Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 403 The Spirit World

Infinite lights are shining.

As if a magic ax split the world, the chicken-like star stone split open suddenly, and a brand new world was born.

Fang Chang's eyes lit up, but he saw endless darkness and void.

Then a water bubble exuding a shining white light appeared.

In the darkness, a bubble-like world is expanding and growing, greedily devouring everything in the void.

At this moment, on one side of this blistered world, a small flower bud opened and then bloomed.

Countless messages lingering in the void are received by this small flower bud, and the small world inside the flower bud evolves into a feng shui fire.

But it was still dead silent.

I saw the brilliance of the bubble world flowing, and a breath of life injected into it, so this world had the first ray of life.

Fang Chang felt infinitely moved in his heart.

He had a deeper understanding of why almost every monk of the Hole Void eventually embarked on the path of creating a secret realm.

The existence of the secret realm is not only a repayment for the monk Dongxu to the way of heaven, but also a big step forward in his own practice.

Only by truly creating your own small world can you understand the mysteries of the world, and have a detached understanding of the world and the universe.

In the end, Fang Chang saw that his law and stars were suddenly connected with this small world, and the power of law that belonged to him fell into the small world.

A deep feeling tells him that at this moment he can set his own rules for this small world.

But Fang Chang did not choose to do so.

He just let the small world evolve naturally, feeling the fusion and repulsion of the matter from scratch in the small world.

After countless collisions, this small world finally stabilized.

A new secret world.

Fang Chang's figure appeared in the mid-air, and through the void, he saw a small secret realm surrounding the Immortal Demon Continent.

This secret place is only a hundred miles around, with several compact hills and a small lake, like a wilderness plain everywhere.

But when he really enters the secret realm, he will find that this space is special.

There is a mysterious force in the air.

Under the infection of this mysterious power, the mountains in the space and the water in the space seem to come alive.

Fang Chang did not expect that the small world he created did not inherit his good quality of convincing people with strength, but instead discovered the uniqueness of his physique.

This is a kind of life-making energy, which is a step further than endowing puppets with spirituality.

It can make mountains come alive, let water give birth to will, and make everything in the world gain spirituality and wisdom.

Fang Chang's heart moved, seeing the boundary stone that turned into a ball of white light after the birth of the secret realm, blessed to the soul, and said softly:
"In the name of the lord of this world, I give you a new life."

Seeing that the space seemed to collapse suddenly, something was pulled out and injected into the white light.

The white light began to flow like a liquid, and then the light flowed, turning into a vague human form.

Then the character solidified and turned into a long-haired sister with long breasts, thighs, and thin waist.

Her eyes are ignorant and pure, like a little white rabbit who doesn't know anything, showing her beautiful figure towards Fang Fang.


Fang Chang uttered a word, and his breath blew on the person transformed by the boundary stone.

It was as if there was a chain reaction, the ignorance in the woman's eyes quickly faded, and something became clear naturally.

She gave Fang Chang a playful look, and the next moment she was covered with a layer of tulle, which seemed transparent, but in fact was hazy, revealing nothing.

She is so understanding.

An idea suddenly appeared in Fang Chang's mind.

But the next moment, he frowned and asked:

"You, what is this?"

Boundary stones can be used to refine magic weapons, exert incredible energy in the secret realm, and even give birth to the spirit of magic weapons under the precipitation of time.

Just like the Shennong Staff he met in the Hundred Flowers Realm before, even the Quasi-Ancient Treasure's Sky-Splitting Gauntlet in his hand was fused with the ignorant will of the Mist Spirit.

But this newly born secret realm, a blank boundary stone, suddenly has such a high spiritual intelligence under the mysterious energy of the secret realm.

Fang Chang was not surprised at the first moment, but an indescribable sense of fear, as if a big hand arranged everything for him in the dark.

Obviously he is already so powerful.

But the more so, the more he was in awe, because it was beyond the scope of his understanding.

The woman saluted Fang Chang gracefully, even exhaling with a fragrant smell.

"My master, please give me a name."

Fang Chang stared at the woman without answering, the golden light in his eyes flashed, and the golden finger that had not been used for a long time was activated again.


【? ? ? 】

Unable to identify!

The golden finger transformed by the boy of the Heavenly Dao carries a trace of the will of the Heavenly Dao of the Zhouguang Great World, and has the attribute of omniscience.

As long as it is something under the operation of the law of heaven, it cannot escape his identification, and some are just introduced in detail or simply because of personal strength.

Unless the woman in front of her is not under the jurisdiction of heaven.

"I am your master?"

"Yes Master."

"So you will obey all my orders, right?"

"That's right, my master, I was born because of you, and your will is my highest command."

"Then what is your existence?"

"I am the spirit of this small world, the will born of the master's authority."

"My authority, what is that?"

"I cannot explain, master."

Is it similar to the spirit of the cave, the spirit of the world, the existence of Yaoguang or Yaoji?

No, if it's just that simple, the identification technique won't be ineffective.

Fang Chang's thoughts turned, and he said to the woman:

"Then from today on, you will be called Ling Ji, and this secret realm will be called the Spirit Realm."

"Yes Master."

Ling Ji saluted Fang Chang again.

I didn't ask any more questions, anyway, it was useless to ask.

Fang Chang withdrew from the spirit world in a daze, and stood on the ground of Qingxiao Road.

Then he saw that the spirit world absorbed the power of chaotic laws in the sea of ​​laws almost crazily with the help of his laws and stars.

But his law stars are not polluted, the spirit world is like a filter, sending pure law power to his law stars.

The spirit world, which was supposed to be his burden, now acts like an accelerator to help his laws and stars continue to grow stronger.

"Anyway, it looks like a good thing."

Fang Chang let out a mouthful of turbid air, vomiting out both the depression and irritability in his heart.

"But...my authority, do I have potential that I haven't discovered myself?"

For some reason, Fang Chang suddenly remembered the scene when he used the identification technique on himself for the first time.

At that time, his physique was still a mutant spirit body, and the introduction to the mutant spirit body was a physique obtained by the fusion of mysterious forces.

Before, he took it for granted that the mysterious power was the golden finger, but now that he thinks about it, there may be something else that he doesn't know.

With this in mind, he tore apart the space and returned to the puppet ancestral realm.

"How is it? Has the secret realm been created successfully?"

Sure enough, when he returned to the Puppet Ancestral Realm, Qi Tian jumped out immediately.

In the main world, he dared not show his face casually, and even took the initiative to fall into a deep sleep, so as not to be noticed by the will of heaven.

Fang Chang didn't answer, but looked at Qi Tian and asked:

"I remember you told me that you are omniscient, right? The identification technique can theoretically identify anything."

Qi Tian nodded and said: "Yes, but this omniscience also has limitations.

That is to calculate based on your strength, the stronger your strength, the stronger the power of my rules that can be borrowed, and the more detailed the identification will be. "

"Then what is there that you cannot identify?"

Fang Chang looked strange.

"No." Qi Tian looked confident, but he knew that Fang Chang would not be aimless, so he quickly added:
"Using the words of your previous life, it means that Dad Tiandao and I share a database. If there is something that I can't identify, it is something that never existed in the big world."

Fang Chang pondered for a moment, then asked again:
"Can you identify whether my current physique is innate or acquired?"

Qi Tian looked like you are stupid, what can I do, and said with some panic:

"Boss, don't scare me."

"Your spiritual body must have been born innately. Didn't you meet someone with the same physique as you before? It's the fire master Dayan Shenjun in the puppet ancestor world where you now occupy the magpie's nest."

Fang Chang was silent.

Does he know how his physique came about.

If his physique was really innate, his initial bones would not be as if he had just passed the pass.

"You said why did your Tiandao father choose me?"

"Of course the boss is handsome and talented, with a sense of justice. He is the savior destined by the heavens, the spokesperson of the way of heaven in the future world, and the boss of my little bastard of the way of heaven."

A rainbow fart will be delivered all over the sky.

Fang Chang raised his forehead and said, "I want to hear the truth."

Qi Tian said righteously: "What I'm telling is the truth."

Fang Chang: "..."

Mu De, usually the training is too successful, this brat is not telling the truth to him now.

"I think our relationship can communicate frankly with each other, but I didn't expect that in the end I was wrong to pay my heart."

Fang Chang sighed: "I regard you as a friend, but you treat me as a club."

"Um, boss."

Qi Tian also squeezed out a bitter smile, and he sighed and said:
"But I really don't know."

As he said that, he felt a bit broken.

"If you want me to say, Boss, you are selfish and stingy, and you will sell me as a second devil and Father Tiandao at every turn.

How can a person like you become the last big world person?
I really don't know what Father Tiandao will see in the future, but since Father Tiandao chose you, there must be his reasons. "

After speaking, he closed his eyes with a generous look.

Fang Chang touched his chin, and said with some relief:
"Maybe I really have potential in me that you can't see."

Regardless of whether this is his own speciality, or some mysterious boss has arranged some kind of trick on him.

Anyway, he couldn't resist.

In short, only when you become stronger, you will see the final truth.


Qi Tian quietly opened one eye, seeing that Fang Chang didn't make any other movements, he was also relieved.

This guy is getting harder and harder to serve.


Time flows.

Since Fang Chang created the spirit world, the spirit world relied on the laws and stars to complement each other and continued to expand in just a few decades.

It has expanded nearly a hundred times from the initial radius of less than a hundred miles.

Well, a radius of a hundred miles has become a radius of a thousand miles.

Datang calendar, longevity 220 years.

The "Break Limit" mission of the first batch of old players is approaching the mission time limit, but the number of players who can glimpse the mystery of the god transformation is still less than one percent.

This still counts those players who have only awakened the body and spirit.

If we only talk about players who really break through, the chance is not even one in a thousand.

If the realm of transforming gods is so easy to break through, the Immortal Demon Continent will not call this realm a venerable.

This is the case when players have almost unlimited trial and error costs.

Otherwise the chances are even less.

So the players are completely crazy.

No one can ignore the system's obliteration penalty.

However, some people break through crazily and want to seize the last chance.

Some people are frantically buying forum coins, trying to exchange them for a commodity that is exempt from obliteration in the forum mall.

After Xia Xiaofei, people successively noticed the value of the forum coins, and gathered enough 100 million forum coins to open the forum mall.

As a result, all the exchange items in the forum mall spread, causing the value of the forum currency to increase sharply.

This is also a way of survival that Fang Chang specially left for the old players.

The cultivation of players is not easy, and the punishment of obliteration is just to make players dare not touch fish.

But with the strength and means of an old player, it is not difficult to gather 100 million forum coins.

After all, new players are still happy to cash out their forum coins, and get some substantial spirit stones, panaceas, and even magic weapons from old players.

Fang Chang looks forward to the growth of the players.

However, a piece of news woke him up from his practice after all--Li's father and Li's mother's time has come.


Qingxiao Dao City.

Li House.

After more than 200 years of development, the Li Mansion, which used to have two or three kittens, has become a super big family with a population of tens of thousands.

The death of the ancestors of the Li family is approaching, and for the Li family, it is like a bolt from the blue.

Who doesn't know that the current glory and status of the Li family is due to the friendship between the ancestors and the Taoist Lord when they were young.

If the old ancestor had gone, would the Taoist master treat the Li family preferentially?
For a while, everyone was worried about the future fate of the Li family - under the intentional concealment of Li's father and Li mother, the younger generations did not know that they had an old ancestor Li Hu.

In front of the Li Mansion, a descendant of the Li family held a brocade box and said loudly:

"Let me in, I have a life-prolonging elixir in my hand, and I can renew the life of my ancestors!"

But no one paid him any attention.

The concierge of Li's mansion even looked at this descendant of the Li family with red eyes with pity.


The young man was holding the brocade box, his eyes were red, and he was muttering to himself.

He is not mourning the loss of his ancestors.

He hadn't even met his ancestor, but the panacea in his hand was bought by his family who went bankrupt, just to be able to meet the ancestor, and to obtain a Daocheng household registration for them at the last moment of the ancestor.

After all, the Li family is too big, not everyone can live comfortably.

But obviously there are not a few people who are as he thinks.

"The old ancestor has never eaten any life-prolonging panacea, so what is the panacea in your hand?"

A descendant of the Li family who was also stopped outside the door sarcastically said:

"Don't dream, take advantage of the opportunity to stay in Daocheng now, why not practice here for a few more days, maybe you can break through the cultivation level, and enter the family tree in the future."

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