Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 86 Karma Red Lotus!

Chapter 86 Karma Red Lotus! (8000)

Where the Thunder God will step, the thunder explodes, and the hell of Abi is collapsing!

"Yang Qiming is going to lose!" Gongsun Xiuyu, the head of the Pingyuan Prefecture, said at the spectator office, "Yang Qiming is indeed very good, but Zhang Haoyang is even better."

At this time, even Deng Yuze couldn't refute, he exclaimed: "Zhang Haoyang's strength is enough to compete with Lu Yongge!"

"Yang Qiming did a great job, what a pity." Zhao Mingshou felt a little regretful.

"Yang Qiming, come on!" Chen Qiuyue shouted.

"Yang Qiming, come on!" The students of Jiangnan University shouted together.

"It's useless! Haha!" Zhang Haoyang laughed triumphantly while attacking, and said, "In front of me, Thunder God General, all these moves are useless!"

As he said that, he punched out, several thunderbolts exploded together, Abi Hell was split in two, and the illusion finally collapsed!

"Yang Qiming, goodbye!" Zhang Haoyang flew in front of him, and the Thunder God, who was tens of meters high, stepped on Yang Qiming, threatening to smash him to pieces!
"It's not over yet!" Before the God of Thunder set foot, Yang Qiming's figure was burned by a burst of flames. He used the same camouflage technique as Zhang Haoyang.

Where Zhang Haoyang stepped, a lotus flower appeared.

"Huh?" Zhang Haoyang's premonition was wrong. In fact, he had seen this lotus flower a long time ago. There are many similar scenes in Abi Hell.

He originally thought that this lotus flower was just an illusion of Avici Hell, and it should collapse with the collapse of Avici Hell.

But it still exists here, it must be some kind of mental power skill.

Zhang Haoyang was about to leave, but Yang Qiming suddenly yelled: "Yehuo Honglian, open!"

This is his strongest spiritual skill, the karmic fire red lotus blooms instantly, and each petal is composed of karmic fire that can damage mental power.

When encountering Zhang Haoyang's body, the fire of karma burned rapidly.

"Can it burn spiritual power?" Zhang Haoyang was shocked. With the blessing of the Thunder God General, his normal attacks would not be able to harm him, but this karmic fire red lotus can directly burn the Thunder God General!

His spiritual puppet that wraps his body is the best fuel for Ye Huo Honglian!

In the arena, the Karma Red Lotus completely enveloped the Thunder God General, and Zhang Haoyang's whole body was burned by Karma!

Fortunately, this is the effect of metaverse simulation, otherwise Zhang Haoyang would feel the burning pain of his soul!
"What kind of skill is this?" Off the court, the students were stunned.

"This is not the spiritual skill of our Taiji Martial Arts Academy!" Chen Yiwen lifted his spirits and said, "But there is no doubt about its power! Yang Qiming also knows this kind of trick?"

"Wow! That's amazing!" Chen Qiuyue's eyes were full of surprises. Yang Qiming defeated Zhang Haoyang, so he didn't have to face the death scene.

"Senior Brother Zhang's skills are completely restrained!" Mo Cheng had an incredulous expression on his face, "I never thought that Senior Brother Zhang would lose!"

"How many martial arts and spiritual skills does this kid know?" Seeing this scene, Lin Hu couldn't help complaining, "Even if he learned it from the womb, he can't learn so much! He can learn everything as soon as he learns it." can you?"

"It's outrageous!" Zuo Bin couldn't help complaining, "I thought he was strong enough in martial arts, but his mental strength can beat Zhang Haoyang like this. I heard that he is still a mechanic, so fucking outrageous!" Unbelievably open the door—Irresistibly home!"

"I can only say one thing, Yang Qiming, forever!" Wang Yan shouted.

"Yang Qiming is better!" Xiong Guangyao, Li Rui and others shouted at the same time.

On the stage, Zhang Haoyang tried to get rid of the karmic fire Honglian, but the karmic fire was hard to extinguish once it started burning!

His thunder god completely burned the spirit puppet, and the entire competition platform was shrouded in flames.

After a while, Zhang Haoyang's figure appeared in the audience. He looked confused and asked, "I lost?"

"Yes." Yang Qiming affirmed, "You lost."

"Damn!" Zhang Haoyang said in pain, "Unexpectedly, I am a descendant of the heavenly master, but I fell in the semi-finals! I overturned!"

"As you can see, Zhang Haoyang has been burned by Yang Qiming's spiritual flame, and he has been eliminated!"

"The little celestial master lost to the hexagonal warrior! Faced with the powerful enemy who defeated him, Yang Qiming became more and more courageous, and finally defeated his opponent and allowed himself to advance to the championship competition!" The commentator shouted loudly, "Let us congratulate he!"

"Yang Qiming!" 10,000+ people shouted Yang Qiming's name at the same time, and some people were screaming!

"The strongest rookie king, the hexagonal fighter, Yang Qiming is better than him!" The students of Jiangnan University shouted especially hard. Yang Qiming's strength also brought them the honor of the school.

"He won again!" Qin Ningshuang's beautiful eyes lingered, looking at the figures in the field.

Chen Qiuyue even jumped up and cheered: "Yang Qiming! Almighty King!"

"It turned out that Yang Qiming won." Seeing the outcome of the competition, the chief teachers were a little surprised for a moment.

Gongsun Xiuyu felt incredible, and said: "Where did Yang Qiming learn this ability? His mental power skills don't belong to any school I know!"

"Zhang Haoyang was defeated by him, or he was defeated by mental power!"

"Hahaha!" Deng Yuze couldn't help laughing, and said, "Some people appear just to create miracles, and Yang Qiming is that kind of person!"

"Congratulations, Sijiao Deng!" Zhao Mingshou said, "It's hard to find a seedling like Yang Qiming in ten years!"

"It's really made you money!" Several directors who bet on Zhang Haoyang's victory said with emotion, "We really didn't expect that he is also proficient in mental power!"

"This kid is really not simple!" Even Qin Hanlin said with admiration in his tone, "When I saw him last year, he was only a Tier [-] warrior, but now he is a Tier [-] general!"

"This growth rate is no less than those descendants of peak warriors or even titled warriors!"

"The strength he has shown now is indeed qualified to fight against Lu Yongge." A head teacher said.

"It's not enough to rely on these alone." The dean of Shanhai University said, "Lu Yongge has not fully demonstrated his strength now."


At the match scene, Zhang Haoyang was still thinking about it, and said: "I really didn't expect you to have this trick. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't need to ask for a magic spell! The outcome is unknown like this."

"Haha, you've already lost, and it's useless to regret it!" Chen Qiuyue stepped forward, smiling into crescent moons.

"Junior Sister, come and hit me too, double blow!" Zhang Haoyang said with a bitter face, "Unlucky, I thought I was the protagonist, but I didn't expect to become a supporting role!"

Looking at his appearance, Yang Qiming wanted to comfort him, but Zhang Haoyang changed his tone and said: "The protagonist will have to go through some hardships on the road to growth, junior sister, you wait for me, I will become a peak martial god sooner or later, and then It's the title of Martial God! I will marry you again!"

"Don't forcefully bind me, okay?" Chen Qiuyue said helplessly, "Didn't you see the audience? So many girls like you!"

There are still some girls calling out from the field to comfort Zhang Haoyang.

Zhang Haoyang took a look, and there were indeed many good-looking people, he gritted his teeth and said, "You're right, I've decided!"

"Have you given up?" Chen Qiuyue asked.

"I've decided, I want them all! The protagonist should be the king of the harem!" Zhang Haoyang said.

"It's hopeless!" Chen Qiuyue was speechless for a while.

Even the students of Pingyuan University who came to comfort Zhang Haoyang hid their faces and left after hearing his words, "We don't know this person!"


After Yang Qiming's match, five days later, it was Qin Ningshuang's turn to compete with Lu Yongge.

This is the last match of the semi-finals, and the winner will compete with Yang Qiming for this year's championship!
Although the competition has not yet started, most people believe that the winner must be Lu Yongge, without him, Lu Yongge's performance is too strong, almost making other contestants despair!

"Come on!" Before the match, Yang Qiming encouraged Qin Ningshuang.

"Well! I will try my best!" Qin Ningshuang said in a low voice. She knew that it would be difficult for her to defeat Lu Yongge, but even if she lost, she still had to try more of his hole cards, so that Yang Qiming would have a greater chance of winning against him!

There were quite a few people watching the game today, most of them were Lu Yongge's supporters.

People worship the strong, especially in this era of wild beasts!
"The next one to play is Qin Ningshuang, known as the goddess of ice and snow, who has both beauty and strength!"

"And the juvenile sword god, Lu Yongge, who has won everything with a crushing posture since the competition!" When the host introduced, there was a lot of shouts in the arena: "Lu Yongge, the juvenile sword god, is invincible in the arena!"

"One sword to the west, slaying immortals and eliminating demons!"

"Qin Ningshuang, we support you!"

"Qin Ningshuang is probably not his opponent." Lin Hu and others analyzed.

"Qin Ningshuang only broke through to Tier [-] military general last month. Lu Yongge not only surpassed her in realm, but also has stronger moves!" Zuo Bin said, "But even if she loses, she still has a chance to compete for the third place."

"Qin Ningshuang, fight hard, don't get killed!" Chen Qiuyue shouted.

"President, why do you support Qin Ningshuang?" Several members asked.

"You guys are stupid!" Chen Qiuyue said, "If Qin Ningshuang is instant-killed, doesn't it mean that I will also be instant-killed by Lu Yongge? Only her strength can prove that I am strong!"

"President 666!" The students laughed.


In addition to the students, the audience in this scene also had some mysterious guests.

For example, the elders of the Qin family and the Lu family, Qin Ningshuang and Lu Yongge's baby kiss, this kind of thing can be treated as a joke or taken seriously.

The key is whether the relationship is worth it.

Everyone in the Lu family watched the game and discussed: "Qin Ningshuang, this girl's looks are a sign, and her strength is also good. It is indeed the best choice for my Lu family to be my daughter-in-law!"

The elders of the Qin family were also looking at Lu Yongge, and they all admired them: "This kid from the Lu family is even more talented in swordsmanship than Lu's Martial God back then. Shuang'er marrying him is just like a man and a woman. Find a time to fix it."

On the field, Lu Yongge was dressed in white, with a sword on his waist, and his heroic appearance attracted countless girls to cheer and scream.

Qin Ningshuang's expression was cold, she was calculating how she would respond at the beginning.

At this time, Lu Yongge said: "Qin Ningshuang, the elders in the family said that you and I must have a marriage, let me take care of you. I am devoted to cultivation, and I don't want to talk about love and love. But in this competition, your performance surprised me a lot. Change. If you can support me with a move, I will approve you and let you enter my Lu family's door."

The audience couldn't hear their communication, nor could they see their mouth movements.

Hearing his words, Qin Ningshuang couldn't help cursing: "Lu Yongge, you are so narcissistic! Do you really think that all girls like you? Let me tell you clearly now, there is someone I like, and it's not you."

"Oh?" Lu Yongge raised his eyebrows and said, "Who? Doesn't he know about our marriage? If he dares to snatch a woman from me, how many lives does he have enough for me to kill?"

As he said that, killing intent erupted from Lu Yongge's body, and a dangerous aura swept over Qin Ningshuang. Qin Ningshuang was startled. This killing intent was definitely not something that could be trained in the training ground. He must have killed many beasts, even - people!

"If you want to fight him, beat me first!" Qin Ningshuang said calmly.

"Okay!" Lu Yongge became serious, "He must be watching this game, let him know that some people are beyond his reach!"

"Three, two, one, the competition begins!" After the host finished speaking, Lu Yongge's figure had already moved out. Even if the opposite was a woman, Qin Ningshuang, who had been given a baby kiss by the elders in the family, once he became his opponent, he would show no mercy Kill it!

Qin Ningshuang's mind was extremely concentrated. At the opening moment, Qin Ningshuang condensed a huge ice ball, wrapped herself, and then controlled hundreds of ice blades to attack her opponent.

In the face of these attacks and defenses, Lu Yongge's expression did not change at all. He drew his sword and slashed. A sword energy cut off everything in front of him, and even split Qin Ningshuang's body in two!
"Has it been killed in seconds?" The commentator exclaimed, "Facing the goddess of ice and snow, our young sword god is still merciless, and it is a killer move!"

"No, there is no instant kill! Qin Ningshuang has also learned Zhang Haoyang's method of changing shape and changing shadows. It was her ice phantom that was killed just now!"

On the field, Qin Ningshuang had already changed positions, and she directly condensed the Ice and Fire Phoenix to attack and kill her opponent.

The ice and fire phoenix swooped down, Lu Yongge's figure moved, and three sword shadows condensed in the air with the source force!
One of the sword shadows stabbed at the ice and fire phoenix, and the sword energy completely wiped it out, Qin Ningshuang didn't even have a chance to attack with fragments.

And another sword shadow flew behind Lu Yongge at the same time, and a fire snake that had just formed was also cut off!
The last sword shadow stabbed at Qin Ningshuang!

Qin Ningshuang only felt that her whole body was enveloped by sword intent and murderous aura, and her mental power could not be condensed into shape.

"Mirror of Ice!" Qin Ningshuang still used her unique trick.

In an instant, the entire arena was covered in frost, and on top of the frost, there appeared four mirrors condensed with ice crystals.

A sword shadow also appeared in the ice mirror behind Qin Ningshuang. This sword shadow flew out and collided with the sword shadow cut by Lu Yongge. The power of the sword shadow was weakened by half. Qin Ningshuang took the opportunity to dodge and dodged the attack again.

However, her attack was more than that, and sword intent flew out from the other three ice mirrors at the same time, slashing towards Lu Yongge.

"What a trick of the ice mirror!" The commentator exclaimed, "Qin Ningshuang's strength should not be underestimated. Her mental power completely reproduced Lu Yongge's movements, and the sword intent condensed with mental power can also kill the enemy!"

Lu Yongge's body rotated in the air, cutting off the three sword intents at the same time. He smashed an ice mirror again, and the ice mirror turned into countless ice blades in an instant, attacking and killing Lu Yongge!
"Raining Sword Intent!" Lu Yongge had already used the third move. He threw out a sword, and the rain of swords fell all over the sky, breaking all the ice blades, ice mirrors and other moves used by Qin Ningshuang.

Qin Ningshuang had nowhere to hide, exposed to his attack angle.

"You have survived three tricks, very good!" Lu Yongge praised, "You are qualified to enter the door of my Lu family!"

"If you pretend like this, you will get slapped in the face sooner or later!" Qin Ningshuang snorted coldly.

"That's it." Lu Yongge's figure flickered, and a sword stabbed at Qin Ningshuang's chest.

The frost froze, and Qin Ningshuang froze herself. She used this trick to escape Chen Qiuyue's attack.But Lu Yongge's moves are more lethal than Chen Qiuyue's Yin Yang Break!

Qin Ningshuang's body, together with Bingshuang, turned into shards of ice.

Lu Yongge thought the match was over, but he didn't expect that the ice shards turned into ice blades and stabbed in front of him.

This caught him off guard, and these ice blades became more solid and faster, and dozens of scars appeared on Lu Yongge's body soon!If he can't block them all, he may be beheaded!

Lu Yongge had to release stronger skills.

"Ten thousand swords return to the sect!" Lu Yongge condensed hundreds of sword shadows all over his body, blocking these attacks one by one!

When the last piece of ice fell, Qin Ningshuang was no longer in the field.

"Oh my god!" the commentator shouted, "Qin Ningshuang actually used the move of the same death! She left her mental power in every place of Bingshuang, and launched the final blow at the cost of her life!"

"She not only blocked Lu Yongge's three moves, but also wounded him! Although she was still defeated in the end, the Ice and Snow Goddess has shown us her tenacious fighting will and powerful fighting power!"

"This woman is too ruthless!" Seeing this scene, Chen Qiuyue couldn't help but sigh, "Who in a normal person would practice this kind of spiritual skill that would lead to death at the same time?"

"You are very good!" Lu Yongge looked at the audience, Qin Ningshuang's body had re-condensed in Yuan Universe, and he said, "I approve of you."

"Who needs your approval?" Qin Ningshuang said disdainfully, she turned and left.

Lu Yongge smiled slightly. Can the woman he likes escape?Although she doesn't know who Qin Ningshuang likes, Lu Yongge believes that no one can compare to herself!

Whether it is strength or family background!

"He laughed!" Lu Yongge smiled, and a large number of female fans cheered.

"Lu Yongge is so handsome!"

"Lv Yongge, I will always love you!"

"Young sword god, you are invincible with your sword!"

"Lu Yongge is too strong, Qin Ningshuang can only slightly hurt him!" The audience all sighed, "It seems that this year's champion must be him!"

"Not bad, not bad!" The elders of Qin family and Lu family were very satisfied after watching the match.

"The performance of these two children is very good, what a match made in heaven!"

"After the game is over, let's make a formal engagement!"

"This Lu Yongge, even if I am playing now, I don't think he is his opponent!" After watching the game, Lin Hu said with emotion, "It is said that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Already!"

"Every few years, there will always be one or two monsters! Lu Yongge and Yang Qiming belong to this kind!" Zuo Bin said.

"The final is sure to be exciting!" The others were full of interest. Both Yang Qiming and Lu Yongge showed strength far beyond the same level. If they played against each other, it would definitely be the most exciting match in this competition!
"It's an amazing match!" the host shouted, "Lu Yongge's performance is still stable, but Qin Ningshuang has also shown her strong and tenacious side! We congratulate Lu Yongge for entering the final. He will compete with Yang Qiming in the final in 20 days. Compete for the championship of this year's National College Student Martial Arts Competition!"

"Also, after ten days. We will hold a third place match, Qin Ningshuang will face Zhang Haoyang, and the third place will be decided! Everyone, please look forward to it!"

"He hasn't used his full strength yet." Qin Ningshuang sent a private message to Yang Qiming.

"I know!" Yang Qiming responded, "This guy is really good at pretending, and he even wants to steal my girlfriend, Shuangshuang, look, I'm going to blow his head off in the final!"

Qin Ningshuang: "Don't call me Shuangshuang, it's too nasty."

Yang Qiming: "Okay, Shuangshuang."

Qin Ningshuang: "(Expression: wake up, hunting time)"

"Yang Qiming, this guy is not easy. You have 20 days left for the final, prepare well!" At this time, Qu Xiong came over and said to Yang Qiming.

He watched the whole game, and he was shocked by Lu Yongge's performance. He estimated that in two years, he would not be Lu Yongge's opponent!

"En." Yang Qiming also knew that with Lu Yongge's current strength, it would be very difficult for him to fight against him. Fortunately, there are still 20 days left, and he can improve a bit.

Yang Qiming continued to practice in the retreat room, and he planned to major in Yuanli these days.

The battle between Qin Ningshuang and Lu Yongge made him realize that there is a high probability that he will not be able to defeat Lu Yongge by relying on mental strength alone, and that he may not be able to defeat Lu Yongge only by relying on martial arts strength. It is best to combine the two.

"According to Lu Yongge's performance, he is at least a Tier 90.00 military general, with a genetic perfection of [-]%!" Yang Qiming estimated in his heart, "This kind of person often has some short-term strength-enhancing or powerful tricks. Sixth-rank, or even seventh-rank generals will fight!"

"It's impossible for me to reach the fifth level in 20 days, but my genetic perfection must be at least 80.00%!"

He swallowed a blood qi pill and began to practice the "breathing method".

At the same time, Yang Qiming was immersed in "Cell World", checking the status of other cells.

Message: "Nerve cell Xiaoyuan practiced in the Ghost King Sect, and his soul power has been improved."

Yang Qiming continued to hang Xiao Yuan in the Ghost King Sect to temper his soul power.

Message: "White Blood Cell Xiaobai has completed the practice of psionic technology vehicles."

Information: "Xiaobai has completed the introductory learning of mechanical monks, and has officially become an employee of Origin Group, and can join one of the departments to work."

Five options appeared in front of Yang Qiming.

"Join the logistics department: will be mainly engaged in mechanical maintenance, logistics supplies, material procurement and other work."

"Joining the research and development department: will be mainly engaged in the research and development of spiritual energy technology."

"Joining the security department: will be mainly engaged in security protection work."

"Join the marketing department: will be mainly engaged in product sales and promotion."

"Joining the Skynet department: will be engaged in investigating some unknown issues encountered inside and outside the company."

Yang Qiming looked it over, and finally locked his attention on the Skynet department. It seemed that other departments could learn something, but the Skynet department seemed the most mysterious, and it was easier to come into contact with plots such as "Adventures".

"Join the Skynet department." He made a choice.

Message: "Xiaobai wants to join the Skynet department. The head of the department, Tian Luo, personally interviewed Xiaobai and told him that if he wants to join Skynet, he must pass the assessment. Xiaobai agrees to participate in the assessment."

"Tianluo said: We found a black factory, they are pirated to produce our psychic products, your mission is to enter this black factory, and arrest their principal 'Lightning Wolf'."

In Xiaobai's status bar, there is already an extra task: "Catch the Lightning Wolf."

He chose to let Xiaobai carry out the task.

Message: "Xiaobai accepted the mission 'capturing Lightning Wolves', and he began to investigate the intelligence of Lightning Wolves and Black Factory..."

Yang Qiming suspended Xiaobai for the task, and then continued Xiaoqiang's entry assessment.

At this time, Xiaoqiang was still cultivating on the mountainside of Lieyan Mountain.

Message: "Xiaoqiang is practicing in Lieyan Mountain, "Fire Yang Body Part [-]" has been cultivated, "Kaishan Seal" has reached perfection, "Baguazhang" has reached a small completion, and "Vajra Palm" has reached a small completion."

Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to continue to the top of the mountain to get the flint and complete the entrance examination.

Message: "Xiaoqiang left the cave and continued to set off to the top of the mountain. The closer to the top of the mountain, the stronger the fire elemental aura, and various fire monsters appeared to attack it."

For several days in a row, Xiaoqiang kept fighting with the fire monsters, devouring their flesh and blood to strengthen their genes.

Yang Qiming's body is also simultaneously improving the degree of genetic perfection.

Ten days passed quickly.

On the day of the third place match, Zhang Haoyang played against Qin Ningshuang.

"Qin Ningshuang, Goddess of Ice and Snow!" After the last battle between Qin Ningshuang and Lu Yongge, although she was defeated, the number of fans not only did not decrease, but increased.

Her tricks came to an end, and turned into a snow-filled style of play, turning some passers-by who didn't like her very much before into fans.

As for Zhang Haoyang, although he lost to Yang Qiming, he still has a lot of fans.

"Beauty, today I will avenge my junior sister!" Zhang Haoyang shouted on the field.

"No one wants you to take revenge! Don't add drama to yourself, okay?" Chen Qiuyue complained helplessly in the audience.

Qin Ningshuang ignored him, she glanced across the stage, but did not find Yang Qiming.

"That's right, he should hurry up and practice at this time." Qin Ningshuang thought to herself, Yang Qiming would have to fight Lu Yongge in ten days, and he couldn't waste a second.

"Three, two, one! Start!" The countdown ended, and the two had already fought together.

Because they have studied each other's games, they understand their opponent's tactics and means very well.

Qin Ningshuang used the ice mirror at the beginning, and the four ice mirrors rose in the field, locking Zhang Haoyang's position and movements.

"Amplify the move at the beginning?" Zhang Haoyang directly used the flying sand technique to cover the ice mirror, and then used the fireball technique to smash the ice mirror.

The ice-fire phoenix and the fire-bound snake appeared, and Zhang Haoyang condensed five Ding Wujia skills, plus the golden armor technique to fight against them.

In the air, there is still a battle between ice blades and flying swords.

The battle between two spiritually awakened people is like an experiential movie full of special effects, which makes the audience very addicted!
"Qin Ningshuang is stronger than before!"

"The same goes for Zhang Haoyang. Casting spells is faster, and he can cast multiple spells at the same time!"

"Sure enough, fighting can make warriors grow faster!"

On the field, the two have fought for more than a dozen rounds, using various methods.

It's only been 20 days since the last match, and it's impossible for the two of them to learn any new tricks, they can only improve on the original moves and fighting methods.

"Qin Ningshuang, although you are very strong, but no matter what I say this year, I still want to be among the top three." Zhang Haoyang said, and cast the magic spell again: "Five thunders, the train general, soaring to the ground, driving the thunder to the clouds, There are tens of thousands of troops in battle, leading the magic soldiers, raising the flag and summoning urgently, without stopping. Urgently, like a law!"

A spirit puppet of General Thunder God merged with his body, and with the power of thunder and fire, Zhang Haoyang shattered the ice blades all over the sky with one punch!

"Zhang Haoyang is so handsome!" Offstage, Zhang Haoyang's female fans screamed.

Although he is suspected of pretending, his state after being blessed by the Thunder God is indeed very mighty and extraordinary.

"Come on, Goddess!" Qin Ningshuang's fans were also shouting.

Qin Ningshuang tightened her brows, stretched her hands, and shouted coquettishly: "Bing Jing—Hundred birds chasing the phoenix!"

Around Qin Ningshuang, four ice mirrors and an ice and fire phoenix appeared again.

"The same moves are useless to me!" Zhang Haoyang stretched out his hand, and a lightning bolt shattered an ice mirror.

However, in the next second, he realized something was wrong.

These ice mirrors are not facing him, what these ice mirrors reflect is Qin Ningshuang's condensed ice and fire madness.

Among the other three ice mirrors, more ice and fire birds flew out, about a dozen of them. Although they did not have the power of the ice and fire phoenix, they were more numerous and equally terrifying.

"Awesome!" More than a dozen ice and fire birds rushed towards Zhang Haoyang, smashing the phantom of Thunder God General, Zhang Haoyang not only said with emotion, "If I hadn't prepared well, I would really overturn today!"

After saying that, his expression changed, and he made another tactic: "Thunder Hammer!"

His mental power condensed into a phantom of a hammer of thunder and fire. The thunder god held the thunder hammer and smashed it down. The long thunder and lightning exploded, and all the ice and fire birds and ice mirrors were shattered together.

The ice and fire phoenix also shattered, and Qin Ningshuang's moves were broken.

"Qin Ningshuang's move should have been researched not long ago." Under the stage, Chen Qiuyue analyzed, "If it is completely completed, Zhang Haoyang will be defeated just now."

"Damn it, she has become stronger again! I have to work hard too!"

On the field, Zhang Haoyang struck Qin Ningshuang with a bolt of lightning, defeating her.

"It's Zhang Haoyang, and Zhang Haoyang's magic spell is really powerful! Although Qin Ningshuang has improved her skills, she is still defeated by Zhang Haoyang. Let us congratulate Zhang Haoyang, who became the third runner-up of this year's college student martial arts competition!" Host announced the man.

"Little Celestial Master! Zhang Haoyang!"

"Zhang Haoyang is mighty!" The fans cheered.

Zhang Haoyang was smiling, but he felt a little regretful: "It's a pity, the one who wanted to win this year was actually eliminated by Yang Qiming."

"If Yang Qiming can defeat Lu Yongge, then I won't be wronged."

Thinking of Lu Yongge's strength shown ten days ago, Zhang Haoyang felt that the difficulty was too high.

"The third runner-up has been determined, so who will be the champion and runner-up of this competition?" The host said, "Ten days later, let's lock in together the battle between the almighty rookie Wang Yang Qiming and the young sword god Lu Yongge!"

"The championship game must be very exciting!" The students were looking forward to it.

"Yeah, the two finalists this year are too strong!"

"At first, I thought that Lu Yongge would be crushed, but Yang Qiming couldn't tell. He can show stronger strength every time!"

"Ahhh, can you just skip these ten days? I think I'll watch it now!"

The news media is also promoting the upcoming finals of the National College Student Martial Arts Competition, and people in the society are also paying attention.

The two people who are about to fight are currently practicing in the closed room.

(End of this chapter)

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