Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 85 The Young Sword God and the Little Celestial Master

Chapter 85 The Juvenile Sword God and the Little Celestial Master (8400, please subscribe!)
Qin Ningshuang looked at her without moving.When Chen Qiuyue's sword came, countless frosts condensed on her body surface, and Qin Ningshuang actually froze herself!

Chen Qiuyue's blade pierced into the ice, but before Qin Ningshuang was hurt, she suddenly felt a chill behind her. It turned out that the fragments of the ice and fire phoenix just now had not disappeared, but turned into a rain of fire and ice blades to attack her back!
Chen Qiuyue hurriedly turned around to block, but the blade had been frozen, and she was at a disadvantage.

A moment later, Chen Qiuyue's figure turned into scattered petals and disappeared into the field.

"Qin Ningshuang is too risky, she actually frozen herself. If this move fails to defeat Chen Qiuyue, she will also lose!" The commentator shouted, "But the ending is good, Chen Qiuyue has already lost!"

"Qin Ningshuang has successfully advanced to the top four!"

"Qin Ningshuang!"

"Goddess of Ice and Snow!" Qin Ningshuang's fans immediately erupted and shouted outside the arena.

"Nearly, the president still has a chance to beat her." Everyone in the Taiji Martial Arts Club regretted.

"Damn it, if I can use the source energy machine, I can definitely beat her!" Chen Qiuyue felt unwilling, but she didn't speak harshly, but returned to the court sullenly.

"Junior Sister, don't worry, I'll take care of her for you in the Final Four!" Zhang Haoyang sneaked into the team of Tai Chi Martial Arts Club at some point, and came out to comfort her with a grinning face.

"No, I can beat her in the future!" Chen Qiuyue gritted her silver teeth and said.

Zhang Haoyang said with a smile: "Now the task of winning the championship falls on me. The task is arduous, but junior sister, don't worry, for you, I will definitely win the championship! Then I will confess my love to you in front of everyone!"

Hearing his words, Chen Qiuyue shivered for a while, and hurriedly said: "You must not do such a thing, then everyone will be embarrassed!"

"It's okay, as long as I'm not embarrassed, you are the ones who are embarrassed!" Zhang Haoyang didn't think there was any problem at all.

Chen Qiuyue: "..."

Seeing Yang Qiming approaching, she hurriedly said, "Yang Qiming, if you meet this guy in the semi-finals, you must defeat him!"

Zhang Haoyang smiled and said: "But Yang Qiming lost to me last time! Junior sister, don't worry, no one can stop me from winning the championship this year, including Lu Yongge!"

"Too narcissistic!" Everyone complained, although Zhang Haoyang is very narcissistic, but they have to recognize Zhang Haoyang's strength.

So far, only two people have won all the games, Zhang Haoyang and Lu Yongge!
The students were all discussing that this year's champion might be between the two of them.

As for Yang Qiming, although he defeated Zhao Jie a few days ago, he had lost to Zhang Haoyang before, so everyone thought it would be difficult for Yang Qiming to win against Zhang Haoyang again.


Two days after the competition between Chen Qiuyue and Qin Ningshuang, Zheng Tongtong will face Zhang Haoyang.

Zheng Tongtong is also a beautiful woman of Chinese and foreign origin. She has sapphire-like eyes and a straight nose, and she also has a large number of fans.

Zhang Haoyang said with a smile: "Beauty, I usually don't attack women. But I can't help it. I promise my junior sister will win the championship this year. I can only wrong you."

"Stop talking nonsense." Zheng Tongtong snorted coldly, "They all say you are strong, but you may not be able to beat me!"

"Three, two, one, the game begins!" After the host announced the start, Zheng Tongtong launched the attack first.

She rushed towards Zhang Haoyang, and Zhang Haoyang's spiritual power controlled the sword to attack. Whenever the blade was about to hit Zheng Tongtong, her body would dodge at a strange angle, sometimes even surpassing the human body structure, achieving incredible bending and twisting !

"Soft as boneless, that's what you're talking about!" Yang Qiming commented.

Zheng Tongtong quickly approached Zhang Haoyang, obviously Yujian's method was no longer able to deal with her.

Zhang Haoyang started to make a formula, and when his fingers were shaking, two spells had already been cast out.

They are the binding spells of the wood system and the attack spells of the gold system.

Zheng Tongtong punched out quickly, and the wind of his fist was as powerful as a storm strangling, defeating the two spells.

Zhang Haoyang was about to condense a spell, when Zheng Tongtong suddenly moved, bursting out at supersonic speed, rushing towards Zhang Haoyang!

"So fast!" Everyone exclaimed, punching to supersonic speed, several people in the quarterfinals could do it.

But moving at this speed is more than ten times more difficult than punching speed!
"Zheng Tongtong is a Judo source martial artist. If she gets close, Zhang Haoyang will overturn!" The commentator shouted, and before his voice was finished, Zheng Tongtong had already hugged Zhang Haoyang, and she was about to come to a promotion Hug and fall in the air—the comet falls!

Just when everyone thought that Zheng Tongtong had succeeded in attacking, Zhang Haoyang's figure appeared on the other side, and he said with a smile: "Beauty, you hugged the wrong person!"

"What?" Zheng Tongtong was startled, she found that what she hugged was not Zhang Haoyang, but a wooden stake, and Zhang Haoyang's body had already left!

She was about to go completely, when vines grew from the wooden stake, restraining her body.

"Five thunders rectify the law, avoid all evils, Binghuoyang thunder technique!" Zhang Haoyang used the trick he used against Yang Qiming again, the thunder fell, and Zheng Tongtong's figure turned into flying ash!
"What a cunning... flexible tactic!" The commentator shouted, "Zhang Haoyang had already changed his position when he first used the wood-type charm. Defeat!"

"This game was won by Zhang Haoyang, and Zhang Haoyang successfully advanced to the semi-finals! Maintaining his record of unbeaten victories, it seems that Zhang Haoyang really has a great chance to participate in this year's championship!"

"I won!" Zhang Haoyang looked at the audience and made a scissors hand to everyone, who were speechless for a while.


Another three days, and the final match of the quarterfinals has already started.

This time it was Lu Yongge vs. Luo Jian.

There is no doubt about Lu Yongge's strength. He is known as the strongest player this year, and no one can do three tricks under his hands!
And Luo Jian is a genius from Yandu University.This duel attracted even more spectators. When Yang Qiming came to watch the match, there were tens of thousands of people present!
More than half of them are fans of Lu Yongge, both men and women, they shouted: "Lu Yongge, young sword god! One sword flying fairy!"

"It's all over the air!" Li Rui complained, "The God of Returning the Sword!"

"Although this guy is very pretending, he is really strong." Wang Yan said, "I watched his games, and his opponents have no power to fight back, almost all instant kills!"

"This game is definitely won by Lu Yongge!" Xiong Guangyao judged.

Yang Qiming and Qin Ningshuang were also watching the game, and Yang Qiming was particularly concerned. He wanted to know how strong this genius who had made a baby kiss with Qin Ningshuang was.

Lu Yongge was wearing a slim-fit martial arts uniform, with a long sword hanging from his waist, and closed his eyes in the arena to rest his mind.

On the other hand, Luo Jian, who was facing him, seemed somewhat nervous.

"How the hell can you pretend!" Lin Hu complained.

The game has already started, and Luo Jian is ready for [-] points.

He knew that if he was a little careless, he would be beheaded by Lu Yongge!

So from the very beginning, Luo Jian encouraged the source energy in his body to form a layer of source energy barrier on the body surface.

"Warrior, you lost!" Lu Yongge asserted upon seeing this.

"It hasn't started yet!" Luo Jian charged forward with a long knife in his hand.

Lv Yongge's sword was not out of its sheath, as if he had flashed, he had already arrived in front of Luo Jian.

Luo Jian immediately slashed with his saber, his saber energy was several feet long, and his slashing speed far exceeded the speed of sound!
Only then did Lu Yongge pull out his sword, and then he slashed upwards. Afterwards, his figure had come behind Luo Jian, with the blade sheathed.

In the next second, Luo Jian's body turned into pieces and disappeared from the field!
"Knot—it's over?" Everyone was stunned. With just one move, Lu Yongge killed Luo Jian, who was also a top eight player?
"Seckill, see Seckill again!" The commentator shouted excitedly, "Unexpectedly, in the quarterfinals, the players still failed to break the spell of Lu Yongge's victory within three moves! Luo Jian, who made it all the way to the quarterfinals, unexpectedly Defeated by Lu Yongge with one move!"

"Is this the Juvenile Sword God? It's amazing!"

At this time, the defeated Luo Jian's figure regrouped, and he was shocked.

"It's too strong. I thought I was in the top eight, so I would be able to fight back. I didn't expect that compared to him, I was far behind!"

"Lu Yongge will definitely win the championship this year!"

"This guy is a bit tricky!" Zhang Haoyang frowned after watching the game.

"Lv Yongge's moves are too fast and too ruthless!" Chen Qiuyue couldn't help but marvel, "The key is the killing intent. The moment he erupted, the killing intent had already enveloped Luo Jian. Luo Jian didn't even realize that Lu Yongge seemed to have started He didn't make a move, but he was completely suppressed! That's why he was defeated by one move!"

Qin Ningshuang frowned slightly. Lu Yongge's strength was so strong that she began to worry about whether Yang Qiming could defeat him.

Now that Lu Yongge performed so well, the elders in the family must be thinking about how to facilitate the marriage of the two families, which made her feel very distressed.

As if he had guessed what Qin Ningshuang was thinking, Yang Qiming said in a low voice: "He is indeed very strong, but I will be strong when I meet a strong opponent! Only a strong opponent can be challenging!"

Qin Ningshuang nodded and said, "I believe in you!"

"Okay, so far the quarter-finals have been introduced. The four winners will enter the semi-finals, and the second and second will compete. The winner's group will have a championship match, and the loser group will have a third-place match!" The host said, "The drawing of lots will begin!"

After the electronic lottery, the grouping has also become clear.

The host announced: "In the first group, Yang Qiming played against Zhang Haoyang; in the second group, Qin Ningshuang played against Lu Yongge!"

"The Final Four will start in ten days, so stay tuned!"

"Ten days!" Chen Qiuyue ran over and said to Yang Qiming: "Junior Brother, how is the research on the mental skills I told you last time? It will be very effective against Zhang Haoyang!"

"It's almost there, but I think Zhang Haoyang must have other moves, and he needs to prepare more." Yang Qiming said, until now, Zhang Haoyang has not been cornered, so he must have a hole card.

"Yeah." Chen Qiuyue nodded and said, "Ask me if you don't understand something, if you really can't ask my brother, my brother is stronger than Zhang Haoyang!"

"Yang Qiming, it's up to you, there are strong opponents next!" Lin Hu said.

"At least defeat Zhang Haoyang!" The members of the Taiji Martial Arts Club said, "We can't let that guy confess our president in the arena!"

"Yang Qiming, come on!" Everyone encouraged.


Against Zhang Haoyang, Yang Qiming had to continue preparing.

"It's not very safe to fight Zhang Haoyang in the way of martial arts." Yang Qiming watched the video of Zhang Haoyang fighting Zheng Tongtong. Zheng Tongtong was not weak, but he was played by Zhang Haoyang's varied spell skills.

In Yuan Universe, his sky eyes could not be opened, so it was difficult to distinguish Zhang Haoyang's body.Once he fails to defeat him during the outbreak period, he will face the same ending as Zheng Tongtong.

Therefore, Yang Qiming felt that it was better to adopt the battle method of the spiritually awakened ones.

These days, he has been hanging Xiao Yuan to practice the spiritual skills he learned from the Taiji Martial Arts Academy. In addition to "Kuishui Curse" and "Yimu Shield", Yang Qiming also exchanged "Bing Huo Yang Thunder Art" for training. Only by studying and researching and knowing ourselves and the enemy can we be victorious in all battles.

He entered "Cell World" to check Xiao Yuan's status.

Information: "Xiao Yuan practiced in the Ghost King School, "Ghost King Art" reached the fourth level, "Evil Ghost Curse" and "Soul Sealing Curse" reached perfection, "Abi Hell" reached great success, "Soul of the Blade", "Kui Shui Curse" , "Yimu Shield", and "Bing Huo Yang Thunder Art" have reached proficiency."

"It's too low, this level can't deal with Zhang Haoyang!" Yang Qiming asked Xiao Yuan to search in the Ghost King School to see if he could find anything.

Message: "Xiao Yuan cleaned up the front of the Ghost King Sect, obtained the three-star low-level spell bone, and a broken soul stone."

Information: "Xiao Yuan cleared the middle part of the Ghost King School, obtained three-star high-level corpse poison, three-star high-level zombie blood, and three-star high-level sealing talisman."

Message: "Xiao Yuan cleaned up the back of the Ghost King Sect, which is the core area of ​​the huge head. Xiao Yuan found a dangerous aura, as if he wanted to burn his soul to death!"

Select: "Go to view?"

"leave here?"

"Check!" Yang Qiming asked Xiao Yuan to investigate.

Message: "Xiao Yuan approached the dangerous area, and it found a lotus flower growing out of the skeleton. When Xiao Yuan approached, the lotus flower suddenly turned into a ball of flames, wrapping it, making it extremely painful."

"Xiao Yuan relied on tenacious will to resist. After the pain, the flame is actually purifying its soul. It reacted according to the information in the soul orb. This is the legendary flame that can burn evil—karma fire!"

"The karmic fire refines the soul, making Xiao Yuan's soul power more solidified, and its soul power has been raised to the fourth rank of general."

Yang Qiming's mental power has also been raised to the fourth rank of military commander.

Message: "The fire of karma has not disappeared yet, Xiao Yuan only feels that his spiritual platform is clear and clear, and all thoughts are clear, and he starts to practice soul skills."

Then, Yang Qiming kept getting reminders.

"Xiao Yuan practiced in the fire of karma, and "Abi Hell" achieved great success."

"Xiao Yuan practiced in the fire of karma, and "Soul Blade" reached a small success."

"Xiao Yuan practiced in the fire of karma, and the "Sunflower Curse" reached a small success."


The few new skills he learned have all reached Xiaocheng.And before the fire of karma disappeared, Yang Qiming asked Xiao Yuan to hurry up and continue studying.

Not only that, but Yang Qiming recharged hundreds of thousands of joint coins into the membership card of the Taiji Martial Arts Academy, and purchased Samsung's high-end "Sword Control".

He wanted to learn Zhang Haoyang's "Five Ding Wujia Art" and "Yimu Puppet Curse" again, but unfortunately he didn't find it in the classics library. Maybe this is a secret technique inherited by Zhang Haoyang's lineage and it is not for sale.

The day of the semi-finals is getting closer and closer.

All players are preparing.

Yang Qiming never came out of the retreat room.

Yang Qiming took out a three-star high-grade blood energy pill that cost hundreds of thousands to buy, swallowed it into his stomach, and refined the energy in it.

"The money is almost running out, and the blood energy pill has not improved me much, and I still need the blood of the beast king!" Yang Qiming thought to himself, the little money to be a training partner is no longer enough.

The cultivation medicine he bought would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars casually.Moreover, he is still cultivating with both physical and mental strength. The speed of advancement is fast, and he has to cultivate the source seed. The consumption of resources cannot support a monthly salary of one million!
"We must win the championship of this national competition, and get rewards and Valkyrie-level treatment!"

As the energy of the blood qi pill dissipated in the body, part of it was absorbed by his cells, and part of the source energy was absorbed by the source seed.

The source seed is growing slowly, Yang Qiming runs the "breathing method", and a day later, his genes are improved again.

"The military general has reached the fourth rank!" Yang Qiming's strength has improved again.

"There is still a gap between my realm and Zhang Haoyang's now. My genetic perfection is less than 70.00% mortal, and Zhang Haoyang is at least [-]% of the fourth level, which is rare in a lifetime!"

"As for that Lu Yongge, it's at least the fifth level!"

Yang Qiming is very clear that there is still a gap in his realm against the opponents behind him, and he has to rely on fighting skills to make up for it.

Yang Qiming entered "Cell World" with his mind, and Xiao Yuan had already improved his mental skills in the fire of karma.

Information: "Xiao Yuan practiced in the fire of karma, "Abi Hell", "Soul of the Blade", "Sunflower Curse", "Yimu Shield", "Sword Control", "Bing Huo Yang Thunder Art" all reached perfection."

Message: "The fire of karma is about to burn out, Xiao Yuanfu is so heartbroken, he has some insights, and begins to comprehend a soul skill."

"Enlightenment again?" Yang Qiming was overjoyed. Among the three cells, Xiaoqiang was physically strong, Xiaoyuan was a genius, and Xiaobai had shown his talent as a mechanic.

He waited patiently.

Half a day later, a reminder appeared in front of Yang Qiming.

Prompt: "After being baptized by Karma Fire, Xiao Yuan has comprehended a powerful soul skill—"Karma Fire Red Lotus"!"

"Red Lotus of Karma": Four-star advanced skill, condensed into a red lotus of Karma, which burns the soul power and sin of the enemy, and has a strong ability to damage the soul body!
"It's amazing, it's actually a four-star advanced skill!" This is considered the most advanced skill Yang Qiming currently knows.

And because of his epiphany, Xiao Yuan's proficiency in "Ye Huo Hong Lian" has directly reached the level of Xiao Cheng!
"With the Yehuo Honglian, I will be sure to fight against Zhang Haoyang!" Yang Qiming stood up and began to wash. Tomorrow is the day to fight against Zhang Haoyang, so he needs to get a good night's sleep.


The next day, Yuan Universe, the scene of the National Martial Arts Competition for College Students.

There are huge crowds of people here, and it is very lively.

After entering the semi-finals, the game became more exciting and attracted more spectators.

Advertisers are rushing to place their ads ahead of the game.

"Tianzhou Group, Kyushu's No. [-] Technology Company, energy weapons, and genetic medicines are all available..."

"Learn martial arts, learn spiritual skills, come to Tai Chi Martial Arts Hall!"

"Jishi Pharmaceutical, your good helper on the road of cultivation!"

"Can't find a job after graduation? Come to Zhiyuan Hunter Company, free induction training, full board and lodging..."

"There are so many people!" Fan Yushan looked at the people in the audience and said with emotion, "Yang Qiming, fight hard today, the Budokan spent money on advertising today! If you win, the advertising effect will be incredible!"

"Don't stress." Lin Hu said.

"The pressure is all on Zhang Haoyang." Yang Qiming smiled, because most people are optimistic about Zhang Haoyang, so his pressure is even greater.

Yang Qiming glanced at Zhang Haoyang, who was smiling and mixing in the team of Tai Chi Martial Arts Hall at this time, Chen Qiuyue was speechless.

"This guy doesn't feel any pressure at all!" Lin Hu complained.

"Welcome to the semi-finals of the National University Martial Arts Competition..." The host has already begun to read the script, "The two contestants who participated today have outstanding records!"

"Zhang Haoyang from Pingyuan University has never lost a single game since the start of the competition! He is proficient in various spiritual skills, he can be called a master of skills, and has the title of little celestial master! So far, no one has seen his full strength!"

"And the other contestant, Yang Qiming from Jiangnan University, is also known as the strongest rookie king in the history of Jiangnan University! He participated in the competition in the first year of entering the school, and even eliminated one of the strong contenders for the championship before entering the semi-finals. One explosive fist, Zhao Jie!"

"It's worth mentioning that Yang Qiming once lost to Zhang Haoyang. After two months, the two fought again. Can the ending be rewritten? Let's wait and see!"

"Now, please invite two contestants to play!"

Yang Qiming and Zhang Haoyang played together.

"Zhang Haoyang, skill master, little celestial master!" Zhang Haoyang's fans cheered loudly, and Zhang Haoyang waved his hands to interact with them, "Hi everyone, I love you!"

"Yang Qiming, the strongest rookie king, blow up everything!" Yang Qiming's fans shouted to each other not to be outdone.

Yang Qiming smiled and waved to them.

The two walked into the arena and stood facing each other!

"Yang Qiming, according to my guess, Junior Sister must have told you some of my spiritual skills." Zhang Haoyang said at the beginning.

"That's right." Yang Qiming did not deny it.

"So today I prepared different skills, and your calculations have failed!" Zhang Haoyang said proudly.

"Then let's touch each other!" Yang Qiming said.

Only 1 minute left and the game will start.

In the spectator seats, the nine chief teachers were also discussing their victory or defeat.

"There is a high probability that Zhang Haoyang will win this battle." Gongsun Xiuyu, the head of the Pingyuan Prefecture, said, and she commented, "Although Zhang Haoyang is joking and laughing on weekdays, his talent and hard work cannot be ignored."

"The title of this little celestial master was also created by him step by step. In the future, he will have a good chance to become the pinnacle martial god of the spiritually awakened!"

"Zhang Haoyang is indeed very strong." Deng Yuze said, "but I think Yang Qiming has a chance to defeat him. Yang Qiming's explosive attack ability is very restrained in the ring battle. Although he lost last time, it was because He is fighting Zhang Haoyang with mental strength. If he uses martial arts strength, only Lu Yongge can suppress him here."

"Deng Sijiao is so optimistic about Yang Qiming?" Gongsun Xiuyu said, "Then we might as well make a bet. I think Zhang Haoyang can win this game, and the bet is a bottle of amethyst liquid."

Zijin liquid is the juice of a beast king-level mutant plant, which has miraculous effects on spiritual cultivation!
"Okay!" Deng Yuze did not refuse, but said: "Then I bet that Yang Qiming can win, and the bet is a piece of beast king bone marrow!"

"The two chief teachers are openly betting!" Zhao Mingshou pretended to criticize, "What's the matter? I'll add a deep-sea ambergris to Secretary Deng."

"Then I'll add a millennium silver wood heart to Teacher Gongsun!" The other chief teachers also became interested and bet one after another.

Of the eight people, four of them suppressed one of them. Qin Haohan, the head of Yandu Mansion, said, "I won't participate, I will give you a testimony."

"Okay!" Gongsun Xiuyu said, "I will definitely win this bet!"

Gongsun Xiuyu is also from the Taiji Martial Arts Academy, she knows Zhang Haoyang better, she knows that Zhang Haoyang's strength is stronger than what he showed before!

And Yang Qiming not only lost to Zhang Haoyang, but also almost ran out of cards in several battles, Zhang Haoyang would lose to him for no reason!

"It's just started, let's watch the game!" With the bet, the chief teachers are more concerned about the result of the game.


"Three, two, one, start!" The countdown ended, and the two moved at the same time.

Zhang Haoyang sacrificed the flying sword and drove it with the sword control technique, while Yang Qiming also prepared the flying sword, and the flying sword and the flying sword had already confronted each other in the air.

At the same time, Yang Qiming's spiritual power was released, condensing the soul of the sword, and the evil ghost held the blade of the soul and slashed and killed Zhang Haoyang.

"The Art of Five Dings and Five Armors! The Golden Armor Curse!" Zhang Haoyang condensed a warrior puppet to fight against the soul of the sword.

"Yang Qiming didn't choose martial arts tactics? Instead, he used his mental strength to fight against Zhang Haoyang?" Seeing this, Gongsun Xiuyu said, "He made a big mistake this time!"

Deng Yuze also frowned slightly, competing with Zhang Haoyang in mental skills, Yang Qiming was indeed a little reckless.

"Okay, we see that the contestants on both sides have already started a spiritual confrontation! The two use flying swords and spiritual puppets to fight at the same time, evenly matched!" The commentator shouted.

"Yang Qiming's mental strength has improved a lot compared to before!" Chen Yiwen also appeared in the team of Tai Chi Martial Arts Club, watching the competition.

"I said he can do it!" Chen Qiuyue said.

"That's not necessarily true." Chen Yiwen said, "Zhang Haoyang's improvement is not small, he has already started to make arrangements!"

On the stage, Zhang Haoyang was making quick moves.

The previous soul of the sword was not the opponent of the wrestler puppet. Due to the improvement of Yang Qiming's mental power and skill proficiency, the two have been able to fight evenly.

After more than a dozen rounds of confrontation, the sword soul and the wrestler puppet dissipated at the same time.At this moment, Zhang Haoyang used a skill of the Five Elements Escape Technique: "Fire Escape——Fire Bomb Technique!"

Suddenly, dozens of fireballs condensed in the sky and hit Yang Qiming.

"Sunflower Curse!" A wall of water formed around Yang Qiming, blocking the fireballs one by one. When the fireball technique disappeared, it condensed into a roaring water beast and rushed towards Zhang Haoyang.

"It's appeared, and both of them have come up with moves that they have never used before!" The commentator shouted, "The competition is getting more and more exciting, how should Zhang Haoyang face it?"

"Earth Dungeon—Flying Sand Technique!" Zhang Haoyang made moves while walking, and the yellow sand appeared all over the sky, submerging the water beasts and absorbing them without a trace.

The yellow sand was still spreading, and they formed quicksand traps on the ground, trying to swallow Yang Qiming.

"Yimu shield!" Yang Qiming stepped on the Yimu shield and slid on the quicksand.

At this time, Zhang Haoyang's gesture changed: "Thousands of troops, obey my orders, kill!"

The yellow sand surged up, forming yellow sand soldiers one by one, as if there were thousands of troops and horses to kill Yang Qiming!

"Be careful!" Everyone couldn't help exclaiming, Zhang Haoyang changed his moves too quickly, and Yang Qiming was submerged in the yellow sand in an instant!
"Such a fast casting speed, such a powerful mental power!" The commentator exclaimed, "Zhang Haoyang is worthy of the name of a little celestial master, these two points alone are enough to crush players of the same level!"

"Yang Qiming was buried!" Li Rui worried.

"The game is not over yet, don't panic!" Xiong Guangyao looked nervously at the field.

"The sand soldiers are attacking, and there are mental attacks and physical attacks at the same time. If Yang Qiming can't get out of trouble, I'm afraid he will lose!" Chen Yiwen commented.

Zhang Haoyang was still casting spells, his terrifying mental power and source power created more yellow sand, which had already covered the entire site.

And where Yang Qiming was, it had become a cocoon of sand.

At this time, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck Yang Qiming.

"No, it's Bing Huo Yang Thunder Art!" The commentator shouted, "If he is hit, Yang Qiming is likely to be eliminated directly, but he has already been trapped by quicksand, and he is doomed!"

"Zhang Haoyang is going to win!" Zhang Haoyang's fans cheered.

Binghuoyang Thunder directly hit the quicksand cocoon, blasting the quicksand, revealing a wooden shield inside.

"He wrapped himself with a Yimu shield! This is Qin Ningshuang's tactic!" Lin Hu saw it.

"No, why didn't Binghuoyanglei hurt him?" Mo Cheng was startled at first, and then realized, "It was Yang Qiming's Binghuoyanglei technique, not Zhang Haoyang!"

Sure enough, Yang Qiming had already left the wooden shield, and several thunderbolts struck Zhang Haoyang.

Zhang Haoyang's body was instantly blown to pieces, it was just his condensed puppet, his real body appeared on the other side!
"Unexpectedly, you have mastered Bing Huo Yang Thunder Art in such a short time!" Zhang Haoyang said in surprise, "I really underestimated you!"

"Your strength is not weak." After Yang Qiming finished speaking, the surrounding environment changed, and Zhang Haoyang found himself deeply trapped in the illusion of Abi Hell.

The Binghuo Yanglei attack just now was just a feint, and Yang Qiming's real intention was to pull him into an illusion.

In Abi Hell, a lot of evil spirits killed Zhang Haoyang.

"Counterattack, Yang Qiming actually used Bing Huo Yang Thunder Technique, forcing Zhang Haoyang into a fantasy!" The commentator shouted, "Yang Qiming's mental skills are simply leaps, even without martial skills, he still has super strength fighting power!"

"Yang Qiming was famous for his six-dimensional attributes in the martial arts test last year! This year he once again proved to us that his strength, speed, endurance, spirit, vitality, and martial arts are all top-notch. What is a hexagonal shape? warrior!"

"Yang Qiming is awesome! Hexagonal warrior!" The audience cheered on the field.

In Abi Hell, Zhang Haoyang began to break the game.

He used the five-point five-armor technique again, and two puppets of wrestlers appeared in front of him and behind him, blocking the evil spirit's attack.

Yang Qiming condensed the phantom of the ghost king and continued to attack.

Zhang Haoyang made a tactic with both hands, his fingers almost turned into phantoms, his aura was rising, and his mental power fluctuated more and more intensely.

"Yang Qiming, the same move is useless to me! I am the winner in this competition!" Zhang Haoyang chopped off his right foot and shouted: "Five Thunders, General Train, fall to the ground, drive away!" Lei Benyun, with a team of tens of thousands, commanding the magic soldiers, raised the flag and called urgently, without stopping. Urgently, like a law!"

The light of thunder and fire flickered on Zhang Haoyang's body, and Yang Qiming saw that a huge spirit puppet in the shape of a thunder god descended on Zhang Haoyang's body.

Lightning flashed on his body, and there was a huge phantom attached to him, as if a god had possessed him, making him look as mighty as a god descending from the earth!
"It's the magic spell!" The commentator stood up excitedly, and said: "The spirit puppet descends on the body, and it has power beyond ordinary warriors! This is the most difficult skill in the spirit skills, and Zhang Haoyang has already mastered it!"

"There is a magic spell, Zhang Haoyang is going to kill him today!"

"Break!" Zhang Haoyang turned into a general of thunder and lightning, with one punch, countless evil spirits were wiped out, and even the environment fluctuated for a while!
"This guy is really powerful!" Yang Qiming had to sigh with emotion.

The Zhang Shan he dealt with before is known as one of the three ruthless people in the Jiangnan Mansion, an outlaw lunatic!But he can only control one mental puppet!
And Zhang Haoyang is not only proficient in various spells, but also can use the magic spell, if Zhang Shan meets Zhang Haoyang, he will be killed instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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