Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 411 The escaped Daoist Taixu

Chapter 411 The escaped Daoist Taixu

Following Her Majesty's order, Fang Chang's arms couldn't twist his thighs, and he simply died down, lying flat, not knowing where to escape.

Many people can't even find his shadow.

On the contrary, Chen Tiangang admired Li Hu very much, and he treated Li Hu after staying in Qingxiaodao City.

However, since Beidou Daozong dared to let Li Hu back, he concluded that he would no longer be a threat in the future, and it would be very difficult to recover.

But Chen Tiangang took the initiative to invite Ying, so he was sure of it.

And this certainty is an ancient secret art that he obtained by accident in his hands, called Zixuan Pirates of the Sky, which claims to be able to cover up the secrets of the sky and revive a lifetime in the midst of extinction.

It is a secret technique created by an ancient master named Master Zixuan in order to prolong his life and rejuvenate his life.

But obviously he failed and did not live out his second life, otherwise this secret technique would not survive.

And Li Hu doesn't really want to live a second life, he just needs to use this secret technique to reshape the soul and body, and repair the Tao injuries on his body.

At the same time, Chen Tiangang also warned Li Hu that the method of stealing the secrets will activate all the potentials of his body, and whether he fails or succeeds, he will lose something.

Li Hu deserves to be a man favored by the heavens. He put himself to death and survived. He successfully stole a ray of heavenly secrets and stepped into the road of cultivation again.

But the price he paid for this was that his luck dissipated, his divine body disappeared, and he became an ordinary person with 98 points of root bone.

There isn't even much Shouyuan left.

But Fang Chang's worst thing is the life-prolonging panacea.

It's a pity that without Gao Fuyuan, without the giant spirit body, although Li Hu's bones are tall, he also lacks the foundation to run rampant among his peers, and he is lost to everyone.

But this is already an excellent result.

Next, Li Hu took another 200 years to practice again to the Nascent Soul Realm, initially getting rid of the pain of the end of life.

in a blink.

It has been more than 200 years since Qingxiaodao and Taixuzong fought, and Fang Chang has disappeared from everyone's sight for more than [-] years.

Tianquanzi did not stay in Taixuzong for long, and he had already received news from the Immortal League, so he returned to the Taoist Court after staying for ten years.

But Daoist Taixu was as cowardly as ever.

Since Fang Chang, the Dayan God Lord, did not take the initiative to make a move, it was absolutely impossible to let him make a move, so he let the monks of the sect below to fight with the legion.

However, the impact of the collapse of the Taixu defense line was too far-reaching, and the war potential of the entire Taixu realm was directly ruined there.

Taixu Realm refers to all the areas where the influence of Taixu Sect radiates.

And under the Taixu Realm is the territory where each sect is distributed, called domain.For example, the Four Seasons Sect, which was destroyed by Fang Tiezhu's palm before, ruled the Four Seasons Domain.

Under many influences, Taixuzong could only exchange space for time, and the living space was gradually compressed, losing one domain a year on average.

With the support of the entire Qingxiaodao behind the legion, and the resources in the occupied area, it cannot be said that the fighting is getting stronger, but the overall loss is not big.

After truly ruling the Taixu Realm, the strength of the legion will get a huge leap.

Not to mention that there are player legions mixed in the legion.

Batches of new players have joined one after another, but the replacement of players is slowing down.

Even with a quota of 100 million players, after hundreds of years of rotation, more and more players have broken through to the realm of transformation, and fewer and fewer new players.

In exchange for this, the overall strength of the players has increased, and now players are embarrassed to greet people without a Nascent Soul cultivation base.

The chive seedlings that Fang Chang painstakingly cultivated finally grew vigorously.

With players joining the battle, no sect can withstand the players' advances.

And the players also used their strength to win their own organization-the Undead Legion, known as the number one in Qingxiao.

This year.

Datang calendar, longevity 460 nine years.

The 340th year when Qingxiaodao invaded the Taixu Realm.

Taixuzong completely lost the entire territory, leaving only the Taixu Domain where Taixu Zong was located, where all the resistance forces of Taixu Realm gathered.

Even the Qingxiao Legion, which is now in full swing, did not dare to break in easily, but just surrounded this area and took it slowly.

Taixu Zong.

In the Taixu Cave, Ling Xiao, the Daoist of Taixu, knelt in front of the Daoist of Taixu.

"Master, please do it!"

Ling Xiao had already healed the injury that was almost killed by Fang Chang's slap.

But even he is powerless to control the sects to resist the Qingxiao Legion's offensive.

Although the collapse of Taixu's defense line was not a crime of war, but a certain person's disregard of martial arts virtues to bully the small, but as the highest person in charge of the defense line, he cannot escape the blame.

I don't know how many monks whose master's relatives died in the Taixu defense line hated him deeply, and secretly slandered him like a wave.

Sometimes the truth is just so outrageous.

It is obvious that the person who made the move was the God of Dayan, but some people who were hurt did not dare to go to the God of Dayan for revenge, and did not dare to go to the legion to fight for their lives. Instead, they pointed the finger at the innocent person Taixu Daozi.

The reason is very simple.

Daoist Taixu is the official leader of the sect. In consideration of his reputation, for the sake of internal unity, he can't take action against these orphans of war.

But Dayan Shenjun and Qingxiao Legion really dared to kill randomly.

Therefore, even if Taixu Daozi recovered from his injuries later, he was forced to practice in the Taixu sect and never went out to show his face.

But at this time, the Qingxiao Legion had already approached the city, so how could he continue to cultivate.

But he also knew that he was not an opponent of the legion, so he could only ask his master to help him.

If it wasn't for Dayan Shenjun, how could they have lost so badly.

God Yan Lord did this, how could his master not do it?

As long as the master is willing to make a move, even if it is just one move, it can destroy the prestige of the army and gain a chance to counterattack.

But Daoist Taixu sat high on the futon, just raised his eyes to look at his disciples, and said leisurely:

"Don't panic."

Ling Xiao said anxiously: "How can the disciple not panic? Seeing that the legion invaded my territory and killed my disciples, all disciples were burned. I really don't want to see the sect again and follow in the footsteps of others.

Master please do it. "

Daoist Taixu said indifferently: "Ling Xiao, you are the only disciple accepted by my teacher, and I have placed high hopes on you since I was a teacher since I was a child, and I want you to become the future heir of Taixu Sect.

Over the years, you have studied management with Jiang Shang and have made great progress.

But today, you let the teacher down. "

Ling Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then he paused and asked, "Master, please clear up my disciple's doubts."

Daoist Taixu's eyes were light, as if he saw the scene of the entire Taixu Territory boiling back to the sky through the Taixu Cave.

Those sects who were unwilling to surrender to the legion rushed in, and now the strength of Taixuyu has almost expanded by more than ten times.

Even if he doesn't make a move, Taixuyu is still a tough nut to crack.

Daoist Taixu groaned for a moment, but he said something confusing:
"My teacher has expanded the Taixu Cave in recent years, and has turned it into a universe in the palm of his hand. It is more than enough to move it into the entire Taixu Sect."

Ling Xiao trembled all over, as if he understood something.

He suddenly raised his head, looking at the most admired master in his heart in disbelief.

"Master, you want to escape?!"

Taoist Taixu twitched the blue veins on his forehead, and said with a cold snort:
"Being a teacher is to preserve the vitality and carry out a strategic shift. The Qingxiao Legion is unstoppable, and Dayan Shenjun is not even an opponent as a teacher.

Don't you just count on the mob outside?

With the teacher and Taixu Sect here, no matter where you go, you can't create another world.

The extreme west of the Immortal League, there is an undeveloped and fertile land, the teacher will take you there.

Soon there will be a brand new Taixu Sect, a brand new Taixu Realm.

The most important thing is that there is no hateful Dayan God Lord there! "

Speaking of this name, Daoist Taixu couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

"The teacher has passed down a decree to put the entire Taixu Domain under military control. Everyone must obey the Taixu Sect's instructions, and all resources must obey the Taixu Sect's deployment."

Hearing this, Ling Xiao's back turned cold, shocked by the master's ruthlessness.

"Master, you?"

He couldn't hear it, even if his master wanted to run away, he had to make a fortune before leaving.

Those sects that flooded into the Taixu domain entrusted their trust to the Taixu sect with their entire clan's wealth and lives, hoping that the main sect could lead them to conquer the lost ground.

But the savior in their eyes has not yet fought, but he is already thinking about how to seize their wealth.

"I will leave this matter to you."

Daoist Taixu regained his calm expression, and said lightly:

"Ling Xiao, don't disappoint me as a teacher. Remember that you are the Taoist of Taixuzong, not the Taoist of those outside.

If you want to achieve great things, how can you not have some sacrifices.

back off. "


Ling Xiao walked out of Taixu Cave in a daze.

He thought of those comrades who fought side by side with him, when he was injured, when he faced slander, those who had never faced him but tried their best to defend him.

How could he abandon so many lovely people so easily?

Ling Xiao looked at the Taixu Grotto, which had engulfed the entire Taixu Sect's mountain gate at some point, and looked at the master who couldn't see his face clearly and was always standing on the heads of everyone above the cave.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is the Master's way."

"Ling Xiao."

A mellow voice came from behind him.

Ling Xiao didn't look back.

"Sect Master, you already knew that, right?"

He replied behind him: "This is Daojun's will, you can't change anything."

Ling Xiao clenched his fists and said: "I don't blame Master, if I can also become a cave, then how can the Lord Dayan be so arrogant.

How could Master be humiliated like this.

It's just that I can't accept it, and I can try again. "

"But what you said to have a try is the lives of hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Taixu Sect. Dao Jun would rather be reprimanded than save our lives. This is true great love.

You plead for those people outside, if we are wiped out by the Qingxiao Legion, and they turn around and join the Legion, how many people will remember our Taixu Sect in the end. "

The voice behind him was full of emotion.

"I see."

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and asked, "Sovereign, can I take a few people with me?"

After a moment of silence behind him, he said, "Yes."

Ling Xiao said: "Thank you, suzerain."

He flew out without looking back.

after March.

The entire Taixu Sect disappeared, along with the military resources gathered together by the 36 Huashen Sects.

next month.

The Taixu Territory was broken, and the Taixu Realm was completely occupied by the Qingxiao Legion, and the Immortal Alliance did not respond to this.

Taixuzong has resisted hard for 300 years, and he has already lost the face of the Xianmeng.

And at this time, as the major forces are full-fledged, conflicts have already blossomed everywhere. The Xianmeng, the Demon Gate, the Yaoyu, and the Tang Dynasty are fighting in a melee, and countless small forces are surviving in the cracks.
The battlefield between Qingxiaodao and Taixuzong is no longer the only one.

In the same year, Taixu Territory set up a large spiritual network formation, and since then Taixu Realm has been merged into the territory of Tang Dynasty.

Taoist Lord Qingxiao made meritorious deeds by donating soil, and opened another one for the Tang Dynasty. The empress was delighted, and promoted her to the title of Duke Qingxiao, but she was not crowned king.

And the first king with a different surname in the Tang Dynasty was the Taoist master of Beiyou, Qin Lang, the master of mountains and rivers who was named the king of Zhenbei by the empress.

It is rumored that he was the Tuotu of the Tang Dynasty, and he once fought against the Momen Tianzun, and the outcome was evenly divided.

Needless to say, it was another reincarnated old monster.

But after Daoist Qingxiao presented a piece, he faced the queen to reward him and left with a seal. Since then, Daoist Qingxiao has completely disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The emergence of romantic figures one after another completely concealed the demeanor of the Taoist Master Qingxiao who had no roots but suddenly emerged.


In the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed.

Puppet Ancestral Realm.

Fang Chang's figure appeared in the sky, and the vicissitudes of life in his eyes flashed away.

"Thousands of years in this world, and a hundred years in Blue Star, are really too long."

Qi Tian's small figure was sitting on Fang Chang's shoulders, holding a rainbow-colored lollipop in his mouth, and a trace of nervousness flashed in his eyes.

"It's finally here."

Thousands of years ago, Fang Chang repaid the Queen's favor throughout the etheric void, regardless of whether the Queen recognizes it or not, karma is an ideal thing.

Anyway, he thought he had paid it back, and Zhou Zhao didn't bother him afterwards.

Sure enough, as Yao Guang once said, Her Majesty the Empress couldn't help but stay, and I don't know if it was for the sake of the territory he laid down.

Then he devoted himself wholeheartedly to his path of harmony.

As for the expansion of the frontiers and lands, cracking the soil to seal the king, and kings with different surnames in the Tang Dynasty, whoever loves them will want them.

Fang Chang finally understood that when he was a younger brother, he would always be a younger brother, always bowing his head.

The most important thing is that he feels that his wings are too hard, and it's time to fly by himself.

He first brought back most of the players back to Blue Star, which led to a super-large-scale spiritual recovery in Blue Star.

However, in just a hundred years, the Blue Star natives and non-player monks have already broken through to the Nascent Soul realm.

Among the player monks, there are people who have broken through to become gods in the blue star.

And Fang Chang's previous life broke through the realm of the void without any effort, and became the Taoist ancestor of Blue Star, opening up the way for all living beings.

And his previous life was privately considered by countless players to be the mastermind behind the game "Fairy Demon".

Of course, they guessed right.

When Fang Chang came back this time, it was the first time to join the Dao in the Immortal Demon Continent.

I saw giant eggs laid out one after another below him, and there are 860 eggs in total without counting the square lengths.

Because every egg here represents a player who has transformed into a god.

Fang Chang didn't bring them back to Blue Star immediately, but let them fall into a deep sleep, which lasted for a thousand years.

Because once he brought it back to Blue Star, his cultivation base would increase irresistibly.

So I have to feel sorry for the players.

Fang Chang licked his lips and snapped his fingers.

One after another, the giant eggs began to be unsealed, and the players' bodies and spirits began to wake up, and then the light of reception shone on them, and the spirits were absorbed by Qi Tian one by one.

In the sea of ​​law.

A huge law star shines on the entire starry sky.


Fang Chang's breath suddenly rose.

The barriers between the puppet ancestral world and the fairy land were violently smashed.

Endless calamity clouds gathered.

The Immortal Demon Continent hundreds of millions of miles away was completely shrouded in robbery clouds.

Fang Chang stopped under the sky of the Immortal Demon Continent, and his voice spread everywhere.

"Today, we will join forces!"

(End of this chapter)

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