Chapter 412

Since the opening of the Immortal Demon Continent, the first Daoist monk born.

As for the previous ones, one counts as one, and they are all remnants of the old world.

So this time, the catastrophe of Hedao was extraordinarily ferocious, even beyond Fang Chang's imagination.

Fang Chang tried his best to stretch out his spiritual consciousness, and his thoughts could fly thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles, and millions of miles in an instant.

But no matter how far his thoughts went, the sky he saw was shrouded in clouds, and the whole world was dark.

At this moment, the world really focused on him.

Fang Chang raised his head, the aura gathered in the robbery cloud, and the terrifying aura escaped, as if something was brewing.

How can the catastrophe of harmony and the catastrophe of ninety-nine thunders fall casually.

But Fang Chang didn't look at Jieyun. He has accumulated hundreds of thousands of Huashen players in his body, not to mention ninety-nine thunder calamities, even ninety-nine thunder calamities, he would not be afraid.

What he was really looking at was the black star revealed behind the robbery cloud.

Different from the law star of monk Dongxu, this star is more ancient and vicissitudes, as if it has existed forever.

Of course, it is also more magnificent and huge.

This is not visually great, but spiritually.

As soon as it appeared, there was a full sense of oppression, and there was nothing else in sight except it.

Even Jieyun stagnated for a moment, as if even God couldn't help it and needed to make way for it.

Fang Chang seems to have returned to the time when he faced the will of heaven and earth.

But the star in front of him is obviously not the will of heaven, because it carries a strong emotional will, and it is full of undisguised malice.

Sure enough the next moment.

Xingchen turned into a man in a black robe, handsome and extraordinary, with a pair of eyes like stars in the sky, deep and mysterious, not like ordinary people.

With lowered eyes, he looked at Fang Chang who should be robbed, and said in an undeniable tone:
"Today is not the time to join the Dao, you, it's too early."

With a wave of his sleeve, he hit Jieyun in the center.

"The catastrophe retreats!"

Jie Yun was startled, he was really beaten a lot thinner.

Jieyun seemed to be irritated, and something that was still brewing suddenly started.

It was a divine sword made of thunderbolts. When the divine sword moved, endless thunderstorms and storms all bombarded the black-robed man.

It seemed an ordinary scene, but Fang Chang could sense the power of rules contained in the Thunder Excalibur.

That is a better law of heaven than the power of ordinary laws, and it is a test for every monk who tries to join the Tao.

When the normal Thunder Tribulation is activated, anyone standing within the coverage area of ​​the Thunder Tribulation will be attacked, and those who help cross the Tribulation will be focused on by the Thunder Tribulation.

How dare the man in black robe directly attack Lei Jie, such actions are like provoking Tianwei.

But the black-robed man who was submerged by the thunderstorm was like a black hole, no matter how many thunderstorms hit him, he couldn't hurt even a single hair.

Even the man in black sneered, opened his mouth directly, and swallowed Lei Jie whole, and the sky suddenly cleared, revealing a clear sky.

The thunder calamity came to an abrupt end.

But the clouds of robbery in the distance are still gathering.

Obviously, even though the black-robed man swallowed the thunder calamity, Fang Chang, the person who crossed the calamity, did not stop. Then under the rules of heaven and earth, thunder calamities will be born continuously.

It's just that it takes time.

The man in black robe looked at Fang Chang with the power of swallowing robbery.

"Stop crossing the robbery."

Fang Chang's eyes froze, but he already knew the identity of this person.

After all, there are only a handful of existences in the Immortal Demon Continent who can be so unscrupulous, and he also knows that he will face these big bosses sooner or later.

But after they really met, Fang Chang found that he didn't have the panic and fear he imagined.

He smiled slightly at the man in black robe.

"It's actually the Lord Demon Lord who came in person, what a great honor for our boss."

"However, if you want to prevent me from becoming enlightened, it is Lord Demon Lord, so you have to do it first."

In normal times, facing such a peak powerhouse who is as famous as Her Majesty the Empress, he would run as far as he can.

But at this time, he was in the center of the tribulation, and the thunder calamity that swept across the entire fairyland seemed to be his test, but it was not his protection.

Even if the Demon Lord wants to deal with him, he has to wait for him to pass the tribulation.

Don't look at the demon lord swallowing the thunder calamity in one gulp just now, but see the sky calamity as nothing.

But as long as the heaven and the earth are not upside down and the avenue is not dead, then the rules that maintain the operation of the heaven and the earth will not be broken.

Thunder Tribulation will continue, and it will become stronger and stronger until even the Demon Lord can't handle it.

Although the demon master is strong, he is not as strong as the rules of heaven in the Immortal Demon Continent.

If the devil master is sure to deal with him, there is no need to talk nonsense with him.

The man in black robe stagnated, but he immediately pressed down with his palm.

The surrounding space quickly collapsed, like a mirror shattered into pieces, and the space where Fang Chang was standing seemed to be compressed.

Fang Chang once fought against the Lord of All Spirits, and faced with his transformation, the powerful demon ape's bloodline supernatural powers to reach the stars is to turn a space into an object in the palm, with the universe in his sleeve, and the power of the sun and the moon in his palm.

But the palm of the demon master is different. The seemingly identical scene has compressed the entire space, not a three-dimensional level, but a direct change of the entire space to two-dimensional.

Space loses the concept of height, which is the crushing of rules.

Without any suspense, Fang Chang turned into a paper man with one palm, as if he had turned into a painting hanging in mid-air.

The moment Fang Chang changed his painting, the world was completely enraged.

Fang Chang has already entered the process of crossing the catastrophe, regardless of whether he is dead or alive after the catastrophe, they are all his people.

Not to mention that every monk who survived the catastrophe of Hedao is equivalent to repaying the debt of heaven. How can heaven and earth not be angry if they are cut off halfway when they are about to make a fortune.

For the demon lord to dare to attack the other party is to disrupt the laws of the universe and to act against the law.

The space oscillated, and the sky and the earth hummed.

A sacred and lofty eye opened in the high sky.

That is the eye of heaven.

The will of heaven was finally awakened by the unscrupulous devil.

A trace of fear flashed in the demon lord's eyes, but he was not very afraid. A newborn will of heaven could not do anything to him.

"Those who disturb the way of heaven, kill!"

The will of heaven can't speak, but the sound of thunder has already echoed in the devil's mind.

The devil sneered: "Can you kill me?"

"This seat is the lord of all demons, the evil of all beings, the world is so dark, what can the heaven do to me!"

The way of heaven is fair, there is no humanity, no emotion.

In the face of the devil's provocation, he will only act according to the rules-those who violate the will of heaven will die!
Right in front of the Demon Lord, a figure similar to the Demon Lord but with an older appearance condensed into shape.

It's just different from the eyes of the demon lord, the eyes of this older demon lord are the same as the eyes of heaven.

Obviously, he is the projection incarnation of the Dao of Heaven.

"My historical projection?!"

The devil's expression finally shook, and he even gritted his teeth.

"As expected of a new will born from his corpse!"

The elder demon lord ignored him so much, and turned into a black hole, entangled with him.

at the same time.

The paper man Fang Chang successfully jumped out of the screen, turned into a human form again, and the sealed space dissipated into fragments.

Fang Chang held the fist that had just shattered the space, and looked at the demon lord and the incarnation of heaven fighting in the sky, but a hint of puzzlement flashed in his eyes.

He has never met the Demon Lord, and he has no deep hatred.

Even forcibly pulling relationships, he can barely be regarded as half a monk of the magic way. Why does the devil take the risk of offending the heavens to prevent him from becoming the way.

"But let's settle this beam."

"No one can stop me today!"

The clouds of calamity gathered, and with the appearance of the protagonist Fang Chang, the calamity of Hedao began again.


"No, come again?"

A pure white star manifested, turning into an old Taoist priest with white beard and hair, immortal demeanor, wearing a star robe.

"First the Demon Lord, and then the Immortal Venerable. It's a great honor for me, Mr. Fang."

Fang Chang stared at the old Taoist priest, his fists clenched.

"Did Xianzun also come to stop me?"

The old Taoist priest is the leader of the Immortal Alliance, and the Immortal Venerable known as Beidou Tianzun. As for his real name, it has long been lost in the corner of history.

The immortal stroking his beard smiled, and said lightly:
"Please also ask my little friend to become enlightened later, this deity is willing to owe you a favor."

There was a gleam in Fang Chang's eyes.

The Demon Lord blocked him, and the Immortal Venerable blocked him, but they didn't intend to kill him.

Then the answer is obvious.

If he succeeds in joining the Dao, he will be the first monk joining the Dao after the birth of the Immortal Demon Continent, and being number one always has some advantages.

This advantage is that even figures like the Demon Lord and the Immortal Venerable have to fight for it.

That being the case.

Fang Chang cupped his fists: "The Immortal Venerable was joking, I am in good condition now, and I don't know when and what month I want to induce He Dao Jie next time.

If the Immortal Venerable is willing to give in, it doesn't matter if I owe the Immortal Venerable a favor. "

Xianzun's smile was suppressed, and his tone was a little cold unconsciously.

"Do you want to go your own way, little friend?"

Fang Chang spread his hands and said: "It's a difficult situation for the Immortal Venerable, if the Immortal Venerable wants to stop me, then do it."

The foreshadowing is in sight.

Fang Chang is more confident now.

He has already seen that neither the Demon Lord nor the Immortal Venerable are real bodies. Although their strength surpasses him, it is still very limited.

Obviously, there is some kind of restriction that prevents the real body of the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Lord from appearing on the Immortal Demon Continent.

But the Immortal Venerable shot at him, not only could not kill him, but he had to follow in the footsteps of the Demon Lord.

In the face of enlightenment, a little threat is nothing.

Not to mention that he has an enmity with Xianzun.

Regardless of whether his elder brother was known by the Immortal Master or not, it was always his disciples and grandchildren who did it, so it must be right to accuse him of this.

The Immortal Venerable is not the arrogant madman of the Demon Lord. Seeing that Fang Chang is not threatened, his breath quickly restrained, and he said lightly:
"Small friendly means, all the Dongxu cultivators who have the opportunity to join forces on this continent are under our noses.

You were able to surpass our limitations and walk to the disaster of harmony in one go. "

"Empress, why do you need to hide, this person is your former subordinate, right?"

"I was talking about fair competition, but you kept secrets, so calculating."

"I just don't know if the devil will accept your explanation."

The Immortal Venerable looked into the distance, and a nearly perfect figure came lightly. It was the Empress of the Tang Dynasty, the empress Zhou Zhao, who had long golden thighs for a long time.

Zhou Zhao looked at Xianzun and said, "Why do I need to explain to others what I have done in my life."

Then, she looked at Fang Chang again, showing a faint smile and saying:
"Very good, Fang Chang, you gave me a surprise."

Fang Chang also laughed dryly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye."

The implication is that the Lord is not your courtier anymore.

Zhou Zhao didn't respond, as if he didn't hear the meaning of Fang Chang's words, but pointed to the demon master who was fighting with the incarnation of heaven on Jieyun and said:
"Do you know why he wants to stop you?"

"Your Majesty, please clarify."

"If you become the first Taoist in the new world, you will be in harmony with the Tao.

And the first person who agrees with the way will become the spokesperson of the way of heaven and have the opportunity to get involved in the authority of the way of heaven.

The demon lord has worked hard to cultivate an incarnation outside the body, and now he is on the verge of consummation, and the old man in front of you also has a new disciple, and he is almost consummation.

Even me is no exception.

But today, if you can join the Dao, you will grasp the power of the Dao of Heaven, and you will be invincible in this world. "


Fang Chang took a deep breath.

He thought that being the first would be beneficial, but he didn't expect such a big advantage.

Invincible in this world!

In other words, all the demon lords, immortals, and empresses must become his defeated opponents.

But Fang Chang quickly calmed down.

Because this sentence seems a little familiar.

Isn't that what Tiandao brat told him.

And if he remembers correctly, Xianzun seems to be the first Hedao Tianzun of the Big Dipper World, perhaps this is the origin of the name of the Big Dipper World.

However, there are not the same characters as the Demon Lord, the Empress, and the Demon Ancestor.

So just listen to it.

If it was really so powerful, the two people in front of them would not be so calm.

Fang Chang exhaled the cold air he inhaled just now, and looked at the two with piercing eyes.

"So, are you two planning to stop me?"

Immortal Venerable glanced at Zhou Zhao, who was independent from the world, looked at Fang Chang and said with a smile:
"Little friend, don't forget, you owe me a favor."

His figure disappeared, and the pure white star also disappeared in the void.

Apparently this one, just like the demon lord, came here with strength, but he was afraid of the empress in front of him who would not let it out.

The corner of Fang Chang's mouth twitched, what is this, for some reason, he owes Her Lady the Queen a favor.

He understood that if Her Majesty the Empress hadn't appeared today, the Immortal Venerable would not be so easy to talk to.

But why didn't Zhou Zhao stop him?
Does it really depend on the past affection, or do you think he is still one of us?

But Zhou Zhao didn't say anything, just nodded to Fang Chang, and then disappeared.

Fang Chang frowned, a little puzzled, but quickly restrained his mind, quietly waiting for the thunder disaster to come.

No matter what, after this catastrophe, all calculations will make them empty.

The demon lord was entangled with the incarnation of heaven, and finally turned into two huge stars rising to the unfathomable sky, seemingly far away from the fairyland.

At this moment, Fang Chang is no longer disturbed.


Lightning flashed, and a thunderbolt struck down.

The tiny Fang Chang was wrapped in thunder, like a cocoon, and the sea of ​​thunder gathered, turning this place into a vast ocean of electricity and light.

The thunderstorm has begun.


There were only 81 lightning tribulations in the Nine Nine, and Fang Chang felt that the thunder tribulation had passed before he had put any effort into it, which made him feel like a dream.

It's that simple?
Of course not.

When the 81 thunder tribulations passed, Fang Chang saw the Eye of Heaven who had just helped him drive away the demon lord.

Then he felt his laws and stars vibrate suddenly.

The miniatures of the two small worlds closely connected with him suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, namely the puppet ancestor world and the spirit world.

Those 81 lightning tribulations were not only catastrophes, but also keys, which opened his connection with the small world.

The real catastrophe of enlightenment has just begun.

"Take it, take it all!"

Fang Chang sacrificed the puppet ancestral world and the spiritual world to Heaven.

Especially the latter, after his 1000 years of training, has already swelled several times larger than Blue Star, and the upper limit of the small world has also been raised to the realm of transforming gods.

Although there are no living beings in it, there are mountains, rivers, rivers and great lakes that produce spiritual wisdom, which are so huge that they are in a mess.

Fang Chang would never have handed over this small world with infinite potential if the road to harmony was not in front of him.

Sure enough, for the puppet ancestral world, the will of heaven swallowed it in one gulp, without touching it at all.

But when he touched the spirit world.

An extremely obvious feeling of joy rose in Fang Chang's heart, which was Heaven's feedback to him.

Evidently the spirit world was of great importance to him.


ps: It is not over yet, and it may take some time.

(End of this chapter)

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