I am Lin Pingzhi!At the beginning, ten thousand copies of the evil swordsmanship will be given!

Chapter 51 50. Do you understand the despair of the flower picker... the fear from the eunuch!

Chapter 51 50. Do you understand the despair of the flower picker... the fear from the eunuch!

"Little nun...don't run away, hehe...the more you run, the more I like it...the more you resist, the more excited I am, Grandpa!" Lin Zhongwu, Tian Boguang said wildly.


A figure broke out from the window in the house.

It was a little nun in disheveled clothes.

The little nun was so pitiful, she cried like pear blossoms and rain, it was very distressing...

cough cough.

However, if this kind of expression falls into the eyes of some perverted flower pickers, it will not arouse their compassion, but... it will only arouse their animal nature completely...


Tian Boguang stretched out his hand, Yilin couldn't escape at all, he was just enjoying the fun of cat and mouse, just enjoying the process of chasing...

"Little nun, you run away...you run away...I see where you can run, hehe..." Tian Boguang smiled.

The little nun rolled down from the window, hit the ground several times, and stopped in front of the chariots and horses of Fuwei Escort.

And Tian Boguang, who was chasing him out, also noticed this group of people in an instant.

The body stops.

His lustful expression froze for a moment.

Be on guard.

An uneasy feeling of being disturbed by someone permeated him.

Tian Boguang looked at the team in front of him with unfriendly eyes.

"Who are you? Sensible... Get out of my way, don't disturb my elegant mood, or..." Tian Boguang threatened with a dagger.

"Heroes, help!" Yilin was lifted up by Xiang'er, as if grasping at the last straw, sobbing, her eyes... There were many pleadings.

A nun's robe, torn a little... She is pitiful, pure and lovely, but her figure is comparable to that of Xiang'er, and her heart is even swollen...

Isn't this the proper ceiling of pure desire?
No wonder Brother Tian is so excited.

Good guy, even ordinary people...it's hard to hold on.

my sister...

Lin Pingzhi looked around.

There was indeed no trace of Linghu Chong.

Logically speaking, this situation... should be the time for the Son of Luck to appear.

Linghu Chong is the protagonist of Swordsman, but actually Lin Pingzhi really wants to see what kind of virtue the so-called son of a plane is.

"What do you mean? Don't give me face?" Tian Boguang raised his dagger, revealing the cold light on the blade.

He found that the group of people in front of him, like a group of dead bodies, remained motionless from beginning to end, and they were all just interested, looking at him with a smile, as if looking at...a wild cat and wild dog?
It's too pretentious.

Tian felt offended.

Seeing him threatening with a dagger, Chen Yunfei next to him dismissed it:
"Heh... before we get angry, put away your little toys and get out!"

"You are just a whore, not worthy to let our sword be stained with blood!"

"Little toys???" Tian Boguang was instantly blown away when he heard this.

Since when did the people of Jiang Hu despise my short knife so much!

"Hmph, I'm afraid my little toy...will kill you!"

"You dare to fight me?"

Tian Boguang pointed his sword at Lin Zhennan.

He could see that Lin Zhennan should be the leader of this group of people, and he wanted to challenge the leader!
Tian has been very depressed recently.

Once upon a time, he was a well-known flower-picking thief, a first-class expert in the Jianghu... But because he recently retreated for a period of time, when he came back out of the Jianghu, he wanted to set off a wave of flower-picking again, create a great reputation, and shock the Jianghu martial arts again... He suddenly discovered that times had changed!The world has changed!

Damn... at some point in the rivers and lakes, a large number of eunuchs appeared, all playing with the evil sword art, and they were so fierce... my own sharp sword, under the evil sword technique, could not get any benefit. Those eunuchs' quick sword , faster than my own, even fighting with ordinary martial arts people... I feel strenuous, let alone those who are small...

I seem to have changed from first-rate to second-rate... oh no... third-rate overnight.

Feelings, I retreated for a year and felt lonely?

The decline of his status in the arena made him unhappy.

The flower-picking profession has also suffered repeated setbacks.

Because that group of eunuchs... damn...it's so strange, they are all eunuchs, and they still care about the behavior of other people's flower picking thieves, talking about upholding justice... doing justice for the sky and so on.

I really can't figure it out, you are an eunuch, why do you care about the three or two inches on other people's bodies.

I don't know if it's because after coming out of the palace, I felt jealous after seeing other people live like dragons and tigers, or something, and insisted on stopping someone Tian.

In this way, the flower-picking robbers like Tian Boguang were shouted and beaten by everyone in the rivers and lakes... and Tian Boguang, the king of flower-picking, suffered a serious crime and almost became the public enemy of the whole people... oh no... the public enemy of all eunuchs.

Tian Boguang was speechless.

Who did I provoke?You are going to target me like this!
Didn't I just pick flowers, and I didn't pick your eunuchs...do you have to hold me tight?
Is it wrong that I, Tian, ​​is strong?
In recent days, Tian Boguang's temper has become more and more irritable, and he will get angry at any point.

Feeling that everything is not going your way.

Today, I finally met a stunning little nun. I wanted to have a good time playing and relieve the depression in my heart recently.

But... on the way, another group of Cheng Yaojin unexpectedly appeared.


How bad luck!

Tian Boguang is very irritable!

It's okay to be chased and beaten by those princes from the palace all the time, but the duck that I have got is going to grow wings and fly?

He decided to teach this group of people a lesson.

No matter what sect you are from, I, Uncle Tian, ​​will teach you a lesson!

Hearing that Tian Boguang wanted to challenge, everyone around laughed.

It's like watching a monkey show.

Tian Boguang became angry with embarrassment. He felt that his self-esteem had been greatly insulted.

Grit your teeth.

"You guys are laughing... What a fart, do you dare to fight with me, Tian Boguang? If you don't dare, return the little girl to me!" Tian Boguang said.

I'm a top-notch expert...

Damn, when did you get this angry?

Hmph, it's all the fault of the Fuwei Escort Bureau...it's all the blame of Lin Pingzhi, who exposed the rubbish evil sword manual and made the world involuntary. This made me change from a first-rate to a third-rate, and only then did I become a flower-picking thief. public enemy...

That's horrible!
Sooner or later, if I meet that kid Lin Pingzhi, I will hack him to death!
Tian Boguang felt that he was about to be swept to death by the evil sword manual.

He hated Lin Pingzhi to the bone.

If it weren't for Lin Pingzhi, how chic and comfortable would my life be?
Take a look... what kind of life you are living now!
It's all Lin Pingzhi's fault.

"Tian Boguang?" Chen Yunfei paused:
"I have heard that you are unparalleled in speed, but I want to see it!"

"You kid... which onion are you? Pei Tian uncle?" Tian Boguang said.

If you want to pretend, I want to pretend too.

Tian Boguang was annoyed by this sissy.

"Oh..." Chen Yunfei remained expressionless.

Holding the hilt of the sword.

The momentum exploded... like a comet bursting, shaking the surrounding leaves to rustle and fall.


Chen Yunfei suddenly moved forward.

"My lord, be careful...his sharp knife is very powerful, don't be careless..." Yilin who was on the side saw Chen Yunfei belittle the enemy so much, she couldn't help worrying, she opened her mouth to remind...

"If you want to die, then Uncle Tian will fulfill you!" Tian Boguang was furious.

What year... What kind of cat and dog dare to despise yourself, really think that you are trash?
"Shua, Shua, Shua~!"

He took out the knife, and the sharp knife was like a meat grinder.

Chen Yunfei didn't even draw out his sword... He held the hilt of the sword in his hand, and attacked with the long sword wrapped in the scabbard.


Tian Boguang was completely angry.

Swords can be intertwined~
Before Yilin shouted out, Tian Boguang found that his neck was blocked by the scabbard.

The knife in his hand was also blown away... the tiger's mouth went numb.

If this is a sword...

He must die.

Suddenly, Tian Boguang broke out in a cold sweat.

"Damn it...it's...the Evil Resisting Sword Manual...this is your mother..." He was terrified and cursed angrily.

He was about to cry.

The rivers and lakes... there are evil sword manuals everywhere!
He was sanctioned by the Evil Resisting Sword Manual again...

It seems that he fell under the evil sword manual more than once.

"Damn Lin Pingzhi...if he hadn't exposed the evil sword manual...do you think...you could be the match of Uncle Tian???" Tian Boguang was very angry.

Lin Pingzhi on the side gave a blank look: ...

Fuck, can this be all my fault?
It's none of my business!


(End of this chapter)

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