Facing the awe of the leaders of the base, Xia Xiaofei didn't take it seriously, but walked out of the laboratory slowly, and with a wave of his hand, a spell condensed in the void, and then suddenly enlarged, sealing the entire laboratory.

In the eyes of everyone, this laboratory seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

"what is this?"

Seeing Xia Xiaofei waving his hand into a talisman, the leaders of the base were also curious in their eyes as the huge laboratory disappeared out of thin air.

"A little trick can keep people from disturbing her."

Xia Xiaofei didn't explain too much.

What he did just now was just a cover-up, the real Ren Yanyan's physical body had already been taken away by him.

He didn't expect that someone would threaten him with Ren Yanyan's body.

When he enters the game next time, his and Ren Yanyan's bodies will be stored in a place where no one can find them.

Before, because of lack of strength, he could only rely on the power of the state to protect his body. Now that he has the power to protect himself, he will naturally not hand over the handle.

For players, the existence of a real physical body will always be their Achilles' heel.

With Xia Xiaofei's current strength, it is no problem to overthrow the entire Blue Star. This is the advantage of being the first mover.

If he is ruthless enough, he can even destroy the physical bodies of all players at this moment, making it impossible for other players to return.

Then he dominated the Blue Star by himself and became the veritable leader of the Blue Planet.

Of course, when he did that, there was a high probability that he would be gone.

A certain Fang surname does not allow such a powerful person to exist on Blue Star.

A group of people accompanied Xia Xiaofei to the outside, and they were full of questions, but under a certain invisible momentum, no one dared to go forward and force Xia Xiaofei to do certain things and answer certain questions.

Xia Xiaofei suddenly turned around, looked at the base leader and said:
"I need some cultivation resources, and the list will be given to you later."

Although his cultivation base is invincible, resources will not be born out of thin air, and no one is better than the country in collecting resources.


The leader looked puzzled: "Xia Xiaofei, all the resources that can be used for cultivation are the precious property of the country, and I have no right to use them without special reasons.

This needs to be reported to the leadership above. "

Xia Xiaofei was quite reasonable, and said: "I don't make it difficult for you, in exchange, I will give a sermon in three days, which can be regarded as your reward for protecting my body all these years.

You can use these resources as admission tickets, and the number of people is limited to two hundred. "

"This one……"

The leader thought about it for a while and asked: "I know this question is a bit abrupt, but please answer Xia Xiaofei truthfully, otherwise I will not be able to explain to the superiors, and I will not let the superiors realize the value of this sermon.

May I ask what is your current level of cultivation? "

The explosion of the spiritual power tester proved that Xia Xiaofei was at least in the realm of Jindan or above, but whether it was the peak of Jindan or the realm of Nascent Soul, Xia Xiaofei had to answer this question by himself.

Xia Xiaofei faintly spit out two words: "Yuanying."


Although the leader had expected it, he still couldn't help but gasp.

As the leader of the player's body sleeping base, although he is so passive in the face of Xia Xiaofei now, his level is still very high.

He has the right to read a lot of information about players.

So he knew that after the player returned from that mysterious game, he could only carry one percent of his cultivation.

This is why the first batch of players are so destructive. Although their cultivation base is not high, their realm has already reached the peak of Jindan.

And in the strength forecast of their spiritual energy research institute, the golden core realm is also called the level of troubled times by them.

That is to say, only one golden core monk is enough to bring disaster to a country, and its destructive power is even comparable to that of intercontinental missiles.

Judging from the existing technology, if you want to deal with a Jindan cultivator, you have to use traps to lure them in advance and cover them with heavy firepower, otherwise there is no possibility of winning.

But now Xia Xiaofei has reached the Nascent Soul realm with only one percent of his cultivation base, so how terrifying his realm should be in the game.

He wanted to ask something more, but there was no shadow of Xia Xiaofei in front of him.

"What about people?!"

The leader is not angry but powerful. Without Xia Xiaofei, in front of his subordinates, he seems to have become the high-level executive of the base who holds great power.

"Report, just now he disappeared with a whoosh, we only saw a ray of light and then disappeared."

"Leader, look, there seems to be writing on the ground."

A group of people answered in a hurry.

The leader looked down and saw that the ground was full of words at any moment, which were exactly the resources Xia Xiaofei needed.

"Old players return, it's an eventful time."

The leader sighed: "I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse."

Players like Xia Xiaofei are pretty good, at most they can do their own way, just follow along.In case those old magic players return, what will Xia Guo do to resist.

The country has tried its best to train new monks, but as soon as the mysterious game exists, they will always pull their outstanding students into the game.

The second is that they discovered in despair that no matter how hard they practiced in reality, they were no match for the game.

Since the emergence of spiritual energy, the country has acted quickly and started cultivating monks in the first place, selecting cultivation seedlings from all over the country.

As a result, seven or eight years have passed, and the ones with the best cultivation achievements have just broken through the late stage of Qi refining, and I don't know how far away they are from the foundation establishment state.

And those players who came back from the game, even the latest batch of players, were not below the foundation stage.

Fortunately, these players can't stay in reality for long, and are quickly called away by the game.

Their physical bodies must remain in reality, so they dare not offend the country too much, otherwise they don't know how much trouble they will cause.

The leader thought about it, and when he rubbed his hands, a small spiritual ball appeared.

"Cultivation is really too difficult."

He turned out to be a Qi Refining Cultivator.


Blue Star Ocean, an uninhabited island.

Fang Changyao looked away.

After seeing Xia Xiaofei leave the base, he secretly went to see his parents, then went to a sea area near Xia country alone, and then dived thousands of meters, preparing to dig a cave to protect his body.

In this way, he didn't care too much.

As long as nothing goes wrong.

After all, the entire country of Xia is his leek base, and in the future, players will need to contribute population from the country of Xia.

If the Xia Kingdom is in chaos, it will not be conducive to the cultivation of talents.

If you really let the monks of the magic way mess around, a monk of the magic way in the Nascent Soul realm is enough to destroy a country, and the Xia country has a population of more than one billion, which is not enough to toss about.

As for the rest of the country, he didn't want to care about it.

With this in mind, Fang Chang confessed to Qi Tian:

"By the way, brat, remember to apply a patch later to add another karma attribute to the player. If you kill people for no reason in Xia Kingdom, you will increase my karma.

Kill one and raise a little, and if it's enough for a hundred, kill him for me. "

Qi Tian was wearing a pair of handsome denim overalls, a peaked cap, and a pacifier in his mouth. He waved a pair of small hands, and wrote golden mysterious runes in the void.

It was a rune containing the rules of heaven, and possessed incredible power.

That is to say, in the great world of Zhouguang, Qi Tian, ​​as a boy of the Dao of Heaven, is uniquely blessed to be able to barely borrow the power of the Dao of Heaven.

Hearing this, Qi Tian rolled his eyes and said:

"Boss, don't give me extra workload every now and then.

And karma is not something I can add whenever I want. Karma is something that hinders the operation of heaven and disrupts reincarnation.

Players kill people like wolves eat sheep, what does it have to do with karma? "

"Use your clever little brain, karma is just a name, should I call them famous players?
If you are dissatisfied with karma, you can just add a title with a villain value, evil value, or sin, and it will be fine. "

"in addition!"

"Those who are able work harder. The boss makes you work overtime because he values ​​you. You have to learn to be grateful instead of complaining. This is your blessing."

Fang Chang looked at Qi Tian who was working, and he was not at all embarrassed about oppressing child labor.

I saw him wearing beach shorts and a big vest, lying on a folding chair under a parasol, holding a natural coconut and inserting a straw, facing the sea, with the warm spring breeze.

"Do it well, your heavenly father, it depends on whether you can recover or not."


Qi Tian, ​​who was burning the rune array on the small island and in the void, sucked on the pacifier suddenly, and stopped suddenly.

"Boss, what do you mean? My heavenly father recovered so quickly? Why didn't I feel it?"

"Just do it well, don't ask so many questions."

As the supervisor, Fang Chang pointed out:
"Remember, the strength of the space here must be so strong that Hedao Tianzun can't break through it, use your authority given to you by your father to strengthen it for me.

I want this place to become not only a place of absolute spirits, but also a place of absorbing spirits. Anyone who comes here must first cultivate himself. "

But the more Qi Tian worked, the more he felt something was wrong, so he went on strike again.

"Boss, please don't hurt me. Why do I feel more and more wrong?"

Fang Changyu said earnestly: "You and I have the same interests, how could I harm you?"

Qi Tian quickly shook his head and said, "No! Boss, if you don't make it clear, I can't do anything anymore. My intuition tells me that what you're asking me to do is very dangerous."

Fang Chang's face changed: "You don't trust me?!!"

"We have been working together for such a long time, and you don't even have such a little trust in me. In vain, I regard you as my most dedicated employee. You have such an attitude?"

"It seems that we need to reconsider our relationship with each other."

"Now I'm pissed!"

With a smile on Qi Tian's face, he hurriedly walked behind Fang Chang, thumping his back and pinching his shoulders. His small size seemed a little funny no matter how he looked at it.

"Boss, it's not that I don't know what to do, I'm a little flustered.

If you don't want to say it, don't say it. We are still the best partners between each other. I am your gold medal employee. I will fight wherever you ask me.

You take a good rest, don't get tired, I will work right away. "

Although I have scolded Tiandao's father ten thousand times in my heart, why did I choose such a difficult master.

He suspected that Fang Chang already knew his weakness.

However, Qi Tian is also a master who can bend and stretch. Whether he can become the second son of the sky depends on the master in front of him.

Qi Tianma started to work.

But he already had some guesses in his mind.

This busy work lasted for three full months.

Qi Tian was so tired that he couldn't even move his fingers. He lay on the beach, letting the waves hit him, his mouth opened wide and he couldn't stop panting.

"Boss, what do you think?"


Fang Chang nodded in satisfaction.

I saw that the void with a radius of hundreds of miles around the island was covered with golden runes, one after another, as if the entire island was cut out of the space.

Even Fang Chang felt the heavy pressure.

The golden rules of the Dao of Heaven have suppressed all the rules here, and this place can also be called the land of forbidden law.

Even if the great powers of Dongxu come here, they don't need to rely on the aura of heaven and earth themselves, and there are law stars in the sea of ​​law to provide power, but their strength will also be greatly reduced.

Because the rules of Heaven are the greatest rules.

It's not bad that they can exert [-]% of their own power of law.

As for Hedao Tianzun, Fang Chang had never understood their power, so he couldn't give a proper assessment.

But I think it will have a certain impact on them, but the impact will never be too great.

Because the will of heaven in the Zhouguang Great World is already in a deep sleep, and there is not much power that can be borrowed.

Moreover, Hedao Tianzun himself is the same as Tian Tongzun, and the essence of power has reached an absolute height.

However, Fang Chang was just taking precautions, and he might not necessarily confront Hedao Tianzun.

"Now can I tell you what the hell I want to do?"

Fang Chang looked at Qi Tian with a smile and said:

"Hunting hole."

Qi Tian's guess came true, and he jumped up in fright.

"Boss, don't be joking. The cultivator Dongxu senses the stars above, and responds to the Dao of Heaven below. He has already been concerned by the will of the Dao of Heaven.

Not to mention the difficulty of the downfall of Dongxu cultivators, even if they can be killed, the life and death of every Dongxu monk will attract the attention of heaven.

It's okay for us to do things secretly now, but once we attack monk Dongxu, it will definitely attract the attention of the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Demon Continent, and we will all be exposed by then.

With our current strength, people can easily crush us to death. "

"It's you, not me, and you can cover up cause and effect."

"That's also the scoring situation, boss, this is not a joke."

Qi Tian was about to cry.

Fang Chang said seriously: "I am also thinking of your Tiandao father.

If a cultivator of Dongxu is attracted and killed here, his size is enough to bring a grand wave of aura to the entire Blue Star.

One whale falls and all things are born, just like that. "

Qi Tian quickly shook his head: "Boss, don't scare me. If this is the case, I will run away first."

Fang Chang smiled mischievously, and then let go: "Don't worry, I know it's not the time yet, so I just set it up first, just in case.

You can't bear it, and of course I can't bear it either. "

What he thought was that if he breaks through the Hedao, he will attract the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Demon Continent to collect debts. This land is the best battlefield for him to prepare for his pursuit.

Hearing this, Qi Tian finally sat down paralyzed.

"I knew that a shrewd and powerful boss would never do such a stupid thing."

"You can scold if you want to. I'm not the kind of unreasonable person."



"The boss guessed wrong. I, Qi Tian, ​​only have admiration for the boss, just like the long river going east, talking endlessly, without any offense at all."

Qi Tian is well versed in licking Tao, so he won't fall for it so easily.

Only then did Fang Chang lightly let Qi Tian go, his eyes swept across the entire Blue Star.

"Then go back."

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