In the capital of Xia Kingdom, a small stadium.

Surrounded by numerous security guards, a three-day lecture has just ended.

All the monks and students were fascinated by it.

To them who are only in the realm of refining qi, the teachings of a venerable god of transformation are like enlightenment, and everyone is fascinated by it.

But Xia Xiaofei looked at the many eager eyes, without any fluctuation in emotion, and a emerald green pill bottle appeared in his hand.

"It's a bit of fate for you to listen to my teachings. These are the three Foundation Establishment Pills that I refined from heaven and earth spiritual materials before."

Xia Xiaofei waved his hand and placed a restriction on the stage, and the Foundation Establishment Pill was placed in the very center.

"Whoever can take away the Foundation Establishment Pill later will own the Foundation Establishment Pill."

This Foundation Establishment Pill was naturally refined by him with the materials provided by the government. Although he is not good at alchemy, but his realm is right there, if he fails twice, he can barely succeed.

But he is not a professional alchemist after all, and now he can only refine low-grade foundation building pills.

Thanks to the selfless dedication of many game players, the government has already obtained a systematic practice model.

Therefore, these educated students all understand the weight of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Players cannot take away any tangible material from the game, so all cultivation aids such as magic tools, panaceas, and talismans need to be self-sufficient.

And players can't stay in reality for a long time, so the training of these auxiliary professions has been bumpy.

In the end, it was not as efficient, scientific, and convenient as the set of scientific alchemy methods developed by the Xia Guo Lingli Research Institute.

But the highest level of elixir that can be refined by the scientific method of alchemy is only qi alchemy.

Of course, even the Qi Refining Pill is a precious panacea, which can strengthen the body and prolong life, so it is specially provided for the leaders of the country first, and then for these students.

Some of the remaining leftovers are used as diplomatic means to win over foreign dignitaries. Now Xia Guo's international public opinion is not known how good it is, and he has faintly become Blue Star's big brother.

Whatever Xia Guo implements is supported by the world.

This policy is also known as panacea diplomacy.

The panacea is a gift that no one can refuse.

Even a certain country on the other side of the ocean that once opposed Xia Guo everywhere could not stop the rise of Xia Guo.

Even if the qi training pill is like this, how precious is the foundation building pill that can help qi refining monks break through the foundation establishment.

A group of students looked at Zhuji Dan on the stage, and their breathing was heavy.

Xia Xiaofei had expected it a long time ago, but he was not too surprised. He nodded towards a camera somewhere in the gymnasium, and then disappeared in place.

Seeing this, the other students had no time to find out where Xia Xiaofei was going, and they all rushed forward, wanting to get the Foundation Establishment Pill.

However, as soon as the ban on the stage came to light, most of the students were thrown away, and only about one-third of the students could enter the ban.

"Ma De, if you don't work hard on weekdays, you can only be envious of the baby in front of you now."

A certain scumbag student was stopped outside the restriction, watching the good students on weekdays struggling to approach Zhu Jidan one by one, his mouth couldn't help being sour.


"Mr. Xia, thank you for your support to the country. People all over the country will remember your contributions."

A big leader who often appeared on TV held Xia Xiaofei's hand tightly, speaking earnestly and a little excitedly.

Just now, Xia Xiaofei left the cultivation system of Jindan to the stage of transformation for Xia Guo officials, and also recorded several high-level exercises he had learned.

It is important to know that exercises above the spiritual level cannot be copied directly. Only those who have practiced the exercises to the level of masters can use their own insights to record the exercises on the Jade Slips.

The previous players were only at the peak of the golden core, and the recovered cultivation base was used to build the foundation, and the level of skills that could be left behind was really limited.

The significance of these high-level exercises can be imagined.

Xia Xiaofei looked at the big man in front of him who he could only look up to before, but his heart was still not fluctuating.

There are no dynasties in the Great Tang, but there are many mortal kingdoms in the territory of the Immortal League, and there are many emperors above ten thousand.

But he also met more than seven or eight, and even two or three royal families were destroyed by him.

After all, most of the royal family in the mortal kingdom are descendants of the sect. If the sect does not surrender, it is impossible for these people to surrender to the legion.

"If there is any credit, then it should all be credited to Ren Yanyan."

Xia Xiaofei's expression was a bit complicated, and he said:
"She should enjoy seeing it."

As soon as the big leader heard Ren Yanyan's name, he remembered who this person was, and knew that this was Xia Xiaofei's girlfriend and the deputy leader of the player countermeasure team.

This is my own.

He was overjoyed.

Sure enough, there are still many comrades who are patriotic.

Even after experiencing the baptism of the game world, he has always kept his responsibilities and identities in mind.

Although Xia Xiaofei in front of him has always been ambivalent about the official attitude, but they have a bond with each other, so they can be won.

He wanted to say something else, but Xia Xiaofei shook his head and said:
"After me, old players may return one after another, and their strength should be similar to mine.

They are uncertain, if you have any cards, you can prepare early. "


Big leaders want to ask carefully.

But Xia Xiaofei has already left, he has done enough, and he has said what he can say.

And with his personality, he was unwilling to get too involved with the official, but out of guilt for Ren Yanyan, Xia Xiaofei always wanted to do something for her.

A year later, Xia Xiaofei and a new batch of players went back online.

After all, it is impossible for Fang Chang to drive another special car for him.

Even before Fang Chang didn't want to come back to set up traps, his request to go offline might have to be delayed for three to five years.

Monopoly game is so domineering.


Sending away a new batch of leeks in the puppet ancestral world, Fang Chang took out a few dots of stone and fell into deep thought.

He sighed from time to time, as if he was very embarrassed.

Qi Tianteng jumped out, seeing Fang Chang's appearance, he knew what he wanted to do.

"Boss, do you want to create a small world in the secret realm?"

Fang Chang nodded and said, "Yes, it's been too long."

"I'm almost breaking through to the late stage of the cave, but my secret world has not yet appeared, so it's already a bit eye-catching."

Qi Tian looked at Fang Chang suspiciously.

"But this will not hinder your practice progress even more, if it is not dragged down by the puppet ancestral world, you will already be in the late stage of Dongxu.

If you create another secret small world, your law and stars will be dragged down by two small worlds, and it will be even more difficult to break through later. "

The small world of the secret realm is both a help and a hindrance to monk Dongxu.

Because the growth of the small world needs the energy provided by the laws and stars of monk Dongxu, it can be said that the laws and stars are the building blocks of the small world, supporting the core of the world.

This is why after the masters of those small worlds fall, the small worlds will gradually weaken, and the reason why the spiritual energy will continue to disappear and degenerate.

With the core engine gone, it is natural that relying on the capital will become weaker and weaker.

In order to make the Puppet Ancestral Realm a player novice village, Fang Chang took the initiative to take over the debts of the Puppet Ancestral Realm, which has already added a burden to his law and stars.

If he creates a new small world of the secret realm, then almost none of the energy added by his daily practice of the laws and stars will be left.

Of course, Fang Chang has always relied on krypton gold for his practice, and the cultivation base obtained from daily practice only accounts for a small part of his total cultivation base.

But that's not how it works out.

Once a new secret realm small world is cultivated, the young small world will even devour the energy of his laws and stars until a new balance is reached.

At that time, Fang Chang's cultivation base will still have a significant regression.

With so many disadvantages, just for an inconspicuous reason, Qi Tian has every reason to doubt Fang Chang's purpose.

Qi Tian said solemnly: "As long as you break through in the big world of my Tiandao father, Fang Tiandao can't find you, so why bother yourself.

Unless you……"

Suddenly, Qi Tian covered his mouth, smiled dryly at Fang Chang and shook his head, saying:

"Boss, I don't know anything."

Fang Chang said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you know it, yes, I plan to break through in this world."


Qi Tian's face became serious, and he said aggrievedly: "Boss, you can't just kill a donkey."

"Furthermore, Fang Tiandao didn't reserve a place for you to be immortal. There are still many people waiting in line in front of you."

If Fang Chang breaks through the Dao in Zhouguang Great World, it is actually a guarantee.

This means that Fang Chang can no longer jump back and forth between the Immortal Demon Continent and the Zhouguang Great World.

At that time, Fang Chang was the Hedao Tianzun of Zhouguang Great World.

For the Immortal Demon Continent, he is just an old man who does not pay back his debts, and will be targeted by the will of heaven instead.

In this way, Fang Chang was completely tied to the broken ship of Zhouguang Great World.

Because Fang Chang wanted to keep his Dao intact, he couldn't let the Immortal Demon Continent swallow up the Zhouguang Great World, and even had to help the Zhouguang Great World work hard to upgrade in order to gain Taoism and longevity.

Father Tiandao chose Fang Chang because he wanted to find a good thug for himself.

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "I've made it clear, I can't give up my foundation on the Immortal Demon Continent, and entrust my fate to your Heavenly Dao father's broken ship.

But don't worry, I am in Cao Ying and my heart is in Han.

Although the Immortal Demon Continent got my body, my heart is still with you, and I will never betray you. "

Qi Tian said with a bitter face, "But we also want your body."

Fang Chang spread his hands and said: "Then there is no other way. Since ancient times, one woman cannot serve two husbands, but..."

Qi Tian's eyes brightened: "But what?"

"But two women can marry one husband."

Fang Chang stared at Qi Tian, ​​Tu Qiong saw and said:

"You know."

Qi Tian shook his head: "I don't understand."

Fang Chang stretched out a finger and said:
"Let's make a hypothesis, that is, is it possible for me to break through the harmony in this world, and I can also break through the unity in your world?"

Qi Tian's face froze: "In principle, this is not allowed."

Fang Chang said indifferently: "I know that you little bastard has always been unprincipled."

Qi Tian said with an air of resignation: "Boss, I can answer you, but you have to answer my question first."


"Why do you suddenly think of joining the Dao twice? Didn't we talk about it well before, we gathered the wool in the Immortal Demon Continent, and then returned to the Blue Star to join the Dao, then you will be the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, and I will be the Daoist boy, everyone will go on a blind date Loving family."

Qi Tian carefully observed Fang Chang's every expression.

"It looks really good."

Fang Chang said: "Remember the hole I told you to dig earlier.

I said it was used to hunt Dongxu, do you think I want to secretly open the passage between the two worlds and lure the Dongxu cultivator from the Immortal Demon Continent? "

"Isn't that what you said before?"

Qi Tian felt that he couldn't understand Fang Chang more and more now.

"But I only said half of it."

The corner of Fang Chang's mouth twitched, and he said: "Don't forget what magic weapon I started with, what I want to hunt is the sky demon wandering in the void of the universe.

Of course, in the end I gave up on this tempting idea.

Heavenly Demons are too dangerous, and I am not yet fully sure to deal with them.

And the purpose of my hunting demon is for it! "

Fang Chang snapped his fingers, opened his eyebrows, and a gray figure walked out.

The figure is very similar to Fang Chang in appearance and body shape, but the whole body is gray and white, like a black and white ink painting that has lost its color.

And this is the Heavenly Demon Clone that Fang Chang refined with the Heavenly Demon Eye as the main material, which contains strange extraterritorial heavenly magic rules.

"This is the avatar of the Heavenly Demon that I refined. Over the years, I have merged the Hand of the Heavenly Demon, the Heart of the Heavenly Demon, and the Body of the Heavenly Demon.

The only thing missing is the soul of the Heavenly Demon, which cannot be restored to the real body of the Heavenly Demon.

Even if I sacrifice the small world of the secret realm many times, the will of heaven cannot bestow the soul of the demon.

So I want to attract a real demon in the world of Zhouguang, and extract its true spirit to refine the real body of the demon for me.

As long as I have the Heavenly Demon clone, I can use the Heavenly Demon's own special laws to sneak into the world of Zhouguang with another identity.

At that time, I will no longer be Fang Chang, but Tianmo Fang.

I will be able to unite in the Zhouguang Great World as a demon.

Heavenly Demons are evils from outside the realm. When their real bodies enter the big world, they will be cursed and targeted by the Dao of Heaven, and can only be placed in the souls of others.

But I'm different, I have you, the little bastard of heaven, escorting me, so my demon avatar will successfully practice successfully.

But now, it seems you have a different opinion? "

Qi Tian almost couldn't hold back to slap himself, looked at Fang Chang and said in embarrassment:
"Boss, I think your method is very good, so I won't make a fool of myself."

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "But I still want to hear from you."

Qi Tian sighed: "Boss, it's good that you didn't do this, otherwise, Tiandao's father would have been eaten up by those wandering extraterrestrial demons before he could be swallowed by the Immortal Demon Continent.

In fact, boss, if you want to join the Tao twice, it is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say simple.

Boss, have you ever heard of the three life bodies of Buddhism—past, present, and future.

Boss, you come from the past, have been to the future, and stay in the present. You are a special existence that integrates the three generations.

As long as you, boss, can refine your past body and future body, don't talk about one-time harmony, three times will do. "

Fang Chang couldn't help breathing fast.

"Can I refine the third body?"

This sounds like the skills of a super boss. If he can achieve the unity of the three generations and the unity of the three generations, I am afraid that even the empress will be suppressed by him.

Qi Tian coughed twice and said, "Eh, no."

Fang Chang's face turned cold: "You can't say Jill!"

Qi Tian smiled and said: "Although there is no third life, there is also a simple method.

Boss, don't forget that your physical body still exists on Blue Star in your previous life, and you are still a social animal now.

So today I have to make a decision that goes against my ancestors. As long as you promise me, boss, to help me save my life under Father Tiandao, I will tell the boss how to refine the avatar. "

"Deal, you will be under my cover from now on."

Fang Chang readily agreed.

Anyway, it wasn't his fault that he couldn't stop it.

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