Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 9 Unlocking New Cell Characters

Chapter 9 Unlocking New Cell Characters

Yang Qiming walked out of the room, and his parents looked at him nervously.

"I succeeded!" Yang Qiming said.

"Successful! Haha, good job!" Yang Lin laughed loudly.

"A Ming!" Zhao Lixin picked up the towel, helped him wipe off the sweat on his forehead, and said softly, "Go take a bath, and then have a good rest!"

"Yeah." Yang Qiming returned to the room after washing up.

He himself was very excited to become a martial artist.Ever since he was a child, Yang Qiming has heard all about how powerful Yuan Wu Zhe is. They have superhuman abilities to hunt and kill strange beasts and defend their homeland.

If it weren't for the appearance of Yuanwu Zhe, human beings would have become extinct long ago.

Becoming a source warrior is every child's dream, and today, Yang Qiming has realized it.

"Calm down, calm down!" Yang Qiming was smiling, but he told himself to be calm in his heart, "My goal before was just to become a martial artist, so that my family can live a better life."

"It's different now. My cells can evolve, so I should achieve even higher! Become a general, a warrior, and even a titled warrior!"

Yang Qiming thought of those legends titled Martial Gods, and yearned for them in his heart.Some of them once faced the beast tide alone and saved millions of people!

Someone fought against the Beastmaster alone, and the earth was stained red with blood!

Someone created a new martial art and led the whole people to practice it!
All of them are legendary heroes admired by everyone!
"One day, I will also become that kind of person, guarding my homeland and creating the future! Standing on top of the strong!" Yang Qiming vowed in his heart!

Tip: "Your strength has been improved to unlock the second character slot."

After the prompt sounded, Yang Qiming's various cell options appeared in front of him again.

"Very good, now we can hang the second type of cells." Yang Qiming thought about what to choose this time.

"Next time I will take the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination will comprehensively test the six-dimensional ability of warriors. Now I have completed the two main items of strength and speed. Next is endurance, spirit, vitality and martial skills."

"After cell evolution, stamina and vitality naturally increase, so there are only two aspects left: spirit and martial arts."

After the strength of the genetic warrior is improved, he can perceive foreign objects through powerful brain waves (spiritual power), and even control objects in the air, or control the source energy through mental power, and release fire, frost and other attacks.

Some people are very prominent in this aspect, and are called spiritual awakeners.

The number of awakened people is even rarer than that of warriors, and they cannot be obtained through hard study and practice.

"In terms of martial arts, the primary martial arts learned by the cells should be sufficient." Yang Qiming thought, "Then improve your mental strength."

"The decision is up to you, nerve cell!" He chose a "stronger" nerve cell in his brain as the next "cell monk".

Prompt: "Wake up cells in..."

"Nerve cells have awakened, please name them."

"Well, let's call it...Xiao Yuan." Neuron, Yang Qiming took the last word.

Message: "Your neuron cells have entered Cell World."

In front of Yang Qiming, a small nerve cell panel appeared.

Name: Xiao Yuan

Type: first-order source warrior nerve cells

Boundary: warrior first rank

Experience: 0%
Access: None.

Equipment: None.

Skills: None.

Message: "Nerve cell Xiaoyuan travels through the cell world, and two broken teleportation arrays appear in front of it, which seem to be still usable. Xiaoyuan searched around and only found a spirit stone that can be used for teleportation."

Three options appeared in front of Yang Qiming.

"Green teleportation array: The teleportation array emits a faint green light. When you get close to it, you can feel a strong vitality, which is refreshing. Choose to enter?"

"White teleportation array: The teleportation array is wrapped in a faint white flame. When you approach it, it seems that life is about to wither, which makes people feel uneasy. Choose to enter?"

"Leave the teleportation array and continue exploring?"

Yang Qiming thought about it, first of all, he gave up the third option. It's all here, so what if you don't explore?
These two teleportation arrays should represent going to different places, a place of vitality and a place of death.

"Let's go to the land of death!" Yang Qiming made a choice.

Message: "Xiao Yuan put the spirit stone into the white teleportation array, and a burst of white light enveloped it. After a while, it has come to a dead world."

"There are bones everywhere here, and ghosts are floating around, and the cries of ghosts can be heard in my ears. A ghost came towards Xiao Yuan, and Xiao Yuan dodged quickly, almost getting hurt."

Message: "Attack Ghost? Escape?"

"Attack!" Yang Qiming directly asked Xiao Yuan to do it. Since the ghost's sneak attack failed to kill it, it shows that the ghost's strength is not strong.

Message: "Xiao Yuan fought with the ghost. After a few rounds, Xiao Yuan saw the opportunity and defeated the ghost with a mental shock. A ray of remnants floated in front of it, and Xiao Yuan absorbed the remnant soul."

"Xiao Yuan learned the information here. It turns out that this is a place of darkness, where ghosts are rampant. The owner of the remnant soul is a disciple of the Ghost King Sect. Tactics" and a broken map of Netherland."

"Xiao Yuan found a safe place and began to practice "Soul Refining Art". Your spiritual power will be improved."

Yang Qiming saw that Xiaoyuan's path has become soul cultivation, while Xiaoqiang's is body cultivation.

With both soul and body cultivation, why not become stronger?
He put Xiao Yuan on the phone to practice, and then went to check Xiaoqiang's status.

As usual, after completing the daily tasks in the sect, Xiaoqiang got another 30 sect contributions.

Later, Yang Qiming used these contributions from the sect to let Xiaoqiang hang up to practice in the practice dojo, where there is a magic circle of gathering spirits, which can increase the speed of practice.

It takes 30 Zongmen contribution points to consume in one day, which is equivalent to completing the daily tasks and leaving no money left.

Message: "Xiaoqiang entered the practice dojo to practice, the aura around him became more intense, and his practice speed accelerated."


After a night of nothing, when Yang Qiming woke up the next day, he felt hungry in his belly, but his head was extremely clear, as if his brain had become more flexible.

"I hope that before the college entrance examination, my mental strength will be greatly improved!" He was thinking, when he heard someone talking in the living room.

"Brother Yang, we are really sorry, but for the sake of our children, we have no choice but to come to you brazenly." It was the voice of a middle-aged man.

"This matter..." Yang Lin said, "We have to ask A Ming for his opinion, after all, it belongs to him."

Yang Qiming walked to the living room and saw three people coming from the house.

Lei Hao, and his parents, Lei Zhuang and Yang Fang.

Seeing Yang Qiming, Lei Hao was a little embarrassed: "Amin, you're awake."

"Hello, Uncle, Auntie." Yang Qiming greeted them, and the two stood up quickly, and said with a smile: "Ah Ming is really different, he looks like a talent!"

"What are you?" Yang Qiming asked doubtfully.

Lei Zhuang hesitated for a while, and said, "Amin, that's right. I heard from Haozi last night that you won the first place in the school exam and won Pang Yue's gene awakening potion."

"Your gene awakening potion, if there is any surplus, we want to buy it and use it for Haozi! As long as you agree, we will take the money immediately. We have 20 in cash, and we can borrow hundreds of thousands of mortgages for the house, and write IOUs for the rest .”

Yang Qiming understood, it was for Lei Hao's future.Lei Hao's talent is average, if he performs well in the college entrance examination, he has a chance to be admitted to university.If you use the Gene Awakening Potion, you still have a chance to become a quasi-martial artist and enter the Martial Arts University.

The gene awakening potion is not only expensive, but also difficult to buy.They knew they had two, so they came to the door.

"Amin, I'm sorry, I don't want to trouble you." Lei Hao said.

Yang Qiming smiled and said, "It's not a problem. I do have a gene awakening potion, the primary one."

"I can sell it to you." Yang Qiming was very forthright. A few days ago, Lei Hao's family gave him their meat ticket. The two families were very close before, and Lei Zhuang and his wife often helped their family.

Yang Qiming himself can't use this gene awakening potion, so it's better to follow this favor.

(End of this chapter)

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