Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 41 New Cell, Mechanician

Chapter 41 New Cell, Mechanician
Of the three options, the third option appears to be the most cost-effective, but Yang Qiming believes that this should be a series of tasks with follow-ups.

According to his exploration experience in "Cell World", this kind of adventure often shows exercises, martial arts or other treasures, so he chose "Yes".

Message: "Xiao Yuan agreed to Yan Tao's request, and Yan Tao quickly thanked him. He turned into white smoke and wrapped around Xiao Yuan's body. At the same time, a pothole appeared in the ground, and there was a book of exercises and a Horcrux inside."

Message: "Xiao Yuan picked up the exercise and found that it was the two-star elementary exercise of Ghost King Zong's "Soul Concentration Technique"; the Horcrux on the ground was a one-star advanced Horcrux, an ever-burning lamp."

"Soul Condensation Art": Two-star elementary skill, after practice, it can make the soul power more condensed, and the same level has more soul power.

Eternal Light: A one-star high-grade Horcrux, which consumes soul power to ignite, has the effect of suppressing evil thoughts, and can suppress the power of spirits.

Yang Qiming asked Xiao Yuan to replace with a new exercise method, and at the same time equip it with a soul lamp to continue exploring.

Message: "Yan Tao's white smoke forms an arrow in front of him, pointing the way for Xiao Yuan, but there are so many ghosts ahead, it will be difficult for Xiao Yuan to resist his destination for a while."

Yang Qiming tried to explore, and found that this task could not be completed in a day or two. Instead, he killed an evil spirit with the help of the ever-burning lamp.

Message: "Xiao Yuan refines the soul stone, and the spiritual power is improved."

Message: "Xiao Yuan abandoned "Soul Refining Art" and practiced "Soul Concentrating Art" again, its soul power is more condensed. Your spiritual power has made a qualitative leap."

Yang Qiming also felt that his mental strength was more than doubled than before, and the quality of the objects he could control was higher.

At this time, another reminder appeared in front of him.

Tip: "As your strength increases, you can unlock new character slots."

"There will be a new character again!" Yang Qiming was overjoyed, and hurriedly picked a new cell.

"Myocardium cells and nerve cells have already been used..." Yang Qiming didn't have any cells he wanted to choose this time, so he simply chose one at random.

"Choose white blood cells."

Prompt: "Wake up cells in..."

"The white blood cells have been awakened, please name them."

"Just Xiaobai." Yang Qiming said casually.

Prompt: "Your white blood cell Xiaobai has entered "Cell World"."

The Cells panel appears.

Name: Xiaobai

Type: fifth-order source warrior white blood cells
Realm: The fifth rank of warrior.

Experience: 0%
Access: None.

Equipment: None.

Skills: None.

Information: "Xiaobai travels through "Cell World". It wakes up from a coma and finds itself lying on the operating table. A voice says: 'Start to wake up the brain'."

Information: "A stream of information poured into Xiaobai's brain. It turns out that this is a super-technical practice world, where technology and cultivation are combined. Xiaobai is a terminally ill patient. After agreeing to the transformation experiment, he was transformed into a mechanical monk of the Origin Group. "

Information: "Xiaobai was awakened, and it was sent to the Mechanical Friar Training Center of the Origin Group to start learning relevant knowledge."

Information: "Xiaobai started to learn "Introduction to Mechanics", "Mechanic Brother Combat Manual", "Knowledge of Mechanical Design", "Introduction to Psionic Technology"."

Yang Qiming discovered that Xiaobai could use the knowledge he had learned.

In fact, he has long discovered that the spiritual power in "Cell World" is equivalent to the source power in the real world, so whether it is martial arts, martial arts or spiritual skills, they are all interlinked.

And the current mechanical knowledge is also available in the real world.

Yuanwu practitioners don't just use cold weapons, hot weapons are also very popular with them.And there is a weapon that is the favorite of Yuanwu Zhe!
Energy weapons!

It is a weapon manufactured by the combination of modern technology and source energy. It uses the source energy as an energy source or an energy transmitter to start the machine, amplify the source energy, and cause huge damage.

And the person who makes this kind of source energy weapon is called the source energy mechanic, or mechanic for short.

Some of those students who take liberal arts in the college entrance examination will study genes and become geneticists like Zeng Gan, and some will study energy technology and become mechanics.

There are such machinists in the School of Mechanical Engineering of Jiangnan University, and Yang Qiming himself has enrolled in a mechanical research course.It is to get familiar with the source energy machinery and facilitate future battles.

"This psychic technology is the origin energy technology!" He found that he had learned a lot of knowledge that had never appeared in textbooks.

In the real world, it has only been a few decades since the emergence of Yuanneng Technology, and the system has not yet been fully perfected. Now all mechanics are advancing while groping.

And in the ultra-technical practice world of the cell world, psionic technology has long been perfected!

"If I can learn all the psionic technology here, I can become a powerful mechanic in the real world!" Yang Qiming thought to himself.

He asked Xiaobai to continue studying at the Mechanician Training Center.

After a few days, Xiaobai has learned a lot.

Information: "Xiaobai has learned "Making and Repairing Psionic Amplifiers"."

"Xiaobai has learned "Psionic Circuit Layout"."

"Xiaobai has learned "Psychic Mechanics Elementary Design"."

Most of this knowledge is only one-star.

Yang Qiming even felt that he could start trying to design the source energy technology weapon now.


Jiangnan Martial Arts University, School of Mechanical Engineering.

Yang Qiming's minor course "Mechanical Research" is taught here. For him, this course is a minor course, but for the students of the School of Mechanical Engineering, it is their major course.

Today's School of Mechanical Engineering is extremely lively, because today is not an ordinary day, but a day when the famous mechanic Peng Yi is teaching.

Mechanic Peng Yi is a legend in Kyushu, one of the world's three major mechanics, and one of the pioneers of Yuanneng Machinery. He designed an eight-star Yuanneng armor for the title Valkyrie!
At present, mechanics in the world are divided into levels [-] to [-], but the highest level is only level [-], and level [-] mechanics has not yet been born.

Therefore, Peng Yi is considered to be the top mechanic in the world. He is also an honorary professor of nine gene martial arts universities. In addition, he is busy with personal affairs, so he has a tight schedule and few lectures.

So although it was a freshman class today, many senior students came to listen.

When Yang Qiming came to the classroom, the classroom with hundreds of people was already full of people, even the corridors and aisles were full of people.There is only one exception. There are three people sitting near the middle of the podium. There are no students around them, which seems a bit strange.

When Yang Qiming saw it, he immediately understood.

Among these three people, two are familiar faces.Pang Yue, who was dressed in luxurious clothes and dyed yellow hair, his defeated opponent Han Zihao, and a short-haired man whom he didn't know wore AR glasses.

Although Pang Yue and Han Zihao were taught by Yang Qiming, their strength should not be underestimated among the freshmen. Pang Yue is already a third-tier warrior, and Han Zihao has even reached the fifth-tier.

And they belong to the Renyi Martial Arts Club, and Pang Yue is Liu Xueyi's "confidant", so when they sit here, most students dare not sit next to them and give up their seats.

Yang Qiming didn't care, and walked straight to the empty seat.

Seeing Yang Qiming coming over, Pang Yue looked unhappy and asked, "Who told you to sit here?"

Yang Qiming looked surprised and said, "What's the matter? Did you contract this place?"

He was still sitting next to Pang Yue, and Pang Yue felt a burst of anger in his heart. Han Zihao next to him held his breath. The last time he competed with Yang Qiming, he was completely abused by Yang Qiming in public, which made him a joke for a long time.

Seeing Yang Qiming now, Han Zihao couldn't help but beat him up on the spot. Of course, this matter can only be thought about.It was hard for him to heal his injuries and break through to the fifth level, and Yang Qiming beat Xie Chang who was at the seventh level not long ago. Han Zihao knew very well that he couldn't beat him at the third level when he was at the fourth level, let alone him now opponent.

"Let's sit over there!" Pang Yue felt uncomfortable, so he simply moved his position.

Han Zihao stepped aside and scolded the students over there, "Get out!"

Although those students were upset, they didn't dare to provoke him, so they had to get out of their seats.

They didn't dare to sit next to Yang Qiming, because everyone knew that Yang Qiming had offended the Renyi Martial Arts Club to death, and anyone who got close to Yang Qiming would be afraid of being taught a lesson by the Renyi Martial Arts Club.

(End of this chapter)

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