Fang Chang, who returned to Qingxiaodao City, stayed for a long time, and accompanied Dongdong to visit many places, among which the part-time job of serving tea and water was naturally indispensable.

Under Fang Chang's supervision, Pao Pao's body lost fat very quickly, almost changing her appearance every day. Naturally, her cultivation base also improved a little every day.

In less than half a year, he advanced from the Demon King Pao Pao to the Demon King Peak Pao Pao.

Although he is still timid and fearful in character, he can be regarded as a small tyrant in the land of Qingxiaodao.

It was also at this time that Fang Tiezhu, who had completed his breakthrough, returned to Qingxiao Dao City.

Her follow-up breakthrough was fairly smooth, but she didn't condense the law and stars in one go like Fang Chang.

Fang Chang immediately decided to hold a grand ceremony for her.

The Tang calendar, the [-]rd year of longevity, the sixth day of the eighth month.

Qingxiao Dao City held a grand grand ceremony of Dongxu, Fang Tiezhu came through the air, and invited the Huashen Venerables from the eight Huashen-level forces of 310 who came to congratulate him to fight, adding to the fun of the ceremony.

Among them, 140 or six of the gods challenged the battle, but were suppressed without any suspense.

This is also the first time on Qingxiao Road to show the power of Dongxu in public.

After this battle, Qingxiao Dao, which was undercurrent and surging, suddenly became quiet.

The Qingxiaodao monks who had accumulated all kinds of dissatisfaction due to the tax squeeze of Qingxiaodao City for decades suddenly felt that life was so beautiful, the world was so beautiful, and fighting and killing was so boring.

Why don't you go back to each family and practice hard, isn't it just to pay taxes, pay, you must pay!
In the past, because the Qingxiao Legion fought against the Taixu Sect, there was only emptiness of armaments in the Qingxiao Dao, and the Qingxiao Daoist hadn't shown up for a long time, so under the instigation of careerists, everyone felt that they could do it.

After all, today's Qingxiaodao mainstream power gathers dragons and phoenixes from various small worlds, and it is only under the strength of Qingxiaodao City that they have to declare their surrender.

But how could they be willing to live under others for a long time.

Coupled with the fact that Qingxiao Dao City has launched a military campaign, the whole road is full of mourning. It is the time when the situation is changing and everyone is flexing their muscles.

But at this moment, everyone had to extinguish their ambitions.

Because this time it was not someone else who broke through the realm of Dongxu, but the sister of Lord Qingxiao, the commander of the third legion, the commander of Qingyiwei, and the immortal Valkyrie known as the hostess of Qingxiao Dao.

As we all know, Qingxiao Daoist Shenlong sees the head but does not see the tail, and ordinary people can't see it, so they can't be provoked.

So everyone is more in awe and curiosity.

But Fang Tiezhu, who is in charge of the Tsing Yi Guards, has a reputation as thunderous, and the number of sects, families, and cities that have been destroyed under her hands cannot be exhausted in three days and three nights.

For this kind of killing god, everyone only has fear in their hearts.

Others are just talking, but Commander Fang is really murderous, the kind that doesn't even spare chickens.

That is to say, in the past few decades, the goddess of death has suddenly disappeared, otherwise ambitious people would not dare to jump around.

Who would have thought that this embryo killing was actually a breakthrough.

Now, whoever dares to move around is probably the best object to sacrifice the flag.

After the grand ceremony is over, Qingxiao Dao will be closed for at least one or two hundred years.

And when 200 years have passed, everyone will probably get used to the current life, and even think that the rule of Qingxiao Dao City is justified, and they will no longer have the slightest desire to resist.


With the help of the sister to show off her muscles, the potential civil strife in Qingxiaodao was quelled, and Fang Chang had a brief friendship with Dongdong, so he asked the sister to take care of his sister-in-law.

And he is once again embarking on his own path of harmony.

The sea of ​​law.

The law and stars condensed by Fang Chang are already more than a circle larger than when they first broke through. In familiar words, it means that he has risen by more than one level, and is one step closer to the threshold of the Dao of Hegemony.

This kind of progress seems outrageous, but in fact it is a combination of strength to support one person, coupled with player cheats and the full support of another big world, everything seems reasonable again.

One law crystal can be worth a hundred years of practice in the void, and the development camp of the legion has conquered more than a dozen secret small worlds for Fang Chang over the years. On average, sacrificing a small world can get four to 12 yuan law crystals wait.

In the end, there were 86 law crystals that fell into Fang Chang's hands, which is the 600-year cultivation base of ordinary Dongxu monks.

Of course, most of the square lengths of these law crystals were given to Fang Tiezhu, otherwise Fang Tiezhu would not be able to break through the void realm with confidence in such a short period of time.

However, the will of the Heavenly Dao in the Immortal Demon Continent is stingy, but Fang Chang has obtained a lot of Heavenly Dao merits from the Zhouguang Great World.

The elimination and rotation of players time and time again made Blue Star's aura environment significantly improved every year.

When the first batch of old players return in the future, Blue Star will usher in a super grand aura tide.

After all, those who went back before were all Jindan players, and all of them together can be compared to a Huashen player.

Regarding the acquired Heavenly Dao merits, Fang Chang did not listen to the words of the Heavenly Dao brat, and replaced the Heavenly Dao merits with the Heavenly Dao authority of the Zhouguang Great World, but replaced them all with law crystals.

Compared with the illusory Tiandao shares, Fang Chang believes in practical benefits.

After all, that thing was issued by Tiandao, without even a supervisor.

It is very likely that he worked hard for a long time and got most of the shares. As a result, when someone issued additional shares, the authority in his hand became a piece of waste paper.

So in these years, he has obtained nearly two hundred law crystals from the Sleeping Heavenly Dao of the Zhouguang Great World, which is much higher than the Heavenly Dao rewards obtained by sacrificing the Small World.

Adding up these miscellaneous rewards, Fang Chang refined more than 230 law crystals over the years, adding more than 2 years of cultivation to the law stars.

In addition, there are players to help.

Once tens of thousands of Golden Core players could help him practice for several years.

Nowadays, millions of players have been continuously rotated for decades, and a group will be replenished from the Zhouguang Great World after one group is eliminated.

Every time he goes back and forth, he can add more than ten years of cultivation.

Although not much, but accumulated over a hundred years, the cultivation base has increased.

The most important thing is that those players who have broken through the Nascent Soul realm have not yet returned to Blue Star, they are the big ones.

When the follow-up players return, especially the return of the Huashen players, at least tens of thousands of years of cultivation can be added to him again.

But Fang Chang is going to hold back a big one.

Now Fang Chang may be slightly inferior to those powerful monks who reincarnated and recultivated in ancient times in terms of realm, but in terms of strength, Fang Chang thinks that he is not inferior to anyone.

It's not that he is aimless, but that with his current strength, he can already faintly sense the laws and stars of other monks.

In the sea of ​​stars corresponding to the Immortal Demon Continent, his law of stars is not the strongest, but it is still in the first echelon.

Except for the four stars that are as bright as the sun and are in the depths of the sea of ​​law.

According to his previous game memory, these four law stars should be the four monks at the top of the Immortal Demon Continent-the Empress of the Tang Dynasty, the Immortal Venerable of the Immortal League, the Demon Lord of the Demon Sect, and the Demon Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons.

It is suspected that He Dao Tianzun, even the realm above He Dao.

After all, under this group of people, there are Hedao Tianzun level subordinates, but that is the game world of the previous life.

Now that the Immortal Demon Continent has only recovered for more than two hundred years, Fang Chang reckons that they will at most recover to the realm of harmony.

Of course it could be higher.

Even if they didn't have a head-on confrontation, they might not be able to understand each other's strength.

Fang Chang had a lot of thoughts, and temporarily extinguished the idea of ​​fighting with them. He followed the call from somewhere and put his thoughts into reality.


Puppet Ancestral Realm.

Xia Xiaofei obeyed the instructions of the mission, and first used the excuse of breaking through to go back to the rear to repair at the Legion, and successfully took a ten-year long vacation.

Then it took nearly a month to return from the front line, trekking across mountains and rivers with the help of the spiritual network teleportation array, and finally came to the space passage of the puppet ancestor world.

Looking at the barracks stationed in front of the space passage, Xia Xiaofei hesitated.

"I heard that this puppet ancestral realm is the private garden of Daoist Qingxiao, and the space channel is guarded by the Venerable Huashen all the year round.

If I break in privately, even if I can break in, I am afraid that there will be no place for me in the whole Qingxiao Road from now on.

Ma De, why is it so troublesome to get off the line? "

Xia Xiaofei took care of the chores around him about two months ago, and then chose to go offline, but in the end, he had to complete the return task first.

【Ding!Player Xia Xiaofei chooses to go offline personally, because you are the first Huashen player, and the request to go offline is allowed, please complete the task "Return". 】

[Task introduction: Going offline privately is an act that consumes a lot of system power, but because of your status as the first Huashen player, this excessive request is allowed.

Please go to the following coordinates and wait for the task prompt. 】

[Task Reward: Return to reality. 】

[Task penalty: None. 】

Then Xia Xiaofei followed the coordinates all the way, and found that the mission coordinates were the space channel of the puppet ancestral world.

Thinking of some rumors in the army, these players are called the undead race, and they are strange bloodlines created by Taoist Qingxiao.

For the first time, Xia Xiaofei had the idea of ​​meeting Taoist Qingxiao.

After all, the Immortal Demon Continent is so big, but all the players appeared on Qingxiao Road after leaving Novice Village.

Moreover, Daoist Qingxiao is so favored by the system that he can allow all players to help him.

All these phenomena had to make him wonder whether Taoist Master Qingxiao was the mastermind behind letting them appear in the Immortal Demon Continent.

For example, in order to become the king, Taoist Master Qingxiao communicated with the will of the legendary system through some mysterious ceremony, so that players like them descended in a special form.

Another example is that their Blue Star is a small secret world, which was found by Taoist Qing Xiao, and then he discovered a special talent of the Blue Star race, and summoned them in the form of a game to fight for it.

Another example is that Taoist Qingxiao is the game system itself, trying to use players to accomplish some ulterior purposes.

However, because of his strength, he had to hold back even if he had various thoughts in his heart.

But now, Xia Xiaofei felt that he might as well try it out.

This is the confidence that strength brings to him.

But the next moment, he realized that his strength was far from enough.

There was a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and there was darkness in front of his vision, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss, and he couldn't see a ray of light.

Endless fear suddenly hit my heart.

Fang Chang's figure appeared near the space channel of the puppet ancestral world, holding Xia Xiaofei's soul in his hand.

And it was Xia Xiaofei's body that fell limply on the ground.

Originally, it was a very simple matter for players to go offline, just wipe their necks, and they would be able to return to Novice Village immediately.

However, the resurrection of Huashen players is not easy for Fang Chang. Even he cannot resurrect too many Huashen players at once.

Well, I need to rest for a while.

Therefore, for Huashen players, if they can die one less time, they will die one less time.

Otherwise, when there are really [-] Huashen players in the future, and they collectively smear their necks and go offline, he, the behind-the-scenes game company, will have to declare bankruptcy.

The other thing is that Fang Chang wants to initially reveal some information to the player group through Xia Xiaofei - he is the Lord Qingxiao, and his relationship with the game system is very ambiguous.

This also laid the foundation for him to self-destruct his identity in the future, such as the first player in the Immortal Demon Continent, the village head of Xinshou Village, and so on.


"I am back?"

Xia Xiaofei finally saw a ray of light in front of him, he opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the laboratory where his body was sleeping.

There are two sleeping cabins in the room.

One is him, and the other is Ren Yanyan.

Originally, based on their positions, the sleeping cabin must be a single room, but at Ren Yanyan's request, they still slept in the same room.

At this moment, Ren Yanyan was sleeping peacefully, her brows were full of high-spirited self-confidence and a touch of heroism, how could she have the attitude of a little woman who followed him afterwards and the lingering sorrow.

Xia Xiaofei sighed in his heart, lightly tapped his finger, and the surging and soft magic power was injected into Ren Yanyan's body, sweeping away the stagnant energy of the year when she was sleeping.

At the same time, with his awakening, a strong aura erupted and spread out from the laboratory, which instantly alarmed the staff of the entire player's sleeping base.

"what happened?!"

The strength of the cultivator of Huashen and the cultivator of Nascent Soul is already a limit that is difficult to surpass.

Even if he could only keep one percent of his cultivation, Xia Xiaofei felt that he would not be afraid to face a great monk at the peak of Nascent Soul.

In terms of mana, he is naturally not as good as a great monk at the peak of Nascent Soul, but he has the essence of transforming gods, and there is a trace of law power in his soul. It is not unusual for the weak to win the strong.

Dang! !
The door of the laboratory was hastily opened, and a series of white coats walked in, as well as several leaders of the sleeping base.

"Xia Xiaofei, why are you awake?"

A leader of the base stepped forward excitedly, wanting to hold Xia Xiaofei's hand.

Xia Xiaofei frowned, and the leader stopped involuntarily, feeling that the person in front of him suddenly became extremely terrifying.

After a while, Xia Xiaofei's aura slowly dissipated.

"Sorry, I'm not quite used to the environment here."

The leader wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a dry laugh:
"It's okay, I can understand, on behalf of the organization, I welcome your return."

Xia Xiaofei's files are registered throughout the base.

After all, the old players like Xia Xiaofei have never gone offline, but those new players have a chance to go offline, which can bring a lot of precious information to the government.

And Xia Xiaofei, a player at the top of the ranking list, is even more important.

The most important thing is that the power that Xia Xiaofei exposed just now directly crushed the spiritual power tester invented by the organization.

Obviously, the strength of Xia Xiaofei who returned again is already at a level that they can't understand now. You must know that their spiritual power tester can theoretically test monks at the peak of Jindan.

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