Chapter 67 Classic Healing
She has a melon-seeded face, phoenix eyes and cold eyes, and her facial features are as delicate as if they were carved out. Isn't this Qin Ningshuang, a sophomore senior and vice president of the Renyi Martial Arts Club?
Maybe it was because of being seen through, Qin Ningshuang's pretty face was a little unnatural, and said: "Now is not the time to talk about these things, hurry up and heal!"

While preparing, Yang Qiming complained: "I didn't expect you to know the spiritual skills of the fire element. I said, why does this figure look so familiar!"

Qin Ningshuang didn't speak, she frowned, enduring the pain.

"I'm curious, why did you come here? Also, what is your relationship with the Renyi Martial Arts Club?" Yang Qiming asked.

"I..." Qin Ningshuang was about to speak when Yang Qiming suddenly struck and pulled out the spikes of the tank porcupine from her thigh.

In an instant, Qin Ningshuang's face turned pale, and she couldn't help screaming in agony: "Ah! It hurts!"

"Hush, hold on, there are strange beasts up there!" Yang Qiming tied her thighs with a rope and strangled her blood vessels to prevent her from losing too much blood.

"Hiss..." Qin Ningshuang gasped, gritted her teeth and asked, "Do you have experience in treating wounds?"

"No, but I've learned it before." Yang Qiming looked down at her legs. The originally round and slender legs had been stained red with black and red blood, and black was spreading around the wound.

"The toxin spreads, is it necessary to suck out the venom in this situation?" Yang Qiming frowned, "It's reasonable, if you didn't help me just now, I would never help you do this kind of thing!"

Qin Ningshuang was convulsing, before she could speak, Yang Qiming possessed her body and had already started to clean up the poison.

"You!" Qin Ningshuang was ashamed and startled. Although her body was numb, the location of the wound was more sensitive. Now there was actually a man lying on top of it. Although it was for detoxification, this posture was really hard for her to accept.

Qin Ningshuang's face was originally pale due to blood loss and pain, but there was still a trace of blush!
"Bah, bah, bah!" Yang Qiming spit out the toxin-infected blood, and immediately rinsed his mouth. He complained, "It's so poisonous, my tongue is numb!"

"What did you say?" Qin Ningshuang looked at him, Yang Qiming explained: "I mean the venom is really poisonous!"

She bit her lips lightly, breathed in and said, "Where did you learn how to detoxify?"

"Isn't it written like this in textbooks and novels?" Yang Qiming said naturally, "For example, if you are poisoned by a snake, you should use your mouth to suck out the venom if necessary."

"But have you ever thought that there is an emergency antidote in my backpack?" Qin Ningshuang asked.

"Ah?" Yang Qiming was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Anyway, the result is the same."

"Okay, now I'm going to cut off the dead flesh, so be patient," Yang Qiming said.

Qin Ningshuang didn't speak, but looked down at Yang Qiming.Holding a knife, Yang Qiming was treating the wound like a professional surgeon.

With Yang Qiming's mental strength and physical control, let alone dealing with trauma, it is easy for him to perform a heart transplant.

Qin Ningshuang's expression was complicated. When she came out this time, she was originally on a mission alone, but she didn't expect to meet Yang Qiming.

Although Yang Qiming was wearing a bionic mask, Qin Ningshuang recognized him as soon as he made a move.After all, in the entire Jiangnan Mansion, there are not many people who are young and powerful.

At that time, Qin Ningshuang wanted to avoid him, so as not to make mistakes in the mission.Who would have thought that there would be an accident after the mission, and she would have to cooperate with Yang Qiming to kill Luo Qing and the others.

I didn't want to get in touch with him, but ended up being stuck here with him, and...

"Okay!" Yang Qiming completed the operation after only one second of slashing the knife.

"Ah!" Qin Ningshuang only felt a pain in her leg, and couldn't help but want to retract her thigh, but was held down by Yang Qiming.

"Hey, don't move around!" Yang Qiming dripped the juice of Dracaena vine on the wound, and said, "You are so lucky, we just happen to have Dracaena vine, the holy medicine for healing, and your injury will be healed soon!"

After Yang Qiming put a bandage on her, the wound treatment was completely completed.

"Thank you, thank you!" Qin Ningshuang panted.

Yang Qiming looked at her again, his face was flushed, his breath was slightly panting, coupled with the seductive posture of his jade legs, his heart became hot, and he thought: "I have to say, this woman is really beautiful!"

"What are you looking at?" Qin Ningshuang said in a low voice.

"Ahem. Nothing." Yang Qiming adjusted the topic and said, "You haven't answered my question yet. What are you doing here? What's your relationship with the Renyi Martial Arts Club?"

"What are you doing here again?" Qin Ningshuang asked back.

"Of course it's for experience!" Yang Qiming said, "It's normal for me to come to the wilderness area for a real fight!"

"I'm also practicing." Qin Ningshuang said.

"I don't believe it!" Yang Qiming analyzed, "You are a general, what experience do you have in the ruined city No. [-]? Most of the soldiers here are beast soldiers, and you should go to the more dangerous ruined city."

"And how did you get into the Blue Lion Hunter team? Because of Liu Xueyi?"

Speaking of this, Qin Ningshuang's expression was tangled, as if she didn't want to say it.

Seeing this, Yang Qiming sighed and said: "You are a beautiful woman, why are you a thief! Everyone knows who Liu Xueyi is, why do you want to get involved with him?"

"Who is messing with him!" Qin Ningshuang retorted when she heard this.

"Then why are you?" Yang Qiming continued to ask, and his intuition told him that Qin Ningshuang had a little secret!

Qin Ningshuang bit her lip and said, "Knowing too much is not good for you."

"It's fine if you don't say it." Yang Qiming said, "You help me once, and I help you once. Everyone is equal. I don't deal with Liu Xueyi. Since you are on his side, you are also my enemy."

"Let's get together so well, goodbye." Yang Qiming was about to leave after saying that.

"Hey!" Qin Ningshuang stopped him and said, "If you leave me now, I will only die! It will take at least a few days for my legs to recover. During this time, the strange beast will definitely eat me."

"Then I can't help it. Different ways don't conspire with each other!" Yang Qiming had already started to pack his things.

Qin Ningshuang took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I can tell you. But you must promise that you will never tell anyone else!"

"I promise!" Yang Qiming said.

"You swear!" Qin Ningshuang said, "If you reveal the news before the matter is announced, you will never marry a wife for the rest of your life!"

"Damn, you are too cruel!" Yang Qiming complained, and said: "I swear, if I reveal what Qin Ningshuang told me before the matter is announced, I will never marry a wife for the rest of my life. Daughter-in-law, compensate Qin Ningshuang to me."

"The latter sentence is unnecessary." Qin Ningshuang's tone has softened a lot.

"Speak quickly." Yang Qiming sat opposite her.

Qin Ningshuang said: "I'm not from Jiangnan Mansion, I'm from Yandu Mansion."

"Yandu Mansion, surnamed Qin, and such a genius, are you from the Qin family?" Yang Qiming asked.The Qin family is the largest family in Yandu Mansion.

What makes it even more famous is that the Qin family also has a titled Martial God!
At the beginning of the new era, there were three titled Martial Gods in Kyushu.Liu Taiqing, the Dragon Spear Martial God who slayed Jiaolong and established the Jiangnan Prefecture; Chen Liangyi, the Tai Chi Martial God who resisted the tide of beasts and protected tens of millions of people; The Martial God of the Nation——Qin Tianhong!

The Qin family is the family formed by Qin Tianhong's descendants!

"Yes." Qin Ningshuang nodded slightly, and said, "Zhen Guo Martial God is my grandfather."

"!!!" Yang Qiming's eyes widened, and he looked at her again, what kind of monster school is Jiangnan University.That guy Liu Xueyi is the grandson of the Dragon Spear God of War, not to mention; Chen Qiuyue is the great-granddaughter of the God of Taiji;
 Thank you for the reward I love your motherland.

(End of this chapter)

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