Chapter 17 Mediation?

As soon as Lu Jian finished speaking, Gao Yuan brought people over.

Several law enforcement officers opened the detention room, and Gao Yuan read: "Lv Jian, Zhao are released on bail, you can go out."

"Did you hear that?" Lu Jian walked out of the room with the support of his younger brother, and smiled at Yang Qiming, "Just stay here!"

Yang Qiming smiled and said nothing. He guessed that the results of the college entrance examination would be announced soon.If the head teacher and the god of war, He Ming, knew that the top scorer in the martial arts examination was imprisoned here, they wouldn't know if these people would be able to handle it!

A few minutes later, Yang Qiming's parents also came.

"Captain Gao, my son is really self-defense! They were the ones who started the attack!" Zhao Lixin said anxiously.

"It depends on the evidence!" Gao Yuan said calmly, "Now people insist that Yang Qiming will do it first. There are still so many witnesses!"

"We also have witnesses!" Yang Lin said quickly.

"How to obtain evidence, do you still want you to tell me?" Gao Yuan showed an impatient expression, and said, "The nature of this matter is very bad now. It's fine to fight, but if you gather a crowd to make trouble, the interest will be different, and it may involve illegal activities. Violent organization!"

"If this is a crime, it is not a matter of three to five years, at least ten years to start!"

Hearing his words, both Yang Lin and Zhao Lixin became anxious, but neither of them showed it.

Zhao Lixin looked serious, and said to Gao Yuan: "Captain Gao, don't lie to us here, I have also studied law! We are not responsible for this matter. What you said is suspected of intimidation!"

"Yes!" Yang Lin also snorted coldly, "We have video recordings of all the scenes just now! If you can't give an explanation, we will keep the evidence and see the truth in court!"

Gao Yuan frowned slightly, this couple is too difficult to deal with.He said: "It's okay if you want to resolve this matter. Now you negotiate with the other party first. After mediation, we will release him immediately."

Yang Lin and his wife, as well as Yang Qiming, met Lu Jian and Hu Zhiyong, the manager of Jiangnan Real Estate, in the mediation room.

"Yang Lin." Hu Zhiyong looked at Yang Lin, then glanced at Yang Qiming, and said, "Your son is quite good at fighting!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Yang Lin sternly said, "You are responsible for this matter!"

"Really?" Hu Zhiyong laughed, and said, "No, Yang Qiming is entirely responsible. Look at Lu Jian, I've already had his injury checked, it's very serious!"

"If convicted, Yang Qiming will be imprisoned for at least ten years!"

"Do you know what this means? If he can't get out in ten years, he will be a useless person after he gets out! You can't go to Martial Arts University, and the army won't have people with criminal records!"

"If you do not plead guilty, we will file a lawsuit!" Zhao Lixin said sternly.

"Litigation, do you know who you are suing with?" Hu Zhiyong teased, "Do you know the nickname of Jiangnan Real Estate in Jiangnan Mansion?"

Hearing his words, the two felt a chill in their hearts.Jiangnan Real Estate is located in Jiangnan Mansion, and has the title of Jiangnan Undefeated Customer, which means that as long as there is a lawsuit in Jiangnan Mansion, Jiangnan Real Estate has never lost!It doesn't matter if they take it or not!

Hu Zhiyong continued: "Don't think about suing, just go to court. Let me tell the truth. I have witnesses, physical evidence, and all the proofs. No matter how you sue, you will lose!"

"As far as the demolition is concerned, you have searched for people, you have also searched for the media, and you have filed a complaint. Did it work? It didn't work!"

"Too arrogant!" Yang Lin trembled angrily, and said, "You scumbags should be left outside to be bitten to death by strange beasts!"

"Don't worry!" Hu Zhiyong sat down and said, "Things still have room to turn around."

He took out two contracts and placed them on the table: "See? The demolition contract, your house will be given to you at the original price. This one is a letter of understanding, as long as you sign it, and dissolve your shitty owners union Yes, promise not to resist the demolition, your son will be released immediately, and you can get the money! How about it? Isn’t it a good deal?”

"You guys are really experienced, have you used this trick a lot?" Zhao Lixin suppressed her anger.

"But it works!" Hu Zhiyong's tone couldn't help being proud.

"Yang Lin!" Hu Zhiyong began to threaten Yang Lin, and said, "I know you won't take hard things, but you also have to think about your son? He should have a bright future, do you want him to stay in prison? For the rest of my life?"

"Hu Zhiyong, don't do this!" Yang Qiming said, and he said to his parents: "Dad, Mom, don't worry, I'll just stay here, and he will beg me to go out after a while!"

"Please get out? You're dreaming!" Lu Jian sneered.

Yang Lin looked at Yang Qiming with a puzzled expression on his face. Yang Qiming usually doesn't make jokes. What does he mean?
"Amin, you?" Yang Lin was a little uncertain.

Yang Qiming said again: "Don't worry, I'm not joking. Want to cheat me? They don't have the ability!"

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait." Hu Zhiyong said disapprovingly, "I only give you a little time to think about it. After an hour, it's useless for you to sign the contract!"

After finishing speaking, he took Lu Jian out of the mediation room.

Yang Lin and Zhao Lixin were still worried, Zhao Lixin took a deep breath and said, "It's really not possible, I'll ask my dad!"

"Hey... that's the only way!" Unless it was a last resort, Yang Lin really didn't want to face the old man who drove them out.


"Manager Hu, how did the talk go?" Gao Yuan asked Hu Zhiyong.

"Still pretending to be tough!" Hu Zhiyong said, "Captain Gao, help me suppress them later and let them know how powerful they are!"

"It's a trivial matter!" Gao Yuan laughed, "I've seen this kind of thing a lot, and they'll be subdued once they're scared."

Lu Jian was a little worried and asked, "Manager Hu, don't they really have a backer?"

If something goes wrong, he will be the one who takes the blame.

"There's a fart backstage!" Hu Zhiyong snorted coldly, "I've already checked, that Yang Lin used to be a big soldier, and his comrades were all ordinary people."

"If he wants to find a way, will he delay until now?"

"In Jiangnan Mansion, who would dare to trouble our Jiangnan Real Estate?"

"The manager is right." Lu Jian finally felt relieved.


"Mr. Pang, don't worry." In the public security station, Hu Zhiyong was talking to Pang Hai, "The stabbing head has been arrested, and he will compromise immediately. I will arrange people to start work overnight, so the progress of the project will not be delayed."

"Well, I don't worry about your work." Pang Hai hung up the phone.

Hu Zhiyong received another text message from Pang Yue, "Teach Yang Qiming a lesson and make him remember better."

Pang Yue replied: "Master, don't worry, I have tampered with the contract, and when they sign it, there is no place for them to cry."

Seeing the reply, Pang Yue was quite satisfied.Thinking back now, it was really irrational for me to bet with Yang Qiming. It was so embarrassing that I could crush him to death with just a finger movement.


At the same time, the graduates of No.13 Middle School in Nantian District sat nervously and expectantly in the classroom, waiting for the announcement of the college entrance examination results.

"Where's Yang Qiming? Why isn't Yang Qiming here?" Feng Cheng walked into the classroom, looking for Yang Qiming's shadow.

"He has something to do at home, so I'll go back first." Someone said.

"Oh." Feng Cheng felt a little pity.

He said: "Students, let's start now."

He turned on the computer on the podium and logged into the examination result inquiry system.

On the electronic screen, the results of each of their students appeared.

"Haha, I have passed the line, I can go to college!" Someone was happy.

There are also people who are silent and have poor grades, which decides that they will leave the school system and go to the society to make a living.

"How much is Yang Qiming's score?" Everyone wanted to know, including Feng Cheng himself.

"I'll check." Feng Cheng entered Yang Qiming's student number, and soon, Yang Qiming's grades appeared on the electronic screen.

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(End of this chapter)

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