Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 409 Retreating Tianquanzi, the Daoist Taixu who was beaten

Chapter 409 Retreating Tianquanzi, the Daoist Taixu who was beaten (replenishment)
All great powers have their own way of practicing Taoist soldiers.

Just like the former Tang Dynasty, people were also selected to form the Four Elephants Daobing.

Dao soldiers use themselves as the formation flag, carrying the power of Dao, and can form powerful military formations, magic formations, and the power of the crowd to defeat the strong with the weak.

However, the Beidou Taoist soldiers summoned by Tian Quanzi at this moment are even more unusual.

Some cultivators who had been defeated by Beidou Daozong would not be killed on the spot, but would be suppressed under the Tiangang Xingchen Golden Pagoda.

The golden pagoda absorbs the power of the stars and refines it day and night, turning its physique into an acquired star body, which can carry various extraordinary star powers with its physical body.

Then, these high-ranking cultivators with acquired star bodies were used as the main materials, supplemented with various rare spiritual minerals, and refined into humanoid Taoist soldiers whose physical bodies were not weaker than defensive magic weapons.

Then annihilate its soul, and seal the broken spirit into the physical body.

Then burn the Beidou Daozong's unique Beidou magic circle on the Taoist soldiers, which can guide the power of the extraordinary stars from beyond the world to descend on themselves, achieving a leap in strength.

The value of every Beidou Taoist soldier is better than a top-grade magic weapon, and weaker than an ancient treasure.

Even for a supreme sect like Beidou Daozong, it would take time and effort to refine a Beidou Daoist.

Since the change of the sky, the Dao Court has only been reopened for 200 years, and the number of Beidou Dao soldiers refined by Beidou Daozong is only two or three hundred.

Just like the group of Beidou Dao soldiers summoned by Tian Quanzi at this moment, the number is only 49 people, but they can form the Dao Formation of the Big Dipper Seven Stars, summoning the power of the Big Dipper stars to descend.

And the power of extraordinary stars is also a unique power of law. In theory, the Big Dipper Dao Formation composed of these 49 Dao soldiers can match the power of Dongxu.

Of course, only in theory.

However, in conjunction with Tian Quanzi, the true power of the void, not to mention that Fang Tiezhu's realm is slightly lower than Tian Quanzi's, even if he is at the same level as him, facing this team of Beidou Taoist soldiers, he will still be at a disadvantage.

As the Taoist soldiers condensed the magic circle, the sky suddenly fell into darkness, and a star radiated bright light, which was the fourth star of the Big Dipper.

Immediately afterwards, the six stars Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang also faintly lit up.

Streams of starlight poured down, and 49 Taoist soldiers put on a star armor.

If that's the case, they can't be called Beidou Daobing.

Only Fang Tiezhu, who was in the formation, understood the power of this formation.

The power of the stars pouring down filled the space, and everything was eroded by the power of the domineering stars and turned into a part of the starlight.

Including the rules of this world.

Even if she can control the power of the Five Elements Law, at this moment, she can only protect herself and not be assimilated by it.

Cultivator Dongxu loses the power of law, just like a tiger loses its claws, a knight loses his weapon, and loses his greatest support.

Seeing that the power of law between heaven and earth was restricted, Fang Tiezhu didn't panic even though he was frightened, but suddenly had a thought.

In the dark, in the sea of ​​laws beyond the heaven and earth, a law star that has only its embryonic form and is still in a foggy state begins to shine.

The power of the Five Elements Law passes through the void and is projected.

The great power of Dongxu can respond to the stars above, and sense the heaven and earth below. The sky and the earth are restricted, and there is still a sea of ​​laws that can act.

Otherwise, monk Dongxu is not worthy of being called the word "powerful".

All this is very long to say, in fact, the array of Tianquanzi, the summoning law and the stars happened almost at the same time.

Fang Tiezhu summoned the power of the Five Elements Law, broke through the blockade of the Big Dipper formation, and then ran away without looking back.

She has won the true biography of her brother, and if she can't beat her, she will run away, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

As for Xia Xiaofei and the players and the cannon fodder behind them, they can only be considered unlucky.

Seeing this, Tian Quanzi shook his head slightly and said:
"It's decisive, but the power of the law of heaven and earth is turbulent here. If you can't break through the space, how far can you run?"

He held a long sword with a bamboo handle in his hand, and raised the tip of the sword lightly. The space in front of him was like a handkerchief unfolded, covered with folds.

He then pulled back.

Fang Tiezhu, who ran tens of thousands of miles away just now, ran closer and closer, circled around and ran back.

"Entering the impoverished way formation, how can you let you run away so easily."

Tian Quanzi smiled slightly at Fang Tiezhu, who had a frosty face: "Your Excellency, please follow the poor road to the Demon Town Tower."

Fang Tiezhu was expressionless, and the five pairs of light wings behind her were shattered one by one, and the aura of extinction emerged from her body.

"The Great Five Elements Rotate Extinction Divine Light!"

As soon as she exhaled, a beam of five-colored light pierced through the formation of the Big Dipper and shot towards Tianquanzi.

Tian Quanzi chuckled, "Small skills."

With a wave of his cuff, the power of the stars in the space swarmed in, and the rich starlight seemed to turn into substance.

The longer the time, the deeper the impact of the Big Dipper array on the rules here.

After what he said just now, this place has become his domain, and the strength of the rules he mobilized at will is several times that of Fang Tiezhu.

But he underestimated the supernatural power of this Fangtie bamboo stick that has been rampant up to now.

That divine light shatters everything, annihilates everything.

No matter what is in front of you, under the rotation of the five elements, it is like a millstone, obliterating all living beings and everything.

The intense starlight was suddenly penetrated, Tian Quanzi's face was startled, and he retreated again and again.

But how can his speed compare to light.

The next moment, the divine light of extinction penetrated his body.

Tian Quanzi looked at the big hole in his chest, and the five-element law of life and death seemed to wipe out all vitality in his body.

He couldn't help but sighed: "Young people are awesome, it's the poor who underestimated your Excellency."

After all, his figure was disillusioned, and a Beidou Taoist took his place.

And he also appeared at the position of Beidou Daobing just now, and the big hole on his chest has healed at some point.

On the contrary, the chest of Beidou Daobing suddenly emptied just now, and the law of five elements instantly wiped his body into ashes.

Tian Quanzi looked at Fang Tiezhu with a faint smile on his face, as if everything was under control.

"The art of Beidou's replacement of life, as long as the Dao soldiers are not destroyed, the poor Dao will not be injured, and the poor Dao will not die, and the Dao soldiers will not be damaged."

I saw the Beidou Taoist soldiers who had been wiped out just now were reborn in the starlight.

Fang Tiezhu's face turned completely cold.

The momentum in her body was full of momentum, a misty star appeared from the void, getting closer and bigger, and directly overwhelmed the Big Dipper array here.

"The law and the stars are manifested, hurting people with your own roots, you don't want to die!"

Tianquanzi also completely changed color, never thought that Fang Tiezhu's temper would be so staunch, and he would directly use the laws and stars that are the foundation of the Dao.

Once she is allowed to manifest the law star in the present world, even if it is just a rudimentary law star, her power will be multiplied.

But the price of doing this is that once the law and stars are damaged, it will take her ten times and a hundred times more time to make up for it in the future.

But how did he know that Fang Tiezhu fought all the way up, so he didn't know what the casualties were.

Desperate is her conventional method.


The laws and stars suppressed the scene, and the pervasive power of the Five Elements broke through the Big Dipper array in an instant, and even turned against the enemy, and the power of destruction swept through the void, engulfing every Beidou Daoist.

Tian Quanzi didn't want to manifest his laws and stars, even if it was only a slight damage, he felt that it was an irreparable mistake.

So in the face of Fang Tiezhu's desperate efforts, all he could do was to pick up more than half of the remaining Beidou Taoist soldiers and retreat in a hurry.

"It's hurting people with your own self, but I want to see how many times you can manifest the stars."

"Don't bother you."

Fang Tiezhu already felt the turbulence of the law stars, she didn't last long, and soon sent the law stars back to the sea of ​​laws.

But the foundation has been damaged, and without a 500-year recovery, it is impossible to restore to its current strength.

This is still manifested.

If there is a real fight, it won't be able to fight for tens of thousands of years. In other words, the price of a fight is that she can't make progress in cultivation for tens of thousands of years.


the other side.

Daoist Taixu was punched until he vomited blood, and felt that his bones were about to fall apart.

He looked at the menacing Fang Chang, secretly sighed that the other party's fist was too fierce, and at the same time hoped that Tian Quanzi would deal with that little girl soon.

Fang Tiezhu fell into a trap carelessly, and Fang Chang noticed it immediately.

But when he wanted to help, Daoist Taixu stopped him immediately.

"Let's not let?!"

Fang Chang punched down, the void couldn't bear it, cracks like black streaks loomed.

In the law of strength, there are no fancy routines, but only one sentence - great strength creates miracles.

Nothing is unbreakable with one punch, if anything, two punches.

This is the origin of the extreme way of strength, number one in the world.

It has no restraint or no restraint, it is a simple punch, if you can hold it, you will continue to carry the second punch, if you can't hold it, it will break, including the power of law.

If Daoist Taixu didn't use the law of space to break through the hole, stretch the space in front of him to thousands of miles, disperse and disperse the fierce fist, he might be killed by this punch.

Daoist Taixu said while coughing up blood:

"As long as you promise me that you won't violate Taixuzong again, I'll get out of the way, otherwise you won't be able to beat me to death, and your sister will be taken away.

Have you ever heard of the Demon Suppressing Tower of Beidou Daozong? No one has been able to leave the Demon Suppressing Tower so far. "

"Tie Zhu will not be caught, you will not let me in!!"

Fang Chang is very confident about his sister, she would rather blow herself up than become a prisoner.

But self-explosion is not enough, for the time being, he is not sure about resurrecting the girl in the void realm.

He punched it down again.

That strength directly penetrated the space.

Even though the space was stretched by Daoist Taixu many times, but when the law of space was smashed, the ability to expand the space was weakened by an unknown amount.

A huge force hit Taixu Daojun's body, the strength caused his Taoist robe to be torn apart.

Daoist Taixu spat out another mouthful of old blood.

"Even if you beat the old Taoist to death, I won't let you."

"Okay, then I'll kill you first!"

Fang Chang clenched his fist tightly, and the space in front of him shattered like a mirror. Before the fist was released, the force was already unbearable for heaven and earth.

Daoist Taixu had a hunch that if he couldn't catch this punch, he might be seriously injured.

As for killing him, it's not that easy.

But serious injuries are not acceptable to him.

If he was seriously injured, and the injury lasted for thousands of years, then his resistance would be in vain.

At this moment, a sound transmission came over.

Daoist Taixu's face immediately felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

The old Taoist received [-] punches from Dayan Shenjun on the opposite side, and spit out a jar of blood, so you said he retreated.

Daoist Taixu expressed that he was very hurt.

I haven't found that the people of Beidou Daozong are so unreliable before.

With this in mind, he quickly waved to Fang Chang and said:
"Don't worry, God, the old Taoist gave way, let it go!"

He smeared the oil on the soles of his feet, and his body directly broke through the space, and he slipped to nowhere. The space law practiced by Daoist Taixu focuses on the change of space, and he is not good at fighting.

But when he wanted to run, even Fang Chang would never be able to catch up if he didn't prepare means in advance.

Fang Chang had no time to take care of the nimble Daoist Taixu, but went to Fang Tiezhu's position through the air.


"I'm fine, brother."

The pale Fang Tiezhu looked at the worried Fang Chang, but was a little happy.

"It's been a long time since I saw my brother so worried. I'm very happy."

Fang Chang said speechlessly: "Persist a little longer, the old man will never dare to take my punch, I will come to you right away.

Now you have manifested rashly before even the laws and stars have really condensed, something really happened, what should I do.

Fortunately, it scares people away, and it should be fine with a few law crystals for supplementation.

Don't be impulsive next time, at least procrastinate for a while, try your best if you don't move, it's a bad loss, okay? "

While speaking, his mana was input into Fang Tiezhu's body.

"How about it, do you feel that your injury has recovered? And your law and stars, can my mana make up for it?"

Fang Tiezhu nodded, then shook his head and said:

"The injury is okay, but the law and stars are not moving, huh? Wait a minute."

Fang Tiezhu was startled, and felt that there was a channel connecting her with her brother.

A longing consciousness came from the stars of her law.

Then Fang Chang felt that the law power of his law star was draining, and the other side of the inflow was a misty law star prototype.

Is this Tie Zhu's Law and Stars?
He let go of the restrictions.

Then I felt that the power of my laws and stars had shrunk a little.

Fang Tiezhu's aura quickly became full.

"Brother, your power seems to be useful to me!"

She looked at Fang Chang in surprise.

Fang Chang said with a bitter face: "But I have lost at least 20 years of practice, but I am worthy of the calculation. The problem that could only be solved with three or five law crystals can now be solved with one-fifth of it."

He couldn't help rubbing Fang Tiezhu's head, and said with emotion:

"As expected, you are still the familiar Gold Swallowing Beast."

Fang Tiezhu stuck to Fang Chang's palm, and murmured with some attachment:

"Brother hasn't been like this for a long time."

Fang Chang looked at Fang Tiezhu, but fell into deep thought about his wonderful physique.

His imperial puppet spirit body obviously surpassed that of Dayan Shenjun.

Looking at what it means now, even if Tiezhu is gone, as long as he is willing to sacrifice his cultivation, he can still bring her back to life.

This is very scary.

Even Tie Zhu, who controls the power of law, can be revived in the void state, which means that his physique can switch between the power of law.

It also means that the essence of his physique exceeds the power of the law.

After all, only a higher level of power can transform the next level of power.

And the power above the power of law is the rule of heaven, the power of the great way!
(End of this chapter)

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