Chapter 408 Tian Quanzi

The Four Seasons Sect is one of the affiliated sects of the Taixu Sect. The sect has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. After coming to the main world, it was surrendered by the Taixu Sect.

And the patriarch of the Four Seasons Sect, Old Man Four Seasons, got the guidance of Daoist Taixu, and broke through to the peak of Transforming God, only one step away from Dongxu.

Of course, ninety-nine percent of Huashen Venerables were blocked by this step.

With this favor, Sijizong is one of Taixuzong's staunch supporters.

In addition, their Zongmen's garrison is only 18 miles away from the Taixu defense line, and they can touch the front line by stretching their feet, so half of the sect's strength has been invested in the Taixu defense line, and they dare not slack off at all.

Until a month ago, all the elders and disciples who were still fighting against the Qingxiao Legion on the defense line returned in defeat, bringing back news that the defense line had fallen.

At the same time, they also brought back news of the army's attack.

The time was too short, before the Four Seasons Sect had time to decide whether to fight or flee, the army of the legion had already approached the city.

The old man of the four seasons held the golden wheel of the four seasons, the treasure of the Zongzong, and a huge phantom appeared on the Zongmen, overlooking the vanguard of the army who came to attack the mountain.

"It's you guys?!"

"Jinghong Sword Lord!"


"Fire Cloud Evil God!"

The old man of the four seasons recognized that the leaders who came to attack the mountain turned out to be a few casual cultivators who had recently gained fame.

Due to the establishment of the Taixu defense line before, many strange forces have poured in behind the defense line, causing many conflicts with the local sect.

In the end, under Taixuzong's mediation, a territory with a less affluent aura environment was allocated to them.

But there are also many monks who have become casual cultivators, causing a lot of commotion behind the line of defense.

And the monks who rushed to attack the mountain this time were led by the few monks who had recently broken through to transform into gods among the casual cultivators.

It is said to come from a strange race with the gift of resurrection.

Relying on this kind of talent, these casual cultivators have no scruples and have turned many small and medium sects upside down.

However, this kind of blood talent seems to have a limit, that is, it cannot break through the realm of transforming gods.

Many monks who seem to be talented and brilliant, even incomparable to the true biography of their sect, can't even touch the threshold of becoming a god.

If you don't turn into a god, it's nothing.

Therefore, the sects like their Four Seasons Sect, where the venerable Huashen sits, are places that these people dare not disturb.

Before, Elder Siji only regarded this group of people as clowns, but he didn't take it seriously until he heard that there was a cultivator who transformed himself into one of them.

If there is no blood limit, a revived deity, even he would have a headache.

Unexpectedly, they would attack the mountain with the legion this time.

Xia Xiaofei swung everything, and a 40-meter golden saber landed on the guardian formation of the Four Seasons Sect.

A layer of transparent gas mask emerged in the air, turning the fierce offensive into invisible.

"Jinghong Jianjun's name is the love of his comrades. Let me introduce it again. The Qingxiao Legion opened up the camp, and the new chief ten thousand, Xia Xiaofei, has met your Excellency."

"The defeat of the Taixu Sect is a foregone conclusion. Please don't be stubborn and stick to it, so as not to bring disaster to the Four Seasons Sect."

"After I entered the Four Seasons Domain, I also had a relationship with several true biography of the noble sect. I don't want to hurt my friendship."

Xia Xiaofei is only in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, but he talks freely when facing the old man of the four seasons, the peak of the transformation of the gods, without any panic.

Old Man Siji smiled angrily: "Only by you?"

Turning the Four Seasons Golden Wheel in his hand, he saw a clear light shooting out, and a breeze blew up in the air, which was as warm and peaceful as a spring day, making people stop and feel it unconsciously.

Xia Xiaofei was directly fixed by Qingguang, felt the breeze with his body, only felt that the world was infinitely beautiful, let go of the defenses outside his body little by little, and his mind was seized by it.

I saw that his face became younger little by little, his body grew bigger, and long hair grew suddenly at the back of his head. In the blink of an eye, it grew nearly a hundred feet, and it was dragged behind his head like a black horse.

Four Seasons Golden Wheel·Chunsheng!

This Four Seasons Sect's suppressing patriarchal treasure can forcibly stimulate the vitality of the human body. It seems to arouse vitality and regenerate like spring, but in fact it stimulates people's vitality ten times or a hundred times in an instant.

In this case, a person's vitality is infinitely stimulated, and it will explode in a short time.

And people are often obsessed with the beauty of this kind of life, and they are unknowingly tricked.

Old Man Siji, as the pinnacle of God Transformation, wants to confuse a newcomer to God Transformation like Xia Xiaofei, it really shouldn't be too simple.

"The idiot hasn't woken up yet!"

Decepticon's real name is Li Zhong, he is a muscular bald man, but if you think he is just a muscular tyrant, you are wrong.

On the contrary, this guy forcibly stimulates the spirituality in his body through the method of nirvana in Buddhism, and breaks through to transform into a god.

Therefore, seeing Xia Xiaofei being fixed by the Four Seasons Golden Wheel, he directly resorted to a slap in the face.

He held a thigh-thick mace in his hand and hit Xia Xiaofei hard on the head.

Xia Xiaofei's head was almost tilted, he woke up suddenly, and the overflowing vitality in his body exploded instantly, even he couldn't suppress it.

Bang bang bang! !

Blood holes burst out of his limbs and chest, and his youthful face instantly aged.

With just one trick, he looked four or five years old.


Xia Xiaofei thanked the Decepticons.

"It's a great effort."

The Decepticon flicked the mace.

Xia Xiaofei felt the injury carefully, and his face was extremely ugly.

"This action cost at least ten years of my lifespan. If the Decepticons didn't wake me up in time, I would have to pay hundreds of years of lifespan just for one move.

The gap between the early stage of God Transformation and the peak of God Transformation is still too large.

Especially when the opponent occupies a favorable location. "

Xia Xiaofei glanced at the old man of the four seasons, very apprehensive.

As a player, he is not afraid of physical harm, but this kind of supernatural power that hurts both the body and the soul is very afraid.

The soul is damaged, and the fee for resurrection is very expensive.

Especially now that he is in the realm of transforming gods, the price of one resurrection is enough to hurt him.

"Don't pretend to be forceful, you will be struck by lightning."

The corner of the mouth of another young man named Huoyun Cthulhu among the players tilted, and he saw that the sky was suddenly red with flames, and then endless flames fell down.

"Feel my hot passion!"

Blossoming fireworks hit the protective array of the Four Seasons Sect, reflecting the entire transparent shield fiery red, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

Obviously, the player's body is fused with the law of fire, and his shots are meteor fire rain.

Seeing that he injured Xia Xiaofei with one move, the old man of the four seasons immediately raised his confidence.

He also thought that the three masters who dared to attack him in the early stage of the transformation of the gods had some trump cards, which made him mentally sensitive.

It turned out so weak.

When he saw the fire cloud god raining meteors and fire, he immediately smiled confidently.

"A mere Mars dares to shine, Four Seasons Golden Wheel Xia Yan!"

Seeing that the Four Seasons Golden Wheel in the hands of the old man of Four Seasons suddenly shone brightly, like a scorching sun rising, the temperature in the air was even higher, the heat wave covered the fire and rain, and ignited black flames, densely covering the void.

In the blink of an eye, the three players and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals they brought were surrounded by black flames.

A group of people propped up the aura of body protection, but they couldn't stop the increasingly violent black flames.

Many low-level monks were burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The black flames continued to deepen, and finally turned into black flame dragons, attacking the three of them with teeth and claws.

"If you can't beat it, use a unique move!"

Huoyun evil god's body engraved the law of fire, and he has the most intuitive feeling for the power of Heiyanlong.

It is worthy of being an old sect that has been passed down for thousands of years, but just a magic weapon for suppressing the sect makes them flustered.

Xia Xiaofei sighed, looked at Elder Siji and said:
"I really want to save the Four Seasons Sect."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of white jade slip, crushed it directly, and shouted respectfully:

"League commander, please take action!"

As the jade slips exploded, the void suddenly shook, and the black flame dragon, which was still baring its teeth and claws just now, seemed to be disturbed by something, and it collapsed directly, turning into black flame lotuses and falling in the sky. Indestructible.

Then there seemed to be a black hole born in the void, and a jade-like palm protruded from the black hole.

"Cave virtual power!"

Elder Siji looked at the palm protruding from the black hole, and couldn't help showing despair.

There is only one big difference between the God Transformation Realm and the Hollow Realm, but the gap between the two is huge. One is still borrowing and simulating the power of the law, while the other has already mastered the power of the law.

Ruyu's palm does not change due to any will, and after being summoned, it just gently falls towards the mountain gate of the Four Seasons Sect.


Elder Siji radiated great spiritual light outside his body, holding the Siji golden wheel in his hand, he went up to the sky.

"Four Seasons Golden Wheel Winter Mute!"

The Four Seasons Golden Wheel, which was still like a scorching sun just now, was icy cold at the moment, and a thick layer of ice condensed from the sky at a high speed. With the old man of Four Seasons as the center, the entire Four Seasons Sect was protected under the solid ice.

This was originally a large-scale killing move, but at this moment, it was used by the old man for defense, just to block that palm.

Click click!
But the old man of the four seasons is doomed to be disappointed, the defense of the guardian array is opened to the limit power, but it can only block it for a moment.

Seeing the formation plate buried underground, the formation patterns engraved on the mountains and rivers were all exposed, and then broke into pieces.

Then, the entire air mask burst like a bubble.

Then, the ice layer cracked from the bottom, and the palm grew bigger and bigger, as if it contained the entire Four Seasons School.

For Dongxu powers, after they break through, controlling the space is as easy as drinking water and eating.

The difference is only skilled or unskilled.

Covering thousands of miles with one palm is just an ordinary method.

The palm fell without any pressure, and the entire sect of the Four Seasons Sect fell directly into a depth of tens of meters.

No one can resist this palm.

From the perspective of Xia Xiaofei and others, one can see that the Sijizong, which was originally crowded with mountains and mountains, has a huge palm print out of thin air, and even the palm prints are clearly visible.

As for the Four Seasons Sect, there are only ruins left.

It's over.

next moment.

The old man of the four seasons rushed out of the ground covered in blood, looked at the ruins of the four seasons sect, and let out a terrifying roar.


"I'm going to kill you!"

He is not a powerful opponent of Dongxu, but it is still possible to deal with the few Huashen in front of him who have brought disaster to the Four Seasons Sect.

Even if he knew that they could be resurrected, he couldn't care less about anything at the moment, not killing them would not be enough to appease his anger.

Some people regard the sect as a tool, while others regard the sect as a destination.

Old Man Four Seasons is the latter.

He couldn't accept the fact that the sect was destroyed in his hands.

However, Xia Xiaofei and the others had no fear at all. If they couldn't beat them, they were a locator, a tool for the army commander to take action.

Now that the head of the legion is taking action, there is no reason for the Four Seasons Sect to survive.

If the old man of the four seasons is still alive and unable to hide, there may be a glimmer of life, but if he dares to rush out at this time, he can only die.


next moment.

The palm that destroyed the Four Seasons Sect just now reappeared, pinching the old man of the Four Seasons, and was about to pull him back into the black hole.

"Hey, I didn't expect to ask the head of the army to take action in the first battle. I hope that other sects in the Four Seasons Region can see the lessons learned by the Four Seasons Sect and don't resist."

Xia Xiaofei couldn't help but sigh when he watched the old man Siji being caught without any resistance.

This way of fighting is really bullying.

It's useless to directly use the realm to overwhelm people, no matter how well prepared they are.

Thinking about it in another way, Xia Xiaofei didn't know how he could face a powerful dimensionality reduction attack other than being a little more courageous in the face of this situation.

No wonder there are so many forces in Qingxiao Dao, but Qingxiao Daoist alone can suppress Qingxiao Dao and make everyone surrender.

Now that the head of the legion has broken through the hole, Qing Xiaodao's strength has expanded again.

But for players like them who can't change camps, it seems to be a good thing.

Just when Xia Xiaofei was about to clean up and take over the entire Four Seasons Domain with the prestige of destroying the Four Seasons Sect, an accident happened again.

Old Man Siji was blocked by a clear light at the last moment when he was pulled into the black hole.

It was a sword, it looked ordinary, with a bamboo handle, it looked more like a child's toy.

But it was such a sword that cut off the palm that had just destroyed the Four Seasons Sect.

The severed hand fell, a blood rain fell in the void, and a big hole was smashed on the ground.

It was obviously just a small palm, but the blood water seemed endless, and it filled the big pit in an instant, turning it into a blood-colored lake.

There was a muffled hum from the other side of the black hole.

Then the black hole opened quickly, and an incomparably beautiful person came out, looked at the sword, frowned slightly, and said coldly:

"The villain who attacked from behind, come out!"

Her broken palm just now has recovered at this moment, but after all, she was injured by the sneak attack, and it is not difficult to see that her breath is a little weak.

Otherwise, in the realm of the hole, even if the hand is broken, it will not turn into a lake of blood, but return to itself.

A young monk wearing a Taoist robe of stars walked out of the void, and slapped Fang Tiezhu:
"Poverty Heavenly Son, I have met Your Excellency."

"Just now, in order to save someone, I acted in a hurry, please don't blame me."

"Pindao came here not to fight with Your Excellency, but to eliminate the war between Qingxiaodao and Taixuzong.

Please remember that there is still a good life in heaven, so put away your weapons and give the creatures in this world a way to survive. "

Fang Tiezhu said coldly: "What if I say no?"

Tian Quanzi smiled lightly and said: "Your Excellency is so murderous, it seems that you have entered the magic way, and the poor way is for the common people to make a living, so I have to invite you to stay in the Town Demon Tower for a while.

After your demon nature dissipates, Pindao will send you out of the pagoda. "

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability!"

Behind Fang Tiezhu, five pairs of huge light wings suddenly opened.

The world with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles changed color, and Tian Quanzi, who was so close at hand, felt the chaos of the rules of the five elements in the world.

The person in front of him breaks through the void realm with the five elements.

The Five Elements Law is the foundation of the Dao Law, it is extremely difficult to break through, but once broken through, it will have extraordinary power.

You must know that others only break through with one of the laws of the five elements, and the five elements are already the top laws in the realm of the void.

Compared with the law of the stars that he rebuilt in his two lives, it is not bad at all.

It's a pity that he just broke through, and his strength is not enough to fight him.

Tian Quanzi shook his head and said, "The poor have no choice but to offend."

With a wave of his sleeve, he saw figures with numb faces appearing in the air in all directions, forming a mysterious formation, which happened to besiege Fang Tiezhu in the middle.


ps: Updates will be made at night.

(End of this chapter)

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