Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 7 The Power of a Catalyst!

Chapter 7 The power of thousands of pounds!

The countdown of the tester started, and Yang Qiming put his punches into position. When the countdown ended, his legs, waist, shoulders, arms and fists all exerted force together.

He not only used the original strength of his body, but also used the technique of "Tiger Roaring Fist", filling his arms with source energy.

When Yang Qiming punched out, there was a clear and audible sound of breaking through the air, like a tiger roaring in the forest!

"It's martial arts!" The teachers shouted at the same time.

Martial skills, genetic warriors have one or two martial skills, but they are genetic warriors, Yang Qiming is just a student!
"Active and able to flow, this kid's strength is real!" Tong Yancheng was pleasantly surprised. Martial arts can't be learned by taking medicine, you must have talent, plus hard work and hard work!

"Yang Qiming also knows martial arts?" Feng Cheng, the class teacher, was stunned, why didn't he know?
He murmured in his heart: "Could it be that Yang Qiming has been hiding his clumsiness before?"

There have been students like this before, who deliberately put water in the exams to paralyze their opponents, and they became a blockbuster when it came to the school exams or college exams!
Yang Qiming's fist had already hit the sandbag of the tester. The sensor on the sandbag sensed the strength of his fist and analyzed the data.

"Yang Qiming, fist strength, 1356 catties!"

When the electronic sound sounded, the whole school boiled!
"With a thousand catties of strength, he has played a thousand catties of strength, reaching the standard of a source warrior!"

"It's 439 jins taller than Pang Yue! I'm fucking, this is too awesome!"

"Quasi warrior, he must have reached the realm of quasi warrior!"

"What quasi-warrior, whose strength and speed have reached the standard of a genetic warrior?"

"Could it be that he is already a genetic warrior?" Everyone was even more horrified when they thought of this.

To become a quasi-warrior is already eligible to enter the Martial Arts University, and if you can become a genetic warrior at this age, you are a genius who is one in a million!

"Amin is too strong!" Lei Hao exclaimed, "Why didn't I know that before?"

"How could it be? How could he be so strong?" Jiang Wenwen couldn't accept it. Didn't Yang Qiming drop out of [-] in the recent monthly exam?How could he surpass Pang Yue by so much?

She turned her head to look at Pang Yue, only to see that Pang Yue's face was gloomy and jealous.

"This kid, he reached this level without using the Gene Awakening Potion!" Pang Yue refused to accept. It was obvious that the other party was just a poor kid, and he should have stepped under his feet.

But now, the opponent's score not only surpassed him, but also crushed him!
Pang Yue knew very well that if he wanted to achieve Yang Qiming's achievement in a short time, he had to use the Gene Awakening Potion!
And the martial arts that Yang Qiming used just now was something he couldn't master in a short time!
"Pang Yue!" Yang Qiming walked up to Pang Yue and said, "I won."

The students were all watching, and Pang Yue was very reluctant to admit his failure, but now he repented and was even more ashamed.

He was extremely angry in his heart, but he tried his best to calm himself down, threw the blue medicine bottle worth 230 million to Yang Qiming, and said coldly, "Although I don't know what method you used, it won't change anything."

"I will soon break through to a genetic warrior, and then you will know the gap between genetic warriors!"

Yang Qiming didn't bother to pay attention to his ruthless words, but carefully checked the star intermediate gene awakening potion, and even scanned the QR code to verify the qualification certificate of the potion on the official website to confirm that there was no problem.

Seeing this scene, Pang Yue despised it even more, a poor ghost is a poor ghost.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Jiang Wenwen stepped forward to comfort him and said, "Pang Yue is fine, I believe you can be stronger!"

Hearing her words, Pang Yue not only did not feel comforted, but felt it was a mockery.

"You knew his strength long ago, and came to trick me with him?" Pang Yue asked.

"I really don't know!" Jiang Wenwen quickly explained, but Pang Yue didn't believe it at all.

"Bitch!" Pang Yue scolded, "You grew up together, how can you still not know his strength? I was tricked by you bitch, wait for me!"

"Pang Yue, I don't! I really don't!" Jiang Wenwen was anxious and explained to him.

But at this time, Pang Yue was in an irritable mood and didn't want to hear a word.

"Get out, I told you to get out, didn't you hear?" Pang Yue scolded, "Don't come to me in the future, I'll be annoying when I see you!"

Now in his eyes, Jiang Wenwen is the "proof of shame" that he lost to Yang Qiming!
Hearing his words, Jiang Wenwen came to her senses. In Pang Yue's eyes, she was just a dispensable plaything!
She suddenly began to regret in her heart. If she knew this, she wouldn't have to be a licking dog for Pang Yue.Now get dumped after being played with!
Why did you break up with Yang Qiming that day?She regretted saying those words immensely.

Yang Qiming's ability to enter the Martial Arts University is stable, and he is also extremely talented. If he hadn't broken up with him at that time, he wouldn't be out of money now!

Jiang Wenwen's eyes were red, she looked at Yang Qiming and Lei Hao pitifully, trying to gain some sympathy.Lei Hao still couldn't bear it, but Yang Qiming completely ignored her as if he didn't see it.

Pang Yue couldn't stay in this shameful place for a minute, so he turned around and left.

"Pang Yue, Pang Yue! The award will be presented soon, don't you want it?" a teacher shouted.

"A pile of rubbish, what do you want it for?" Pang Yue said disdainfully, and he left without anyone stopping him.

At this time, the school exam was almost over, and the teachers all came over.

"Yang Qiming, great job!" Feng Cheng laughed loudly, ran over to hug Yang Qiming, and patted him on the shoulder: "You can really hide, I didn't even know you were so strong!"

Yang Qiming smiled, as a tacit consent.

"He has hidden his strength before!" Seeing this, the students strengthened their guesses.

"Speechless, there is no need to hide such a strong strength, okay? We can't compete at all!"

"I was mistaken. I didn't expect that our strongest opponent is not Pang Yue, but Yang Qiming." The students who were at the top of the list looked at Yang Qiming with envy.

Not to mention the other students, there are already people shouting "Yang Qiming Niubi".

"Mr. Wei, look at our class, we are still strong enough, right?" Feng Cheng didn't forget to show off to Wei Dan.

Wei Dan looked embarrassed and said, "Teacher Feng is amazing, bringing out such excellent students."

Once Yang Qiming's grades came out, the other students couldn't compare.

"Teacher Feng is hiding something!" The other teachers also said one after another.

"Good!" Principal Tong Yancheng was also very happy. With Yang Qiming's grades, not only could he be admitted to the Martial Arts University, but he might also be able to compete for the ranking in the whole government!

This is a good thing for the school to win glory!
He stepped forward to look at Yang Qiming, and grabbed his hand, using his own energy to probe his energy.

"With this source energy strength, he is not a genetic warrior yet!" Tong Yancheng was overjoyed that he possessed the strength of a genetic warrior in the quasi-warrior realm.

If this Yang Qiming breaks through as a genetic warrior, his strength will definitely be superior!

"Yang Qiming, you haven't used the gene awakening potion yet, have you?" Tong Yancheng asked again.

"No." Yang Qiming affirmed.

"Good boy, not bad, really good!" Tong Yancheng laughed and said, "You have broken the record of our school since its establishment!"

"No.1 in today's school exam is none other than you!"

"In addition to the original gene awakening medicine reward, I plan to reward you with an additional 10 yuan scholarship! If you can get the top ten places in Jiangnan Prefecture in the college entrance examination, the school will also reward you!"

"Thank you principal! Thank you teachers!" Yang Qiming thanked.

Next came the awards ceremony, Tong Yancheng praised Yang Qiming again in front of the teachers and students of the school, and encouraged the students to learn from him.

And Yang Qiming got another one-star primary gene awakening potion and a scholarship of [-] joint coins!

(End of this chapter)

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