Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 40 Liu Xueyi: "The clown is actually me?"

Chapter 40 Liu Xueyi: "The clown is actually me?"

Yang Qiming input the data into the live broadcast ball, and released the holographic projection at the same time. A relatively young face appeared on it, which was easy to identify, it was Xie Chang.

"Xie Chang, a 26th grade student of Jiangnan Martial Arts University, was expelled from the school for maliciously hurting others. He worked as a training partner in the martial arts hall for a year, but his performance was not good, so he started to engage in martial arts live broadcast."

"Using martial arts to crack down on counterfeit anchors, at the beginning, I specifically found some weak martial arts gyms, counterfeit coaches, and sparring. Because of their strong strength, they defeated popular coaches and sparring partners many times, and quickly exploded on the Internet."

"Everyone, I want to emphasize one point. All the coaches and sparring partners that Xie Chang used to crack down on fakes are all below the seventh-level martial artist! This shows that he has been hiding his strength. It seems that he is cracking down on fakes, but he is actually using his own higher level to defeat his opponents!"

"If that's the case, it can only be said that he has a moral problem!" The more Yang Qiming said, the paler Xie Chang's face became.

"But we found that all the martial arts gyms that were cracked down by Xie Chang were eventually annexed by the Renyi Martial Arts Hall! And the place where Xie Chang was a training partner was the Renyi Martial Arts Hall! I don’t know if there’s something tricky about it for the publicity.”

After Yang Qiming finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized.

"Is this fellow sent by the Renyi Martial Art Museum?"

"Hide your strength, then crack down on fakes and live broadcasts, bring down other people's martial arts gyms, and then merge them! The Renyi Budokan is really a scam!"

"Xie Chang turned out to be a spy of the Renyi Budokan from the very beginning!"

In the live broadcast room, Xie Chang's fans were even more angry: "I gave him so many gifts, I'm so stupid, report him, if I don't ban him, he will be a ghost!"

"I want to report to the public security station, this bitch is cheating money!"

"There is also Renyi Martial Arts Hall, shameless, I rushed at him!"

In the live broadcast room, someone said: "I was the sparring partner who was beaten up by Xie Chang. I was a sixth-level warrior at the time. He defeated me with the seventh-level strength. I exposed him and was raped by the Internet!"

"Trash! Drink, tui!"

A large number of fans unfollowed and reported Xie Chang. Soon, a reminder came from Xie Chang's live broadcast: "Your live broadcast room is suspected of violating regulations and has been banned!"

The coaches of Jiangnan Budokan stepped forward, grabbed Xie Chang's arm, and said, "We'll send you to the security station!"

Xie Chang's face turned pale, and he shouted to Yang Qiming: "Yang Qiming, you can deal with me now, but you still can't afford to mess with him! You will regret it!"

Yang Qiming knew that he was talking about Liu Xueyi, but he was unmoved.

The coaches had already dragged Xie Chang out, and they surrounded Yang Qiming again, asking him various questions.In Yang Qiming's live broadcast room, the number of viewers and fans also increased linearly, breaking the million mark!
"Bastard!" In the Renyi Martial Arts Club, Liu Xueyi also saw this scene. He punched the precious wooden table worth hundreds of thousands, smashing the table to pieces!
"They're all a bunch of guys who have done more than succeed!" Liu Xueyi scolded.

Xie Chang's defeat not only made his plan fail, but also lost the reputation of Renyi Budokan.

It is conceivable that Jiangnan Budokan will become a big hit because of this!
After playing a good fake show, and finally hitting himself on the head, Liu Xueyi felt a fire in his heart.

"President." Lu Han, a primary school girl, came in and was startled when she saw Liu Xueyi smashing the table.

She is a freshman this year, and because she admired Liu Xueyi, she joined the Renyi Martial Arts Club, and was selected by Liu Xueyi to be her assistant.

"President, are you okay?" Lu Han asked worriedly.

"Come here." Liu Xueyi beckoned to her, and Lu Han walked over anxiously. When she came to Liu Xueyi, Liu Xueyi suddenly grabbed her and tore her clothes.

"President! You... help!" Lu Han's scream came from inside the room.

Outside the door, several bodyguards closed the door silently, as if they didn't hear anything.


The anti-counterfeit host was cracked down on the Internet, and many people came out to reprimand Xie Chang and the Renyi Martial Arts Academy behind him. The Renyi Martial Arts Academy was affected, and the number of students was greatly reduced. , is very popular, every day there are warriors who come here to register as members, and some are even students from other prefectures.

As usual, Yang Qiming goes to the Martial Arts Hall as a training partner every Saturday, and spends the rest of the time in school and practice.

He sent part of the money home so that his parents could do their own things with peace of mind.

With the improvement of strength, it became more difficult to break through the realm. Yang Qiming could no longer break through a small realm in a month or two like before.

"The genetic perfection is 80.00%." ​​In the training room of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, Yang Qiming opened his eyes. He estimated that in about half a month, he would be able to reach the sixth-level martial artist!
He opened "Cell World" to check the cell status.

Message: "Myocardium Xiaoqiang learned from his predecessors in Chuangongfang, "Diamond Body" was promoted to the fourth floor, "Phantom Step" was mastered, "Blood Boiling" was proficient, and "Tiger Roaring Fist" reached a state of perfection!"

"There is a martial art that has come to perfection!" Yang Qiming simulated the performance of the Tiger Roaring Fist in his mind. After being perfected, the Tiger Roaring Fist not only increased its power, but also had its own source of impact.

The tiger-shaped phantom from the fist fight with Xie Chang before will become more solid.

Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to complete the daily tasks of the sect, and then hang in the practice field to practice and improve his realm.

He checked the status of the small nerve cells again.

Message: "Xiaoyuan, a nerve cell, explores the outer layer of the Evil Ghost Abyss, and his mental power increases."

Yang Qiming checked the status. Recently, Xiao Yuan killed two low-level evil spirits and a wisp of remnant soul, and devoured two soul stones.

"Soul Refining Art" has been promoted to the fourth floor, "Flying Feathers in the Sky" has been completed, and the range of mental power perception has been increased to a radius of three meters.

As for the talent "Sky Eye", as long as the mental power is improved, the duration and insight can be improved.

Message: "Xiao Yuan continued to go to the depths of the Evil Ghost Abyss, but saw a white shadow hovering in front of him!"

Please make a choice: "Going to see?"

"Avoid it?"

"Check." Yang Qiming thought for a while, Xiao Yuan's strength has improved now, even if he encounters ordinary ghosts, he should be able to deal with them.

Message: "Xiao Yuan went up and found it was a ghost, the ghost has been wandering, he shouted: 'Junior Sister, wait for me, I will come back...'."

"Xiao Yuan approached it, and it asked vigilantly: 'Who is it'? Xiao Yuan showed that he was a experienced ghost cultivator, and the ghost immediately knelt down and asked Xiao Yuan for help."

"The ghost said: 'I am Yan Tao, a disciple of the Ghost King Sect. My junior sister and I came to the Evil Guiyuan to practice together, but we fell into a dangerous situation by mistake. The junior sister helped me out of trouble, but I stayed in the dangerous place by myself. There was a big change inside, and I died because of this. I was trapped here because I didn’t want to let go of my junior sister, and the remnant soul turned into a ghost, wandering here. If you are willing to help rescue my junior sister, I am willing to give away my Horcrux and exercises!' "

Please make a choice: "Promise it, go to the depths of the evil ghost to search and rescue Yan Tao's junior sister."

"Reject it, turn around and leave."

"Reject it, kill it, refine the soul and seize the treasure!"

(End of this chapter)

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