Xinghai Era: My Cell Hook Up Evolution

Chapter 87 Battle of Tianwang Mountain!

Chapter 87 Battle of Tianwang Mountain! (8000, ask for a monthly ticket)

In the retreat room, Lu Yongge was watching the video of Yang Qiming's previous game.Even though he thought he would win, he did not underestimate Yang Qiming.

"Only by being neither arrogant nor impetuous can you reach the peak!" Lu Yongge warned himself, "Yang Qiming is indeed very powerful. Comparing the beginning of the competition and the present, in just a few months, his strength has improved as fast as mine!"

"An opponent like this must use all his strength to deal with it! He has a lot of weird moves, especially if he can't be given a chance to fight back, he must be killed with one blow!"


Yang Qiming also watched the video of Lu Yongge's battle. Regarding Lu Yongge's fighting style, Chen Qiuyue, Qin Ningshuang and others summed it up accurately, that is "ruthless"!
Lu Yongge's sword moves are full of killer moves, often at the beginning of the battle, the enemy will be completely crushed by him in terms of momentum, and once his guilty conscience reveals a flaw, he will be beheaded by his sword!

To deal with this kind of opponent, there cannot be any fluke or retreat mentality, otherwise the battle situation will be completely controlled by the opponent.

After watching Lu Yongge's videos of several moves, Yang Qiming simulated several tactics in his mind.

At this time, "Cell World" sent a message prompt.

"Myocardium Xiaoqiang has reached the peak of Raging Flame Mountain. This is an active volcano. A hot magma lake boils on the top of the mountain and erupts from time to time. The rich energy of the fire element condenses into pyrolite."

"Xiaoqiang found a piece of flint with extremely high purity. Its appearance is crystal clear and bright, without any impurities, and it contains rich energy. This flint is right next to the magma lake. Xiaoqiang was about to dig it out when suddenly the magma lake After a surge, a Balrog with condensed flames appeared in front of Xiaoqiang."

"The Balrog is a fifth-rank general-level monster, and it looks like this flint stone is its property."

A choice appeared in front of Yang Qiming:

"Avoid the Balrog and get out of here."

"Negotiate with the Balrog and ask for its fire spar."

"Fight directly, kill the Balrog, and grab the fire spar."

"The Balrog is probably the difficulty of this sect's assessment!" Yang Qiming thought to himself, he let Xiaoqiang choose to fight.

Message: "Xiaoqiang chose to fight the Balrog. The Balrog is extremely powerful. In the magma lake, its power has more than doubled. Xiaoqiang used all the moves, but lost to the Balrog. He was burned by the Balrog. die!"

"The car overturned?" Yang Qiming didn't expect Xiaoqiang to encounter a hard stubble this time.

Message: "Just as the Balrog was about to kill Xiaoqiang, a mysterious man in a black robe appeared around him. He wounded the Balrog with a finger and then left."

Choose: "Continue to fight the Balrog?"

"Take the opportunity to escape?"

"This storyline is all about killing, if you don't fight, you won't fight!" Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to continue fighting.

Message: "Xiao Qiang took a pill, supported his body and continued to fight. Although the Balrog was injured, he still retained [-]% of his combat power. Xiao Qiang fought desperately, and finally, he slapped the Balrog to death with his powerful vajra palm."

Message: "After the death of the Balrog, a magic pill was left behind. Xiaoqiang picked up the magic pill and collected fire spar. Xiaoqiang began to refine the Balrog magic pill, and the rich life energy and fire attribute energy entered its body. Xiaoqiang's injury It can be fully healed, and at the same time, its physique has been improved, increasing its resistance to flame attacks."

Yang Qiming's genetic perfection has also been correspondingly improved, directly soaring to 90.00%!

Message: "Xiaoqiang was about to leave the magma lake when he suddenly found a shadow swimming at the bottom of the lake."

Select: "Enter the magma lake to view?"

"leave here."

"Come in!" Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to go in and check.

Message: "Xiaoqiang held his breath, wrapped his body with spiritual power, and jumped into the magma lake. He tracked the shadow and found that it was a phantom of a flame dragon."

"Xiaoqiang's body touched the phantom of the Yanlong, and a stream of information entered its sea of ​​consciousness. Xiaoqiang saw in a daze that a strong man punched the sky, and the punch was like a dragon!"

"It turns out that there used to be a strong man who practiced here, and his martial art was engraved in the magma lake. Xiao Qiang comprehended the martial art and comprehended a brand new martial art—"Yanlong Fist"!"

"Yanlong Fist": five-star primary martial arts, boxing like a dragon, the energy of the fire attribute is enough to destroy all obstacles in front of you!
Because of his comprehension, this martial skill has directly reached Xiaocheng.

Message: "Xiaoqiang discovered that there seemed to be something under the magma lake, but there was a barrier blocking it, and its strength could not pass through the barrier, so it had to leave the magma lake."

"There is still a treasure here." Yang Qiming remembered the location.

After getting the fire spar, Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to return to Lie Yangzong.

Message: "Xiaoqiang submitted the fire spar, and the lord of Lieyang Sect allowed him to join the sect and become a disciple of the outer sect. At this time, the great elder Taoist Chimei said: "Xiaoqiang, I see that your bones are exquisite, and they are materials for martial arts. You Would you like to come under my seat?'"

Choose: "Adore Taoist Red Eyebrow as your teacher?"

"Reject, willing to be an ordinary disciple."

Yang Qiming naturally chose to agree.

Message: "Xiaoqiang is willing to worship Taoist Red Eyebrow as his teacher. Xiaoqiang's status has directly changed from an outer disciple to a direct disciple, and he began to practice under Taoist Red Eyebrow."

Xiaoqiang's panel has changed again, especially related to sect information.

Name: Xiaoqiang

Boundary: military commander level four

Experience: 92%.
Path: physical training

Zongmen: Second-level sect Lie Yangzong.
Equipment: Three-Star Primary Tiger Armor, Tiger Steel Claw

Cultivation method: Four-star advanced "Fire Yang Body Part [-]"

Martial arts: One-star primary "Tiger Roaring Fist" is superb, one-star intermediate "Phantom Step" is superb, one-star advanced "Blood Boiling" is superb, two-star advanced "Booming Sound" is superb, three-star intermediate "Kaishan Yin" is superb, three-star advanced "Baguazhang" "Xiaocheng, four-star junior "Vajra Palm" Xiaocheng, five-star junior "Yanlongquan" Xiaocheng

Zongmen contribution: 0
Zongmen Position: Personal disciple.

Spirit Stone: 3456
Similarly, Lieyangzong also has buildings and facilities such as Chuangong Pavilion, Treasure Pavilion, Deacon Room, and Practice Dojo, and the things inside are much stronger than Tiger Gate.

Yang Qiming asked Xiaoqiang to go to the deacon's room to do tasks, such as building flowers and plants for the elders, taking care of medicine fields, spiritual pets, mounts, or patrolling the sect, etc.


The time finally came to the final day, and Yang Qiming woke up from his practice.

His genetic perfection has increased to 90.00%, and he is still a short distance away from a breakthrough.

After washing up, he went to the computer room of the Metaverse of Jiangnan University, and logged into the Metaverse after a physical examination.

The competition arena, with millions of spectators, is full of seats!

Dozens of media broadcast the game screen and game news at the same time!

Deans from nine prefectures across the country, teachers and students from hundreds of universities, almost all watched the game live!

In the auditorium of Jiangnan University, teachers from the four major colleges and members of the three major martial arts clubs are almost all there.

Even Yang Qiming's parents set aside a day to watch his game.

"Welcome to the finals of the National University Martial Arts Competition!" The host's voice sounded in the arena, "The most exciting duel of this year is about to take place, everyone must have been waiting for a long time!"

"Next, let's invite two contestants to play!"

"The first one is from Jiangnan University, known for being full of six dimensions, proficient in various martial arts and spiritual skills, and the strongest rookie king in history who has defeated countless powerful enemies, Yang Qiming!"

Yang Qiming had already changed into the ink and blue martial arts uniform with Jiangnan University and Jiangnan Budokan printed on it. He only carried a training sword and walked into the arena.

"Yang Qiming! Almighty King!"

"Hexagon Warrior!"

"The strongest rookie king!" Yang Qiming's fans cheered loudly, and the virtual spotlights projected various cheering words, patterns and animations in the air.

"Come on, Yang Qiming!" In Jiangnan University, Yang Qiming's roommates, Xiong Guangyao, Wang Yan, Li Rui, members of the Jiangnan Martial Arts Club, Lin Hu, Zuo Bin, Fan Yushan, Tao Ran, etc., members of the Tai Chi Martial Arts Hall, Chen Qiuyue, Mo Cheng, Lin Hua and others were all shouting.

In the team of Renyi Martial Arts Club, some club members said disdainfully: "What's your name, you won't be able to call him after he loses!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a cold gaze sweep over him. It was their vice president, Qin Ningshuang.

The man immediately shut up.

Qin Ningshuang looked at the venue, and was talking to Yang Qiming in a private message.

"Come on, beat him! (Encouraging expression)" Qin Ningshuang sent a letter.

Yang Qiming: "Got it! Lu Yongge don't want to walk out from here today!"

"So many people support A Ming!" Zhao Lixin looked at the shouting people in the field, a little excited.

"I really envy them!" Yang Lin looked at the enthusiastic students around him and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.When he was a student, human beings hadn't established a firm foothold in the era of catastrophe. How could there be such a grand occasion?

Fortunately, after Yang Qiming got the dragon blood vine last time, Yang Lin's injury has recovered, and he has successfully achieved the level of genetic warrior.

"Uncle, who do you think can win?" Zhao Ting asked Zhao Jie in the audience.

"Of course it's Lu Yongge!" Zhao Jie affirmed, "I originally thought I could fight Lu Yongge, but only after seeing Qin Ningshuang fight Lu Yongge did I realize that this guy is stronger than I imagined!"

"So Yang Qiming must lose?" Zhao Yan glanced at the mailbox and complained: "What kind of garbage platform is this, and Yang Qiming's odds of losing are too low."

With so many people paying attention to the match between the two, naturally some platforms are opening.

Zhao Ting went over to take a look, and said, "The odds of beating Yang Qiming to win are so high!"

"Impossible to win! Forget it, stop playing." Zhao Yan closed the software.

Zhao Ting hesitated for a moment, and put her private money in.


"Another contestant is from Shanhai University. Since the competition, he has never lost a single match. He is unstoppable under sword moves! He is the so-called juvenile sword god, the once-in-a-century kendo genius, Lu Yongge!"

When the host finished reading the name, before Lu Yongge appeared, the scene exploded!
Countless spectators stood up and shouted loudly: "Lu Yongge!"

"Kill a person in ten steps, and leave a thousand miles behind!"

"The sword energy spans three thousand miles, and the light of the sword is nineteen states!"

"Young sword god, invincible!"

Amidst such enthusiastic cheers, Lu Yongge appeared on the stage in white clothes. His steps were steady and his gaze was sharp, like an eagle soaring in the sky. Most people would flinch involuntarily when faced with his oppressive aura.

Yang Qiming looked at him without changing his expression.

To him, the murderous intent on Lu Yongge was like putting garlic in a pig's nose—pretending to be!
The experience of all his cells is just like his own experience, what kind of heart eater eats human flesh and blood raw, he has seen many evil spirits, skeletons, zombies, and evil spirits!
The two stood opposite each other, waiting for the game to start.

In the audience, Qin Hanlin joked, "Are you still betting this time?"

"Don't gamble!" Gongsun Xiuyu said, "Although Yang Qiming is strong, it must be Lu Yongge who wins. Everyone thinks so, right?"

The chief teachers nodded and said: "Lu Yongge not only inherited the swordsmanship of the Lu family Martial God, but also innovated. He is almost invincible in the same level. It is naturally not a problem to fight against Yang Qiming, who is one level lower than himself."

Even Deng Yuze and Zhao Mingshou did not refute these words.

No matter how powerful Yang Qiming is, there is still a clear gap between Lu Yongge's current performance.


"Yang Qiming." In the arena, Lu Yongge looked at him closely and asked, "Is it you who Qin Ningshuang said?"

"It's me." Yang Qiming admitted directly, and said, "Qin Ningshuang is my girlfriend, I suggest you make it clear to your family to avoid embarrassment."

"You are too arrogant." Lu Yongge said coldly, "You are not worthy of her! She is a direct descendant of the Qin family, and you are just an ordinary person with little talent. She is destined to be my woman in the future!"

"Oh?" Yang Qiming frowned slightly, and said, "I thought Qin Ningshuang didn't agree, why are you dreaming next time?"

Hearing his words, Lu Yongge was not angry, but said: "The reason you dare to stand in front of me and say these words now is because you have too little knowledge. You don't even know the difference between the descendants of the strong and ordinary people!"

"We are born with stronger genes than others, and we are born as genetic warriors! For me and Qin Ningshuang, it is destined to become a warrior god, and we even have a chance to surpass our predecessors and become a title warrior or even stronger!"

"Human civilization in the future will be led by us extraordinary people! You are not the same kind of people as us. It is a good result for you to be a genius in the eyes of ordinary people. If you fight against me, you will be defeated. land!"

Yang Qiming laughed and said: "Have you ever thought about it? A hundred years ago, those titled Martial Gods were just ordinary humans, and they are still standing at the peak of human beings! Are they born gods? Isn't Yuan Martial Dao strengthening their genes! "

"As long as you practice Yuan Bu Dao, everyone may become stronger! You do have a better foundation and conditions for practice, but this does not mean that the era is written by you."

"In short, when you meet me today, you can lose your invincible reputation."

"The tone is quite loud." Lu Yongge said, "In that case, today I will let you know how big the gap is between you and me! One day in the future, when I stand at the peak of human beings, you will speak for yourself today. Feel ashamed and ignorant!"

"I'm throwing up!" Yang Qiming couldn't help but said, "If you don't beat your pretender to death today, you won't know what your grandpa Yang's last name is!"

"Three, two, one!" The countdown is over, "The game begins!"

The moment the announcement ended, the two of them instantly entered the state!
Lu Yongge drew his sword out of its sheath, and his body was like a rainbow, piercing through Yang Qiming's direction.

"It really is this move!" Yang Qiming had studied it before, and Lu Yongge's move was a combination of physical skills and martial skills.

Many opponents have already been killed without even a chance to make a move!

But this time, Lu Yongge didn't get what he wanted, Yang Qiming directly activated the diamond body, the Phantom Step opened, and three shadows bombarded Lu Yongge at the same time.

"Tiger Roaring Fist!" In the air, there were three fierce tiger fist marks. Yang Qiming's punch can easily produce an explosive power of more than 200 million catties!

"Yang Qiming's strength has really improved!" Yang Qiming's opponent in the quarterfinals, Wantai, said in surprise, "Now he can punch three punches in one second!"

The three fist marks fell, Lu Yongge responded calmly, he flew and spun, and cut them off!
At the same time, Lu Yongge also locked on Yang Qiming's location.

"Extreme swordsmanship!" Lu Yongge's human sword merged into one, cutting out dozens of sword qi in an instant, because the speed of the slash was too fast, the sword qi unexpectedly appeared in a superimposed state!
"Damn it, I can't see it even if it's slowed down ten times!" Wang Yan exclaimed.

"Too fast!" Xiong Guangyao widened his eyes, and adjusted the slow motion to twenty times!
The sword energy has locked Yang Qiming to death, leaving him nowhere to hide.

"The Seal of Opening the Mountain!" Yang Qiming directly condensed the Seal of Opening the Mountain and blasted out. The seal of source force clashed with the sword energy, emitting huge energy fluctuations.

Just as Lu Yongge was about to step forward, he suddenly changed the direction of his attack and stabbed backward with one piece.

Behind him, Yang Qiming's condensed sword soul was pierced by his sword energy and dissipated invisible!
But this is not over yet, in the next second, Lu Yongge noticed that the surrounding scene changed, as if he had come to Abi Hell.

"It's actually using mental power skills and martial arts at the same time!" The commentator was hooked, and said: "Yang Qiming's understanding of skills has reached a supernatural level! Such an offensive is really hard to guard against!"

"It's just an illusion, you still want to trap me?" Lu Yongge whispered, "If you have countless evil spirits, I will destroy them with one sword!"

"Concentrating Light Slash!" At this moment, his blade glowed with an extremely strong light, and the energy gathered on the blade. When he slashed down with a sword, all the evil spirits condensed in the illusion were wiped out, and Abi Hell was also in the sword. Crack down!
"Ye Huo Hong Lian!" Yang Qiming turned his mental power into a Ye Huo Hong Lian, and flew towards Lu Yongge. Terrifying power!

Facing Yang Qiming's offensive, Lu Yongge did not dare to neglect, he sacrificed his sword, and the source power turned into hundreds of sword shadows: "Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

In mid-air, one after another sword shadow pierced through the palm prints, and at the same time pierced the Karma Red Lotus into a "hedgehog", beheading it.

The fight between the two was evenly matched again.

"Wonderful!" The commentator shouted, "Yang Qiming and Lu Yongge are worthy of being the two strongest this year. Every move they make is a killer move! This is the first time I have seen such a high-intensity battle." arrive!"

"This Yang Qiming is a bit strong!" The audience also commented, they thought that Lu Yongge could easily defeat Yang Qiming, who knew that after a few rounds, Lu Yongge still hadn't taken advantage of it!

"Come on, Yang Qiming!" everyone in Jiangnan University shouted.

"You are indeed stronger than them!" Lu Yongge looked at Yang Qiming again, and said, "But that's all. Your means are almost exhausted, right?"

Yang Qiming has almost used the methods he showed before, and Lu Yongge believes that he is not far from defeat.

"It's my turn!" Lu Yongge pointed at Yang Qiming, and said in a low voice, "Let's see the power of my Shadow Killing Sword Formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure split into more than a dozen people.Every figure is holding a sharp sword and pointing at Yang Qiming.

Yang Qiming tried to feel the source force fluctuations, but found that they all had source force fluctuations, and he couldn't distinguish his real body!
"If that's the case, let's break them all!" Yang Qiming punched one of the phantoms. Not only did the phantom not escape, but he even fought him with a sword.

After Yang Qiming shattered it, another sword shadow came behind him, he hurriedly fought back, and the shattered sword shadow condensed into shape again, and the two sword shadows attacked and killed it together!
Yang Qiming responded again, and he found that each time, there were at most two sword shadows attacking him.The other sword shadows locked all his evasion positions. Once Yang Qiming relaxes a little, these sword shadows will come forward. If it is Lu Yongge's real body, he can kill Yang Qiming with one sword!
No matter how Yang Qiming shattered the sword shadow, it would condense again.

"No, Yang Qiming is trapped!" Off the court, Chen Qiuyue worried, "Lu Yongge is too terrifying. His consciousness, speed, and origin energy are all at the peak. One person can use the sword array! Others need at least several people Cooperate!"

"The sword shadow he condenses is enough to kill the same level!" Zhang Haoyang ran over at some point, and analyzed after seeing the situation, "Yang Qiming's physical strength and energy consumption are too fast, and he won't last long if he continues like this."

In the sword formation, Lu Yongge's attack frequency became faster and faster, and the offensive became more and more fierce.

Seeing this scene, Qin Hanlin couldn't help admiring: "I remember that this shadow-killing sword array is one of the famous stunts of the Lu family Martial God. He only comprehended it when he was in the Martial God realm. Lu Yongge has mastered it now, and he will achieve it in the future. I'm afraid he won't be weaker than his grandfather!"

"I'm afraid Yang Qiming won't be able to stop this move!" Gongsun Xiuyu said.

In the sword array, Yang Qiming's attack speed and movement speed are also increasing, reaching supersonic speed!
"Except for a real body, the others are phantoms with condensed source power. Because his speed is too fast, every attack is like a fatal attack!" Yang Qiming responded with his brain thinking rapidly.

"Lu Yongge's source energy has formed a big net, enveloping me, if the source energy net is not smashed, I will always be trapped in the Shadow Killing Sword Formation!"

Thinking of this, Yang Qiming immediately turned on his blood, and his aura instantly rose.

"Strong Vajra Palm!" Another sword shadow came, and Yang Qiming's palm glowed like a diamond, and he slapped it away!
His palm is not only attacking Jianying, but also attacking the source energy network covering him.

The power of the palm exploded, piercing through the energy net, and the phantoms began to fade away, leaving only the figure of Lu Yongge.

"It's broken! Yang Qiming hit the peak strength of a fifth-tier military general with one palm, and he broke the Shadow Killing Sword Formation!" The commentator shouted excitedly, "As expected of Yang Qiming, his outbursts always amaze people! "

"Nice job!" Lin Hu couldn't help shouting.

"It's actually broken?" The chief teachers were a little surprised. Yang Qiming's current strength has surpassed that of 20 days ago.

"Deng Sijiao, I remember that 20 days ago, Yang Qiming just broke through to the fourth-rank military general?" Qin Hanlin asked, "Looking at him now, the degree of genetic perfection is at least 90.00%!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect him to improve so fast!" Deng Yuze also found it incredible. The higher the level of others, the slower the practice. How did Yang Qiming reach the level of generals, and the speed of cultivation is faster than the level of warriors?

In the arena, Lu Yongge was also a little surprised that Yang Qiming was able to break through his sword array. He thought this move would end the match!

"Now it's my turn!" Yang Qiming whispered.

His spiritual power was overflowing, and Lu Yongge was ready. He saw that Yang Qiming's spiritual power condensed into a ghost—no, not a ghost. This spiritual puppet was more solid and powerful than the previous ghost. With a bit of majesty, like a ghost!
"The power of ghosts and gods, bless me!" Yang Qiming shouted loudly, the spiritual puppet attached to his body, and in an instant, Yang Qiming's aura directly climbed to the peak of the fifth-rank general!
"Please curse?" Lu Yongge frowned slightly, Yang Qiming actually learned Zhang Haoyang's trick!Now he relies on the short-term increase of the spiritual puppet to bring his realm to the same level as his own, and the situation is already a bit tricky.

"Damn it, he stole from me!" Zhang Haoyang shouted when he saw this scene, "I'm sure that there is no such thing as a spiritual skill in Taiji Martial Arts. He learned it from me! He has to pay the copyright fee. !asshole!"

"Could things about martial artists be called stealing? This is called learning!" Chen Qiuyue laughed, revealing a ridiculous dimple, and she added: "Yang Qiming is also a student of our Taiji Martial Arts Academy now, this is innovation!"

"Damn it, this is the luck of my uncle!" Zhang Haoyang complained.

With the blessing of ghosts and gods, Yang Qiming's attack, speed and strength soared. He once again slapped the powerful Vajra Palm and opened the mountain seal, and his power soared several times!
At this time, even Lu Yongge didn't dare to take it head-on, Yang Qiming's attack was enough to injure him, or even kill him directly!

"Sword and shield!" Lu Yongge swung his sword in front of him, forming an energy barrier.

The powerful vajra palm and the mountain-opening seal hit it, enough to break the barrier with power enough to open mountains and crack rocks, and sent Lu Yongge's body flying.

"Lu Yongge was repelled?" Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience let out a voice of surprise.

This is the first time that Lu Yongge was repelled head-on!

"Yang Qiming is too fierce! With the blessing of this ghost and god, he actually possesses strength that surpasses that of Lu Yongge!"

"Yang Qiming can defeat Lu Yongge, so is he going to counterattack this time?"

"Lu Yongge, come on!" Someone was shouting.

"Damn it!" Lu Yongge was furious in his heart. He was actually repelled by Yang Qiming, and his blood was surging, and he had already suffered internal injuries.

"Okay, then I'll see how long you can hold on!" Lu Yongge stopped his body, his murderous intent spread, bursting out with an all-conquering determination, like a killing god descending into the world!
"Death Sword Intent!" Seeing his state, the elders of the Lu family said happily: "Yongge is such a genius, he has comprehended the Death God Sword Intent at such a young age! In the future, he will definitely become a peak Martial God, even a titled Martial God! "

"The Sword Intent of the God of Death stimulates the cells and spirit of the whole body with sword energy, and can push people to the extreme! Once the Sword Intent of the God of Death comes out, you will die!" The elders of the Qin family also praised repeatedly, "Back then, the Martial God of the Lu family Relying on the sword intent of the God of Death, I once killed a strange beast that had just stepped into the god level!"

"Lv Yongge can grasp it now, this son's future is limitless!"

"It's actually the sword intent of the god of death?" Qin Ningshuang was also shocked when she saw Lu Yongge's state. In this state, Lu Yongge could easily leapfrog to fight!
Can Yang Qiming stop it?

Lu Yongge had already started to act, he turned into a white rainbow and rushed towards Yang Qiming.

Yang Qiming struck out his palm, this time, Lu Yongge did not strike out his sword, but also struck out his palm, confronting Yang Qiming.

Yang Qiming only felt countless sharp and small sword qi spurting out from his body, and his diamond-body arms were already bloody!
"That's all." After Lu Yongge smiled slightly, his face changed instantly, and the killing intent filled his whole body again!
"Boom boom boom boom..." There were constant energy explosions in the field, and the two were fighting at high speed.

Yang Qiming's blessings from ghosts and gods began to be suppressed by Lu Yongge's sword intent of death!

"Yang Qiming is indeed very strong! If he can achieve this level, he will become a peak warrior in the future!" Gongsun Xiuyu commented, "If his opponent this year is not Lu Yongge, he will definitely win the championship!"

"Yeah, what a pity." The chief teachers said with emotion.

"It's the same as I said! Lu Yongge's strength is still stronger!" Although Zhao Jie said that Lu Yongge would win, he was amazed in his heart that Yang Qiming's strength had grown too fast.

A few days ago, he still felt that he lost the game carelessly. If he came on stage again now, he would be sure that he was not Yang Qiming's opponent.

"Yang Qiming, fuck him!" Zhang Haoyang shouted, "After learning my moves, you must beat him!"

"Yang Qiming, come on!" Chen Qiuyue shouted, and the surrounding students also shouted, "Yang Qiming, come on!"

Yang Qiming was already erupting. Under the blessing of ghosts and gods, every move of him erupted with astonishing power.

But even with such strength, Lu Yongge can catch it.

He had to use the energy of the source seed, and Lu Yongge also cultivated the source seed, and both of them were consuming energy and physical strength at a high speed.

"The energy in my body is not as much as his!" Yang Qiming clearly realized that there was still a gap between himself and Lu Yongge.

Although my own genetic perfection is high, but the other party is not low!

"If I continue to consume like this, I will lose sooner or later!" Yang Qiming thought in his heart that he still had a trick that was useless.

But if you use it now, you will definitely have to drain all your energy, and you only have one chance to hit it.

With Lv Yongge attacking and defending under the sword of death, it is difficult for Yang Qiming to find a chance.

He started to retreat step by step, and the blessings of ghosts and gods on his body were also damaged by Lu Yongge's sword intent.

Finally, Yang Qiming was forced to the edge of the field, Lu Yongge's expression froze, and the sword energy shot out, cutting towards his chest!
"Not good!" The audience became nervous, Yang Qiming had nowhere to hide.

They saw that Yang Qiming's blessing of ghosts and gods was broken in an instant, and his body was also pierced.Yang Qiming's figure turned into a pile of fragments!
"Yang Qiming lost?" Everyone opened their eyes wide, and were about to marvel at Lu Yongge's strength, but found that Lu Yongge did not stop attacking!

"Yang Qiming is not defeated, what Lu Yongge smashed just now is his blindfold!" The commentator shouted, "We saw that Yang Qiming appeared on the other side of the field!"

"It's such a trick again!" Lu Yongge frowned slightly, he was already tired of this kind of battle, and under the sword of death, his consumption was also huge.

"It's time to end! Yang Qiming!" Lu Yongge said in a deep voice, "You are much stronger than them if you can stick to my move! If you hadn't met me, maybe you would have won the championship this year!"

"Unfortunately, your opponent this year is me! Therefore, you have no chance, the only ending is defeat!"

 Thanks to the Tauren Berserker for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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