Chapter 10 10. The really cornered Chen Yunfei (please recommend and collect)

Lin Pingzhi could really feel this kind of care and love.

Lin Zhennan and his wife are so kind to him, I really have nothing to say.

The more this happened, the more Lin Pingzhi felt that these two...don't deserve to die, and the Fuwei Escort...cannot be destroyed.

He has to protect it all.

"Don't worry, I won't let the tragedy happen."

According to Xiaoao's script, Fuwei Escort's ending is very miserable.

None of them ended well.

Especially Lin Zhennan and his wife, Yu Canghai, Mu Gaofeng, etc., suffered a lot of torture in order to force them to reveal the whereabouts of the evil sword manual. In the end, Lin Zhennan was tortured to death.

Lin Pingzhi didn't want this kind of thing to happen.

He can still fix it!

Back in his courtyard, the bow and arrow Lin Zhennan said had been delivered, and Lin Pingzhi tried it.

"Good bow!"

Lin Zhennan knew that he liked hunting, so he gave him a good bow, which meant that he could focus on eating, drinking and having fun. However, Lin Pingzhi, who knew the plot, was not in the mood to eat, drink and have fun.

He is waiting.

Waiting for someone to verify the authenticity of the evil sword manual.

At the beginning, no one believed that this sword manual was fake, but... there will always be a day when someone will verify it.

Someone will make it.

When everyone finds out that this cheat book is true, then people like Qingcheng Mountain Pine Viewing Yu Canghai and the hypocrite Yue Buqun may not target Fuwei Escort so much at the moment.

Of course, Lin Pingzhi's purpose is not only this.

He wanted to try his Dao teaching system and how much commission he got, which would allow his martial arts cultivation to reach that level.

This is quite exciting.

This is the arena.

Jianghu... In fact, strength is still the most important thing. Only when you are strong can you really gain a foothold. He doesn't want to put the safety of Fuwei Escort in other people's minds.

But Lin Pingzhi knew that Mount Qingcheng and the Fuwei Escort were feuds, and Songfengguan would never let the Fuwei Escort go so easily.

After all, Yu Canghai's benefactor, Chang Qingzi, was killed by Lin Yuantu. Yu Canghai will always remember this hatred. No matter how long it takes, this incident will definitely become an excuse for the Qingcheng faction. They will use this excuse to attack, and the world's martial arts will have nothing to say.

As long as they are strong, even if they have revenge, they dare not come up to seek revenge.

Just like Dongfang Invincible, just like the Sun Moon God Sect.

Obviously, the righteous way of martial arts said that he was an evil heretic, and everyone punished him if he got it, and said he deserved to die, but why didn't the righteous way kill him on Heimuya?

Because Dongfang Invincible is too powerful.

Today's martial arts number one!

Who dares to really go?
It's just talking behind the back.

This is...strength!

Just when everyone in the world thought that the cheats exposed by the Lin family must be forged.

an opportunity.



There is a family of martial arts, the Chen family.

Overnight, he was plundered by bandits and robbers.

The whole family of 180 people was murdered.

Only one young man escaped with his remnant body.

But also scarred.

It seems that life is not long.

It is not uncommon for bandits to destroy their families, especially some small families and sects. If they are in the hinterland of Guanzhong, they will be fine in a prosperous capital, but if they are in a remote place... there will be very few people who are killed. learn.

This is the case with the Chen family.

Their strength is not well-known in the arena, and they are not in line with many famous and decent families, so they cannot find help after being wiped out.

The young master of the Chen family, Chen Yunfei, escaped by chance, but there were still bandits chasing after him.

The bandits don't want to let anyone live.

If there are no survivors, if someone mentions this matter in the future, they can just dump the blame on the Demon Cult. If there are survivors, it’s not a big deal. After all, they are bandits, and bandits just kill people and set fires, but it’s not a last resort. A great crime.

In order not to be tracked down by a decent person who is too idle, and they have to pay for their lives or something.

Killing a person can reduce many risks, why not do it?
"Whoa, whoa, whoa~!"

In the woods.

A ragged boy was running away.

His face was covered in dirty dirt and his hair was a mess.

Clothes were tattered, torn by branches and swords, stained with mud and dried blood.

He looked very embarrassed.

Has been chased for seven days and seven nights.


He couldn't bear it any longer.

Behind, there are bandits chasing after him.

"Chasing, you must kill him!"

There are many bandits in the deep mountains and old forests.

Sometimes a chivalrous man who has no money, covers his face, throws a sword and a knife at that place, and becomes a road robber. He kills people and gets money, and throws his body in the old forest. The corpse was disposed of naturally, and the knight took off his mask, and he was still a knight respected by everyone.

Therefore, these days... there are many robbers and beheaders.


Maybe it's because I shouldn't die, maybe it's God's pity.

His staggering body suddenly fell~
fell into a low pit.

His last strength was completely lost because of this fall, and he fainted in the low pit, his body curled up, and on the low pit, the leaves and plants quickly closed, covering him tightly, and it turned out to be a natural shelter Place.

And the robber who killed him the most, walked past him, but never found a trace...

He escaped like this.

I don't know how long it took, after the bandits who were chasing and killing him completely disappeared, they returned with their hands, and Chen Yunfei woke up slowly in the darkness.


He heard wolves howling in the distance.

Survival instincts made him stagger away again.

Stay here and risk being eaten by wild beasts.

Walked in the dark for a long time.

Fainted at the door of an old hunter's house.

He was rescued by the old Orion.

Finally got back a life.

Under the care of the old Orion, he woke up from the hospital bed and cried all day long.

The old Orion knew what happened to him and was very sympathetic.

"I have nowhere to go. Heavenly Wolf Village killed my whole family and destroyed my whole family. If I don't avenge this revenge... I will be in vain!" He was full of indignation.

But it fell down again in an instant.

" strength is low, my martial arts are mediocre, I am not a match for bandits...I have no power to revenge at all, I am sorry to my grandparents, I am sorry to my parents...I am sorry for the lives of 180 members of my Chen family...Woo~"

"I really can't do anything, who can help me... who can help me destroy the Heavenly Wolf Village, I am willing to be an ox or a horse, and serve him for the rest of my life!"

Chen Yunfei was very desperate.

Seeing his heart-rending pain, Orion Lao Ma felt sympathy for him.

Because his family, young and old, had also been harmed by bandits.

"Hey, child... Live well, I know your pain, but those bandits, don't mess with... Revenge... Sigh..."

"Thank you dad for comforting me, but I really can't help it. I blame my low martial arts. If my martial arts were higher...if my strength were stronger, I would...kill all those bandits and avenge my family. !" Chen Yunfei resented that his strength was too low.

"I hate it!"

No advanced martial arts?
Hearing this, the old Orion was shocked, as if he had thought of something, that is, the book he received for free at the Fuwei Escort branch when he went to town not long ago... what the Fuwei Escort said, the best in the world, the peerless cheat book …

Evil Resisting Sword Manual!

"By the way, if you want to practice martial arts... there is something that may help you." The old horse searched and found it from under the table legs.

It turned out that he found that the table was always wobbly, so he used it to pad the table.

He knelt down, picked up the evil sword manual, patted the dirt, and brought it to Chen Yunfei.

"I heard that this cheat book is very powerful, and it may give you something to gain."



(End of this chapter)

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