Chapter 11 11. Chen·Killing Crazy·Yunfei
"Evil Resisting Sword Manual?" Chen Yunfei took over the dirty sword manual.

"Is it Fuwei Escort's evil sword manual?"

"Exactly." Old Orion nodded.

"Old horse, I'm a humble person from the mountains. I don't know if this secret book is powerful or not, but I have nothing else that can help you. You are a martial arts practitioner. Let's take a look at this secret book."

"The Lin family's evil sword manual is famous far and wide." Chen Yunfei's family has changed, and he has been fleeing in the mountains. He doesn't know much about the recent affairs in the rivers and lakes, and he doesn't even know the fake cheats that are widely rumored in the rivers and lakes. He thought it was true. .

"Thank you, Papa Ma!"

Chen Yunfei cupped his hands.

Check out the cheat sheet.

If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace.

These words made him frown.

But... the family is ruined, what else can scare him?

He continued to study and discovered the martial arts principle, which made him dumbfounded, as if he had discovered a new world.

Or... His fundamental wisdom was innately compatible with the Evil Resisting Sword Manual, and he understood the mystery very quickly.

After studying it several times, Chen Yunfei's expression changed from sad to happy, and sometimes when he was excited, he still didn't forget to pat his legs to cheer.

So subtle.

"God has eyes, God has eyes...God has eyes, he actually allowed me to get this cheat book, my Chen family's great revenge... has been rewarded!" Weeping with joy.

"But this requires my own palace..." Chen Yunfei hesitated a bit.

However, after hesitating for a few seconds, his gaze became firm.

"Compared to the great enemy of our Chen family, what is this mere palace? The Sirius Gang! I, Chen Yunfei... need your blood to pay!"


His eyes are fierce and cold.

Saying that, he pulled out the long sword at the head of the bed and slashed at his crotch~

With the screams, a bloody smell permeated the air.

"Son, what are you doing?" Old Ma trembled when he saw this scene, he was frightened, stepped forward in fright, and supported Chen Yunfei who was writhing in pain.

This scene happened too fast.

Before the old horse could react, Chen Yunfei cut off his own wisdom roots.

Chen Yunfei was trembling with pain, his forehead and back were covered with cold sweat, and his face was a little pale.

"It's okay, don't worry, Papa Ma, what is this mere Huigen compared to my blood feud?" He gritted his teeth.

is a cruel man.

"Hey, I'll find some herbs for you to deal with first." Where has Ma Lao seen this kind of battle?

He also looked flustered, and ran to get herbs, cloth strips, and goose feathers, and came back to stop Chen Yunfei's bleeding.

The old horse was really frightened.

Why is this young man so crazy, damn, ruthless...

"Young Xia Yunfei, you are too impulsive, you are still young...why can't you think about it so much?"

"Father, don't worry, I'm just here to practice martial arts. Besides, if you don't take revenge, what's the use of keeping that thing?" Chen Yunfei said.

In this case, you must stay awake and not faint.

So Papa Ma kept chatting with him.

"Practicing martial arts... still need this?" The old horse's three views were broken.

Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to learn a few tricks, but now it seems... forget it.

The old horse is a hunter, and he doesn't know a single word, so he doesn't know the content of the evil sword manual. He thought that practicing this evil sword manual would be done by just gesticulating with a sword.

Hmm... The momentary reality shattered his martial arts dream.

"The more advanced the martial art is, the harsher the training conditions are. If you don't come to the palace to practice, firstly it will be difficult to cultivate successfully, and secondly... you will go crazy and die." Chen Yunfei has already read the evil sword manual.

"I didn't expect Papa Ma to be able to get such cheats. God helped me, thank you Papa."

"It's all fate." Papa Ma was chatting with Chen Yunfei while treating Chen Yunfei's wound.

During this period, Chen Yunfei turned pale several times and fainted several times.

This thing is not a joke, it hurts.

But they were all woken up by Father Ma, for fear that he would not be able to wake up after falling asleep.

Chen Yunfei was grateful in his heart: Father Ma, he is my nobleman!
"By the way, old man Ma, how did you get this evil sword manual? It must have taken a lot of effort to get such a sacred book." He really didn't expect that old man Ma was just an ordinary hunter in the mountains and fields, and the writing was different. If you can't do martial arts, you can still have this level of high-level martial arts.

It's God helping me to take revenge.

"Oh~ it's nothing, just when I went to the street to sell prey, I saw that Fuwei Escort was distributing it, and many people were there to get it, so... I also went to get a random one. I originally wanted to use it as toilet paper, but later found out The table was shaking badly, so I just padded the corner of the table." Father Ma didn't care, and explained casually.

"It's not a precious thing either, so you don't have to take it too seriously, but speaking of it, you're lucky. If you come a few days late, that thing... I'd probably take it out and use it as toilet paper to wipe your ass." Ma Lao Dad is honest and honest.

"Okay, the dressing is over, and the goose feathers are on. My ancestors used to be castrated servants in the palace in the previous dynasty, so they know how to deal with it. These days, you may not be able to eat too much water. Ten hen's eggs can be used for your recovery."

Chen Yunfei's mind was buzzing when he heard what Old Ma said~
He even ignored what Old Ma said later.up
"What? This cheat book... Fuwei Escort is distributing it? Many people can get it???"

Such a bad street?

Chen Yunfei vomited blood.

Fainted directly.

Such a rotten street thing, can it be a good thing?Has the Lin family been exposed?Not too possible…

I may be impulsive.

good guy...

According to this, is this really the highest martial art?
Chen was a little nervous.

If not, I'm... at a loss.

If he left the palace in vain and failed to cultivate the supreme martial arts, then...then what the hell...what should we do?
To be honest, if Chen Yunfei had known the origin of the evil sword manual, he might have hesitated.

Might be carefully considered.

Just now it was...

Chen Yunfei, who was awakened by Papa Ma again, wanted to cry but had no tears.

But it's all cut now?
What else can I do?

But Chen Yunfei had no other choice.

Can only walk one way to the dark.

Chen Yunfei, who was on the hospital bed, studied and read the evil sword manual repeatedly, and went through it many times in his mind. No matter where he looked at it, this sword manual did not look like pseudo-martial arts.

If it wasn't for the unhealed wound, he would have wanted to jump up and do a few tricks, but now he can only practice his kung fu on the bed and go through the moves in the sword manual a few times in his mind.

Time flies... seven or eight days passed.

Under the careful care of Father Ma, the wound is actually healing rapidly.

This exceeded Chen Yunfei's expectations.

He thought it would take at least three months to basically recover.

"Could it be... the true energy of this evil sword manual can speed up the healing of wounds?" Chen Yunfei was puzzled.

But his wounds healed miraculously quickly.

He has been able to get out of bed.

Father Ma was dumbfounded.

Recovery is too fast.


"Could it be... this is a good material for my own palace? It heals so quickly!"

half a month later...

Chen Yunfei completely recovered.

"Finally cured!"

He was ecstatic.

On the day of recovery, Chen Yunfei came to a quiet place like a runaway wild horse, holding an iron sword, and practiced the evil sword manual.

During this period of time, the sword moves were all simulated in his mind, without real rehearsal.

And today Chen Yunfei really played the evil sword manual, he was shocked to find that...everything came naturally and succeeded.

"I, have almost reached the realm of Xiaocheng?"

"What kind of supreme martial art is this that can be practiced so easily?" Chen Yunfei was ecstatic.



(End of this chapter)

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