Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 18 Where is the number one scholar in the martial arts examination?

Chapter 18 Where is the number one scholar in the martial arts examination?
"Strength, 98 points, rating S; speed, 96 points, rating S; endurance, 97 points, rating S; spirit, 100 points, rating S; vitality, 98 points; martial arts, 98 points, rating S. Total score 587 points .”

"God, can this be tested by humans?" When the results came out, the whole class shouted, and even Feng Cheng was stunned.

He knew that Yang Qiming's grades would be good, but he didn't expect it to be so high!

"All over 95, all S grades! Yang Qiming is going against the sky!"

"I heard that there is a Martial God who was only five S ranks in the college entrance examination!"

"That's awesome, this score is twice as high as mine!"

At this time, Feng Cheng received another message. He was overjoyed and announced to the class with uncontrollable excitement: "Everyone, I just received the notification that Yang Qiming's performance in the martial arts exam is excellent, and he ranks first in the national martial arts exam this year. No. [-] in the exam! He is our national martial arts exam champion this year!"

"The top scorer in the martial arts examination!" The students erupted.

"Damn it, my classmate is the top scorer in the martial arts exam!"

"Yang Qiming is better than others!!!"

"Yang Qiming will definitely be a martial god in the future! Ahhhh, I'm going to be classmates with such an awesome person!"

"What about others?"

"It's taking off! Hurry up and hug his thigh!"

"Yang Qiming, is he the top scorer in the martial arts examination?" Jiang Wenwen naturally also saw the news, and for a while, she had mixed feelings in her heart.

Just over a month ago, she was Yang Qiming's little sister next door, but because of the demolition and the arrival of Pang Yue, she made a choice that she regretted immensely.

Pang Yue has never been to school since losing, and deleted her contact information.

Yang Qiming is now the top scorer in the martial arts examination, and his future is limitless, but such a big boat was actually abandoned by himself. Thinking of it, Jiang Wenwen regrets it!

"Teacher Feng!" Outside the third ([-]) class, the principal and the teachers of the third year all came, "Yang Qiming has won the champion!"

"Our school has a champion!"

"Where is Yang Qiming?" the teachers asked.

"This...he has something to do at home, so he went back temporarily." Feng Cheng said helplessly.

"Hurry up and get it back!" Tong Yancheng said, "Now the Internet news is already spreading the news. The head teacher of Jiangnan Prefecture will come to our school soon, and there are a bunch of media reporters. Hurry up and get Yang Qiming back!"

"I'll call him right now, no, I'll go there in person!" Feng Cheng said.

"No, let's go together!" Tong Yancheng said, "Our Nantian No. [-] Middle School finally produced a national champion, so we must publicize it."

"Take all the musical instruments from the school, beat the gongs and drums, and go to his house to announce the good news!"

"Okay!" Teachers and students all went over to join in the fun.

At this time, the information of the top scorer in the college entrance examination has been published on the Internet.

"The latest news is that the results of the 30-year college entrance examination in Kyushu New Era have just been released. Yang Qiming, a candidate from Jiangnan Prefecture, won the top scorer in the national martial arts examination with a total score of 587 and an S-level score in all subjects!"

"Genke S, this genius is amazing!" The people of Kyushu were amazed.

"This year, the Lighthouse Alliance only produced one 5S. Our students are stronger than them!"

"What a genius!"

"Our Jiangnan mansion has won the first prize in the martial arts examination!!"

People from all walks of life in Jiangnan Prefecture began to celebrate. Some merchants put up banners, and the number one scholar in the martial arts examination came to the store to spend, free of charge within a month!

Another company announced that it would donate money to the champion of the martial arts examination for his study and practice.

Yang Qiming quickly became an Internet celebrity, and everyone was looking for him!

On Shili Street, the principal led people, beat gongs and drums, and marched all the way. They even prepared a banner, which read: "Congratulations to Yang Qiming, a student from our school, who won the national martial arts examination champion! ——Nantian District No.13 Middle School! "

Along the way, people gathered to watch.

"Someone won the first prize!"

"Yang Qiming from Thirteen High School!"

"Our poor slum actually has a number one scholar!"

"Yang Qiming? Is that Yang Qiming from Shili Street?"

When the procession of announcing the good news came to Shili Street, the people on Shili Street saw the banner and everyone was talking about it.

"Amin won the first prize?" Lei Hao and his parents had just sent Uncle Zhang to the hospital, and he was even more surprised when he saw the news.

"Lei Hao!" Feng Cheng also saw him, beckoned him over, and asked with a smile on his face, "Where's Yang Qiming? He won the national martial arts examination champion, and we're here to announce the good news!"

"This..." Lei Hao suddenly hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Feng Cheng realized something was wrong.

Lei Hao pulled Feng Cheng and whispered, "Teacher, it's like this..."

He briefly explained what happened just now, and Feng Cheng was surprised and angry, "Is there such a thing?"

"Everyone in Shili Street has seen it!" Lei Hao said, "Teacher, you have to find a way! Amin is still inside!"

"Don't panic, I'll tell the principal!" Feng Cheng hurriedly told Tong Yancheng about the matter, and Tong Yancheng said angrily, "It's unreasonable to take our students away regardless of good or bad!"

"These people are damned!"

"Let's go, let's go directly to the security station!" He ordered, and Tong Yancheng immediately sent a message to the head teacher to report the situation.


"This year's National Martial Arts Examination champion is in Jiangnan Mansion, and got 6 S scores, congratulations!" Several senior officials of Jiangnan Mansion are congratulating Deng Yuze.

Deng Yuze smiled all over his face and said, "Students work hard on their own, and we will follow suit."

Some media asked: "Sijiao Deng, can you arrange for us to interview Yang Qiming? Everyone wants to meet this S-scoring martial arts champion!"

"We will arrange this later..." Deng Yuze responded.

At this time, Deng Yuze answered a phone call. The smile on his face froze instantly, then he became serious, and said, "Is there such a thing? These guys are really daring!"

"I'm going over here!"

He just learned that the top scorer in the martial arts examination in Jiangnan Mansion is now locked up in a public security station!

The outside is spreading the word to the whole country and the whole world. If it is exposed, they will lose all face!

Similarly, Martial God He Ming also heard the news, and he was even more furious!
"Because a group of hooligans actually imprisoned Yang Qiming! This group of scum really needs to be dealt with. Guards, assemble! Go to the Shili Street Public Security Station, Nantian District!"

"Yes!" An elite team assembled immediately and headed for the destination.


In the security station, Hu Zhiyong, Gao Yuan, and Lu Jian in a wheelchair came to the mediation room again.

"The time has come, have you figured it out?" Hu Zhiyong kept the file on the desktop.

Yang Lin and Yang Qiming didn't even look at it.

Gao Yuan threatened: "You have to figure it out, it's mediation now. If the mediation fails, you will have to go through legal procedures!"

"We have investigated the matter, and the existing evidence shows that the responsibility is entirely on your side!"

"Manager Hu is giving you a chance now! Do you want to go to jail, or do you want to settle peacefully?"

"Captain Gao, you won't be able to run away later!" Yang Qiming looked at him. Gao Yuan must have gained a lot of benefits by wearing a pair of pants with them.

"It's really oily and salty." Gao Yuan scolded.

"Very good, now you have no chance!" Hu Zhiyong tore up the contract on the spot and said, "Everything I say will come true!"

"Me too." Yang Qiming said.

"What are you?" Hu Zhiyong just cursed, when the phone rang suddenly. He looked down and saw that it was Pang Hai, the boss of Jiangnan Real Estate.

When Hu Zhiyong connected the phone, there was a scolding voice: "Hu Zhiyong, you bastard, how dare you cheat me?"

(End of this chapter)

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