Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 68 Qin Ningshuang's True Identity

Chapter 68 Qin Ningshuang's True Identity
"Since you're such an awesome person, why bother with Liu Xueyi again!" Yang Qiming asked.

Qin Ningshuang said: "If it was someone else, I would definitely not tell him. But if you don't deal with Liu Xueyi, it's not impossible to tell you about it."

"En." Yang Qiming looked at her, and Qin Ningshuang continued: "I came to Jiangnan Mansion and contacted Chen Xueyi because I received an order from the Kyushu Investigation Agency."

"Are you from the Investigation Bureau?" Yang Qiming was even more surprised.

The Kyushu Investigation Agency is an independent and mysterious organization.It was originally a security and intelligence agency. After the new era, Kyushu established an investigation agency to investigate the situation of alien beasts and spies from external forces.

Later, its authority spread to investigate all people and things that endanger the security of Kyushu.

In all departments, the authority of the Investigation Department is extremely high. For example, the Department of Public Security has to cooperate with the work of the Investigation Department.

"Yeah." Qin Ningshuang admitted, "I went through special training when I was very young, and completed the assessment, and became a member of the investigation agency."

"A year ago, I was sent to Jiangnan Prefecture to investigate the situation of the underground forces in Jiangnan Prefecture. That's why I entered Jiangnan University and joined the Renyi Martial Arts Club!"

Hearing her words, Yang Qiming said excitedly: "That is to say, you are eyeing Liu Xueyi?"

"Yes." Now that this has been said, Qin Ningshuang didn't hide anything, "Actually, there have been reports over the years that the underground forces in the Jiangnan Mansion have committed crimes. The Investigation Bureau has also investigated before, but they have not obtained any useful information."

"Later, Liu Xueyi took over these forces and acted even more arrogantly and unscrupulously. The Investigation Department followed him."

"Then how is the investigation going now?" Yang Qiming asked curiously.

"There are huge obstacles!" Qin Ningshuang said, "As soon as the people from the Investigation Bureau arrived at Jiangnan Mansion, they were all stared at. They were all stared at for food, clothing, housing and transportation! They couldn't use their fists at all!"

"Only I can collect some information in school. It's just that the information and evidence in school are not enough for us to overthrow this underground force. His activities outside the school are more important. It's a pity that we can't get it. What useful information."

"When I came out this time, I also received information that the Lion King Hunter Company under the influence of the Liu family has recently been active in the wilderness area, often secretly dispatched. That's why I disguised my identity and sneaked into the Blue Lion Team."

"Sure enough, they were operating in secret, and even set up sonar to lure animals! This alone is a capital crime! It's a pity that they didn't catch anyone alive, otherwise they should be able to interrogate some information."

Thinking of the animal lure sonar, Yang Qiming scolded: "These bastards have no regard for the safety of Jiangnan Mansion. If there is a beast tide, Jiangnan Manor will die how many people will die!"

"Yes." Qin Ningshuang said with a solemn expression: "Recently, the number of alien beasts around Jiangnan Mansion has increased significantly, and there is a tendency to gather. The main traffic routes to the outside of Jiangnan Mansion have been cut off by alien beasts."

"Let's not talk about the beast tide, just the cut off of supplies will cause chaos in the Jiangnan mansion and lead to a famine crisis!"

"The logic of the behavior you said is fine for the time being, but I can't trust you just like that." Yang Qiming said.

Qin Ningshuang said: "Now that you know this, you must believe it. According to the rules, I cannot disclose this information to the outside world. Now that you know it, I can only!"

As she spoke, her expression turned cold.

"Murder to silence?" Yang Qiming smiled, "Come on, you can't beat me now."

"I can only develop you into our investigator!" Qin Ningshuang changed her tone and said, "After I go back, I will submit your information to the investigation department, and the investigation department will naturally contact you when the time comes, and you will know What I said was true and false."

"Wait, I haven't agreed yet!" Yang Qiming said.

"Joining the Investigation Bureau has a staff, no worries about food and lodging, and free medical care. If you encounter an accident, your family members will be taken care of by the Investigation Bureau..." Qin Ningshuang said the benefits, "The most important thing is that if one day, you and Liu Xueyi fight No. Only the Investigation Agency can keep you!"

The first few conditions are attractive to Yang Qiming, but not much.The last condition moved Yang Qiming's heart.

The more he knew, the more he discovered that Liu Xueyi and the Liu family behind him had great power!
If one day, the conflicts between me and them are irreconcilable, I really need a strong backing to keep myself and my family safe.

"Then what obligations do I have?" Yang Qiming asked.

"Of course it is to cooperate with us in collecting intelligence, and there is nothing else. After all, you can only be a first-level investigator at the beginning." Qin Ningshuang said.

"Okay, then it's settled!" Yang Qiming agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, the general situation is like this." Qin Ningshuang said, "Now let's think about how to escape?"

"I can't help it for the time being." Yang Qiming said directly, "According to the movement outside and my spiritual investigation, there are at least a hundred strange beasts above us, and two of them are general-level beasts."

"Going out now is looking for death, I can only wait and see if the strange beast will disperse."

"I have a satellite phone in my backpack!" Qin Ningshuang said.

Yang Qiming took out the satellite phone, but there was no signal at all.

"There is no signal here." Qin Ningshuang said helplessly, "It seems that we can only stay here for a while."

"Maybe it will be after the Chinese New Year." Yang Qiming said, the traditional Spring Festival will be in a week.He estimated that it would be difficult to leave this week, because Qin Ningshuang still had to recuperate from his injuries, and his own strength was not strong enough to deal with beast generals.

Before Yang Qiming came, he had edited the timing information in advance and sent it to his family.In this way, even if you can't go home on time, your family doesn't have to worry too much.

He was full of confidence in going back.Qin Ningshuang, on the other hand, was full of worries.

If these strange beasts don't leave, do they really have a chance to leave?Qin Ningshuang wasn't sure. Although she herself was a second-rank general, she was injured, and she was fine against a low-rank beast general. There were so many, how could she deal with it?

Yang Qiming is only in the realm of a warrior, and he can't deal with those strange beasts.

And some of the alien beasts like to dig holes, and sooner or later they will find out where they are hiding...

"Forget it, let's heal your injuries first." Qin Ningshuang closed her eyes and stopped thinking about it, the most important thing is to heal her injuries now.

Yang Qiming didn't waste time either, he took advantage of Qin Ningshuang's rest time to block all the surrounding passages to prevent the strange beasts from finding out.

After doing this, he swallowed a drop of the beast king's blood essence and began to restore his source and physical strength.

The effect of the beast king's essence blood was miraculous, and Yang Qiming recovered very quickly.A few hours later, his condition had more than half recovered.

Yang Qiming opened his eyes and glanced at Qin Ningshuang. Her eyelids were slightly closed, her breath was even, and she had fallen asleep.The battle just now had consumed too much of her mental power and body.

The underground space was damp and cold. Yang Qiming put his coat on her and began to think about ways to get out of trouble.

"Digging a tunnel from the ground? Too much movement can easily disturb the beasts. I don't know when I will dig a little bit. I have to go back before school starts at least!"

"Then it's the fastest to go out directly. There are more than 100 strange beasts outside, and the beast soldier level is okay. As long as the beast general level is dealt with, there is still a chance to break out relying on speed."

He sensed it with his mental power. Above the shopping mall, the source energy fluctuations of the two beast generals have always existed, as if they have regarded this place as their lair.

"Both of them are Tier [-] Beast Generals!" Yang Qiming judged that they should be tank porcupines based on the similar source energy fluctuations as before.

"I can't beat this kind of strange beast now, but if I can become a military commander and add Qin Ningshuang, I should be able to beat it."

From an eighth-level warrior to a general, the average warrior can take a few years in as little as a decade, or even a lifetime in the long run!

But Yang Qiming felt that he should be able to compress this period of time into one month!Because now he not only has cells on-hook to practice, but also got dragon blood vine and two-star high-level gene awakening potion!

(End of this chapter)

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