Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 4 Xiaoqiang has been upgraded

Chapter 4 Xiaoqiang has been upgraded

During the time just now, the cardiomyocyte Xiaoqiang has been practicing "Tiger Strength" on the phone, which shows that his experience has increased from zero to ten percent.

"If this continues, it will be able to upgrade in ten days and reach the first level of warrior!"

Yang Qiming deliberately checked the hierarchical division of the cell world, which is the same as the division of the real world.

The first is the warrior level, also called the soldier level, corresponding to the beast is the beast soldier level, and then there are generals (beast generals), warrior kings (beast kings), warrior gods (beast kings) and title warriors (beast gods).Each level is divided into nine levels. In the real world, the proportion of warriors is less than one percent; and only about one-third of them can be promoted to generals.

As for the Martial King class, it is already the best among warriors, and it is popular in all walks of life!

At the Martial God level, no matter in Kyushu or in other fortress cities in the world, they are big figures with real power!
As for the title Martial God, it is said that at the beginning of the new era, there were less than ten people in the whole world!Since then, there has been no news of a new titled Martial God.

Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to go to the Deacon Hall of Menghumen to receive daily tasks.

Message: "Xiaoqiang completed the task: clean up the weeds, and received 5 contributions from the sect."

"Xiaoqiang completed the task: repair the fence, and get 5 contributions from the sect."

"Task in progress: patrolling the outer gate, after completion, you can get 20 sect contribution."

The contribution of the sect obtained by doing the task can be exchanged for spirit stones in the treasure pavilion. Using spirit stones can speed up Xiaoqiang's practice, and sharpening the knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood.

When Xiaoqiang hung up the phone to do the task, Yang Qiming was not idle and began to breathe.

"Breathing Method" is a basic practice method announced by Kyushu, and everyone can use it to practice energy.

Sitting cross-legged, sinking the qi into the dantian, calming down, adjusting the breathing while sensing the source energy floating in the space.

A trace of cool energy entered his body, flowed through the blood meridians, and stored in the cells.

Gene fighters must rely on absorbing source energy to practice and stimulate genetic evolution.Studies have shown that those mutated animals and plants can also absorb energy, so their body materials are expensive.

After a night of nothing, when Yang Qiming woke up the next day, he felt refreshed, and his whole body was full of energy and blood!

"My strength is probably very close to that of a quasi-warrior!" Yang Qiming thought to himself.

He came to the school and did various exercises on the training ground.

Running with weights, long jumps, weightlifting, and boxing exercises, Yang Qiming can clearly feel that his muscle strength has increased a lot, and he has made breakthroughs in every sport!

"Amin, why are you so aggressive today? Have you taken medicine?" At the end of the day, Lei Hao was amazed.

"Haha, I ate some exotic animal meat." Yang Qiming was in a happy mood.

"Awesome!" Lei Hao said, "It is estimated that he was malnourished before, but now he has made a breakthrough."

"Is there a top ten in the school exam?"

"Top ten?" Yang Qiming shook his head, "I should barely be able to get the first place!"

"Blow it and go!" Lei Hao said, "with Pang Yue around, who can surpass him. I suspect that he is a quasi-warrior!"

"There are still four days, so maybe!" Yang Qiming said firmly.


When I got home, my parents had already exchanged those bills for a large portion of exotic animal meat and exotic animal milk and other nutritious products. Except for those given by the neighbors, Yang Lin took out the tens of thousands of family savings and gave them all to Yang Qiming. Bought supplements.

"Sprint as hard as you can this month!" Yang Lin urged, "Although the family is not rich, it's okay to guarantee your training expenses for a month!"

Yang Qiming looked at him, Yang Lin looked haggard, obviously only forty years old, already had gray hair on his head, which was caused by overwork.

"Yeah!" Yang Qiming chewed the exotic animal meat, the taste of these fresh meat was better than that of canned food.

He swore in his heart, "Dad, Mom, I will become stronger soon, and let you live in a safer urban area, without worrying about food and drink! And the folks on Shili Street, when I have the ability, I will definitely change everything!"


The day before the school exam, at night, Yang Qiming opened "Cell World" after breathing out.

Message: "Myocardium Xiaoqiang practiced overnight, and his strength has increased."

As usual, Yang Qiming first went to greet the tiger coach, and then went to the deacon hall of Tiger Gate to do daily tasks.

After some operations.

Message: "Xiaoqiang completed the task: patrolling the outer gate, and obtained 20 sect contribution points."

Yang Qiming saw that the sect's contribution points had reached 110 points.

He immediately went to the Treasure Pavilion of Tiger Gate, spent 100 sect contributions on the exchange bar of the Treasure Pavilion, and exchanged for a "One-Star Elementary Body Tempering Pill".

Body Tempering Pill: "A elixir made from precious medicinal materials, which can temper the body and increase strength after taking it."

Information: "Xiaoqiang took a one-star Elementary Body Tempering Pill, and a heat flow rose from his dantian. He felt that he was about to break through, so he ran "Tiger Strength" quickly."

"Do you choose to break through?"

Reminder: "Breakthroughs have certain risks. If you succeed in a breakthrough, you can improve your realm. If you fail, your cultivation will regress, and you may even go crazy."

"Breakthrough!" Yang Qiming directly chose to let Xiaoqiang break through. This is only the first level, so breaking through must not be that difficult.

Message: "Xiaoqiang concentrates his energy and tries to break through the realm."

Message: "Black impurities are discharged from the cells, Xiaoqiang's cell structure is more stable, and it has successfully broken through to the first level of warrior."

Tip: "Your muscle cells have unlocked the first gene lock and will reach the first level of warrior!"

Xiaoqiang's breakthrough was fed back to the body, and Yang Qiming felt that the muscle cells in his whole body were releasing heat, and there was an itching feeling, some new gene fragments were being generated!
At the same time, the feeling of hunger struck again, and Yang Qiming immediately went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"My muscle cells have reached the level of a warrior!" Yang Qiming was overjoyed, he could feel the overall increase in strength!
Moreover, the feedback from Xiaoqiang's breakthrough not only gave muscle cells, but other cells were also strengthened to a certain extent, but it was not as obvious as muscle cells.

"Now that I have the strength of a quasi-warrior, it's no problem to be admitted to the Martial Arts University." Yang Qiming thought in his heart, "If there is another gene awakening potion, then I can break through to a genetic warrior and achieve even higher achievements!"

While he was thinking about it, another message came from the cell world.

Message: "Because Xiaoqiang greets the Zongmen coach every day, the Zongmen coach has a good impression of Xiaoqiang. Seeing that Xiaoqiang has mastered the first level of "Tiger Strength", he decided to teach him a boxing method "Tiger Roaring Fist."

Information: ""Tiger Roaring Fist": a one-star elementary martial skill, which can burst out huge power for a short time. Because the sound of breaking through the air is similar to a tiger's roar, it is named "Tiger Roaring Fist."

Martial skills are the moves used by warriors. When used with source energy, they can greatly increase the lethality.According to the proficiency mastered, it is divided into beginners, proficient, small success, great success, and superb. The higher the proficiency, the stronger the power to play!
Prompt: "Do you want to learn "Tiger Roaring Fist"?"

Tip: "The moves learned by cells can also be used on the body."

Yang Qiming's eyes brightened, "Of course I have to study!"

In high school, he couldn't learn formal martial arts at all, he could only learn some basic moves.Martial skills are as expensive as gene awakening potions in the market, and it is not easy to practice them.

Now that I can directly let the cells practice, why not do it?
Message: "Xiaoqiang is learning "Tiger Roaring Fist"..."

Yang Qiming hung up the phone all night, and the next morning, the information was updated

"Xiaoqiang has learned "Tiger Roaring Fist", and his strength has increased significantly!"

In Yang Qiming's brain, he also has information about various moves of "Tiger Roaring Fist". Not only that, the way of performing "Tiger Roaring Fist" has been engraved in his muscle memory, and he can perform it as he pleases!

"It's so cool!" Yang Qiming was overjoyed, "I heard that even the most basic martial arts will take at least several months to practice, and I learned it overnight! This cell practice is really powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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