Chapter 10 Metaverse

"Really?" Lei Hao was overjoyed and said, "Amin, you are so loyal! Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back the money you owe!"

"If he dares to return it, we don't recognize this son, so we will help him return it!" Lei Zhuang and his wife said quickly.

"You don't need to mortgage your house, otherwise where do you live? 90, plus an IOU of 100. Remember Lei Hao's name!" Yang Qiming said, the market price of this medicine is [-] million, if it is really sold, it will definitely be a premium sold, but Yang Qiming did not raise the price.

He is indeed short of money now, but he is not worried that he will not be able to make money.As long as the college entrance examination results are excellent, the school and the government will have scholarships!

After becoming a martial artist, there are many ways to make money!
"Okay, okay!" The couple smiled happily.

Yang Lin didn't speak the whole time. Seeing that Yang Qiming had made a decision, he said, "That's it! Haozi, you have to practice hard and strive to break through the source martial artist as soon as possible!"


After writing the IOU, Lei Zhuang emphasized: "Haozi, remember, Amin helped you so much today, and his business will be your business in the future!"

"I know!" Lei Hao is also very grateful to Yang Qiming, because he knows that the college entrance examination is approaching, so many people want to buy this gene awakening potion, even at a high price.Yang Qiming did this entirely out of favor.


Lei Hao also used the Gene Awakening Potion, and his strength began to increase rapidly.

And Yang Qiming, who has become a genetic warrior, is not idle, he is still exercising, practicing and playing games every day!

Pang Yue has never been to school since the last school exam.

The day of the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer, and the students are getting more and more nervous. Some people are even training in the middle of the night, so that the school has to arrange teachers on duty to prevent these students from over-training and hurting themselves.


Jiangnan Real Estate, President's Office.

Manager Hu Zhiyong is reporting the progress of the project to Pang Hai, the boss of Jiangnan Real Estate.

"Du Tuo Tuo, the demolition of Shili Street hasn't even started yet! How will the subsequent projects be promoted?" Pang Hai, a middle-aged man with a greasy hair, scolded Hu Zhiyong bloodily, "How can you be a project manager? If you don't want to do it, get out!"

Hu Zhiyong was submissive and dared not refute.

After waiting for Pang Hai to scold enough, he whispered: "Mr. Pang, these troublemakers are too difficult to deal with. They organized a homeowners association to resist the demolition! The leader is a veteran. We don't want to be too tough."

"Veteran? Are you a genetic fighter?" Pang Hai frowned.


"Then what are you afraid of?" Pang Hai scolded, "These days, there are strange beasts everywhere outside, who doesn't have a soldier in their family?"

"They don't eat oil and salt!" Hu Zhiyong said, "The young master also knows."

He looked at Pang Yue on the side, and when he mentioned this matter, Pang Yue remembered his loss to Yang Qiming and felt upset.

His father didn't know about this matter at first, but Pang Yue asked for it on his own initiative, wanting to prove his ability, and ended up screwing it up.

"Indeed, that family is very arrogant!" Pang Yue said.

"Arrogant?" Pang Hai snorted coldly, "Who would dare to be arrogant in front of me, Pang Hai, in the Jiangnan mansion?"

"Hu Zhiyong, the project can't be delayed anymore, you have to demolish Shili Street for me! No matter what method you use, you know?"

"Understood, President Pang!" Hu Zhiyong agreed.

Hu Zhiyong exited the office, Pang Hai looked at Pang Yue, his expression softened: "Son, how is your practice recently?"

"It's almost time to break through the source warrior." Pang Yue said.

"Okay!" Pang Hai smiled, "I asked someone to buy a one-star advanced gene awakening potion from the Blue Star Technology Group of the Lighthouse Alliance. When you use it, you will definitely become a genetic warrior."

Bluestar Technology Group is the most powerful technology company in the new era. Its business includes arms, electronic products, biochemical drugs, etc.

Gene Awakening Potion, only Bluestar Technology Group can manufacture it in the world!
One-star high-grade gene awakening potion can sell for tens of millions!And it's hard to find!
"I've also arranged for you at Jiangnan University. There will be the most powerful teachers to teach you! When the time comes, let my Pang family produce a martial god!"

"War God!" Pang Yue's heart also ignited a flame, he rebuilt his confidence, his talent is outstanding, and he has so many resources.

What Yang Qiming, is just a stinking ditch mouse who got away with it!I will soon surpass him, no, crush him!

Meta universe.

This is a virtual network world created by virtual reality discovered from alien spacecraft and neural connection technology, and it is controlled by the Blue Star Coalition Government.

At this time, in a conference room in the Yuan Universe, nine chief teachers from Kyushu were having a meeting.

The head teacher is the manager in charge of martial arts education in a fortress city. At the same time, these nine head teachers are also the principals of the martial arts universities in each fortress city!
"The college entrance examination is coming soon, all prefectures must be prepared." A white-haired old man in the first seat said, he is the dean of Yandu Prefecture, the principal of Yandu University, Qin Hanlin.

"Ensure the fairness and justice of the college entrance examination, and select good seedlings!" Qin Hanlin said, "In recent years, the evolution of alien beasts has become faster and faster, and our battle losses have gradually increased. The Kyushu Supreme Command requires us to train more original warriors !"

"This is not only our responsibility, but also our obligation!"

"It's natural. This year we have increased and revised the examination items, trying not to miss any talent!" Another head teacher spoke, and it was Zhao Mingshou, the head teacher from Mingzhu Mansion.

"Yuze, you need some snacks. In recent years, the situation in Jiangnan Mansion has not been very good!" Qin Hanlin looked at a head teacher in the tail seat.

He is thin and has heavy crow's feet around his eyes. Hearing Qin Hanlin's criticism, Deng Yuze hurriedly said: "Last year we organized university professors to give lectures in high schools. There should be many good seedlings this year."

For five consecutive years, Jiangnan Mansion has been at the bottom of the college entrance examination rankings. For Deng Yuze, the pressure is enormous.

He tried various methods to improve the quality of education, but with little success.Deng Yuze is very clear about the crux of the problem. Martial arts practice is not cultural education, talent is enough, and resources must be available!
However, the education funding allocation in Jiangnan Mansion is getting less and less every year, he is a clever woman who can't cook without rice!
"This year, whether it's the Lighthouse Alliance, the Polar Bear Legion or the Xizhou Alliance, there are several good seedlings. Our Kyushu can't be weaker than them! Everyone prepares for this year's college entrance examination!" Qin Hanlin said, "That's it , break up the meeting!"

Although all mankind has formed a world coalition government, they cannot be completely united as one, and they still manage separately in their respective regions.

The Lighthouse Alliance formed by the once strongest country, the Bald Eagle and its younger brother, is the strongest; followed by the Guardian Alliance formed by the Kyushu, the Polar Bear Legion, the Western Continent Alliance and other forces.

They are also competing with each other.Good news broke out from several factions this year, and a genius rated above S appeared!
The talents of the college entrance examination are the mainstay in the future against alien beasts and power competition, so the strength of the college entrance examination candidates also determines the future strength of a power.No matter which force it is, they are very concerned about this matter!
(End of this chapter)

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