Chapter 3
When Yang Qiming came to the school gate, Lei Hao had been waiting for him for a while, and there was a girl with a ponytail next to him.

She has a slender figure, wheat-colored skin, and a height of 1.6 meters [-]. Girls develop earlier than boys. Her figure is already quite large, and her face is also very beautiful, full of youthful atmosphere.

Her name is Jiang Wenwen, and she is also a neighbor who lives on Shili Street.

Yang Qiming, Lei Hao, and Jiang Wenwen have been playmates since they were young. They have a very good relationship and are inseparable.

"Being trained by the old class for so long?" Lei Hao laughed.

"Yes." Yang Qiming said, "Let's go, go home."

The two of them were about to leave, but Jiang Wenwen hesitated and said, "Brother Ming, Haozi, you go back, I won't go home for dinner today."

"What's the matter?" Yang Qiming was wondering, but suddenly saw Pang Yue standing not far away, and Jiang Wenwen also looked at Pang Yue, her eyes full of joy.

He immediately understood what was going on, and Yang Qiming reminded: "Wenwen, I don't want to say much about you. But you have to understand that some people come here just for fun, don't be sold and count the money !"

"He's not that kind of person!" Jiang Wenwen argued, "He's different from those rich second generations!"

"Then why did he come to our school?" Lei Hao asked, "Then why did his dad forcefully demolish Shili Street? Have you forgotten that your family also lives in Shili Street? He came here just to cheat us!"

"His father is his father, and he is him!" Jiang Wenwen said, "If you talk about him like that again, I will be angry!"

Yang Qiming and Lei Hao were silent for a while, and Yang Qiming noticed that Jiang Wenwen had more jewelry on her neck and wrists, which were not cheap at first glance.

He questioned: "Did you take his money? Or did your family take their benefits?"

"Yesterday, your family asked to withdraw from the owners' association and accept the demolition. Is this also because of this?"

When the truth was exposed, Jiang Wenwen looked a little ugly, and said: "Everyone has the right to choose, you can't ask others to be like you just because of yourself!"

"Jiang Wenwen, are you serious?" Yang Qiming asked again.

"Yes, I'm serious!" Jiang Wenwen put her attitude straight, she said: "I don't want to stay on Shili Street for the rest of my life, being a disheveled woman selling a stall!"

"I don't want to be like you, suffer for a lifetime, and never turn over! I just want to live better, what's wrong with me?"

"Everyone wants to live better. If you live better on your own, or even luck, we will only bless you. But you can't achieve your goal by not having a bottom line!" Yang Qiming said.

"Everyone knows that Pang Yue and his family's Jiangnan Real Estate brandished a sickle on our heads and lured us into divisions. Why didn't everyone compromise? Because once someone compromises, they will intensify! If one family benefits, there will be ten. Baijia will be harvested!"

"Yang Qiming, who are you? It's not your turn to educate me!" Jiang Wenwen said angrily.

"Wenwen, why did you become like this?" Lei Hao looked at her sadly, he had always regarded Jiang Wenwen as his goddess, and now Jiang Wenwen actually said such words.

"I've always been like this!" Jiang Wenwen didn't bother to pretend anymore now that her face was torn apart, she said, "Lei Hao, don't call me in the future, I'm afraid Pang Yue will misunderstand!"

"And you, Yang Qiming. I used to admire you a little bit, but after meeting Pang Yue, I realized that he is much better than you! For the sake of being friends, I remind you not to fight against Pang Yue ! You can't beat him!"

"Have you finished?" Yang Qiming said coldly.

"It's over." Jiang Wenwen said.

"Okay." Yang Qiming said, "From now on, the road will be open to the sky, and each side will go to the other side. No one will know anyone!"

"This is the best!" After Jiang Wenwen finished speaking, she walked quickly towards Pang Yue, and then fell into his arms.

Yang Qiming saw that Pang Yue gave him a contemptuous smile, as if saying, "You have no right to fight with me!"

"It's over!" Seeing this scene, Lei Hao looked bitter, "We have been hit by dimension reduction!"

"Wenwen broke up with me, what should I do?"

"Cold salad!" Yang Qiming said, "Don't go to her again, it will only make people look down on you. Everyone has his own ambition, and if she wants to pursue her happiness, then let her go."

"Happiness to have a fart!" Lei Hao said, "Pang Yue must be playing for fun. Given his family background, it is impossible for him to like Jiang Wenwen."

"Don't worry about him, just do your own thing well." Yang Qiming's belly felt hot, probably because he had just eaten the meat of a strange beast, and he was in a hurry to go home.


The concrete pavement with holes everywhere, the walls covered with ivy, old buildings no more than seven stories old, fading signboards and electric tricycles running around, this is the poorest residential area in Jiangnan Prefecture, Ten Mile Street.

Its length is ten miles in total. The buildings here were already old buildings before the cataclysm. After decades of precarious catastrophe, it has become even more dilapidated.

Yang Qiming came to a small street shop, but saw that the door was closed.

The greasy signboard reads "Lao Yang's Restaurant", which is his parents' business. Logically speaking, it is dinner time, which should be a busy time, but his parents are not here?

"Amin and Haozi are off from school?" Along the way, familiar neighbors greeted warmly. Although the residents here are poor, the neighborhood relationship is very harmonious.

"Aunt Wang, why didn't you set up a stall today?" Yang Qiming asked the aunts who were chatting in the community.

Aunt Wang said helplessly: "Today, we will strictly investigate again, and we won't let you set up a stall."

"Strictly check every day, and let people live!" The old man next to him scolded.

"They did it on purpose to force us to move away!"

"A Ming, I'm coming back." Lei Hao was still thinking about Jiang Wenwen, feeling depressed.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Before Yang Qiming got home, he heard arguing inside.

"Old Yang, we can't go on like this. Now they have people inspect every day. We can't sell our stalls, and we can't open our shops. How can we survive? The whole family has to eat!"

"Several have dropped out of the homeowners association."

When Yang Lin's voice came, he was calmer and said: "Everyone, don't get confused. Now they are putting pressure on us, and we must not compromise!"

"Yes, we can't compromise. The demolition fee is not even one-tenth of the price of our house. If we agree, we will all have to drink the northwest wind!"

"Jiangnan Real Estate is too dark!"

"Can't you just report them?"

"It's useless, Jiangnan Real Estate's hands and eyes are in the sky, and it has been managed a long time ago! Now is the era of catastrophe, the chaos is not good, it's not the same as before!" Someone sighed.

The voice of Yang Qiming's mother, Zhao Lixin, also came out, and she gently comforted everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, Jiangnan Real Estate is more unbearable than us. Shili Street is the key area of ​​Nantian District's reconstruction project. If we don't move, they won't be able to start work." , they are even more anxious!"

"We are not blocking the demolition, but asking them to give corresponding compensation, at least to ensure that everyone can continue to live in Jiangnan Mansion! If the compensation is not in place, we will not be able to compromise!"

"Yes!" Yang Lin said, "Everyone must be united! Be patient for a while, I have already contacted my old comrades in arms to inquire about the situation, and it is estimated that there will be an explanation soon."

"Of course we all believe in you!" Everyone said.

Yang Lin had served as a soldier before, had resisted alien beasts, and was usually loyal, so these people recommended him to manage the owners' union.

"Mom, I'm back." When Yang Qiming returned home, the small house of seventy square meters was crowded with people.

"Amin is back!" Everyone stopped arguing and looked at him with smiles.

"The longer Amin grows, the more handsome he is!"

"Amin is this tall?"

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Liu, Aunt Zhao..." Yang Qiming greeted each of them.

Uncle Zhang stood up and said to everyone: "Lao Yang is right, everyone should unite and wait."

He said to Yang Lin: "We won't bother you anymore, the big guys will leave now."

As he said that, he took out a voucher from his pocket and said, "Old Yang, your child is about to take the college entrance examination, right? I don't have anything to give away. This meat ticket is for Amin's nutrition."

Vouchers are items that reappeared due to the shortage of supplies in the era of catastrophe. They are issued by the coalition government. With these vouchers, you can go to the supply station in the city to exchange for various supplies.

Yang Lin picked up the meat ticket and took a look. This is not an ordinary meat ticket, but a meat ticket that can be exchanged for three-two first-level beast soldier-level alien meat!

He hurriedly said: "Why is this so embarrassing? No, this can't be accepted!"

"Accept it, you must accept it! If you don't accept it, you won't give me face!" Uncle Zhang staged a play of push and push with him, and finally stuffed the meat ticket into Yang Qiming's pocket.

Zhang Bo said: "This is an old tradition in our Shili Street. If someone's child has the opportunity to go to college, everyone will help."

"Yes, Lao Yang, just accept it!" Uncle Liu also took out a meat ticket.

"I have a milk ticket here."

"Come on, Amin, take it! Take the test, if you become a genetic warrior, don't forget us poor folks!" Everyone took out a ticket and stuffed it in Yang Qiming's pocket.

"Thank you, thank you!" Yang Qiming said gratefully.

Yang Lin and Zhao Lixin were also very grateful and said, "Thank you so much!"

"They are all from the folks in the village, don't say such things!" Zhang Bo said, "Then we will leave first!"

After everyone left, Yang Lin was still filled with emotion, and said: "Old Lei's son, Lei Hao, is going to take the college entrance examination, and he actually gave us the ticket for the alien meat!"

"These neighbors are so cute!" Zhao Lixin's eyes were moist.

"Back then, our husband and wife had no place to stay, and they helped us settle down."

"Amin was seriously ill when he was three years old, and we all pooled money to help him heal."

"So we can't let them down!" Yang Lin gritted his teeth, "No matter how much pressure and benefits Jiangnan Real Estate gives us, we must resist! If we don't make up the demolition funds, we must not let them waver!"

In order to get the Owners Association to compromise, Jiangnan Real Estate sent people several times to lure or threaten Yang Lin, but none of them achieved results.

"Amin, you have to remember." Yang Lin said to Yang Qiming, "This world is very chaotic and difficult. No matter what other people are like, we must do it ourselves and have no regrets!"

"Yeah!" Yang Qiming nodded, he didn't plan to tell his parents about Pang Yue, so as not to worry them.

Now that his own cells are practicing, as long as his nutrition keeps up, he has absolute confidence to become a genetic warrior, and then gradually change everything!
After a full meal, Yang Qiming opened "Cell World" again. Now, he can log in and operate directly in his brain without a mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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