Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 399 Breakthrough and Homecoming

This is a huge mountain range made up of dilapidated puppets, spreading for thousands of miles.

I don't know if it was because of Fang Chang's blood essence, Fang Tiezhu awakened a strange devouring ability when he was a second-order puppet.

This ability allows her to devour a certain mysterious power in the body of the Five Elements Puppet, thereby strengthening herself.

However, apart from the initial stage of practice, Fang Tiezhu never used this mysterious talent in his subsequent practice.

Without it, the consumption is too great.

As Fang Chang's caring and good sister, Fang Tiezhu naturally knew how big the stalls in Qingxiao City were, and Qingxiao City couldn't do without her help at that time. She couldn't let her practice quietly, and could only hone her cultivation in battle.

It wasn't until Fang Chang broke through the hole and Qing Xiao Dao was completely suppressed that she began her upward breakthrough.

Fang Chang will naturally not be stingy with his sister.

The law crystals were fed to Fang Tiezhu one by one, and the entire puppet ancestral world was used as a logistics base for Fang Tiezhu to make various five-element puppets as cultivation resources.

Nearly a hundred years later, Fang Tiezhu had no other distractions, and the remains of puppets swallowed by her spread all over the ground, stretching into a huge mountain range.

The value of these puppets is immeasurable.

In addition, these puppets have no spiritual intelligence and cannot be regarded as the same family, otherwise Fang Tiezhu would be a proper big devil.

After all, looking at it from another angle, Fang Tiezhu is a monk who devoured hundreds of millions of his own clan to achieve his own path.

Such a person is a well-deserved magician wherever he goes.

Fang Chang's figure condensed in front of Fang Tiezhu.

"elder brother."

Fang Tiezhu's expression that hadn't changed for thousands of years suddenly stretched out, revealing a peaceful smile, just like when we first met hundreds of years ago.

"You came."

"Today is your big day anyway, so I will come naturally."

Fang Chang nodded slightly, and looked up at the sky, where dark clouds had already gathered, and the flickering electric light densely covered the void, dimming the light in a radius of thousands of miles.

The calamity of the void, the calamity of six or nine thunders!
"Thunder robbery is ferocious, don't underestimate it. If you are not sure, don't be willful. You are still young, and there are many opportunities in the future."

With a touch of Fang Chang's finger, a ray of divine light escaped into Fang Tiezhu's body.

"This is the calamity method that I have refined for you with your spiritual power over the years. It can bring you back to life once. If there is more, your soul will not be able to bear it.

The rest is up to you. "

As I said before, the higher the cultivation level of Fang Chang's puppets, the higher the price of resurrection.

Especially for an existence like Fang Tiezhu, who is at the pinnacle of transforming gods and is only half a step away from the realm of Dongxu, one resurrection is not a small burden for Fang Chang today, not to mention that his own weakness is not something that can be achieved simply by resurrection. make up for.

After Fang Tiezhu completely broke through to the sixth level, Fang Chang even doubted whether he could help her revive.

If you can, even if you pay a high price, it's a bit too perverted.

After all, a powerful hole who is not afraid of death will panic anyone who meets him.

Fang Tiezhu didn't speak, just nodded quietly.

Then behind him spread out a pair of light wings, five pairs of five colors, corresponding to the five elements controlled by Fang Tiezhu.

And what she comprehended and merged was the five-element law.


The light wings stretched out in an instant, turning into pairs of huge wings covering the sky and the earth, and the five-color divine light brushed down the sky.

When the thunderstorms fall, encountering the colorless divine light that rotates in five elements, it is like a big stone falling into a lake from a high altitude.

There was a lot of movement, but in terms of damage to the lake, it was probably a series of splashes and a big hole in the lake.

But the big pit sank to the bottom with the boulder, and everything returned to calm again.

Fang Tiezhu has an innate supernatural power called Five Elements Revolving Extinction Divine Light, which is infinitely powerful and has helped her defeat the strong with the weak many times.

When the Lord of All Souls was attacked by her with this trick, he had to use the method of surrogate death, using the nine-headed monster bird to bear the damage on his behalf.

Now Fang Tiezhu has gone a step further, using the extremely brutal attacking method in a defensive posture, which is surprisingly easy to use, and there is no sense of reluctance.

Fang Chang watched from a distance, but he couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

My sister has never stopped her footsteps, she has been moving forward, and then the state presented in front of him can only be stunning.

It seemed that he hadn't been alone with Tiezhu for a long time.

These years, he was busy with his practice and the players, so he really ignored Tiezhu and the people around him.

The thunder never stopped.

That power is so tyrannical, as if it wants to destroy everything in the world.

Six nine thunder tribulations, a total of six rounds, 54 thunder tribulations, one round is stronger than one round.

When the third round of thunder calamity came, Fang Tiezhu's Five Elements Divine Light was a bit difficult to defend, and the ten light wings were even more dilapidated, showing the color of defeat.

But Fang Tiezhu was still calm.

She looked at the calamity cloud that was still brewing in the sky, the light wings collapsed suddenly, and then a huge light wheel condensed behind her.

The light wheel rotates slowly, and countless small seal-like characters are engraved on it, which is exactly the Eight Diagrams and Five Elements Diagram.

Fang Tiezhu pointed forward a little.

The shape of the light wheel suddenly expanded, and then shrunk again. In the middle of the wheel, a huge beam of light spewed out from bottom to top, welcoming the violent thunder catastrophe that fell from the sky.

A gorgeous and grand fireworks bloom in the sky.


With the last thunder tribulation falling, all the dust settled.

From then on, Fang Tiezhu's breakthrough was half over.

Next, she will go to the Sea of ​​Laws to find a suitable place to condense the embryonic form of Law Stars, which can be regarded as a normal performance.

If she could use the power of good fortune in the thunder catastrophe to condense the law and stars like he did last time, then even if Fang Tiezhu had just broken through, she would not be considered weak in the realm of the void.

But after all, not everyone can play like him.

Fang Chang didn't think Tie Zhu could do the latter.

Then, he greeted Chen Tiangang, the commander of the frontier army who came to join in the fun when he heard the movement again.

Because the legion has pushed the border of Qingxiao Road forward by more than 100 million miles, Chen Tiangang's frontier army is now the most idle on Qingxiao Road.

After all, the frontier army is nominally an army independent of the Qingxiao Army, and is directly under the control of Her Majesty the Empress.

And this kind of idle life is estimated to last forever, unless Chen Tiangang is willing to let the frontier army join the frontline war.

But even if Fang Chang was sure that he would let the frontier army join the battle, he would not do such a thing. Wouldn't that be a slap in the face of Her Majesty the Queen.

He casually squeezed a clone out to protect Tiezhu's final breakthrough.

Then Fang Chang's thoughts moved, and the person had already appeared in Qingxiao Dao City.

After meeting Tie Zhu just now, Fang Chang suddenly realized that he hadn't had a serious reunion with his family for a long time.

He only left a phantom clone sitting in Qingxiao Dao City, while the real him has been tossing back and forth between the Sea of ​​Law and the Puppet Ancestral Realm.

After he broke through the void realm, decades and hundreds of years seemed to become a very short period of time in his eyes.

But in fact, his real age is no more than four hundred years old.


In Qingxiaodao city, a pair of eyes opened quietly, the light in them penetrated thousands of mountains and rivers, as if the whole Qingxiaodao was captured in the eyes.


Bubble, who was naively sleeping under the water, seemed to sense it. He jumped three feet high, and the big golden carp danced and splashed, and transformed into a naive little girl in mid-air. The speed was extremely fast, like an octopus. Fang Chang who appeared hugged him.


"Bubble misses you!"


Chang Fang looked down at the large Bubble hanging on him like a koala, and couldn't help but weigh it.

"Why are you getting fat again?"

Holding the fat dumpling-like bubble in one hand, he felt that the little guy was much more rounded.

However, this was all due to the accumulation of unrefined aura in her body.

It can be said that this little guy's fat body is comparable to the world's top panacea. Under the transformation of the gods, whoever takes a bite will probably have to refine for three to five years to digest it.

The spirit pool contains the purest spirit energy under the Qingxiao tree, and if nothing happens, the petunias will drop a few spirit flowers and fruits into the pool.

It's strange that Pao Pao is not fat when he cultivates in such an environment.

Of course, it was also because she was too lazy.

As long as you work hard, you won't be so fat. She has almost doubled in size without changing her height.

He squeezed her round cheeks with the other hand and said:
"But the cultivation base is not bad, it's all the demon king's bubble."

"That is!"

Bubble's eyebrows danced brightly, and he rubbed his head in Fang Chang's arms, as if he was very nostalgic for Fang Chang's breath.

"Bubbles are amazing."

Fang Chang secretly rolled his eyes, and with all the goodies enjoyed by Bubble, a pig has become a demon king.

But he still replied perfunctorily:
"Excellent, but why are you still staying here, don't go out to play, you are so powerful now, no one can bully you when you go out."

Since many years ago, Pao Pao was almost turned into a braised carp because he sneaked out to play, he has been very taboo to the outside world.

Bubble replied: "Of course I'm waiting for the Elder Master.

And the wooden old man is also here, so Bubble knows that the old man must come here first when he comes back.

In this way, Bubble will be able to see the Grand Master for the first time.

And it's very comfortable to sleep here. "

What Pao Pao was talking about was the phantom left by Fang Chang. Because of his mental retardation, it was naturally impossible to play with Pao Pao.

However, with Bubble's character of being able to talk to the puppet Ah Da for decades without being annoying, he would not be lonely facing a wooden old man, no wonder he didn't want to leave.

Hearing this, Fang Chang was not moved at all.

"I think the latter is your reason, no, the fish I raise can't be so useless, and you will work with your sister Dongdong from tomorrow on.

They are all hundreds of years old fish, how can they still be like a child. "

Bubble looked at Fang Chang as if he had been hit hard, with teardrops in his big eyes, ready to cry.

"Master, you can't treat Pao Pao like this, Pao Pao is loyal to you, Pao Pao just wants to be a waste fish, don't you even let Pao Pao sleep?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chang swiped his palm forward, and the space in front of him seemed to open a pocket.

"I have seen Master Daoist!"

In the meeting room, the big shots in the eyes of outsiders hurriedly stood up, bowed to the young man who suddenly appeared, and their attitude was extremely respectful.

And Dongdong, who was presiding over the meeting, was taken aback when he saw Fang Chang appearing with Bubbles in his arms. He couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and then immediately showed a sad look and said:
"You still remember to come back."

Fang Chang only left a phantom in Daocheng to sit in command. Although this can be regarded as him, he is similar to a puppet and can only follow orders.

This was specially set by Fang Chang.

He was afraid that if Dongdong misunderstood him one day and took phantom as him, wouldn't he be jealous of himself.

Dongdong didn't know what Fang Chang was doing after not returning home for decades.

I just learned from the intelligence organization under him that a group of undead people have appeared on Qingxiao Road in recent decades, possessing the talent of immortal blood, and all of them have joined the legion.

After they tracked down, they found out that this group of people actually came from the puppet ancestral world.

As we all know, the Puppet Ancestral Realm is the private land of the Taoist Lord, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to enter.

"You all go down."

Fang Chang waved his hand, and the middle and high-level officials of Dao City, who were standing uneasy, were immediately relieved, and hurriedly saluted and left.

"Don't you know that I have a good wife? You see, when I'm not around, you handle everything well. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to disappear for such a long time."

Fang Chang deliberately showed a flattering look.

Dongdong wasn't really angry, he was suddenly amused.

"If people know that the majestic and mysterious Daoist Qingxiao is such a rascal in private, I don't know how many people will be sad."

As she said that, she still couldn't help but mourn and said:

"With your ability, as long as you want to come to see me, will it take a long time? I don't want much, as long as you can find time to accompany me.

I am also a woman, a lonely woman. "

Fang Chang was silent for a moment.

If it wasn't for Tie Zhu's reason this time, he would still be practicing in the Sea of ​​Laws, or he would be messing with the Heavenly Dao kid in the Puppet Ancestral Realm.

Because he wants so much that he has no time to care about the emotions of the people around him.

He didn't speak, just held Dongdong in his arms.

"Not next time."

Caught between the two of them, Pao Pao blushed, feeling for the first time how broad-minded Miss Dong Dong is.

"Cough cough!!"

Bubble coughed twice like a little adult, interrupting the two who were warming up.


Dong Dong's sharp eyes swept over Pao Pao's body, causing the little guy's neck to shrink down, thinking that Miss Dong Dong is really scary now.


Bubble couldn't help but want to find support.

Fang Chang finally remembered that there was such a little guy in his hand, so he threw the bubble to Dongdong's side.

"From today, she will follow you, teach her well, I think she still has great potential."

Fang Chang showed Grandma Wolf's smile at Bubbles.

"Bubble, follow your Dongdong sister well, she is very powerful, you will definitely learn a lot.

By the way, don't even think about escaping back to Qingxiao Lingchi to sleep, I have already blocked your authority. "

Dongdong touched the back of Bubble's head, and said with a smile:
"Bubble, I will listen to my sister from now on."


Bubble finally cried out, only feeling that the future was dark.

Then the next moment, she was thrown out casually.

The following pictures are not suitable for children.


ps: Ahem, that, this chapter is a bit watery. . . .

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