Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Looking at the message sent from his hand, the shopkeeper of the bank looked at Li Hu in front of him, his eyes were three points shocked, three points excited, and four points in disbelief.


He really wanted to say it was impossible, and he wanted to take action to teach this low-level monk who had acted recklessly and dared to pretend to be the head of the army in front of him.

But he dared not.

Li Hu just glanced at the shopkeeper indifferently after sending out the message.

"Just wait."

Just at this glance, all the thoughts in the shopkeeper's heart were scattered. He didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't afford to gamble. It was just a matter of waiting for a few days.

The shopkeeper's complexion changed, then he stood up and saluted Li Hu respectfully.

"The humble Zhao Lin was originally a soldier of the 3th team of the Fifth Army. After being restructured, he joined the Qingxiao Bank. Now he is the manager of the Luluo branch. I have met my lord."

Nearly half of Qingxiao Bank's staff is transferred from the legion, and among the top management, more than 80.00% are former members of the legion.

After all, when Qingxiao Bank was first built, there were only so many people under Fang Chang's staff, so it was natural to move wherever it was needed.

Hearing this, Li Hu nodded slightly, but stopped talking.

Seemingly calm, he was also three points expectant, three points excited, one point ashamed and three points confused, and his mood was extremely complicated.

After going out to practice for more than [-] years, in the end, his cultivation base was completely useless, and he even lost the ability to go home.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know what attitude his second brother will treat him with.

With no value, is he still a big brother to the second brother?
After all, the second brother has always been a very practical person.

Thinking like this, Li Hu fell into a long silence.

At the side, Chen Chong glanced left at the uncle and right at the shopkeeper standing there. His whole body was crawling like ants, and his heart was itchy.

He wanted to ask, but he was inexplicably more in awe of this uncle he met by chance, and he didn't dare to be as presumptuous as before.

A low-ranking monk who doesn't even have a spirit stone on his body is actually a big man who even pays respect to the shopkeeper of the bank.

Chen Chong only thought he was dreaming.

While excited, I was also a little scared.

If the uncle is pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, he will be shot to death by the shopkeeper even with him.

But if it's true, then wouldn't he post it.

This is probably the noble person that Uncle Qiang has been telling him about. Just a word can change the fate of people like them.

But the excitement didn't last long.

The silence in the room gradually seemed to turn into a mountain, which made Chen Chong feel a little out of breath.

Suddenly, he stood up with a crash, and saw two pairs of eyes looking at him.

He pursed his lips and said with a dry laugh:

"Well, I have a little urgency to urinate, urgency to urinate."

The shopkeeper over there also seemed to have recovered, and said enthusiastically, "Little brother, I'll take you there."

After all, he looked at Li Hu.

Seeing Li Hu nodding, he hurriedly dragged Chen Chong out of the room.

Just got out of the room.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, then looked at each other, and both laughed, and the strangeness between each other dissipated a little.

"Little brother, how did you meet this lord?" the shopkeeper asked.

Chen Chong replied honestly: "I just met him on the road, I think the uncle is a little pitiful, I heard that the bank has a business with Daocheng, so I brought the uncle here to look for relatives.

Senior, you called Uncle just now, is Uncle very powerful? "

The shopkeeper looked at Chen Chong with envy, pointed to the sky and said:

"If he didn't lie to me, then he is a big shot you can't even imagine, the kind who reaches the sky.

Maybe you will have to take care of me, little brother, in the future. "

Chen Chong couldn't stop the smile on his face when he was told by the shopkeeper, he couldn't help but scratched his head and said with a smirk:

"Hey, senior, you said that such a powerful uncle, why is his breath so weak?
When I first met him, I thought he was some kind of down and out guy who had just been robbed. "

The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "How would I know about the big shot, do you still want to pee?"

Chen Chong smirked again: "I didn't feel it after I came out, why don't you let me stay outside, I'm bored inside."

The shopkeeper took a look at Chen Chong: "Silly boy, you won't cherish this kind of opportunity to get close to a big man."

Unconvinced, Chen Chong said, "Senior, you came out with me in the same way."

But the shopkeeper said: "I am a person who needs to retire. I do more and make more mistakes, and do less and make fewer mistakes. How do you compare with me?"

When Chen Chong heard it, he felt quite reasonable, and he asked later:

"Then I go in again?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "Forget it, big shots are the most sincere. You were fine before, but now you're in this state, it's useless to go, and it's just a matter of provoking dislike."

Chen Chong squatted down in frustration.

"Senior, aren't you hurting me?"

The shopkeeper chuckled, and squatted down with him.

"I said you can't go in, I didn't say you wouldn't go in, the result is the same on the left and right, how can it be regarded as my harming you."

"Senior, can't you see that you are so nice?"

Seeing that the shopkeeper was getting close to him, Chen Chong became more courageous, and said doubtfully: "I heard that adults like you use different methods to bully us casual cultivators."

The shopkeeper didn't change his face, and told a cruel fact.

"Because from now on, you are no longer a small person."


The people from Daocheng came much faster than the shopkeeper thought, just an hour after the news was sent out.

The sky in Luluo City suddenly darkened.

Everyone in the city felt a heavy pressure.


"The sky is cracked!!"

But for a moment, the people let out ear-piercing screams, and the whole city boiled up.

I saw a pitch-black crack that was tens of thousands of meters long on the sky. Ten meters, hundreds of meters, the crack became bigger and bigger, and finally expanded to a width of several thousand meters.

One by one, the monks stood up with their weapons, facing the cracked sky, their faces were panicked, and some of them ran away directly.

Luluo City is just a small city with a population of only over [-], and the real Jindan who is the treasurer of the bank is one of the giants in the city.

Looking at the vision in the sky at this moment, even the shopkeeper's face changed a little.

"what happened?"

"Someone tore apart the space, this is the means only possessed by Dongxu's power."

The door of the room was opened at some time, Li Hu looked up at the sky, and said with a longing tone.

"Dare to make such a big commotion in Qingxiao Dao unscrupulously, there is probably no one else except the Taoist Lord you are talking about.

Don't panic, he's here to pick me up. "


The shopkeeper and Chen Chong couldn't help but gasped.

Lord Taoist, that is the god who rules over everything in this land, and it is the existence that all of them rely on their breath to survive.

And such a character would actually come to pick up the downcast man in front of him in person.

He is more important than what he thinks.

For a moment, it was as if an electric current rose from their tailbone to the back of their heads, and their whole bodies were trembling.

Sure enough, the next moment, the outline of a huge building boat emerged from the crack, and above the bow stood a giant sword sculpture as wide as a door panel.

"It's the warship of the Legion!!"

The shopkeeper recognized the origin of the warship, and exclaimed:
"This is the Spirit Sword of the First Legion. It is said that its power is only lower than that of the cruiser Qingxiao No. [-], which is currently serving on the front line. It is as famous as the Dainichi Tathagata of the First Legion's Dainichi God."

Li Hu couldn't help but tremble when he heard the shopkeeper's introduction.

"It turns out that the second brother still remembers me, he always remembers me!"

As the Spirit Sword completely drilled out of the crack in space, streamers of light flew out from the building. They were monks wearing legion armor, all holding unified flying swords, and all of them were in the Nascent Soul realm in terms of cultivation.

In the legion, each of these monks can be the commander-in-chief.

But at this moment, they are just a member of the guard of honor.

Boom! !
A huge firework bloomed in the sky, like a meteor shower, and then countless spiritual energy came from all directions.

In just a short moment, the concentration of aura in the entire Luluo City increased by more than three times.

I saw green vines coming out from all directions of Luluo City, entangled on the big trees, on the houses, on the streets, on the city walls...

Then there are flower buds on the vines, and then buds, and colorful flowers bloom.

And the flowers bear small fruits.

This flower is a specialty of Luluo City. It can be cultivated by mortals, and it can produce spiritual fruits without special care, so every household will plant some.

And this fruit is the essence of the green radish flower, a spiritual fruit used for beauty and beauty.

On weekdays, there will be at most one small fruit among a hundred green dill flowers. Although it is only a low-level spiritual fruit, it also brings a lot of income to the residents of Luluo City.

But at this moment, all the flowers bear fruit.

Obviously, it's not that the green radish flowers don't bear fruit, it's just that they are fed too badly. If they are fed with spirit stones, they are guaranteed to bear fruit.

Immediately afterwards, these monks were seen swimming in the sky, holding different spells in their hands, and the aura turned into flying swords in midair.

In an instant, there were millions of lifelike flying swords standing across the sky.

All the monks knelt down on one knee in the air, turning with the flying swords, and bowed in the same direction.

"All the sergeants of the First Legion, welcome the regiment commander home!"

The sound shook the wilderness, and spread far, far away.

In front of Li Hu, a man in white clothes appeared with a smile on his face.

"It came in a hurry, and the ceremony was a bit crude. I'll make it up for you when I go back."

"Brother, welcome home."


The Spirit Sword stopped over Luluo City.

The panic in the city had dissipated, and it was a huge surprise instead.

Those overgrown green dill flowers are just a random embellishment.

But for urban residents, it is a big income.

As for the buildings destroyed by the green radish, they are all within the controllable cost, so they can still be used after repairing them.

Not to mention, this is produced by Legion, and if it is sold outside, the price will have to be increased.

The main cabin of Spirit Sword.

Li Hu had already washed himself up and put on a top-level cassock. His mental outlook was quite different from before, but the stagnation on his body couldn't be dissipated no matter what.

He was sitting sideways, holding a cup of spiritual tea in both hands, giving him the feeling of a retired old man.

"Brother, what is your cultivation?"

Fang Chang considered his tone.

"It's useless."

Li Hu seemed to say another thing that had nothing to do with him, he even smiled and said:
"I never thought that you would make such a big commotion and find so many old people back in such a short period of time.

You have a heart. "

Many of the guard of honor just now were veterans who followed him back then, and there were even some of his own soldiers back then, who had been there since the establishment of the First Legion.

Fang Chang forced a smile: "As long as you have the heart, it's not difficult."

Suddenly, he changed the subject:

"Who did it?"

"Aren't you in the Daozi battlefield of Beidou Daozong?"

"It's a blessing to save a little life after losing the fight." Li Hu said very open-mindedly: "Second brother, you should be happy for me.

Although my cultivation base has been abolished, my giant spirit body has not been completely abolished, and it is not a problem to live another 200 years.

Speaking of which, I earned it. "

Fang Chang was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Brother, after all these years, you still won't lie."

Li Hu suppressed his smile, and said in a bitter tone:
"Second brother, you are still so powerful, but the matter is over, so don't ask any more questions. I have already admitted it."

"But I want to know why?"

Fang Chang knocked on the table with a gloomy tone:
"You are my elder brother Fang Chang. Abolishing your cultivation is slapping me in the face. You can bear it, but I can't bear it."

"And brother, haven't you seen Meishan's old mother? She told me everything, the Daozi battlefield is the Daozi secret realm, not the Asura battlefield.

I was ready for the big brother to fail and become the protector of Daozong, but I was not ready to see a useless big brother. "

"Who is it?!"

"Brother, you may not understand my current strength, as long as I want to check, it's just a little more effort."

Li Hu was silent.

Fang Chang waited.

a long time.

Li Hucai said: "Speaking of which, I asked for it myself.

Since ancient times, it has been a matter of course to repay debts. Even the common people in the market know the truth that if they borrow usury, they will have to pay back.

Since I let the Desha Suppressing Prison Pagoda recognize the master, there is today's karma.If I want to leave the Dao Court, I have to return the cultivation I got from them.

So no one is to blame for this.

Second brother, if you still call me big brother, let's stop this matter, now I just want to spend the last time with my family. "

Fang Chang laughed, looked at Li Hu and said:
"Brother, why did you leave the Taoist court?"

Li Hu didn't want to answer, but for some reason his eyes were lost, and he blurted out the truth.

"They want me to help Daoist Taixu after breaking through and drive you back. I don't want to be your enemy, but I have to repay the favor.

So I can only return my cultivation base to them. "

Li Hu's eyes cleared and he understood what happened just now.

Looking at Fang Chang, he smiled bitterly and said:

"Second Brother, this is the first time you have used the Heavenly Demon Dafa on me, right?"

"Speaking of which, they only left me with some roots for your sake, otherwise I would have died by now."

"I am satisfied to be able to go from being a hunter in the mountains to today."

Fang Chang looked at Li Hu steadily.

After hundreds of years of practice, this guy who is still a bit stupid, just to repay the past karma, he abolished his own cultivation.

The reason turned out to be that he didn't want to be his enemy.

You don't even know how to fight fake matches, it's really a waste of following him for so long.

He suddenly laughed.

"Brother, let me just say, you are not suitable for this cultivation world at all."

"Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang can see you before the deadline, so forget about their last wish."

"Let's go back."

Before Li Hu could speak, a big crack opened in the space, and the Spirit Sword shuttled away.

The next moment, the Spirit Sword had already landed in Qingxiao Dao City.

Chen Chong, who was lifted onto the boat by the way, was lying on the window of the cabin, looking at the sacred tree of Qingxiao that covered the sky and the earth like in the legend, he felt dazed for a while—this is Daocheng.


Too empty front.

Fang Chang, who was still reminiscing with Li Hu, suddenly appeared.

Looking at the 30-mile-long Great Wall, Fang Chang chuckled sarcastically, then raised his hand, clenched his fist, and punched forward.

No sound came out.

I saw a thin ripple in the air.

The Great Wall seemed to sense the approaching crisis, countless auras lit up, and rune magic circles unfolded one by one.

But these defenses, which are strong enough to withstand blows from Nascent Soul Great Cultivator and even Huashen Venerable, have only one word to describe them in front of this ripple that cuts everything—vulnerable.

The 30-mile Great Wall was cut in half by a single blow.

Boom! !

Before countless monks could react, they were buried by the collapsed Great Wall.

Daozi Taixu roared and rushed out.

"Shenjun Dayan, you did not keep the agreement!"

The next moment, he flew back at a faster speed.

Fang Chang shook his hand, like knocking out a fly.

"Save your life, go back and tell the old Taoist Taixu, we are here for real!"

Behind Beidou Daozong is Beidou Tianzun, who is also the leader of the Immortal League. He can't do it for the time being, but it is still easy to trouble Daoist Taixu.

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