Chapter 69 Medicated Bath
Yang Qiming entered "Cell World" with all his heart.

Message: "White blood cell Xiaobai learns the knowledge of spiritual weapons and improves his skills."

Information: "Nerve cell Xiaoyuan digests the soul power of the soul orb, and the mental power is improved. "Flying Feathers" has reached the level of perfection, and "Soul Slaying" has been upgraded to proficiency. The range of perception has been increased to four meters."

Message: "Myocardium Xiaoqiang is practicing in the secret place of Tiger God Mountain, and the "Diamond Body" has been upgraded to the seventh floor."

Yang Qiming decided to let Xiaoqiang continue to explore before the secret realm of Tiger God Mountain was closed.The improvement of cardiomyocytes can improve his body strength the fastest.

Message: "Xiaoqiang continued to explore Tiger God Mountain. When he came to the peak, he found that there was a violent aura here. The aura and air flow together formed a violent wind! The wind blowing on his body was like a thousand cuts. Xiaoqiang had to Use the golden bell shield to resist."

Choose: "Leave immediately and find a safe place."

"Stay here to practice, and use the wind to refine your body."

"Hide away and look for the source of the violent aura."

Yang Qiming chose the second item. He remembered that physical training requires various body training methods to increase the strength of the body.If the "Diamond Body" can be practiced to the tenth level of perfection, you will be able to obtain a diamond body. The body is like a steel cast. Without source power, the strength of the main body alone can exceed [-] catties!

Message: "Xiaoqiang is standing in the wind, and the wind is still tearing its skin. It runs the "Diamond Body", takes pills, and promotes cultivation."

When Qin Ningshuang woke up faintly, Xiaoqiang had already practiced "Diamond Body" to the eighth level!
The power of Yang Qiming's body has increased accordingly, and the degree of genetic perfection has also increased to more than 50.00%!

Qin Ningshuang was inexplicably moved when she saw that she was covered with Yang Qiming's coat while he was practicing by the side.

She tried to release her mental power, but the energy of the alien beasts above was still fluctuating, and they did not leave.

This made Qin Ningshuang a little worried. If the strange beasts really regarded this place as a lair, wouldn't they be trapped here to death?

"Are you awake?" Yang Qiming stood up and said, "Quick, start a fire, I'm starving to death."

"Huh?" Qin Ningshuang saw that Yang Qiming was carrying a bunch of strange beast meat, and the fur had been stripped off by him.

Qin Ningshuang understood what he meant in an instant, and with a flick of her mental strength, she began to grill this piece of exotic meat. Yang Qiming took out a small bottle of salt and cumin from his backpack and sprinkled it on it.

Qin Ningshuang condensed another large ice cube, melted and heated the middle with a flame, and then had a bucket of hot water.

She said to Yang Qiming: "Now I want to wash my body, you go over there."

Yang Qiming turned his back to her and said, "You can do whatever you want, I'll barbecue."

With shame on her face, Qin Ningshuang shared a room with a man and was still taking a shower here. In the past, she had already killed Yang Qiming!But now is a special situation. Qin Ningshuang struggled for a while, but she still took off her clothes. If she didn't clean her body, it would easily cause wound infection.

There was the sound of water splashing behind him, and Yang Qiming felt a little irritated at the thought of a beautiful woman with long legs taking a bath behind him.

He could only focus on the barbecue, and the smell might waft out, so he also needed to pay attention to the movement of the strange beast.

"I'm fine." Ten minutes later, Qin Ningshuang said in a low voice.

"I'm fine too."

Qin Ningshuang: "???"

"I mean barbecue." Yang Qiming turned around and saw Qin Ningshuang standing on the spot with one leg.Her long hair is shawl, and the crystal drops of water slipped from her temples, passed through her swan-like neck, and fell into the deep valley.

After washing, her skin was as smooth and white as beautiful jade. She was wearing a short T-shirt, tied around her waist with Yang Qiming's coat, covering her buttocks, and her tender calves were exposed, which was quite charming.

"What are you looking at?" Qin Ningshuang noticed that his eyes stopped on her legs, and said, "You tore my jeans, that's all I can do now."

"Ahem." Yang Qiming relieved his embarrassment with a cough, and said, "Look at the fire, the temperature is quite low, don't catch a cold."

It is winter now, and the temperature today is only 3 to 4 degrees Celsius.

Qin Ningshuang condensed a ball of flame and roasted it beside the flame. Yang Qiming cut off the meat and handed it to her.

"The taste is not bad." Qin Ningshuang praised.

"That's right, I brought more than a dozen condiments." Yang Qiming said proudly, "Even if I eat barbecue every day, I can last for a month!"

There is a foldable daily necessities bag in his backpack, including toothbrushes, kettles, and charging treasures.

"What are you going to do?" Qin Ningshuang asked.

"Practice." Yang Qiming said, "There are strange beasts here, and there is no shortage of food. You can set fire and have water. We won't starve to death, we won't freeze to death, and we can last for a long time."

"But the strange beast won't give us that long." Qin Ningshuang said, "It will take at least half a month for me to recover my strength."

"I still think of a way, how to dig a passage to get out."

"It won't work." Yang Qiming said, "This place is close to the river. If you dig a little bit deeper, the water will flood in. In our situation, if we dig into the Yangtze River, it will be more dangerous. There are more monsters in the Yangtze River than on land." Already!"

Water can breed life, and it can also give birth to powerful monsters!

Qin Ningshuang was a little silent, and her voice was low: "Can we just wait for death?"

"No need." Yang Qiming said, "Above us, there are only two beast generals, and dozens of beast soldier-level beasts. When I become a general, we can join hands and break out."

"Wait until you become a general?" Qin Ningshuang's pretty face froze, was he joking?Yang Qiming is only an eighth-rank martial artist, when will he be a general?

How can there be so much time?Even if he cultivated to be a general, it was only at the level of a general, and there was no time for him to familiarize himself with the fighting methods of the general, so how could he fight against strange beasts?

She looked at Yang Qiming and saw that he was feasting, it didn't seem like she was joking.

"You really think so?" Qin Ningshuang asked again.

"En." Yang Qiming nodded.

"Okay!" Qin Ningshuang sighed slightly in her heart, it seemed that she still had to rely on herself.After all, it was Yang Qiming's first visit to the wilderness area, so he didn't know the horror of strange beasts.Even if there are no those two general beasts above, just getting close to a hundred beast soldiers can surround and beat them to death!
"By the way, you can cook me a medicinal bath!" Yang Qiming took out the dragon's blood vine after eating, and said, "Using this, I can quickly improve my strength."

"Yes." Qin Ningshuang did not refuse.

In the past, whoever asked her to use her mental power to do such a boring thing as boiling water, she would definitely freeze the other person into an ice sculpture in minutes.

But in this underground space surrounded by strange beasts, she and Yang Qiming could only keep each other warm and strengthen each other's strength as much as possible.

Soon, Qin Ningshuang used ice cubes and flames to create a medicated bath, and the roots of the dragon blood vine were also boiled and soaked in it.

Her face was a little pale, her serious injury was still unhealed, and she used so much mental power, which made her a little overdrawn.

"I'm going to take a bath, don't peek!" Yang Qiming shouted, "If you do, you will be responsible."

"Hey, who wants to peek at you!" Qin Ningshuang blushed and spat softly.

Yang Qiming took off his clothes and soaked his body in the liquid medicine.In just a moment, he felt a trace of strange energy drilling into his body. The medicinal power of the dragon blood vine was very strong. Wherever the medicinal liquid went, the cells were all active, frantically absorbing energy and trace elements to strengthen himself.

(End of this chapter)

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