Chapter 55

Yang Qiming hit faster and faster, and hit harder and harder!
Mo Cheng retreated one after another, his Baguazhang had reached its limit, and every time he fought, Mo Cheng felt pain in his hands.

"Get ready!" Yang Qiming reminded, mobilizing the source power to form a phantom like a tiger.

In an instant, Mo Cheng felt a rush of energy rushing towards his face, his face remained unchanged, just now Yang Qiming's punch could have a force of more than 2 jin, and this punch doubled the force, at least [-] jin, or even more many!
He made more than a dozen palm prints one after another, all of which were pierced by the tiger's roar.

Mo Cheng hurriedly jumped back, jumped out of the competition circle, and shouted: "I admit defeat!"

Yang Qiming's fist hit the open space, like a mine exploded, a huge pothole appeared on the ground, and earth and rocks flew!
"Stop beating, my hands are numb!" Mo Cheng kept shaking his hands, complaining.

Chen Qiuyue felt a little regretful, this year's freshman competition Tai Chi Martial Arts Club stopped here, and Mo Cheng will have to fight Wu Hui for the third place later.

She smiled and comforted Mo Cheng: "Young brother is already playing very well, after all, Yang Qiming's strength is too perverted!"

"Indeed!" Mo Cheng agreed deeply, and said, "I feel like he didn't even use seven percent of his strength."

"Yang Qiming, it's up to you later!" Lin Hu said.

"Let's take a break first." Fan Yushan handed him an energy drink.

"Yes." Everyone was waiting for the decisive battle between Yang Qiming and Fang Yiming.

Half an hour later, the competition between Wu Hui and Mo Cheng began.

Mo Cheng has more experience in dealing with those who have awakened spiritual power. He changed his style of play, from defense to offense, dodged Wu Hui's attack with flexible and elegant footwork, quickly approached her, and then defeated Wu Hui with a set of Baguazhang , to determine the position of the freshman runner-up.

It was finally the last game, and the students were all excited.

"Fang Yiming, the strongest recommended student, played against Yang Qiming, the champion of the martial arts examination. Both of them have won the freshman competition so far! It's worth watching!"

"They also represent Renyi Martial Arts Club against Jiangnan Martial Arts Club!"

"Fang Yiming is currently showing the strength of a seventh-rank warrior, and Yang Qiming is at the peak of the sixth rank! On the bright side, Fang Yiming is stronger, but Yang Qiming's record has three victories in leapfrog battles!"

In the Renyi Martial Arts Club, Liu Xueyi said in a low voice: "Hit me hard, it's best to let him have some accidents!"

"Understood!" Fang Yiming was already ready. Although the rules of the competition are to the point, how can there be no accidents in the competition?

There have been accidental deaths of students before.

In the area of ​​the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, Yang Qiming was chatting with Xiong Guangyao on video. Xiong Guangyao was lying on the hospital bed with bandages all over his body. He had just undergone an operation and was very weak.

"Big Bear, just wait and see, I will avenge you right away!" Yang Qiming said.

"Yeah." Xiong Guangyao said weakly, "Be careful."

"Yang Qiming, come on!" Chen Qiuyue also came over to encourage her, and said, "This year I will definitely win the rookie king, and the Renyi Martial Arts Club can't be too arrogant!"

"Come on!" Wang Yan, Li Rui, Fan Yushan and others shouted.

"Down him! I'll celebrate for you tonight!" Lin Hu sent Yang Qiming to the competition stage.

Yang Qiming was already standing in the arena, while Fang Yiming jumped up and jumped into the arena.

Cheers immediately erupted in the arena.

"Fang Yiming, come on!"

"Fang Yiming, you are the most handsome!"

"The rookie king, Fang Yiming, the rookie king, defeat Yang Qiming!"

"Ah ah ah! So handsome!"

Fang Yiming also had many fangirls and younger brothers. On Yang Qiming's side, members of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club were also cheering for him, but they were not as numerous as the other party, and their voices were covered by the other party.

"Get ready, three, two, one, start!" After Qu Xiong shouted, the scene immediately fell silent, and everyone was watching the competition with full attention.

At the first moment, the two people in the field attacked at the same time, like two cannonballs fired at each other, and then slammed into each other!
"What's the matter?" Wang Yan didn't even see their movements clearly. He looked intently, and saw that their bodies were frozen, their fists intersecting, and they were evenly matched.

"Equally matched?" Tao Ran was sitting in a wheelchair, also watching the battle.

He only came here after a simple treatment, because he wanted to know how Yang Qiming would end up against Zhan Fang Yiming.

With just one punch, Tao Ran knew that Yang Qiming was stronger than him.Because when I fought against Fang Yiming, my strength was completely suppressed, and Yang Qiming's realm was lower than Fang Yiming's, and his strength was not weak at all!

"He was able to catch my punch." Fang Yiming said, he had already exploded with a punch strength of [-] jin, and a normal sixth-level warrior would have been blown away by a punch.And Yang Qiming took this punch without any reluctance!
"Are you a garbage bag? Can you hold it like that?" Yang Qiming snorted coldly.

After the two hit each other, they separated again, opened the distance, and then rushed up again, starting a high-intensity battle.

The students only saw the two figures colliding continuously, and every time they collided, there was a violent explosion sound, and the air waves rolled.

"It's too strong!" The students of the same class had to sigh, if they were replaced, no matter who they faced, they would be KO'd!

Yang Qiming mobilized the source force, continuously increasing the amplitude and vibration frequency of the source force in his body, the power became stronger and faster, and the attack speed became faster and faster.

Like him, Fang Yiming is constantly increasing his attack power.

"Tiger Roaring Fist!" Yang Qiming used the highest level of Tiger Roaring Fist from the very beginning, and with one punch, it was like a fierce tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, deterring all beasts!

Fang Yiming didn't dodge or dodge, and chose head-to-head.

He swung his hands, like water plants moving with the waves, at the same time, a source of force gushed out like ocean waves, and then he slapped out a palm!
The first punch of Hu Xiao Quan was blocked by Fang Yiming, and after a brief retraction of his palm, it exploded with even stronger power.

"It's the wave palm technique!" On the audience stage, Shan Yongchun recognized this set of martial arts, and said: "This is Fang Wushen's famous stunt, the wave palm technique, its power is like the beating of waves, and one palm is more powerful than one palm!"

"Fang Yiming has already learned the wave palm technique at such a young age. I don't know how many palms he can hit, but with this hand alone, he should be the rookie king this year!"

"I don't think so. Yang Qiming hasn't shown his full strength yet." Deng Yuze also watched the game, his attention was always on Yang Qiming.

Yang Qiming was a person whom he and He Ming valued very much, and he was the first in the martial arts examination with a six-dimensional full S score in the college entrance examination.

At that time, Yang Qiming was only a first-level martial artist. Deng Yuze thought he would need a few more years to grow, but he didn't expect that he had already surpassed all the heroes when he came to Jiangnan University, and now he was competing with the children of the Martial God for the rookie king!

"This Yang Qiming's father is said to be a quasi-martial artist." Zhang Yun said, "Fang Yiming is the son of a martial god after all, with better genes, so he will definitely have an advantage in the fight."

Deng Yuze frowned, and said, "The Martial God is not born either! Fang Martial God's father is just an ordinary person."

They continued to watch, at this time Fang Yiming's Langtao Palm's second palm had already been struck, and judging from the source force of the explosion, the strength of the first palm had reached at least [-] jin!
This is already the power that can only be exploded by warriors with perfect genes of the seventh level!

Xie Chang, who Yang Qiming fought before, was also at the seventh level, but he could only burst out with a strength of less than [-] jin.Fang Yiming surpassed him too much!

"It's so strong! Fang Yiming!" The students felt the turbulent source power fluctuations, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Fang Yiming's wave palm hit Yang Qiming, smashing Yang Qiming into pieces!

"Remnant image?" Fang Yiming thought, and returned with another palm, blocking Yang Qiming's attack.

Yang Qiming knows how to move, he has known this for a long time, and Yang Qiming used it when he played against Xie Chang.

"It's just body skills, I can do it too!" Fang Yiming's footsteps suddenly quickened, and two figures of Fang Yiming suddenly appeared on the field.

(End of this chapter)

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