Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 54 Entering the Top 4

Chapter 54 Entering the Final Four
After Yang Qiming won easily, there was only the last match left in the quarterfinals, Fang Yiming faced Tao Ran.

"Tao Ran, be careful." Lin Hu warned, "That kid Fang Yiming is ruthless."

"I know!" Tao Ran walked towards the competition field with a firm expression on his face.

"I hope you can warm me up!" Fang Yiming said pretendingly.

Tao Ran snorted coldly, holding a long stick in his hand, rushed towards Fang Yiming.

Fang Yiming didn't choose a weapon, and the long stick came through the air. When he was about to touch Fang Yiming, he turned his body slightly and dodged it.

Tao Ran wielded the long stick vigorously, the shadows of the stick and the sound of the stick breaking through the air were all in the competition arena.

"What a dense attack!"

"Tao Ran's stick can have at least twenty-five thousand catties of strength!"

"Fang Yiming is even stronger, Tao Ran didn't even touch the hem of his clothes!"

"Boom!" Tao Ran's stick missed, and Fang Yiming's fist hit his shoulder blade, which instantly shattered!
Tao Ran held back the severe pain and attacked with one hand.

Fang Yiming didn't seem to be in a hurry to win, but let go of the distance again and let Tao Ran attack.

"He's playing tricks on Tao Ran on purpose!" Yang Qiming could see that Fang Yiming's strength was also far superior to Tao Ran's, and he was just playing tricks on his opponent and hurt Tao Ran to the greatest extent!
After several rounds, Tao Ran was injured in many places, and he was in a mess!

Tao Ran seemed to be aware of this too, and he held his breath in his heart.

Tao Ran's body was flowing, and his speed and strength increased dramatically. Even with one hand, the power of the stick was astonishing. When the stick hit the ground, a big hole could be made in the ground!
"Over [-] catties of explosive power!"

"The speed is astonishingly fast, I will definitely not be able to stop it!" The students were discussing.

However, as Tao Ran increased his offensive, Fang Yiming's ability also increased. Like a ghost, he passed through the shadows of sticks and came to Tao Ran.

Tao Ran was shocked, quickly retracted the long stick, and slashed down vertically!

"Enough is enough!" Fang Yiming said in a low voice, and then he slapped his palm forward, Yuanli formed a burning palm print in the air, snapped the long training stick, and smashed it hard on Tao Ran's chest, hit it flying.

Tao Ran couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and became unconscious in the air.

Qu Xiong quickly caught him and sent him to the infirmary.

"Tao Ran has also been defeated!" the students shouted.

"Fang Yiming is too strong!"

"This year, the Renyi Martial Arts Club is going to win the Rookie King again!"

"Fang Yiming, the rookie king! Fang Yiming, the rookie king!" A member of the Renyi Martial Arts Club was already shouting.

Fang Yiming pointed to Yang Qiming and said, "I hope to meet you in the semi-finals!"

Liu Xueyi laughed, and said to Lin Hu: "This year's Jiangnan Martial Arts Club is still pulling hips like this. It has been several years in a row? Is it the eighth year? You might as well disband it!"

"Disband, a bunch of trash!"

"It's embarrassing to come to the competition with this little skill?"

"Fight every year, lose every year!"

The students of the Renyi Martial Arts Club followed suit and laughed.

Lin Hu's face was ashen, and the members of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club behind him also felt that their faces were dull.

Some people even whispered: "I wish I had known about joining the Renyi Martial Arts Club."

"This Fang Yiming is very powerful!" Zhang Yun commented at the judging panel.

"I heard that he is the son of the Martial God Fang in the military region of the prefecture." Shan Yongchun said, "As expected of being the son of the Martial God, I think he can become a Martial God in the future!"

"Students competed too harshly," Deng Yuze said.

"Deng Sijiao, as a warrior, you must go all out in every battle!" Zhang Yun said, "Otherwise, do you have to worry about hurting the beasts when you go to the battlefield?"

"Principal Zhang is right." Shan Yongchun agreed with her, "Fang Yiming deserves to be cultivated!"


The quarter-finals are over, and then the quarter-finals.

After the draw, it was decided that Yang Qiming would play against Mo Cheng; Fang Yiming would play against Wu Hui.

"You're lucky!" Fang Yiming said to Yang Qiming.

"It should be your luck." Yang Qiming retorted.

After half an hour of rest, the semi-finals began.

The first game is Fang Yiming vs. Wu Hui.

Although they all belonged to the Renyi Martial Arts Club, Wu Hui did not directly admit defeat. She took a [-]-point attitude to face Fang Yiming.

At the beginning, Wu Hui used mental power to attack Fang Yiming, but the effect was not great.

"Fang Yiming also possesses strong spiritual power, this kind of attack is ineffective against him." Chen Qiuyue judged.

Wu Hui began to control the mud and rocks to attack Fang Yiming. Fang Yiming knew her moves. He directly pierced through the mud wall, rushed to Wu Hui, pierced through all the attacks, and grabbed her with his claws.

The whole process takes less than 3 minutes.

Wu Hui said helplessly, "I lost."

This ending is not surprising to everyone. In a narrow range, it is very difficult for the awakened spiritual power to fight the source warrior.

Wu Hui was able to win just now because of the impact of mental power, and Fang Yiming also has strong mental power, so naturally this trick will not work.


"Next match, Yang Qiming will face Mo Cheng." Qu Xiong shouted.

Mo Cheng walked into the competition field slowly, cupped his hands to Yang Qiming and said, "Wuliang Tianzun, student Yang, make room, don't beat Xiaodao too badly."

Hearing his words, Chen Qiuyue hated iron for being weak, and shouted: "Junior brother, fight hard! Teach Yang Qiming a lesson, and if you win, senior sister will buy you candy!"

"Sister, please invite me!" Yang Qiming said with a smile.

"Let's talk after you win!" Chen Qiuyue snorted, "Don't underestimate my junior brother!"

"Start!" Qu Xiong announced the beginning of the competition.

Facing Yang Qiming, Mo Cheng didn't dare to be careless, he stabilized his foot and started Tai Chi.

He is a seventh-level martial artist, Yang Qiming is now a sixth-level warrior, and his genetic perfection is close to 100%, so the difference in realm is not that big.

Yang Qiming stepped forward with a punch, and Mo Cheng pushed his hands, trying to move a thousand catties in twos and twos.

However, his hand just touched Yang Qiming's fist, and he felt a strong impact. This was not source power. Yang Qiming didn't use any martial arts, but only relying on the strength of his physical body, he had such power!

Mo Cheng didn't dare to use the previous way of saving Yuanli, and hurriedly mobilized Yuanli to deal with it, which was barely able to stop him.

Yang Qiming punched more than ten punches in a row, and Mo Cheng followed suit.

"Some strength!" Yang Qiming praised, Mo Cheng is the first opponent who has been able to fight against him for such a long time so far in the freshman competition.

Mo Cheng didn't speak, trying to find Yang Qiming's flaws and disrupt his rhythm.

However, he found that Yang Qiming's footwork and boxing were fast and steady, and it was difficult to find any flaws.And he had an illusion, as if his intention to make a move had already been seen by the opponent, and Yang Qiming was fighting against him under pressure.

After two more rounds, Yang Qiming began to increase the burst of strength, and his speed increased accordingly.

Gradually, Mo Cheng felt that he couldn't hold on anymore, he was suppressed by every move such as pushing, stroking, squeezing, pressing, picking, pushing, elbowing, etc.

Yang Qiming had already used the Tiger Roaring Fist, but he hadn't unleashed all the source power. At this moment, every punch he punched was accompanied by the sound of air neighing.

Mo Cheng had no choice but to use his ability to press the bottom of the box. He waved his hands in the air and hit a series of Baguazhang, fast and ruthless.
"Boom boom boom boom!" Yang Qiming also speeded up, and the two fought more than ten times a second. Those students with low levels couldn't see what was going on at all, and only heard the sound of an explosion of power.

"Damn it, they are all freshman students, are we so far behind?" Some students began to doubt life.

(End of this chapter)

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