Chapter 56 Sonic Punch

Yang Qiming's phantom step was also followed by Fang Yiming. He played the phantom step to the extreme, and three figures of Yang Qiming appeared on the field.

"How long can you hide?" Fang Yiming scattered the two afterimages of Yang Qiming with a palm, and hit him again.

The strength of his Langtao palm has reached [-] jin!With a single palm strike, the explosive source force flattened everything in front of him!
"Be careful!" Chen Qiuyue couldn't help shouting.

If a mortal body receives this palm, it might be directly beaten to death!
Yang Qiming connected with fists, his body glowed with a burst of golden light, it was the golden bell cover of the diamond body, blocking this burst of palm force with the energy shield.

"It's getting more and more exciting!" The students were even more excited. The duel between the two was more exciting than all the previous competitions!

"Can you still catch it?" Fang Yiming was slightly surprised. Yang Qiming's ability to last for so long has exceeded his expectations.

"What about the fourth palm?" Fang Yiming's source force surged like a tide again.

A violent aura erupted from Yang Qiming's body, his blood boiled with enthusiasm, and his strength surged in a short period of time.

"Boom!" The fists and palms faced each other, and the sound was like thunder!

The two took a step back, but they still couldn't tell the winner!

"Yang Qiming, I'm really surprised that you've survived until now!" Fang Yiming's expression turned serious, "Bi is indeed better than them. It's a pity that your opponent today is me, and you are doomed to fail!"

As Fang Yiming said, the source power fluctuations on his body suddenly rose to a higher level, showing his true strength.

"Eighth-rank warrior! He's already eighth-rank!" Wang Yan exclaimed.

"It turned out to be the eighth step!" Li Rui worried, "Yang Qiming is in trouble."

"This guy is hiding his strength?" Only then did Tao Ran realize how big the gap was between himself and the other party.

"I have already cultivated to the eighth level, and the current freshmen are much better than ours." Lin Hu became serious.

"The people in the Renyi Martial Arts Club are really more insidious than the other!" After Chen Qiuyue complained, she couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Yang Qiming is only at the sixth level, this guy is not like Xie Chang, it is too difficult to fight across two levels !"

Liu Xueyi smiled and said: "That's right, this is the strength brought by noble genes, let those miscellaneous fish see, what is a strong man!"

All the members of the Renyi Martial Arts Club shouted: "Fang Yiming, the rookie king, Fang Yiming, the rookie king!"

"Down with Yang Qiming!"

"Fang Yiming, freshman first, invincible!"

"Fang Yiming compares the cows!"

"It seems that I have to be more serious!" Yang Qiming also put on a pose, and his aura also rose again.

Fang Yiming's expression changed, "Are you level seven?"

"Yeah, I was full this morning. I just warmed up and just broke through." Yang Qiming smiled. The energy of the blood energy pill he took in the morning was finally completely digested, and he reached the seventh rank of warrior naturally.

"Yang Qiming is at the seventh level?" Wang Yan and Li Rui were dumbfounded, "Does he not need money for his breakthrough?"

"Damn, it's like this again!" Lin Hu has seen it once before, the last time Yang Qiming just broke through while talking, "This kid is really enviable!"

"This is the seventh step?" Chen Qiuyue looked a little surprised.

"Even if it's the seventh level, it can't change your failure!" Fang Yiming's veins bulged, his eyes widened, and the source power in his body gushed out like a tide, "Langtao Palm, the fifth palm!"

This palm is the most powerful one he can strike, its strength can exceed [-] catties!
Before the palm strength is formed, the students standing outside the field can feel the violently fluctuating source power, surging like a tide!
"It's terrible! This is Fang Yiming! Son of the Martial God!" Everyone held their breath, they felt the suffocating pressure like the sea!
Yang Qiming was in full swing, with a layer of golden light on his body. When his figure moved, three shadows rushed towards Fang Yiming at the same time.

"Die to me!" Fang Yiming didn't hold back his hand at all, even if this palm would kill Yang Qiming, he would show no mercy.

"It's dangerous!" Qu Xiong was already vigilant, his nerves collapsed into a straight line, and once Yang Qiming couldn't resist, he would take action to block it at any time.

The palm wind of Langtao's palm has already torn two phantoms, and Yang Qiming's body is exposed to Fang Yiming's attack.

Students with low abilities can no longer capture their movements, and only Lin Hu, Chen Qiuyue, Liu Xueyi, Qin Ningshuang and others can clearly see them.

Yang Qiming threw out a fist, which looked a bit like a Tiger Roaring Fist, but it wasn't a Tiger Roaring Fist.

Lin Hu's heart tightened, the power of Hu Xiao Quan alone was not enough to fight against Lang Tao's Palm!

"Yang Qiming, be careful!" Chen Qiuyue couldn't help shouting.

Qin Ningshuang didn't speak, a pair of cold eyes fixed on Yang Qiming's body, her mental power sensed that Yang Qiming's attack seemed to be more than that.

Just when the fists and palms were about to meet, Yang Qiming's fist suddenly burst out with a terrifying speed and power, like a bullet fired, and the speed had reached the speed of sound!

The highest level of sonic strike can exceed the speed of sound. Now Yang Qiming has not yet achieved great success, but he can still reach the explosive power of the speed of sound!
Yang Qiming slammed Fang Yiming's palm hard, and Fang Yiming's expression changed instantly. He felt that his palm was crushed by an incomparably brutal force, which shattered him. His phalanx and metacarpal bones, and impacted his whole body, knocking him from the ground into the air!

"Instant explosion, one hundred thousand catties!" Fang Yiming was terrified. Yang Qiming's punch just now was comparable to the explosive power of some ninth-level fighters!
And he is clearly a seventh-rank martial artist!

When Fang Yiming's body was beaten into the sky, the students who were close to him heard the screeching sound of the fist piercing through the air!
Yang Qiming didn't stop, he jumped up, caught up with Yiming's body above, and from above and below, towards his face and body, beat him wildly!
Qu Xiong was about to stop him, but he found that Yang Qiming didn't kill him, so he hesitated for a while, and gave up on entering the field to stop him.

Naturally, Yang Qiming would not kill Fang Yiming. After all, it was a school competition, and the other party was the son of the Martial God. If he killed him now, he would be in big trouble.

But he wouldn't let Fang Yiming lose so easily, he smashed Fang Yiming's fist like a storm, smashing him to the ground from mid-air.

When Fang Yiming's body fell to the ground and kicked up a cloud of dust, the bones of his limbs were broken, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was almost beaten into a pig's head. He was lying on the ground without even the ability to struggle.

"Boom!" With the muffled sound of Fang Yiming's landing, the entire competition field and the entire school fell silent!

Everyone looked at this scene in horror. Fang Yiming, the son of the Martial God who had beaten all the heroes just now, was beaten into a pig by Yang Qiming at this moment!

Yang Qiming's explosive strength is already comparable to some ninth-level warriors!
The power of one hundred thousand catties exploded, and the attack speed was at the speed of sound!This is their freshman?

Liu Xueyi's smile had completely froze, and his expression darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thousands of members of the Renyi Martial Arts Club were all dumb and stood there stunned. They couldn't believe that the person who was beaten to the ground was the genius warrior they had just cheered for!
"Fortunately, I wasn't the one who faced him." Han Zihao was glad that he had already lost.

"Fortunately, I surrendered directly!" Seeing this scene, Pang Yue felt that the decision he made before was correct, otherwise he would be the one who fell to the ground at this time.

"It turns out that he was useless just now." Mo Cheng smiled wryly.

"This junior is so against the sky!" Chen Qiuyue's face was filled with surprise. Last year, she was the No. 1 freshman of the Martial Arts Academy. Even if she was herself at that time, she would have no chance of winning against the current Yang Qiming, right?

On the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, after seeing Yang Qiming defeating Fang Yiming, the members of the club were silent for a few seconds before bursting into cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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