Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 6 Urine Test, Urine Test Required

Chapter 6 Urine Test, Urine Test Required
The teachers are also discussing: "These seedlings have all made progress. In the last month, if they eat some nutritional supplements and sprint, they will all have the opportunity to sprint into quasi-warrior!"

The principal, Tong Yancheng, also told Wei Dan, Hu Xuelong’s head teacher, “Teach this student well, and suggest his parents go back and help him. If he can sprint to be a martial artist, our school will have one more student admitted to the Martial Arts University this year!”

"I've been paying attention to him!" Wei Dan said quickly.

"The top ten in the school this time, except for Pang Yue, are not in the same class. It seems that the position of the key class in the first class is about to be lost." The teachers looked at Feng Cheng.

Feng Cheng was also very embarrassed. Class One has always been a key class. This year's grades are not good, and his class teacher will definitely be replaced next year.

There was originally a good seedling Yang Qiming, but it's a pity.

As for Pang Yue, everyone knew very well that this student's grades had nothing to do with their teacher or even their school.

"It's Pang Yue!" Whether it was the students, the teacher, or even the principal, Tong Yan, all of them turned their attention to Pang Yue.

Pang Yue's father is the richest man in Jiangnan Mansion!How could the son of the richest man be so bad?They were wondering how far Pang Yue could go!
I saw Pang Yue walking to the boxing strength tester, stabilizing his footsteps, retracting his waist, exerting strength from his waist, stepping forward in a single step, and at the same time swinging his right fist hard.

He swung his punches so fast that some people didn't even see them clearly.

"Pang Yue, punching strength, 917 catties!" The tester reported Pang Yue's results, and the students immediately screamed.

"It's more than 900 catties! The strength has reached that of a quasi-warrior!"


"Pang Yue is really powerful, punching so much against No.2!"

"Damn, my fist strength is only 700 jins, and it will take at least two years to break through 900. He is too strong!"

Seeing the value, Pang Yue glanced at Yang Qiming, who was still in line.

There was a smile on his face. Although he didn't perform well, 917 catties was enough to crush Yang Qiming.He remembered that Yang Qiming's boxing strength score in the last monthly test was only 758 catties.For ordinary students, it is not bad to improve by five catties a month. Even if Yang Qiming improves by leaps and bounds this month, he is considered a genius if he can reach [-] catties!Impossible to surpass him.

Pang Yue started the 3000-meter test again. When the starting gun fired, he rushed out like a cheetah, and ran faster and faster without slowing down at all.This shows that his physical fitness is very strong, and his endurance is enough to run 3000 meters at high speed.

"Pang Yue, 3000 meters test, 3 minutes 44 seconds 97."

When the timer reported the results, the teachers and students were surprised again.

"He also ran within four points in the 3000 meters. Pang Yue is already a quasi-warrior!"

"Now he can enter the Martial Arts University steadily!"

"He has already broken the historical record of our school!"

"The son of the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River is really not easy! He only needs to use a gene awakening potion, and it is a sure thing to become a genetic warrior before the college entrance examination!"

Not to mention the students, the teachers are all envious.If they can become genetic fighters at this age, wouldn't the future be bright?
"It's over!" Seeing Pang Yue's results, Lei Hao became worried for Yang Qiming, "Amin, he's a quasi-warrior, it's over!"

"Pang Yue is great!" Jiang Wenwen looked at Yang Qiming proudly.

"Yang Qiming is going to lose the bet!" The students looked at Yang Qiming sympathetically, "It's no shame to lose, after all, Pang Yue is too strong!"

"Prospective warriors! Since the establishment of our school, no student has ever been able to break through the potential warriors before using the Gene Awakening Potion!"

Gene Awakening Potion can only be used once in a realm, too much will cause side effects, the closer it is to a breakthrough, the better.The first use is very demanding on the body, at least you have to reach the level of quasi-warrior before you can inject!Therefore, even if conditions permit, most of them choose to use it a few weeks before the college entrance examination.

It was Yang Qiming's turn, and he started from the 3000-meter run.

"I don't know where he got the courage to compare himself with Pang Yue." A girl said contemptuously.

"That's right, Pang Yue is tall, rich and handsome, and his strength is still strong. Yang Qiming was fine before, but now he has a lot of hips!" Someone whispered.

"It's probably because of his self-esteem that he refuses to admit that others are better than him!"

"Never mind him, he's the one who's ashamed!"

"That's Yang Qiming from your class." Wei Dan said to Feng Cheng, "I used to get pretty good grades, but I don't seem to be doing well recently!"

"Yeah." Feng Cheng complained in his heart. This guy asked the question knowingly, just to show off that the students he brought out were better than the students he brought out.

"3, 2, 1!" With the sound of gunshots, Yang Qiming flew out like a bullet!
"So fast!" The students exclaimed, and Yang Qiming had already run tens of meters away. His muscle strength was greatly enhanced, and he ran like the wind!
In a short time, Yang Qiming has completed 3000 meters, and the timer reports the data.

"Yang Qiming, the 3000-meter test took 2 minutes 57 seconds 41."

As soon as the data came out, the students were dumbfounded on the spot.

"It's within 3 minutes? My God, how did Amin do it?" Lei Hao shouted.

"Within 3 minutes! Is he faster than Pang Yue?" Jiang Wenwen opened her mouth in disbelief.She never expected that Yang Qiming's speed could surpass Pang Yue's!
"Yang Qiming's monthly exam was only 5 minutes last time, but he has improved so much this time? Has he taken any medicine?" The students were amazed.

"Faster than Pang Yue, that's outrageous!"

"This is unscientific. He must have used the gene awakening potion, right?"

"It's possible, otherwise it's impossible to improve so fast, within 3 minutes, it's the standard for a genetic warrior!"

"Yang Qiming broke our school's record!" Seeing Yang Qiming running within 3 minutes, Feng Cheng was inexplicably surprised.

"Mr. Feng, you student, you must have used the gene awakening potion, right?" Wei Dan doubted.

"No, he shouldn't have this condition..." Feng Cheng was also not sure, Yang Qiming's performance exceeded his imagination.

"It should be. Some students are eager for success, and it has happened before..." Other teachers analyzed, "Otherwise, Yang Qiming couldn't have suddenly improved so fast."

"According to the rules, if you are injected with the genetic evolution medicine, you will not be eligible to take the school exam, which is unfair to other students!" Wei Dan emphasized.

"Yes!" The other teachers said one after another, "We also need to take blood tests on him to make sure he hasn't taken any stimulants!"

"Let him do a urine test," said the principal, Tong Yancheng.

Whether they have recently used stimulant drugs or gene awakening drugs, there will be drug residues in the urine. They have test strips and can quickly detect them.

Immediately, the school doctor went to Yang Qiming and arranged for a urine test temporarily.

Feng Cheng was a little worried. Could it be that Yang Qiming really committed a crime and engaged in such illegal operations?If this penalty is left, the school exam results will be cancelled, and the college entrance examination will be affected.

"The school doctor took him for a urine test, that guy must be haunted!" Seeing that Yang Qiming ran to the school doctor's office, the students speculated one after another.

"This guy must have taken medicine!" Pang Yue also saw this scene. When Yang Qiming surpassed him, he was surprised at first, but then he thought, this is absolutely impossible!
Why did that kid run within 3 minutes? Nine times out of ten he used prohibited drugs!
Since the new era, science and technology have developed to a certain extent. It only takes 3 minutes for the test results to be released.

The school doctor shouted on the radio: "Student Yang Qiming's urine test result is normal."

"Are you sure?" Tong Yancheng asked again, Yang Qiming's performance has reached the standard of a genetic warrior!If this is true, their school will have a dark horse this year!

"It's confirmed!" The school doctor affirmed. He was also worried about problems, and repeatedly confirmed that there were no problems with the operation process and tools.

Hearing the voice on the radio, Pang Yue's face darkened. How could this be possible? He did not use gene awakening potions, nor did he take illegal drugs.

How did this guy surpass him?

"No medicine!" Feng Cheng, Lei Hao and others breathed a sigh of relief, and then they became surprised again, "How did Yang Qiming do it?"

When they were wondering, Yang Qiming had already started the strength test.

 Thank you for the reward that I lost before.

(End of this chapter)

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