturally impossible to cut all his decades-old scenes.

But every step of his spiritual strengthening process was faithfully recorded in the video, which also included some restricted-rated shots.

After all, it is difficult to control oneself when one is deeply in love, and the blending of lust and passion is also one of the ways of spiritual growth.

Fortunately, the actual combat camera zoomed out and shot a thick frame in a flash, but Xia Xiaofei was still sweating coldly.

With the strength of the players, what is the difference between the flashing shot and the slow motion.

The bad news is that he just saw his own face.

The good news is that he only saw his own face.

As for the person who intermingled with his lust, only a vague back is left, giving people infinite reverie.

At this moment, he no longer has the vigor to break through the Venerable Huashen.

He actually succeeded in killing all the people at the same time as becoming No.1 in the game.

As he watched, more and more players poured in. After all, one hundred forum coins is not too much, and players can save a lot of money as long as they show up on the forum on time every day.

As a result, various barrages began to appear on a large scale.

"Powder Liu Ming!"

"This is Player No.1, awesome!"

"I'm new here, may I ask if this is an official publicity?"

"There is a code, has the cultural dross of reality also infected the game? The three of us protested with our real names!"

"Under the real-name system, please be careful when you speak. Now standing in front of you is the current player No.1, the first level [-] Huashen boss in the game, who can crush you little chickens with one finger. "

"My little Peggy on Huaihai Road was afraid of anyone, and the boss of Huashen came over and smashed to death! Anyway, I can be resurrected, and I can move the dog's head."

"What about in reality? Where can you hide in a place as fart as Blue Star, with a sweep of your consciousness?"



"Boss, I admit my mistake with my real name, Little Peggy of Huaihai Road."

"The boss is willing to announce his process of transforming into a god, even if he still has his own privacy, what kind of scientific dedication is this?!"

"You only have color in your eyes, bah! I'm ashamed to be with you!"

"Purely academic discussion, the boss has a really good figure and is full of strength."

"Tactical wiping mouth!"


Xia Xiaofei fell into a deep silence again, sweating coldly on a hot day, angry and anxious, trembling all over, can he still have some privacy, what is going on in this world?

【Ding!Congratulations, player Xia Xiaofei's forum balance has reached 100 million, the hidden conditions have been met, and the forum mall has been opened. 】

I saw his forum suddenly squeezed into a shoddy animation mall.

There are not many products on the mall, only three to be precise.

The first one is to exempt from the obliteration penalty, which requires 100 million forum coins for one exchange.

The second is the number of times you go offline, and one exchange requires [-] forum coins.

The other is to return to retaining the cultivation base. Every 100% increase in the cultivation base requires an increase of [-] million forum coins on the basis of the previous one.

Seeing the products in Dao Mall, Xia Xiaofei's complexion turned from cloudy to sunny, and immediately brightened, and he bowed his hands towards the void to thank him.

"The master of the system, the younger brother was ignorant just now, and I offended you in my heart, please forgive me, please forgive me."

His video can still have copyright fees.

He didn't notice it just now, but after getting the system prompt, he found that his account was beating almost every minute and every second, and the beating would increase by ten.

In other words, his copyright fee is [-]%, but there are too many people watching it.

Although the number of game players has been updated several times, the number has remained at 100 million each time.

Calculated based on the amount of one forum coin that is sent every day when they go online, almost all players now have more than one hundred forum coins.

And usually everyone saves money, but now that they can see the breakthrough video of game No.1, the forum currency is naturally nothing.

Almost every player chose to buy the video. After all, there is no pirated version of this thing, and no player dares to pirate it.

One million multiplied by ten is 100 million forum coins, which is enough for him to bring a total of four percent of his cultivation back when he returns.

This is much more efficient than his hard training in Blue Star.

In theory, he only needs 50 forum coins to bring all of his cultivation to Blue Star.

Xia Xiaofei quickly thought of the preciousness of forum currency to players.

His resentment against the system's private editing of his personal life suddenly became much less. After all, the system is superior, so there is no use for him to complain.

Then who didn't say that since you can't resist, you can only have fun and enjoy it.

Xia Xiaofei let out a foul breath, smiled wryly and pushed open the door.

Outside the house, the heroine of the video, Ren Yanyan, was waiting for him, but no one knew it.

Ren Yanyan blushed, obviously she had just watched the video, and although there was only one back view, she could still recognize herself.

"When did you take it?!!"

Ren Yanyan stared at Xia Xiaofei with a murderous look in her eyes.

Xia Xiaofei's face was full of grievances: "I would like to, but it's enough for me to appreciate it in private. Should I pass it on? Besides, how should I pass it on?"

"I don't have the joy of breaking through at all. The whole forum is talking about my figure. I was raped by at least 1 men and women just now. You don't want to comfort me. You still doubt me?

Don't we even have such a little foundation of trust between us? "

Ren Yanyan was taken aback, and asked, "Who could it be?"

Xia Xiaofei sighed and said: "I can't think of anyone other than the game system, but the system probably didn't do it on purpose.

Didn't you realize that every frame of me in the video is when my internal strength is growing.

Obviously, the system wants to guide other players through my experience.

As for those scenes, I can only be considered unlucky, because the strength in my body just happened to break through at that time. Fortunately, your body was not exposed, otherwise I would be in a big loss. "

Ren Yanyan sneered and said, "But besides you, who else is the man beside me? Those who are familiar with our relationship may have already guessed it."

"You will be wearing a backless evening dress once, although the location is a bit embarrassing."

Xia Xiaofei rubbed his brows and said helplessly:

"I transferred 100 million forum coins to you just now, so that you can open the forum mall, which has an exchange that is exempt from obliteration. Even if the task time limit is up after more than 40 years, you can still be exempt from obliteration.

By the way, have you still not sensed the mysterious power in your body? "

When it came to business, Ren Yanyan also shook her head and said: "I have been looking for that mysterious power as you said, but I have no clue at all."

"Do we have to break up again?"

Xia Xiaofei touched his chin and murmured.

At that time, he was in the great pain of losing the swallow, when the hostility hit his spirit, and when he was almost insane, he vaguely felt that power.

Even if this scenario is replicated again, I am afraid it will not achieve the original effect.

"You think beautiful!"

Ren Yanyan snorted coldly: "Anyway, I now have the exchange for exempting punishment, so if I can't complete this task, I won't be able to complete it.

You want to dump me, absolutely impossible! "

Xia Xiaofei smiled bitterly: "I don't really want to break up with you, you are too sensitive now."

More than 40 years ago, on the troop carrier, Ren Yanyan chose to lie to herself, and then pretended that she didn't know his relationship with Yunzhi outside.

Then this kind of vague relationship has been maintained inexplicably.

There was no break between him and Yunzhi, and there was no break between Ren Yanyan.

On the other hand, Yunzhi was unexpectedly reasonable.

After learning that he still had a lover outside, he even invited Yanzi to live in the Zixia Sect to meet his new sister.

Xia Xiaofei could only yell outrageously, but he still enjoyed it in his heart.

Which man doesn't like Qirenzhifu.

He has resisted and confessed, but the development of things always makes him unable to understand.

It's just that Ren Yanyan's temper is much stronger, and her desire to possess is also much stronger, which is slightly different from the bright and generous swallow in the past.

But Xia Xiaofei knew he was wrong, so some small things followed Ren Yanyan's temperament.

Hearing this, Ren Yanyan fell silent suddenly.

Just when Xia Xiaofei was feeling uneasy, Ren Yanyan suddenly asked:
"Do you think I'm making trouble out of no reason? You must not like me as I am now."

Before Xia Xiaofei could answer, Ren Yanyan asked herself and answered:
"I think it should be, because even I feel that I am not like myself now.

Especially as the task deadline is getting closer and closer, I have no clue.

I can't help but think how short the 100-year mission time frame is in reality, but how short it is here.

I can only accompany you for 100 years, but after I die, that woman can accompany you for the next 100 years and many 100 years. "

"Obviously I came first, but now even my last 100 years have shared you with another woman.

Every time I think about it, I become paranoid and crazy. I want to control myself, but I can't control myself.

I'm sorry Brother Fei. "

Xia Xiaofei took a step forward, his body was already in front of Ren Yanyan, he wanted to hug her and comfort her.

But Ren Yanyan refused.

She took a step back and said in a daze:
"I've figured it out, Brother Xiaofei, give me some time.

If I still love you and return to the original swallow, the free swallow, I will come to you and accept everything from you.

If I didn't come to you, please forget me.

Thank you for your gift, I like it very much, because I found that I still like being alive. "

In the deepest part of her soul and body, a ray of spiritual light shines brightly.

Some people are forgetful and affectionate, and some are obsessed with love and forgetful.

In the dark, Ren Yanyan seemed to see the power that Xia Xiaofei told her about.

She didn't go after it deliberately, but just attracted a flying sword, and her body turned into a ray of sword light, and she left in the dust.

Xia Xiaofei looked at Jianguang going away, and suddenly felt the hustle and bustle of today's style - no matter how one word made his wife angry.


The power of role models is enormous.

After Xia Xiaofei, the No.1 player's video, was watched over and over by countless players, some players who were already on the verge of enlightenment.

A player who broke up with Xia Xiaofei realized the method of relentless desperation, used great perseverance to sever the root of troubles, and finally saw that ray of spiritual light in the great pain;
A player realized the method of fighting in Xia Xiaofei's battle screen, and challenged the Venerable Huashen alone. Although he was bombarded to scum countless times, he finally saw a trace of spiritual fire in the desperate state;
In Xia Xiaofei's flashing action screen, some players realized that the lust of men and women is full of joy and terror. Three thousand women, while squeezing the limits of their bodies, finally saw the deepest desire and pursuit in their hearts;


In this way, one player after another awakened the light of spirituality and opened their own path to becoming a god.

Of course, those who learn from me live, and those who imitate me die.

Below these successful players, there are countless imitated players who are on the verge of bankruptcy.

After all, in order to prevent sand sculpture players from taking the initiative to die, Fang Chang specially set up a paid resurrection mechanism for them.

The higher the cultivation level, the greater the cost of one resurrection.

And once you can't pay the money, if you resurrect again, your cultivation will fall back a lot.

Therefore, it is often seen that players who are on the verge of bankruptcy have to live carefully because they died once. After saving enough money again, they will try to die boldly, and then live carefully after resurrecting.

So repeated, sometimes timid as a mouse, sometimes bold.

On the magnificent battlefield, the existence of players is always the most wonderful flower.

And just as the players were crazily pursuing breakthroughs, Fang Chang, who was practicing daily in the sea of ​​laws, had a masterpiece of inspiration in the sea of ​​knowledge.

He looked along the induction, and saw an incomparably beautiful face, dressed in white snow, and the wreckage of countless puppets beneath him, as if they had gone through countless years, vicissitudes and ancient times.


A gentle smile appeared on Fang Chang's face, because she was about to break through.

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