Seeing the aggressive Mrs. Qin, Fang Chang couldn't help but recall the first time he saw her at the Spirit Sword Gate.

At that time, at his instigation, Li Hu took the identity of the master of the Spirit Sword Sect as a closed disciple, and forcibly intervened in the internal affairs of the Spirit Sword Sect with his armor psychic skills, defeating the foundation with a single blow.

This battle caused Mrs. Qin to lose the support of her natal sect, and she had to make compromises with them, and even almost lost her life to him on a moonlit night.

Fortunately, he was timid at the time and didn't dare to eat wild food, otherwise his relationship with Li Hu would be really hard to care about.

But in his memory, no matter what Madam Qin's status is, she always looks like a charming and charming lady, with a faint allure of a wife on her body.

How could it be so pungent as it is now.

It seems that they have not been too happy these years.

Fang Chang thought to himself.

If there is no such character, I am afraid that the mother and daughter will get into a lot of trouble.

Especially in the absence of Li Hu.

Apart from the older generation of monks, the monks in the legion knew little about Li Hu's reputation, let alone Li Hu was only in the realm of transforming gods when he left.

Nowadays, the Huashen Venerables in the legion don't say that they have caught a lot, but they are not rare figures.

How much awe can be left for Li Hu.

Fang Chang's thoughts turned in his mind, and he looked at Mrs. Qin's mother and daughter with a little more pity in his eyes.

"I got it." Fang Chang said softly, "Qin Qing is my elder brother's wife, and she should have a lot of money. You have suffered a lot of grievances these years.

In the future, if you have something to say to the City Lord's Mansion, Dongdong will handle it.

My elder brother is not here, but you can't bully everyone. "

Madam Qin, who still wanted to make a fuss, blushed when she heard this.

When she and her daughter were at the Spirit Sword Gate, they were afraid of Fang Chang as a tiger, and later persuaded her son-in-law to cut off contact with Fang Chang.

Therefore, Mrs. Qin has never dared to contact Fang Chang.

Especially Fang Chang's status is getting higher and higher, and her reliance-good son-in-law Li Hu has been away for many years, who knows how much affection they still have left.

Even the Li family is so indifferent to them, let alone sworn brothers.

So unless it was absolutely necessary, Mrs. Qin was unwilling and did not dare to seek Fang Chang's help.

Because in her heart, the relationship between the two became weaker as she used it, so this greeting must be used at the critical point, the life-saving point.

Over the years, she has swallowed her grievances, and she has to bear any difficulties by herself, and how many people know whether they are cold or warm.

"My lord, thank you very much."

Mrs. Qin seemed to have become that weak woman again, wiping her tears with her head down.

As for how much is true and how much is false, only God knows.

But Fang Chang didn't care about it, he said lightly:

"Tomorrow you can go to Tsing Yi Guards to get a free job. If you don't want to use your brother's reputation to act, you will have less trouble when you have clothes."

"Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang are talking with their children inside, you can wait here for a while."


Mrs. Qin quickly replied.

Fang Chang didn't say any more, and pulled Dongdong away.

"Qing'er, we are right this time."

Madam Qin looked at Fang Chang's leaving back and raised her head with a smug smile on her face.

"I knew that Xiao Fang was nostalgic, and his in-laws would die soon, so he would definitely come, but I didn't expect to run into him when we first arrived.

Now that's all right, with the golden words from the Taoist master, I want to see who else has the guts to attack our mother and daughter in the future.

It's easy for me, a widow, to earn some Lingshi. A group of dogs and men all dream of earning money and money. "

One of her goals was to fight for the family property, and meeting Fang Chang by chance was also her goal.

No matter how bad it is, I still have to meet the Taoist wife, crying a few times will save them a lot of trouble in the future.

The lives of the two of them are actually not bad, even with the care of the city lord's mansion, Mrs. Qin's investment in Daocheng is booming, and she has a reputation as a beautiful proprietress.

But a woman's appearance in the business field will always provoke unnecessary criticism.

So Mrs. Qin had no choice but to use her hot temper as a protection.

But the grievances are really suffered, after all, how can you not be wronged if you do business to make money.

It's just that Mrs. Qin doesn't want to bother the City Lord's Mansion with little things, otherwise the relationship will really decrease.

Under the protection of her mother, Qin Qing has always been very innocent. She went to the mountains and rivers with a group of fairies and sisters every day, admiring the flowers and the moon, without any sense of crisis.

The comfortable environment has always been the most exhausting mind.

Fortunately, Mrs. Qin doesn't need her daughter to have a strong will.

He knew very well that with his daughter's level, maintaining a pure and true character, and adding some housewife tricks, was enough to live a good life.

Because both Master Taoist and her son-in-law who hasn't come back for 200 years like such a daughter.

Silly enough, so lucky enough.

Sure enough, upon hearing mother's pride, Qin Qing covered her mouth and exclaimed:
"Ah? Mother, you dare to plot against Lord Daoist?"

"Bah bah bah!"

Madam Qin's complexion changed, and she looked around in awe, as if someone was staring at her.

"Mother said, it was a chance encounter, how can a chance encounter be considered a calculation?
You silly child, if you can't speak, don't say it. No matter how bold your mother is, she dare not plot against Master Daoist. "

Qin Qing stuck out her tongue, looking embarrassed.

"Mom, I was wrong."

"You child, if mother didn't need to think so much for you, it's all because of your good husband, who has been away for so many years and doesn't even have a letter.

If he hadn't had a good brother, he would have worn dozens of hats on his head. "

Mrs. Qin complained about Li Hu again.

If she hadn't been so careful all these years, with Qin Qing's temperament, she might not have known which man she was cheated by.

200 years, not to mention Qin Qing, even she almost forgot Li Hu's appearance.

But after 200 years, Mrs. Qin did not dare to go one step further.

Once her own daughters did something that would damage their reputation, Mrs. Qin believed that Fang Chang would never let them go.

At most two people are left alive, it is still the kind of life that can't be killed, and then wait until Li Hu comes back to kill them.

Or maybe Li Hu couldn't come back, so he still killed them.

In short, they have to be killed.

Not only Qin Qing, but even she dared not look for other men.

Mrs. Qin is very satisfied with her present affluent life, holding huge wealth, Yuanying is in sight, and a thousand years of life is at her fingertips.

She was about to achieve the level of cultivation that her husband, who was in awe of God, never dared to dream of.

When Qin Qing heard Mrs. Qin's words, her face turned red and her eyes flickered.

"Mother, what are you talking about? I am devoted to my husband, and I will always wait for him."

How can the relationship of more than 30 years compare with the emptiness and loneliness of 200 years.

Even she herself didn't know how long she could last.

How could she not be envious when she thought of the sisters, gods and couples, in pairs.

"Hmph, it's best not to have any intimate contact with any man, no, it's best not to have any contact."

Mrs. Qin snorted lightly and said:

"Before Li Hu left, he told you that he wanted to reconcile, but you didn't agree, so don't have any small thoughts, mother will watch you closely for him.

Well, pack up and get ready to meet your parents-in-law. "


Qin Qing softly agreed, but she couldn't help recalling Li Hu's broad mind, strong arms, and gentle breath in her mind.

But only appearance, vague.

Husband, when will you come back?


"I am back."

In a wilderness hundreds of thousands of miles away from Qingxiao Dao City, a crack opened in the void, and a blood-stained figure fell down.


The figure fell heavily to the ground, smashing the ground into a big hole.

But not long after, the figure turned over, looked up at the blue sky, and suddenly laughed foolishly.

"I am back."

"Second brother, Qing'er, father, mother, little sister, I'm back."

The figure covered his face with his hands, and his voice couldn't tell whether it was crying or laughing.

He struggled to get up from the ground, and as soon as he made a tactic in his hand, a burst of severe pain came from his body.

But he turned a blind eye to it, and saw countless water vapors in the air gathered, enveloping his body, and clusters of dirty blood and dust squeezed out of the clear water.

After a while, the figure who was covered in blood just now revealed his true face.

He is tall, but slightly stooped, with a square face, wrinkles around his eyes, and long hair casually draped over his shoulders. He has a natural domineering and unrestrained air, but the gray and white mixed in the long hair makes him more A bit twilight and lonely.

He took a deep breath, looked up to the sky and screamed, as if he wanted to pour out all the resentment and resentment in his heart.


The sound was like the roar of a ferocious beast, spreading far and far away, startling the birds in the grass and dense forest.

A passing young rogue cultivator came flying from afar, and was still cursing.

"What the hell are you screaming, do you know that I almost fell down just now?"

"I'm sorry, I got a little excited just now, brother, how far is it from Qingxiao City?"

The figure smiled at the young casual cultivator, making people unconsciously convinced.

"Qingxiao City?"

The young casual cultivator's face looked a lot better, he was puzzled at first, and then quickly reacted.

"You mean Qingxiao Dao City, right?"

The figure frowned slightly: "I'm talking about Qingxiao City on Qingwang Mountain, where is Qingxiao Dao City?"

The young casual cultivator rolled his eyes: "Uncle, how long have you been in retreat, or did you just come here from a small world?

No, if you just came from Small World, how would you know Qingxiao City?

Qingxiao City is Qingxiao Dao City, on the entire Qingxiao Dao, I think no one would dare to have the same name as Qingxiao City. "

"Forget it, for the sake of our predestined relationship, I will tell you for free, but I usually charge for it."

After speaking, he introduced the situation of Qingxiao Dao, Qingxiao Dao City, Qingxiao Dao Master and so on.

After hearing this, the figure murmured to himself:

"It turns out that the second brother is already such a character."

As he said that, he smiled wryly and said: "That's right, if the second younger brother wasn't so powerful, how could even Tianzun want to pass down the decree for him."

He raised his head and looked at the young casual cultivator:
"Brother, can you take me to the nearest city? I want to take the teleportation array to Qingxiaodao City."

The young casual cultivator looked at the figure suspiciously and said:
"The teleportation array is very expensive, do you have a spirit stone?"

The figure rubbed his waist, then looked at his bare fingers, and remembered that when he was expelled from the Dao Court, all his property and magic weapons had been confiscated.

He smiled bitterly: "No."

The young casual cultivator rolled his big eyes and said: "If you don't have a spirit stone, what kind of teleportation formation do you sit in, if you want to go to Qingxiao Dao City, you'd better go honestly.

Qingxiao Dao City is to the west of us, it is said that it is hundreds of thousands of miles away. "

The young casual cultivator pointed in the direction, then waved his hand and said:

"Uncle, I think you are already old, so stop daydreaming, who doesn't want to go to Daocheng, can you go if you want to?
Let's keep our feet on the ground. "

The figure was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing.

The young casual cultivator was a little embarrassed by the laughter, and said angrily:

"Am I wrong?"

The figure nodded and said: "No, no, you are right, but I am indeed going to Dao City, but I am injured and cannot go there by myself.

Do you know how to contact the people in Daocheng?

I can let them pick me up. "

The young casual cultivator's eyes lit up: "Do you have someone in Dao City?"

The shadow thought for a while, and said, "It's probably there."

Young Sanxiu said: "I know that Qingxiao Bank has paid services, I heard from Uncle Qiang that as long as there are enough spirit stones, Qingxiao Bank can help you with anything, even if you want to meet the Taoist Lord.

I think it should be okay to contact the people in Daocheng.

But you have to pay.

If it is not expensive, uncle, I will give it for you.But uncle, you have to promise me and take me to Daocheng to have a look. "

In fact, the Datang name card can be contacted.

But in the cognition of young casual cultivators, the name card can only be used in one place, and if you go to other places, you have to go to the Golden Book Division to re-open the name card.

"By the way, uncle, what's your name?"

The figure paused, and replied, "Li Hu."

"Wow, what an old-fashioned name, but it is also suitable for you, uncle. My name is Chen Chong. Today we officially met."


Luluo City.

It got its name because it is rich in a kind of pothos ornamental plant.

Qingxiao Bank Lvluo branch.

The treasurer of the bank is just a golden core monk, but to Chen Chong who has just learned how to fly the imperial weapon in the early stage of foundation establishment, he is also a great person.

Not only in terms of cultivation, but also in terms of identity.

In fact, if Li Hu hadn't said that he was a monk from the First Legion, they wouldn't even be able to meet the shopkeeper.

In front of the shopkeeper of the bank, Chen Chong was not as talkative as he was in front of Li Hu, but rather timid.

Li Hu, on the other hand, looked calm.

"A veteran of your First Legion? No ID?"

The treasurer of the bank looked suspiciously at Li Hu, who was in a slump, and frowned and said:
"You know that impersonating a military household is a serious crime."

Li Hu nodded lightly and said: "My name is Li Hu, a former monk of the First Legion, and now I need to contact the Legion, please help me."

As if infected by Li Hu's calmness, Chen Chong also said:

"Senior, uncle knows people in Daocheng, or you can help to contact the other side of Daocheng, I can give you money."

The shopkeeper pondered for a moment, then slowly said:

"Okay, tell me your name, and I'll help you contact the transfer."

"But I want to remind you, once I find out that you are lying to me, don't blame me for doing it with military law."

Fang Chang has always been kind to those who work for him, so Daocheng has issued many laws that give preferential treatment to soldiers.

And the person in front of him is a veteran, who knows what important people he will know.

Based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, the shopkeeper is willing to give a convenience.

Mainly because he didn't believe that someone would risk his life just to tease him once.

Soon, the shopkeeper went through the internal authority of the bank, and after contacting layer by layer, he finally found the external liaison office of the First Legion.

Seeing the inquiry from the opposite side, Li Hu asked the shopkeeper to send a message.

"I'm Li Hu, the former head of the First Legion, and I'm back."

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