Chapter 410 Ceasefire
In the following days, the Qingxiao Legion's offensive slowed down.

Although Tianquanzi was scared away by Fang Tiezhu, his arrival still added enough deterrent power to Taixuzong.

At least Fang Tiezhu can't act recklessly now.

Otherwise, if he is counted again, he may really have to rely on Fang Chang's resurrection method.

In addition, it was Taoist Taixu's way of coping with only being beaten and not fighting back that calmed Fang Chang down.

Of course, it's no use not being calm.

With his current strength, it is easy to defeat Taoist Lord Taixu, but it is still a little short of time to kill him.

Fang Chang reckoned that he had to at least reach the peak strength of Dongxu before he could restrain Daoist Taixu's law ability.

His law of space is too sloppy, while giving up attack power, he directly maximizes his survivability.

Not to mention that even if Taoist Taixu can be killed, for him, it is actually a slight sigh of relief, and it is not really revenge for his elder brother.

Because the person who really crippled the elder brother's cultivation base was Beidou Daozong.

But facing Beidou Daozong, he can do too little.

In addition, without the weak opponent Taixu Daojun, where would he go to find a suitable training ground for his lovely players.

After all, not everyone talks about martial arts like Daoist Taixu.

He has gone too far, but he still abides by the unspoken rule of not bullying the small with the big. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never bully Fang Chang's Qingxiao Army with his vain and powerful identity.

Daoist Taixu should be a bit more aggressive, with his ability of the law of space, he is fully capable of changing homes with Fang Chang, forcibly exchanging one for one, and losing both sides.

From the perspective of a bystander, Fang Chang is a proper demon style, acting recklessly and treating all living beings as ants.

And Daoist Taixu is upright, he doesn't bully the weak, he is a good old man.

After all, this war was started by Qingxiaodao, and Daoist Taixu was beaten when he stayed at home well.

But that's the way the world works.

The bad guys do whatever they want, and the good guys get their hands dirty.


After a confrontation like this for a while, the Qingxiao Legion's offensive continued.

But Fang Chang and Fang Tiezhu were completely unable to make a move, because they also had to start talking about martial arts.

Not only is Taixuzong's side having two equal forces, but also because Fang Chang received a warning from Her Majesty the Empress.

"Chen Daochang, are you also here to persuade peace?"

On the front line of the war, Fang Chang had a lukewarm attitude towards Chen Tiangang's arrival.

After being the Daoist Qingxiao for so many years, Fang Chang is used to being the only one who respects himself, and he instinctively dislikes other people's meddling.

Chen Tiangang was indifferent, shook his head and said:

"It's nothing to do with me if you fight upside down. I'm here to convey His Majesty's will."

Thinking of the mysterious and unpredictable Her Majesty, Fang Chang's expression changed: "Please tell me."

Chen Tiangang said: "Your Majesty's order, you can take action, but it can only be limited to fighting at the same level, and you can no longer wantonly attack ordinary people."

"Especially that girl from the Ni family. She is too murderous, and she often does things without leaving a way out. Even the old man has lingering fears when she sees it."

"And you should know that for His Majesty, we care more about the lives of ordinary people than the Immortal League.

If Xianmeng used the same method to deal with us, it would only hurt the enemy by [-] in the end, but we would have to hurt ourselves by [-].

This time, it was His Majesty who helped you to block back the accountability of the Immortal Venerable from the Immortal League.

But if you continue to go your own way, even His Majesty will no longer protect you. Will you be sure to stop the Immortal Alliance from using any means against you?

I heard that in the Xianmeng, apart from their Immortal Venerable, other Hedao Celestial Venerables have been revived. "

In the last sentence, Chen Tiangang's warning was full of meaning.

When Fang Chang heard this, his mind suddenly cleared up.

He dared to attack so arrogantly, besides bullying Daoist Taixu and not being able to fight back, the other biggest confidence is that there is a queen on top.

If Her Majesty the Queen doesn't help him block the pressure from the upper echelon of Xianmeng.

Not to mention mobilizing Hedao Tianzun from Xianmeng, but just mobilizing four or five holes, they can beat him to the point where he doesn't even know his mother.

Although his fist is very hard, he is more confident than anyone else when it comes to heads-up.

But in the face of the siege, he didn't have the confidence in his heart.

But his background is too shallow, and he knows the great power of Dongxu, except for the opponents such as Taixu Daojun and Wanling Shenjun, he is a colleague like Chen Tiangang.

He was really beaten by the crowd, and he couldn't even find a helper for a while.

"I'm expanding the territory for Datang!"

Fang Chang looked aggrieved, "I have made meritorious service for Great Tang, and I have shed blood for Great Tang. Your Majesty can't just ignore me."

Chen Tiangang secretly rolled his eyes, and said angrily:
"Now I think you are from Datang?
When you extorted violently on Qingxiao Road and aroused public grievances, you never asked the officials of the Tang Dynasty, and you didn't tell me when you recruited troops to fight and made everyone feel insecure.

But these are all side issues. Your Majesty's meaning is very simple. No matter how hard you try, you can't let Xianmeng find an excuse.

Otherwise, you can do it yourself. "

Fang Chang's somewhat swollen mind recently was directly suppressed by Chen Tiangang's words.

Yes, he is not yet qualified to be unscrupulous.

Although he has found his own path, it will take enough time.

"I see."

Fang Chang took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Next, I will restrain Tie Zhu and not let her make any moves."

Seeing Fang Chang's appearance, Chen Tiangang also put away his businesslike face, sighed and said:
"The old man has heard about your elder brother."

"I can only say that you are lucky. Not only do you have a younger sister who can go through life and death for you, but you also have a big brother who gave up his way for you."

"But the Beidou Dao Sect was the first sect of the Beidou Great World back then, and the Beidou Tianzun was the first Hedao Tianzun after the birth of the Great World. He is the oldest and is respected by the world as the Immortal Venerable.

There are even legends that Beidou Tianzun has already broken through to the realm above Hedao, and he is only one step away from the immortal immortal.

Although we have already broken through the realm of emptiness, but facing such a character, without His Majesty's protection, we are actually no different from ordinary people.

Speaking of which, the old man almost joined Beidou Daozong back then.

The reason why the old man was able to gain momentum and become the original master of the Great Tang Dynasty, the first cultivator of the Great Tang Dynasty, was also because he obtained a Golden Pagoda of Tiangang Time, which has the effect of accelerating time.

The old man changed his name to Chen Tiangang, thinking that he was the son of destiny and could enter immortality in the future.

But who would have thought that the so-called recovery of the world and the return of spiritual energy are just a game of chess played by the big shots.

The more you get now, the more you will return in the future.

If His Majesty hadn't cut off the karma with the golden pagoda for the old man, today's Li Hu would be the old man of yesterday, and sooner or later he would become an old dog driven by the Taoist sect.

Although your elder brother self-destructed, he was able to withdraw from Beidou Daozong safely, which is not a bad thing. "

It was rare for Chen Tiangang to show his emotions in front of outsiders, and maybe it was Li Hu's friendship that moved him and made him feel a little bit empathetic.

Fang Chang was also silent about it.

Perhaps for a truly favored child like Chen Tiangang, the higher their cultivation base, the more they can feel a kind of despair.

Because originally everyone was standing on the same starting line, at most it was just a few dozen years older than the other.

But who would have thought that the peak of this new world is already full of people, and they are still old people from the previous era.

Not only did they not die with the old world, but they divided everything early.

No matter how everyone jumps around, it turns out that they have been moving forward under the framework of others.

Not only them, but also those powerful monks who were reincarnated. They are far, far ahead of the newcomers of this era.

They can arbitrarily select the new generation who could have become the protagonists of the world, educate them, train them, and use them.

In the end, after a long time, the people who occupy the center of power in the world are still those old faces who have changed their appearances.

The newly born big world is inexplicably full of a decadent atmosphere.

If Fang Chang hadn't possessed the confidence of another big world, he probably wouldn't have dared to speak lightly and stand shoulder to shoulder with those chess players.

And Chen Tiangang may have seen this situation, so instead he became a Buddhist, living in his own small world without fighting or grabbing.

Seeing Fang Chang not speaking, Chen Tiangang smiled wryly.

"It's the old man who said too much. To be honest, the old man admires you very much. Without any roots, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with those ancient monsters with your own efforts.

These words are suitable for the old man, but not for you.

You have your own way. "

Fang Chang waved his hands again and again: "Chen Daochang is joking, I cannot have today without His Majesty's help, without His Majesty, I would never have the glory I have today."

Chen Tiangang didn't argue, just smiled, changed the subject and said:

"Have you ever thought about letting your elder brother restore his Dao foundation and start practicing again?"

"Do you have a solution?"

Fang Chang's eyes lit up, and he was interested in talking about this.

Although he cultivated Li Hu, the big brother, in the hope that he would make great strides in his cultivation, and after he became a big boss, he would turn around and feed back his little brother.

Today's him has far surpassed his imagination back then, and it doesn't really matter to him whether Li Hu's cultivation is restored or not.

But Li Hu was willing to give up everything for him, and to help Li Hu recover, he naturally wished for it.

It is a blessing to find such a silly brother like Li Hu in a lifetime.

Chen Tiangang said: "It's just a try, the specific situation has to meet your elder brother."

Fang Chang looked happy: "If you can help my elder brother recover, I owe you a favor, Daoist Chen."

He dragged Chen Tiangang to Daocheng.

Anyway, he couldn't make a move on the front line, and whether he was there or not had little effect.

It would be even better if Daoist Taixu was willing to take the initiative.

Even if he is unreasonable, he can even make a fuss. If he is justified, he can use the sign of Her Majesty the Queen to directly smash people to death.


Qingxiao Dao City.

With the sound of a bell, white lanterns were hung in front of the Li Mansion, and everyone was dressed in plain clothes.

Li Hu went home, Li's father and mother felt regretful, after all they couldn't hold on, and they passed away with smiles holding hands almost at the same time.

The funeral of the two elders had been arranged long ago, so everything went on in an orderly manner.

It was a little surprising that those members of the Li family who had never seen the second elder cried more than anyone else in the mourning hall, and some even fainted from exhaustion. It almost made people wonder if they were paid professional mourners.

Accompanied by Qin Qing, Li Hu paid respects to his parents and left everything to his younger sister.

As for the younger brother, there is one thing to say, the relationship between him and the younger brother is only based on blood relationship.

If we talk about intimacy, since the younger brother was born, they even spent only a handful of time together, so how can there be any intimacy at all.

The younger brother is more afraid of him.

It would be too cheap to say how deep their relationship is just because they share the same blood.

True feelings are intertwined with each other's memories and sacrifices.

And after learning what happened in the past 200 years from the broken-mouthed mother-in-law, Li Hu blamed his younger brother.

If it wasn't for his ignorance, marrying a woman with ulterior motives would cause his father to feel guilty for nearly a hundred years.

Maybe my father's life will be happier, and he won't remember to say sorry to his younger brother on his deathbed, so that he can take good care of his younger brother.

"Husband, I will always be with you."

Qin Qing looked at Li Hu's sad face, but it was difficult to empathize with him, so she could only hold his hand tightly to express her attitude.

After Li Hu came back, their good memories became more mellow and beautiful like the mellow wine in the cellar.

Even though Li Hu is not as tall, mighty, young and talented as he was when we first met, and the image standing beside her is more like her father, Qin Qing is very satisfied.

Because since Li Hu came back, he has never been away because of various affairs, and he has been with her almost all the time.

This is more important to her than how much her husband has achieved.

On the contrary, the mother-in-law has some criticisms in her heart.

But she didn't dare to ask more, she just asked her good son-in-law in a circumstantial manner, when will Lord Daoist arrange a good job for him.

After all, a man must have a career.

Li Hu patted Qin Qing's hand and said:

"I'm fine, my parents are happy and mourning, besides, it was my initial decision to let my parents not practice... Maybe I was wrong."

He never thought that in just a few hundred years, he and his second brother would achieve such achievements.

At that time, he only wanted to keep his parents from being exposed to the dangers of the cultivation world.

Because even he didn't have the confidence to stand firm all the time, and he was afraid that he would bring the crisis home and hurt his parents.

So simply let your parents be a rich man and live happily for the rest of your life.

Later, when the conditions stabilized, the parents were unwilling to practice.

They have lived their whole life cautiously, never thinking about immortality, they just feel that the present is very good and there is no need to change anything.

Moreover, their youngest son is also practicing, and he has not seen anything famous in his practice, and he has suffered a lot.

Li Hu raised his head, looked at the Qingxiao Divine Tree on the sky that sheltered the entire Dao City, and asked suddenly:

"Second brother, is he back?"

Qin Qing shook her head and said: "Master Taoist is busy with business, not to mention that he has been here once before, this time it is Miss Dongdong who came here on his behalf."

"On the contrary, my husband, those subordinates before you all want to come to pay a visit to you, and have already handed over invitations to your home.

Husband, do you see or not? "

Li Hu pondered for a while, then vetoed:
"Just say that I am in mourning, and I will never be seen."

It's not that he hasn't met his old subordinates since he came back, but it's a pity that there are few reminiscing with him and many pleading for love.

Of course he didn't like it.

But it's not in his character to directly refuse, so he had to find a reason to decline.

Speaking of which, if he was back then, who would dare to intercede with him because of a private matter.

Although he is not as cruel as Fang Tiezhu, he doesn't pay attention to military discipline, and kills his subordinates at every turn, but he has always acted impartially in the army.

These people are nothing more than hearing that his life is not long, and they want to use his last bit of influence to pave the way for themselves.

"Okay, I get it now."

Qin Qing agreed weakly, and suddenly asked:
"Husband, I heard that Lord Taoist is fighting for you this time, and the front line has been completely fought. Is it true?"

"Who did you hear?"

"That's what everyone says."

Li Hu smiled wryly: "Second brother is putting me on fire."

"Because the eldest brother was injured because of me. I have to let everyone know that even if the eldest brother has no cultivation base now, he is also my eldest brother, and no one can humiliate him.

Now that I can start a complete war for my elder brother and Taixuzong, they have to weigh whether they can match the weight of Taixuzong. "

The figures of Fang Chang and Chen Tiangang suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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